Popular News Anchor Leaves Video Blog Site

By Sara Kehaulani Goo
Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, July 6, 2006; D01


She was no Tom Brokaw, and that was always the point of Rocketboom.com.

Internet star Amanda Congdon, known as the host of the popular video 
blogging Web site Rocketboom, announced yesterday that she is leaving the 
site immediately over differences with her business partner.

The Web site features a daily three-minute news-like segment that blends 
popular culture and technology news, delivered with Congdon's quirky 
personality to 300,000 viewers. The site drew attention from the mainstream 
press for its attempt at a new form of online journalism and brought fame 
to Congdon, who landed an on-camera interview with Sen. John Edwards 
(D-N.C.) and a cameo on the TV show "CSI."

But without its attractive host -- some say she was why most people 
watched, anyway -- Congdon's departure could spell doom for a wildly 
popular site that helped launch the popularity of video blogs.

"It's a big risk for them," said Matt Savarino, founder of Vlogmap.org, a 
site that maps more than 1,000 video bloggers worldwide. "They risk losing 
traffic for those who followed the show because of Amanda. When you place 
so much emphasis on a single host, there will be x percentage who will say, 
'I don't like it now.' "

Aside from its host, Rocketboom attracted a lot of attention because it 
showed promise in turning video blogging into a lucrative business, much in 
the way that Web logs such as Wonkette.com rose from obscurity to big 
profit. In the vlogging world, there were few others.

When Rocketboom started in 2004, young video producer Andrew Baron sent out 
a casting call in New York and hired Congdon to produce a daily Internet 
show without a fancy studio -- just $25 a day, a desk and a map of the 
world as a backdrop. Eventually, viewers were drawn to Congdon's offbeat 
humor, the show's funny camera angles, and its unpredictable format and 
content. As hundreds of thousands of viewers began to tune in, Rocketboom 
asked for advertising bids on eBay and brought in $40,000 to $85,000 a week 
at times.

But just like television in the offline world, the star's divorce from her 
Internet program yesterday carried a bit of drama and controversy, with the 
blogging world gossiping about whether she or Baron or both were to blame.

Seated behind a desk similar to the one she uses to host the program, 
Congdon appeared in a vlog on her own Web site yesterday morning, saying 
she owed it to Rocketboom viewers to explain why she hadn't been on the 
site. (The map of the world behind her was turned upside down.) Congdon had 
not appeared on Rocketboom since June 23, and she said it was not a 
coincidence. "I'm not on vacation -- not by a long shot," she said.

"Here I am, unboomed," Congdon said, her voice markedly downbeat from her 
usual hyper-caffeinated personality on the program. "My partner, Andrew 
Baron, is no longer interested in being my partner."

Congdon went on to say that Baron owns 51 percent of Rocketboom and that 
she owns 49 percent. Skimming over specifics, Congdon left the impression 
she had been fired. "I'm just going to have to accept it," she said sadly. 
"I'm going to be back," she promised, although it was unclear when or in 
what form. Congdon could not be reached yesterday for comment.

Baron, reached yesterday afternoon, said he didn't know Congdon was leaving 
Rocketboom until he saw her video blog. He said Congdon, an aspiring 
actress, announced two weeks ago that she wanted to move to Los Angeles to 
pursue interests in Hollywood and that she wanted to do so within a week. 
Baron said that the short notice wouldn't work but that Rocketboom and 
Congdon were negotiating a way to make it work. Over the past 12 days, 
Rocketboom has replaced Congdon's hosting duties with short features from 
its correspondents around the world, Baron said.

"Amanda caught me off guard," Baron said. He declined to discuss the 
business ownership, saying: "I'm not actually concerned about that. I'm 
concerned about stabilizing the show and the business so we can get back on 
track. . . . I wish her well."

The back and forth led public relations executive Steve Rubel to say 
Congdon had "pulled a Star Jones" on Rocketboom, referring to a recently 
departed host of "The View." Rubel, senior vice president of Edelman 
Worldwide's Me2Revolution practice, said that if television serves as the 
model, Rocketboom will survive without its top anchor -- provided, of 
course, that Baron can find an equally impressive host to replace her. 
"We've seen it happen in TV," he said.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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