May 15, 2006

In Japan, a Provider of Cable Ups the Ante
NY Times

TOKYO — The Japanese are among the most avid television watchers on earth, 
yet most are still pulling their favorite shows out of the air. Just one in 
five homes here subscribes to a cable or satellite service.

Jupiter Telecommunications, the nation's biggest cable provider, is out to 
change that. Jupiter, which sells services under the brand name J:COM, has 
been aggressively signing up customers for its television, broadband lines 
and digital phones — even going so far as to pitch its wares door to door.

In March, J:COM also started selling mobile phone service, an offering that 
American cable companies like Comcast are only just developing.

This "grand slam" bundle has made J:COM the company to beat in Japan and is 
typical of how the company's American owners — led by the cable tycoon John 
C. Malone — are experimenting with both the latest technology and age-old 

J:COM, which is partly owned by Sumitomo, looks like a local company from 
the outside. But behind its Japanese exterior, J:COM has a heavy American 
imprint, thanks to its majority owners at Liberty Global, which was formed 
last year when UnitedGlobalCom merged with the international holdings of 
Liberty Media International. Microsoft owns a small share in the company, too.

J:COM brings in almost one-third of the sales at Liberty Global, whose 
overseas holdings stretch from Japan to Chile to the Netherlands, and its 
advanced services are providing a road map for cable companies in other 
corners of the globe.

But to sell those services to a public used to getting their TV for free, 
J:COM must do some hand-holding. The company has 1,900 sales agents who go 
door to door, signing up new customers and providing technical support.

That extra effort might appear excessive to Americans, who have been buying 
cable and satellite services for years. But J:COM reckons that the 
personalized attention is crucial, because about 40 percent of Japan's 
population is over 50 and reluctant to order new services on their own.

"We have to explain to people why cable TV is important, and face-to-face 
interaction lets us do that," said Hiroyuki Nakatani, J:COM's manager in 
charge of sales and marketing.

In addition to offering video-on-demand, digital video recorders and other 
products that are mainstays in American homes, J:COM is expanding by 
aggressively buying rivals. Last year it took over cable companies in Kobe 
and Tokyo to raise its market share above 30 percent. J:COM, which is 
nearly five times as large than the second-biggest competitor, plans to 
keep buying some of the hundreds of remaining Japanese cable providers.

The acquisitions, combined with new products, have helped J:COM's sales 
grow by more than one-third in the last three years and an additional 20.4 
percent in the first quarter this year, to 51.1 billion yen, or $464.1 
million. Profits in the quarter surged 30.4 percent, to 4.37 billion yen.

"With our new services, we want the entire home entertainment budget to 
come our way," said Tomoyuki Moriizumi, J:COM's chief executive. "We want 
to make a one-stop shop for consumers."

J:COM hopes that its extra bulk and new services will help it fend off new 
kinds of competitors. Companies like Softbank are offering television over 
the Internet, and Japan's biggest phone companies are building vast fiber 
optic networks and teaming up with satellite providers like SkyPerfect to 
offer their own television services.

SkyPerfect, which has more than four million subscribers for its satellite 
services, is working with NTT, the country's largest carrier, to bundle its 
television with NTT's phone and broadband services for as much as $18 a 
month less than J:COM charges. The arrangement is similar to the 
relationship that Verizon and other American carriers have with DirecTV and 

The fresh competition is a big reason investors remain skeptical about 
J:COM's prospects. The stock of the parent company of J:COM rose 21 percent 
in the three months after its debut in March last year, but it has lost all 
of that in the last few months. On Friday, it closed 5.5 percent below its 
initial offering price.

Yoshiyuki Kinoshita, an analyst at Merrill Lynch here, said "excessive 
concerns regarding the company will disappear" once investors focus on the 
company's growing profits and expanding market share.

All Japanese pay-television providers, though, still must grapple with the 
country's broadcasters, including the government-owned NHK. Like ABC, CBS 
and NBC decades ago, they dominate the television industry with big-budget 
dramas, game shows and sports. Growing numbers of shows are broadcast in 
high definition.

These networks win most of the advertising dollars spent on television, 
forcing cable and satellite to rely more on monthly subscriptions than 
their American counterparts.

Cable and satellite providers also face structural barriers. Many Japanese 
live in cramped apartments that lack the clear views of the sky needed to 
hang satellite dishes. The cable industry is dotted with dozens of tiny 
family-run or municipally owned companies. In big cities, trading 
companies, electronics makers and utilities and railroads often hold control.

With so many competitors spread across the country, J:COM has a hard time 
getting large enough to win deeper discounts from set-top box makers and 

Still, J:COM has done a better job than most at selling new services to 
generate revenue. Almost 40 percent of its 1.8 million television 
subscribers have digital cable services that allow them to use digital 
video recorders, video on demand and other premium services. Nearly 23 
percent of its customers order their television, broadband and phone 
service from J:COM.

"Other companies like NTT are trying to offer a triple play with satellite 
companies," Mr. Moriizumi said. "What's the point? We have one company, and 
we can give volume discounts of about 1,500 yen to customers with all three 

Naoki Hiratsuka, a 58-year-old father of two, has had J:COM's triple play 
for four years. In addition to a basic television package, he gets a 
digital phone line and a broadband connection with a top speed of 30 
megabits a second, about six times as fast as that offered by most American 
cable companies. He pays about $130 a month for the three services and some 
premium channels.

"When I saw the price of the package, I had to switch to J:COM," said Mr. 
Hiratsuka, who used to buy his phone and Internet line from NTT.

Mr. Hiratsuka is also considering whether to get a cellphone from J:COM 
once the company adds more models. J:COM does not operate its own cell 
network, but uses the one run by Willcom, a local carrier, an arrangement 
similar to what American cable companies are developing with Sprint.

In its first two months, J:COM's wireless service attracted 7,000 
customers, many of them older consumers and teenagers who prefer a basic, 
inexpensive service. The company, which hopes to sign up 50,000 subscribers 
by the end of the year, charges $25 a month for a fixed-rate calling plan 
that lets J:COM customers call each other free.

Like American cable companies, J:COM wants to develop phones that work on 
the cellular network outdoors and wireless networks indoors and, 
ultimately, will let subscribers program their digital video recorders from 
their phones.

J:COM tailors its offerings for its audience with interactive services like 
mah-jongg and karaoke for older customers and daily recipes and workout 
programs for housewives. In a country known for its personal touch, J:COM 
and its American owners appear to have gone local.

"To the Japanese consumer, it's not only the cost, but also the 
convenience, so that if something breaks down, there will be a face to 
call," said Jane Buenaventura, a telecommunications analyst at Pyramid 
Research. "It's a market that is used to the retail approach, and J:COM 
knows that very well."

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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