...So that when your power goes out, you can go online to see who is
affected.  Think about this one, folks...


NES website provides outage map 

Nashville, TN, July 3, 3006 -- When the power goes out, Nashville Electric
Service customers turn to the Internet. NES unveiled a new website in July
2005. One of the most popular features was an online outage map with live,
continuously updated outage information -- a public service that continues
to drive heavy traffic to the site, www.nespower.com, said the company. 

Teresa Corlew, NES spokesperson says, "It's been a hit with our customers
and the media who depend on the information to be accurate and timely."  

The map provides information during a power failure. Users can view all
outages across the NES service area or narrow their search to a specific
neighborhood. Not only can they see the number of customers who are
experiencing outages, but the streets that are affected and if crews have
been assigned to the problem. The information is updated every 10 minutes. 

NES officials have tracked results in the number of visitors to the NES Web
site, specifically the outage map. Nashville Electric had over 2,700 unique
visits to the outage map on August 30 when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf
Coast and brought stormy weather to Nashville. The number of visits normally
averaged less than 500. NES experienced a similar spike in April 2006 when
tornados ripped through Middle Tennessee and left 17,000 customers without

"The functionality of this map helps customers and media alike know where
outages have been reported and how widespread the problem is," Corlew says.
"We've noticed a huge drop in the number of calls from media representatives
requesting the latest information for news reports. It's all right there on
their computer screen. We can only assume it's made a similar impact for our
customers who used to flood our customer service line looking for answers." 

The outage map was developed in-house and is linked to the data on NES'
outage management system. Very little maintenance is required. 

Gregory S. Williams

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