Consumers for Cable Choice Expands

By David Cohen & Linda Haugsted
MultiChannel News

11/16/2005 4:44:00 PM

Consumers for Cable Choice said Wednesday that 15 new groups have 
joined its effort to bring competition to the cable industry.

The group describes itself as a grassroots organization. It was 
incorporated in June in Indiana as a nonprofit domestic corporation 
supporting government reform of franchise policy and broadband-access rules.

But Consumers for Cable Choice's seed money comes from the nation's 
two largest telephone companies, Verizon Communications Inc. and SBC 
Communications Inc., both of which are beginning to compete with 
cable systems for pay TV subscribers.

The group is backing legislative changes sought by Verizon and other 
phone companies in states such as New Jersey and, soon, California.

The coalition said it now has 38 group members and a combined 
membership of nearly 700,000.

Its newest members are: American Agriculture Movement, American Corn 
Growers Association, California Farmers Union, Federation of Southern 
Cooperatives, League of Rural Voters, National Association of Farmer 
Elected Committees, National Farmers Organization, National Farmers 
Union, National Grange, National Hispanic Council on Aging, Rural 
Coalition/Coalicion Rural, Soybean Producers of America, Washington 
State Grange and Women Involved in Farm Economics.

George Antunes                    Voice (713) 743-3923
Associate Professor               Fax   (713) 743-3927
Political Science                    Internet: antunes at uh dot edu
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-3011          

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