DOJ Backs Bells on Franchising

By Ted Hearn
MultiChannel News

5/11/2006 5:39:00 PM

The U.S. Department of Justice supports federal regulations that would bar 
local governments from dragging out cable-franchise negotiations with phone 
companies and other firms seeking to compete with cable incumbents like 
Comcast Corp. and Time Warner Cable.

At a minimum, Justice attorneys are supporting adoption of Federal 
Communications Commission rules that would impose a deadline on local 
governments to act on cable-franchise applications to bring certainty to 
the process.

"Such delays in the franchising process effectively deny consumers the 
benefits of additional video competition and advanced services for a 
significant period of time," said Thomas O. Barnett, chief of the DOJ's 
Antitrust Division, in a May 10 filing at the FCC.

On a key matter for AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc., the DOJ also 
called for restrictions on the ability of local governments to require the 
buildout of new cable facilities within a specified period of time, saying 
that those kinds of mandates can deter entry.

"The department believes that [local governments] should not be allowed to 
impose any such requirements except where necessary to prevent income 
discrimination, which [federal cable law] prohibits," the DOJ said.

Further, the DOJ said it disagreed with the National Cable & 
Telecommunications Association's view that the buildout of an entire 
franchise area was necessary to prevent income discrimination.

"This argument is flawed," the DOJ said. "The fact that a franchise 
applicant does not plan to build out to cover either the [local 
government's] entire jurisdiction or the whole area served by an incumbent 
does not necessarily evidence income discrimination."

A phone company that did not want to extend video facilities beyond its 
phone-network footprint would be an example of a situation where income 
discrimination was not involved, the DOJ said.

Under federal law, a cable system must acquire a local franchise. The FCC, 
under chairman Kevin Martin, is considering rules that would put some teeth 
into the law that says local franchising authorities "may not unreasonably 
refuse to award an additional competitive franchise."

AT&T and Verizon have complained that their ability to rush into cable 
markets has been stymied by foot-dragging at the local level. Questioning 
those claims, cable operators have said that phone companies are acquiring 
franchises faster than they can deploy facilities.

Last month, Martin floated a six-month deadline for action. "It didn't mean 
it had to be granted, but it has to be approved or denied," Martin said.

In the filing, the DOJ said local governments often do not act because the 
applicant is refusing to embrace all of the conditions met by the incumbent 
or the incumbent is promising to sue the local government under 
level-playing-field laws if new entrants are subject to less stringent 
requirements, which could range from the size of franchise fees to the pace 
of facilities deployment.

"Faced with this dilemma, [local governments] may be inclined to avoid 
either approving or denying the applications," the DOJ said. "The 
establishment of maximum time limits should at least force a decision that 
can be judicially reviewed pursuant to [federal cable law]."

The DOJ also attributed franchising delays to local governments that make 
demands that "are not relevant to providing cable service." Citing FCC 
filings by AT&T and BellSouth Corp., the DOJ said examples include requests 
for space in telecommunications conduits for governmental use and the 
planting of flowers and trees.

Promoting the entry of new cable providers would help consumers, the DOJ 
said, because direct-broadcast satellite providers, while offering 
"important intermodal competition" to cable, were "not fully effective in 
constraining incumbent cable providers."

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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