Data Centers Go Solar
Power Demands of Computer Clusters Spawn Alternatives

Wall Street Journal

May 11, 2006; Page B5

Affordable Internet Services Online Inc.'s roughly 300 servers run Web 
sites across the world, from Kenya to California, and it is of the utmost 
importance to have zero failure rates.

One thing the Romoland, Calif., Web-hosting company isn't losing any sleep 
over is a huge monthly bill from the local utility company. That is because 
its data center is run on solar power.

Affordable Internet Services is just one example of a technology company 
that has turned to alternative energy to combat rising energy costs. It is 
an issue that is becoming more prevalent in data centers around the country 
as electricity prices continue to rise.

Data centers house hundreds to thousands of servers that give off heat and 
require substantial power to run. Air-conditioning units are needed to keep 
the servers cool because of the heat, resulting in high energy bills. Power 
use varies depending on the size and equipment at a data center.

Chip maker Advanced Micro Devices Inc. says some data centers can consume 
more power than a small town.

In an effort to address that issue, the nation's computer companies are 
developing energy-efficient products. Those products are coming in the form 
of low-powered semiconductors, more-efficient servers and better power 
supplies. In some cases companies are teaming up, a rarity in the highly 
competitive technology market.
[jumping juice]

"Today, we have over $5 billion in [requests for proposals] from customers 
that include some aspect of social responsibility and/or environmental 
criteria," says David Lear, vice president, corporate, social and 
environmental responsibility at Hewlett-Packard Co.

In recent quarters, AMD, of Sunnyvale, Calif., has gained market share at 
the expense of chip giant Intel Corp. in part because of more 
power-efficient chips like Opteron, which serve the server market. Intel, 
based in Santa Clara, Calif., plans to unveil more-efficient chips for 
desktops, laptops and servers later this year.

Technology companies aren't predicting a looming crisis. But the companies 
hope addressing business customers' power needs will stimulate demand for 
their products and build their reputation as good corporate citizens, at a 
time when energy use and waste from technology manufacturing are under 

Affordable Internet Services' facility is made of steel and has more than a 
hundred solar panels. The facility also has solar sky tubes that bring in 
natural sunlight and a special air-conditioning unit that draws cool air 
in, reducing the need for electricity. Its servers run low-powered 
microprocessors produced by AMD, which emit less heat and require less 
power than conventional chips. While the data center costs about 60% more 
to build, the company says it will save more money over the long run.

Affordable Internet Services says it saves $3,000 a month in electricity 
costs. "A lot of people are noticing our environmental-friendliness," says 
Phil Nail, system administrator at the Web-hosting company.

Another company that is trying to get an edge on the environmental issue is 
Rackable Systems Inc., a Milpitas, Calif., server company. Chief Executive 
Tom Barton says power consumption at large data centers is becoming a big 
problem, in part because of concerns over the environment and, more 
importantly, because of rising energy costs.

Rackable recognized the problem three years ago and started investing in 
technology that would enable its servers to run more efficiently. Today, 
Rackable incorporates a variety of technologies into its servers that the 
company says saves customers as much as 30% on monthly power costs.

In November, AMD commissioned a survey of about 1,200 
information-technology professionals and found that more than 70% see 
rising energy costs as a top priority. "The end user is speaking louder 
than ever," says Marty Seyer, senior vice president of the company's 
commercial business.

AMD, along with H-P, Sun Microsystems Inc., Dell Inc., International 
Business Machines Corp., and Rackable, among others, founded the Green 
Grid, an industry consortium designed to reduce power consumption and 
cooling demands in data centers. The group is being supported by the 
Environmental Protection Agency.

Some members of the consortium say it isn't farfetched to eventually see a 
label on servers that tell a customer just how much energy is being 
consumed, similar to the Energy Star program that requires electrical 
appliances to meet certain energy specifications.

Jason Waxman, director of marketing for Intel's server platform group, says 
Intel is working on other technology that should help reduce energy costs. 
For instance, Intel developed technology called demand-based switching, 
which allows a computer's power consumption to be reduced based on 
workload. Intel says that technology saves 25% of power consumption in some 
instances. The company is also looking at more-efficient power supplies.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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