At E3, Sony Stumbles

By Chris Kohler
Wired News

12:00 PM May, 10, 2006,70867-0.html

LOS ANGELES -- Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo put their cards on the table 
here this week in the high stakes contest for control of the next 
generation video-game console market. And, while all bets are still off, 
the challengers' hands look stronger than ever.

Much of the momentum comes courtesy of Sony, the current market leader, 
which suddenly seemed more vulnerable following a pricing bombshell of $600 
for a fully functional version of its still pending PlayStation 3 console.

"I think that (Microsoft) have their heads on straightÂ….They've made a much 
truer gaming system than Sony has. They're not trying to define the next 
generation of media content. That's Sony's aim -- again," said Jerry 
Holkins of the gaming website Penny Arcade. "I think it's a very different 
person who is going to spend five or six hundred dollars on a console right 

For Sony, which unveiled the full release details of its PlayStation 3 
hardware on Monday, the future is Blu-ray, the high-definition DVD format 
that promises vastly more storage for games (25 GBs versus the nine gigs on 
an Xbox 360 disc) as well as true HD movie playback at resolutions up to 1080p.

Sony has stuck to its guns with Blu-ray even though the expensive new 
technology has jacked up the PS3's price. Two configurations of the console 
will launch in the United States on Nov. 17, and to get the full 
experience, players will have to pony up $600. That's for a PS3 with a 
60-GB hard drive and all the trimmings.

A $500 package will also be available, but in addition to a smaller 20-gig 
hard drive, the cheaper unit won't support 802.11 wireless communication, 
Memory Stick media or HDMI output -- meaning that Blu-ray movies won't play 
in high definition.

Still, the pull of PlayStation-exclusive franchises like Final Fantasy and 
Gran Turismo, next-gen versions of which were shown at the Monday 
conference, mean that a critical mass of players are bound to buy the PS3 
at any price.

There's no denying, however, that the announcement makes the similarly 
equipped $400 Xbox 360 package, which launched in the United States last 
November, look like a steal. And while Sony showed many PS3 game demos that 
were in an obviously early state, Microsoft's press conference highlighted 
plenty of second-generation Xbox 360 games, like the third-person shooter 
Gears of War, that were polished and looked close to done.

And Microsoft, too, is aware of the high-def movie revolution, although it 
has thrown its hat in with the competing format. On Tuesday, the company 
unveiled an external add-on drive that would let the 360 play movies in the 
competing HD-DVD format. Though it stopped short of revealing a price point 
for the unit, it called the device a "bargain."

Nintendo announced well over a year ago that its new console Wii would not 
support HD video in any form. It instead set to work making a small, quiet, 
unobtrusive console with a unique controller, which senses motion, position 
and location. Although Nintendo shied away from announcing a price for Wii, 
most in the industry expect the console to retail for between $150 and $200.

Nintendo's media briefing was entirely focused on games. Pie charts and 
sales graphs were in short supply, as on-stage demonstrators whipped the 
Wii controller around in dramatic motions, slicing a samurai sword or 
firing a bow and arrow all with realistic gestures.

Nintendo continues its relentless pursuit of casual players, non-gamers and 
former gamers with simple titles like Wii Sports, which combines tennis, 
baseball and golf, all featuring gestural control that mimics the real-life 
games. But the majority of games on show were directed at longtime gamers.

The Wii controller makes games like Super Mario Galaxy a lot of fun. You 
use the standard joystick to make Mario run and jump across a universe of 
tiny planets, but you can use the motion-sensing right-hand part of the 
controller to directly target onscreen objects and pick them up. You can 
jump on evil mushrooms, as always, but it's much more fun to wave the Wii 
controller around wildly, causing him to spin like a tornado and bash into 

Sony's inclusion of motion-sensing functionality in the PlayStation 3 
controller had some in the industry wondering why the biggest name in the 
business was playing follow-the-leader with Nintendo.

"Sony is really good at pretending to be innovative by taking things that 
other companies have done," said Jeff Kalles of Seattle-based mobile games 
developer Mobliss.

Indeed, the Sony controller doesn't even have all the functionality of the 
Wii remote: It can't sense the position of the controller relative to the 
television set, which is required if the player wants to pinpoint a certain 
onscreen location. This limits the functionality that the Sony controller 
can offer.

And only one PS3 demo on the E3 show floor, a futuristic aerial shootout 
called Warhawk, will use the motion sensing function. Across the hall, 
however, all 27 of the Wii titles on display in Nintendo's booth will 
feature gestural control.

Gamers crave the high-definition glitz promised by Sony and Microsoft, but 
Nintendo is hoping they'll pick up the considerably less graphically 
impressive Wii just because of the unique gameplay.

"If it's $150 or less, it's an impulse buy," said Kalles. "But it wouldn't 
be my primary gaming system."

George Antunes                    Voice (713) 743-3923
Associate Professor               Fax   (713) 743-3927
Political Science                    Internet: antunes at uh dot edu
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-3011         

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