July 7, 2006

Strategy Shift by Microsoft to Fight iPod
NY Times


SAN FRANCISCO, July 6 — Microsoft's interest in making its own hand-held 
music and video player, disclosed by entertainment industry executives this 
week, indicates that its old way of doing things is not working in its 
battle against Apple Computer's iPod.

In the PC market, its bread and butter, Microsoft has depended on hundreds 
of large and small computer makers that have built desktop and laptop 
computers running its Windows operating system.

But in some areas, Microsoft has been moving toward a go-it-alone strategy. 
The models here are Apple Computer's Macintosh and iPod businesses, which 
combine hardware, software and online services in a user-friendly package.

Microsoft competes against Nintendo and Sony with its Xbox video game 
console; it designed the Xbox computer chips with I.B.M. and tightly 
controls software distribution. And in the market for cellphone handsets, 
three of the four major carriers now offer phones labeled with the 
Microsoft Pocket PC and Smart Phone brands.

The shift, analysts said, is being driven by Microsoft's need to grab a 
share of markets that could grow more quickly than the PC industry, which 
is maturing.

"Digital media is too important to abdicate the market to Apple," said Phil 
Leigh, president of Inside Digital Media, a market research firm in Tampa, Fla.

Entertainment industry executives who were briefed on the Microsoft music 
and video player said this week that the device was equipped with a 
wireless Internet connection and an advanced display screen, and that the 
company planned to release it before the holiday season, along with an 
online store.

Richard Doherty, president of Envisioneering, a consumer electronics 
consulting firm based in Seaford, N.Y., said he had talked to several major 
retailers of consumer electronics in recent weeks and that Microsoft had 
not yet briefed them on its plans, leaving open the possibility that the 
company had not made a final decision to introduce its own player.

But one music industry executive said his company was told that Microsoft 
had made a large financial commitment to market a player this year. A 
senior TV network executive said that Microsoft had talked to the networks 
about selling their programming through the online store, but that "no 
deals are in place."

Introducing a player would be a distinct gamble, analysts said, fueled by 
the company's inability to make a dent in Apple's domination of the digital 
audio market with its combination of the iPod and the iTunes Music Store.

One major risk is that makers of digital music players that now use 
Microsoft software might feel that they faced a disadvantage if Microsoft's 
player were more directly integrated with a Microsoft music service and 
offered exclusive features.

The company's major hardware partners, including iRiver Inc., Creative 
Technology Ltd. and Samsung, might break with Microsoft and team up with a 
competitor like RealNetworks Inc., the music and video service provider, 
making Microsoft's task all the more difficult.

"These guys put an awful lot of sweat into making the hardware right," Mr. 
Doherty said. The partners could see a competing player from Microsoft "as 
a bit of a betrayal," he said.

Nevertheless, Microsoft may have decided that it has no alternative in the 
face of its inability to break Apple's stranglehold while using the old PC 
industry model.

Music and video may be so crucial to how computers are used in the future — 
a potentially big source of new growth in software and hardware sales — 
that Microsoft cannot strategically afford to let Apple continue to hold 
the upper hand.

Mr. Leigh of Inside Digital Media said Microsoft's shift reflected its 
impatience with the PC model. "From Microsoft's point of view, they have 
waited long enough," he said. "The rest of the Microsoft ecosystem has not 
done the job. If the Microsoft ecosystem cannot compete effectively with 
Apple, it's a real problem for Microsoft."

According to one product designer — who has close ties to several consumer 
electronics manufacturers and insisted on anonymity because of his business 
relationship with one of those companies — at least one of the leading 
makers of digital audio players has already approached Microsoft to ask it 
to clarify its strategy.

A spokeswoman for Samsung said the firm would not comment on the Microsoft 
media player reports. Creative Labs and iRiver executives did not return 
phone calls on Thursday.

If Microsoft does decide to challenge the iPod directly, it may try to gain 
an advantage by creating a player that matches Apple's ease of use but, 
unlike current iPod models, is not dependent on a personal computer.

Today, almost all media players must be connected to a PC to transfer 
files. But several start-up firms, including Music Gremlin and Zing, are 
now offering or developing services that are built around players with 
wireless capabilities.

A person who works closely with one of the music labels said that the 
Microsoft device would permit users to play songs wirelessly from other 
Microsoft players in the vicinity. Users could "tag" music that looked 
interesting and then play it one or more times without paying for it, this 
person said, adding that the exact terms of the music rights had yet to be 
worked out.

A consumer electronics software developer said another feature that may 
make the device easier to use is at the heart of Microsoft's recently 
released Windows Media Player 11 software: a highly compressed database of 
song information with pointers to millions of tracks stored online. This 
database on a wireless portable player could make it much easier to search 
for new music.

A device that plays video would most likely require a hard drive for 
storage. The technological risk is that Microsoft would be entering the 
market with a relatively bulky device, just when Apple has been moving to 
slim music players with flash memory like the Nano that are more durable 
and have longer battery life.

Apple is reported to have a wireless version of the iPod waiting in the 
wings, and it is also said to be close to introducing a version with a 
touch screen. Those bits of consumer polish might outshine Microsoft just 
as it was entering the business with its own hardware.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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