No WGA Harm, No Foul
Larry Seltzer - eWEEK

If you're going to run Windows on your computer, then at some level you 
have to trust Microsoft.

This would seem to me to be a pretty basic and obvious point, but it's 
lost on the folks who are suing Microsoft over the behavior of the 
Windows Genuine Advantage program.

They're willing to run massive amounts of Microsoft-written software on 
their computers and entrust it with their data. But given what to all 
appearances is an innocuous file check on the Internet and they resort 
to the courts for relief.

Relief from what? First, Microsoft has removed the daily check that 
brought on this most immediate crisis. There's no evidence that anyone's 
personal information was transmitted anywhere as a result of this program.

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There's also no evidence to support the absurd claim made recently that 
users without the current version of WGA would find their copies of 
Windows disabled. Other confused observers assumed this meant that WGA 
itself had a kill switch, but the plain text said otherwise. And the 
claim was based on a posting by a longtime Microsoft competitor who 
claimed to have heard it from a Microsoft support person.

Until I see some reasonable evidence I'm assuming that this is as bogus 
as it seems to me, especially in as much as Microsoft has explicitly 
denied it.

WGA has inspired a copycat worm. Click here to read more.

Others have claimed, more plausibly, that WGA isn't perfect at detecting 
potentially pirated systems. This is a much more reasonable complaint, 
although not one worth going to the courts over. If it made sense to sue 
over every software bug, even just the annoying ones, the courts would 
be jam-packed.

The point of WGA is to discourage piracy, and therefore the benefit of 
it, at least the proximate benefit, is Microsoft's, not the user's. A 
legitimate user gets only the vaguest of benefits from running WGA on 
his or her computer, and that benefit pretty much goes away after it 
runs successfully once.

Microsoft would have done much better, if you ask me, by being honest 
and simple in its language about what WGA does. As my colleague Peter 
Coffee points out, it has instead chosen Orwellian terms like 
"consistent experience" and emphasized the benefit to ordinary users of 
having WGA. I sympathize fully with the desire to combat piracy, so just 
say that to me! Don't tell me this is all for my own good.

If Microsoft is motivated by fighting piracy, what motivates the people 
filing these stupid lawsuits? I doubt it's the money, because even 
people who show real harm in a class action usually end up getting 
coupons from the company they sue.

I chalk it all up to a lack of any perspective on privacy and the urge 
to slay dragons. We'd all be better off if they just went back to their 
day jobs. And if they don't trust Microsoft they shouldn't be running 

Security Center Editor Larry Seltzer has worked in and written about the 
computer industry since 1983. He can be reached at 

Click here for an archive of Larry Seltzer's columns.

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