Chinese plan tougher rules on cyberspace
By Howard W. French

Chinese authorities have announced their intention to step up their 
efforts to police and control the Internet and other communications 
technologies, including instant messaging and cell phones.

Speaking at a conference in Beijing on June 28, Cai Wu, director of the 
powerful Information Office of the State Council, or China's cabinet, 
said new control measures were needed "because more and more harmful 
information is being circulated online."

Another senior official who spoke at the same meeting, Wang Xudong, 
deputy minister of the information industry, said his ministry's next 
target would be developing technologies to regulate Web logs and search 

The potential new regulations, which are still in the discussion stage, 
are being considered at a time of exploding Internet and cell phone use 
that has created the freest atmosphere of communication this country has 
known under Communist rule, despite strenuous government efforts to 
contain it.

The measures contemplated reportedly include mandatory user registration 
for cell phones, according to reports from the conference. Now, users 
can easily buy cell phone cards in stores, obtaining a new telephone 
number without identifying themselves. Web sites, too, might be subject 
to registration.

The government's statement of intent is being seen as the beginning of 
its most ambitious effort yet to rein in high-tech communication. 
Analysts said the measures, introduced after a proposal to make the news 
media's unauthorized publication of "sudden events" a punishable 
offense, indicate an atmosphere of worry within the government about its 
ability to maintain power.

"Of course we don't want the government to do this," said Zhan Jiang, a 
professor at the China Youth University of Political Science. "It is 
related to the earlier announcement about breaking news, and it seems 
the government is trying to assert more and more control."

Isaac Mao, a popular Chinese blogger, said: "The government has found 
their political lives under pressure from the media, and they've decided 
they have to strengthen their power. They are working on a variety of 
measures, which they will deploy one by one in order to reach their big 
goal, which is to take full control of things. They don't want people to 
have any power. That's the big goal of the government."

According to the Media Blue Book, a publication of Tsinghua University 
in Beijing, China now has 36.8 million Chinese blog sites and 16 million 
bloggers. According to a company called I-Research, China has 97.1 
million search engine users.

Invoking these numbers, Cai of the Information Office of the State 
Councilsaid at the meeting, the Sunlight and Green Internet Conference, 
"How could we not regulate such a huge market?"

It is clear that Chinese authorities see search engines as an important 
choke point for information on the Internet, and they have won 
controversial agreements from Microsoft, Google and Yahoo to filter the 
search engine services they offer in China, screening out words the 
Chinese authorities deem troublesome.

The arrangements have received widespread criticism outside China, and 
among bloggers within the country as well. Google executives have 
expressed discomfort with the filtering agreement.

Whether used for conversations or short messaging, cell phones have 
played a major role in the wave of social unrest that has swept China in 
the past two years, allowing people to organize quickly and to spread 
news of police actions and other developments. The anonymous use of cell 
phones is a major loophole in the state's effort to monitor 
communications of all kinds, and the authorities seem determined to 
close it.
The rumors of new regulation have brought outrage from many Internet 
users here. "This free and beautiful kingdom created by bloggers finally 
has to face its anticipated cleansing," wrote a blogger whose online 
name is Zheng. "In the remote north, in that ancient city which is 
shrouded by yellow sand and dust, a force has gathered to begin the 
invasion of the homeland of bloggers," the blog continued, apparently 
referring to Beijing.

Others, however, say efforts to require registration of blogs and Web 
sites have been announced in the past but have never gone very far, and 
they express confidence that technology will allow them to stay one step 
ahead of the censors. Some are already exchanging tips online about how 
to frustrate the latest government efforts.

"I have noted the lifespan of new forms on the Internet here has been 
about one or two years," said Wang Yi, a law professor at Chengdu 
University and a prominent blogger. "Bulletin boards were very free, and 
after one or two years, they were restricted. Then we saw the emergence 
of personal Web sites, and after one or two years they were restricted. 
Then we had blogs. After a year or two, they moved to restrict them, too.

"I think the Internet in China will always find a way forward, because 
of technology and other factors. I am actually very optimistic."

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