Smut Spike All PTC's Doing

By John Eggerton
Broadcasting & Cable

11/14/2005 9:12:00 AM

As expected, it turns out the spike in FCC complaints in July was mostly 
attributable to Parent's Television Council. But just "how much" mostly 
came as something of a surprise.

After a steep drop in indecency complaints at the FCC in second quarter 
2005, the number bounced back in the third quarter.

For the three months ended Sept. 30, indecency/obscenity complaints 
quadrupled to 26,185 from 6,161 logged during the previous three months. 
Almost all of that spike came in July (23,547), with only 1,716 complaints 
in August and 922 in September.

According to PTC's Web site, the group filed a total of 23,542 complaints 
in July (10,775 against Fox and 12,767 against ABC).That would account for 
all but five of the FCC complaints for the month.

Let's repeat that.

Out of 23,547 complaints in July, PTC claims 23,542.

The quarter increase follows several quarters of large declines.

Indecency and obscenity complaints against broadcast TV and radio had 
dropped from 157,016 in first quarter 2005 to 6,161 in the second quarter, 
when, as it turns out, PTC filed no complaints. The latter figure compares 
with 272,818 complaints in second quarter 2004.

The FCC doesn't routinely make the individual complaints public, but 
culprits in the third quarter appear to be programs on ABC and Fox. The 
PTC, whose members often complain in bulk via an online e-mail form on the 
organization's Web site, filed two complaints in July against shows on each 

The first complaint, filed July 14, came after ABC allowed the f-word to 
slip by its screeners and into a broadcast of Live 8: A Worldwide Concert 
July 2. ABC conceded that it missed the offending lyric in the East Coast 
feed—after catching other expletives before they made it to air—but says it 
edited out the lyric from the West Coast feed.

The second complaint was filed July 18 over an episode of Fox's summer 
psychological thriller, The Inside, which PTC said included themes of 
forced sodomy and S&M fetishes.

PTC may soon get some competition from the forces for decency. The American 
Family Association has added an e-mail complaint form to the home page of 
its Web site.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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