Mergers may be next trend for big Internet companies

Wed May 24, 2006 12:10 PM ET

By Eric Auchard

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Speculation is rife on Wall Street that a big 
Internet deal or alliance is in the works, with Google, Yahoo, eBay or 
Microsoft as possible partners -- and a Yahoo-eBay partnership seen as most 

"A partnership or merger between eBay and Yahoo! is the most strategically 
feasible," a report authored by analyst Imran Khan and the JP Morgan 
Internet team said on Monday.

"A combined company would have the leading position in auctions, 
communications, payments, graphical advertising, audience reach, and 
geographic breadth," the report said.

Silicon Valley insiders, high-tech bankers and financial analysts are 
giving new credence to potential merger deals, which fly in the face of 
common wisdom that the Internet's rapid growth has always outweighed the 
logic of consolidation.

But Internet growth is slowing and competition among the biggest companies 
-- Google Inc., Yahoo Inc., eBay Inc. and Microsoft Corp. -- is intensifying.

EBay stock is down 30 percent on the year. Yahoo is off 20 percent and 
Google down 10 percent.

Google, which nearly doubled its revenues last year, is expected to grow 62 
percent this year. EBay is seen growing 30 percent, down from 50 percent 
two years ago, and Yahoo's growth is slowing at a similar pace.

EBay spokesman Hani Durzy said the company works very closely with all the 
major Web search providers -- Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, but he declined 
to comment on any potential Yahoo tie-up.

EBay is one of the world's biggest buyers of Web search terms. It manages a 
portfolio of 15 million keywords on different search sites aimed at wooing 

"We don't comment on rumors and speculation," Durzy said. "We are talking 
to Yahoo and other companies all the time as part of our normal course of 

Yahoo was not immediately available to comment.

The 56-page JP Morgan report weighs other scenarios, including the 
possibility that Microsoft Corp.'s MSN Internet unit would strike a 
partnership with Yahoo. Google is viewed as likely to sit out big mergers 
and continue to go it alone, Imran argues, a view that many Wall Street 
analysts share.

Investors worry that gains by these companies are likely to come at the 
expense of one another, rather than through Internet expansion, driving 
shares down this year.

Microsoft shares are off 12 percent so far in 2006, hit by product delays 
as well as a recent move by the company to step up investment to better 
compete with Google and Yahoo.


Market share gains by Google are most frequently said to be driving the 
talk of partnerships or mergers.

On May 3, the Wall Street Journal newspaper carried a story that 
Microsoft's MSN unit was planning a stop-Google strategy by seeking to buy 
a stake in Yahoo.

Last week, Yahoo Chief Executive Terry Semel confirmed that his company had 
been approached by Microsoft to buy a piece of Yahoo's search business. He 
ruled out a deal for what he viewed as a centerpiece of Yahoo's strategy to 
sell Web advertising.

"I will not sell a piece of search -- it is like selling your right arm 
while keeping your left; it does not make any sense," Semel said in a 
public forum in New York last week where he was interviewed by The New 
Yorker magazine writer Ken Auletta.

He dismissed an outright merger between Microsoft and Yahoo, saying, "That 
conversation has never come up."

"For me the most interesting alignment would be putting together Yahoo and 
eBay," said analyst Scott Devitt of brokerage Stifel Nicolaus, but he 
cautioned: "These things tend to be discussed often and rarely occur."

The strengths of Yahoo and eBay are seen as complementary, with Yahoo in 
media and eBay in e-commerce. Yahoo's foreign strength is in Asia and 
eBay's is in Europe.

The most compelling scenario is an alliance where eBay uses Yahoo search to 
drive consumers to eBay auctions, Devitt said.

In return, Yahoo could take advantage of assets such as eBay's PayPal 
online payments franchise and the vast Skype Web telephone audience that 
eBay has acquired, he said.

EBay must tread carefully, however, so that it does not cut off ties to 
Google. As the world leader in Web search, eBay depends on Google search 
referrals for an increasing amount of its audience.

"I don't particularly find eBay in a position of power," Devitt said. "EBay 
needs its relationship with Google."

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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