Rural India Goes Digital

Multichannel Satellite TV Pushes Into the Hinterland To Tap Huge Growth Market


October 3, 2005

MUMBAI -- A satellite-television boom in India is finally pushing 
multichannel TV into its vast rural hinterland and opening a new commercial 
battlefield in one of the world's biggest TV markets.

Places like Lodra, a village of two thousand people and a few hundred mud 
huts, 700 kilometers north of here in Gujarat state, typify the new 
phenomenon. At dusk, hundreds of people routinely gather around a TV set 
propped on a wooden table in the village center. They will watch until 
early morning, drawn by the 36 channels relayed from a satellite to a 
receiving dish on the ground.

"The choice of channels puts us in a good mood after a hard day in the 
fields," explains farmer Madhabhai B. Thakor in a phone interview. Until 
last year, Mr. Thakor, like most rural Indians, he had to make do with just 
two of India's earnest but insipid public terrestrial channels. Now, he and 
his friends enjoy musicals in the local Gujarati dialect and anything with 
lots of fight scenes.

Nearly three-quarters of India's 1.1 billion people live in villages like 
Lodra, making it one of the world's least-urbanized countries. While 
India's cable connections have tripled over the past decade to 61 million, 
rural households have missed out as cable companies see no profit in 
stringing kilometers of wire to reach remote locations.

Enter digital television. Relying on signals transmitted from a satellite 
to a receiving dish and from there to a set-top signal-decoding box, rather 
than through cables, digital TV can transmit anywhere, delivering more 
channels and better picture quality.

"Digital TV is going to change the dynamics of the Indian TV marketplace," 
says Vivek Couto of Media Partners Asia, a consultancy in Hong Kong, who 
sees a looming commercial battle between digital and cable companies.

Mr. Couto expects India to have 12 million paying subscribers to digital TV 
by 2015 -- a huge jump from just 400,000 currently -- generating 45 billion 
rupees, or about $1 billion, in annual revenue. Cable connections are 
expected to exceed 70 million by then, he says. The spread of digital might 
occur at an even faster clip if India's Congress Party-led coalition 
government endorses broadcasting-industry proposals to raise the foreign 
direct-investment ceiling in direct-to-home TV ventures from the current 
20% to at least 49%, the level permitted in the cable industry.

There is pent-up demand for such service. India is the world's 
third-largest television market with 108 million TV-equipped households, a 
number that is growing by about nine million a year. But that still leaves 
half of all Indian households without a television set. Moreover, many 
existing TVs are old 14-inch (35-centimeter) black-and-white models that 
can't receive some satellite channels via cable, even if cable operators 
were willing to hook up remote areas for new subscribers.

So, many villages have been left with only India's famously stodgy 
state-owned broadcaster, Doordarshan, where the programming emphasis is on 
informing the rural masses about farming techniques and health issues.

"Satellite television can only rise in India, and rise very fast," says 
Atul Phadnis, an analyst at TAM India, a media research firm. 
"Direct-to-home television will be a huge catalyst."

India's pay-TV industry is focused on cable operators and has nearly $3 
billion in annual revenue, according to a recent Price Waterhouse Coopers 
study. But satellite can go where cable hasn't, which is into the 
increasingly prosperous rural market.

R.V. Rajan, managing director at Anugrah Madison Advertising, a rural 
marketing concern in Chennai, says residents of India's countryside spend 
about $30 billion a year on everything from air conditioners to shampoo and 
household detergents. Aggregate rural spending power is growing about 25% 

Pradeep Kashyup, another rural-marketing guru and chief executive of New 
Delhi-based consultancy Mart, says rural household income has risen quickly 
along with India's economic expansion. Rural households now earn nearly 
60,000 rupees a year, still around half that earned by urban households.

Mr. Kashyup contends that disposable income is actually higher in the 
countryside than in the cities because of a lower cost of living. Many 
villagers, he explains, own rather than rent their homes, while education 
and health care are mostly free. "New TV services will proliferate in the 
countryside very quickly," he predicts. "At the press of a button, 
[advertisers] will be able to reach every corner of the country."

Media companies, local and foreign, are rushing to cash in. Zee Telefilms 
Ltd., India's biggest media company, says it is adding 3,000 new satellite 
subscribers a month to the direct-to-home service it started last year 
called Dish TV. "Half of these are coming from small towns," says Dish TV's 
chief executive, Sunil Khanna.

News Corp.'s Hong-Kong based Star TV, which already operates some of 
India's hottest cable channels, will soon launch a direct satellite service 
in a joint venture with Tata Sons Ltd., the holding company of Tata Group, 
one of India's biggest industrial conglomerates.

Even Doordarshan, the public broadcaster, is joining the fray. It is 
offering a satellite service with 30 free channels, including some 
broadcast by southern India's Sun TV, which has agreed to join 
Doordarshan's digital service. The public broadcaster requires its 
customers to purchase only a set-top decoder and a small satellite dish for 
1,500 to 2,000 rupees. Doordarshan says its satellite signals can be picked 
up by the basic decoders already on the market, and it says more than four 
million decoders already have been sold to people wanting to view its programs.

"No mass-market service can afford to ignore rural India today," says 
Vikram Kaushik, chief executive of Space TV, the name of the new Tata-Star 
TV joint venture. "There is a huge market waiting to be tapped."

Kirk Johnson, a sociologist at the University of Guam who has studied the 
impact of television in rural India, believes satellite TV will change 
social and economic patterns as well, providing poorer country-dwellers 
with information they can use to improve their lives.

Indeed, Mr. Thakor, the Lodra farmer, has used information gleaned from his 
village's new Doordarshan service to purchase a new type of cattle feed 
that produces more milk from his cows and makes his family an extra 45 
rupees a day. He plans to use the extra cash to finance a truck purchase 
under a promotion he also saw on TV.

"We didn't know about these things earlier, but they are good for people 
like us," Mr. Thakor says.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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