NASA studies three areas of concern on shuttle

NASA officials were looking closely at three areas of the space shuttle 
Discovery's heat shield on Saturday to see if they posed a true threat 
to the spaceship.

On Friday, Discovery pilot Mark Kelly and mission specialists Lisa Nowak 
and Stephanie Wilson used a digital camera on the end of a boom attached 
to the shuttle's robotic arm to take close-up still pictures of six 
areas of concern on the orbiter.

By Friday afternoon, shuttle managers determined that three of those 
areas posed essentially no threat to the mission.

But they are still investigating three areas – a gap filler sticking out 
from between tiles near a door towards the rear of the spacecraft and 
two reinforced carbon panels on the leading edge of the wing.

Gap fillers are pieces of silica-coated fabric used both to keep the 
heat shield tiles from rattling against one another during launch and to 
prevent hot air from reaching the skin of the orbiter during atmospheric 
Weakest part

Two gap fillers were found sticking out from between tiles during 
Discovery's last mission in July 2005 and had to be removed during a 
spacewalk. The concern was that these protruding pieces of fabric could 
cause turbulence below the orbiter on atmospheric re-entry, potentially 
heating it up beyond its design parameters. In a worst-case scenario, 
that might cause a Columbia-like disaster.

So before the current mission launched on 4 July, technicians replaced 
more than 5000 gap fillers on the most critical areas of the orbiter. 
The gap fillers protruding now had not been replaced before the mission. 
The one near the door, which was installed in 1982, could pose a threat 
because of its height. The initial analysis of the images suggests it 
could be sticking out by at least 2.5 centimetres (1 inch).

NASA is especially concerned about this area because it is near the door 
where propellant from the external fuel tank flows into the orbiter 
during launch. Doors and the seals around them represent some of the 
weakest parts of the orbiter, and any damage to those areas could create 
a pathway for super-heated air to enter the orbiter during atmospheric 
re-entry, says orbiter project manager Steve Poulos.

But overall, Poulos says he was pleased with the condition of Discovery. 
"There is nothing that jumps out in terms of tile damage like we saw on 
the last flight," Poulos says. On that flight, close inspections found 
minor "dings" from falling foam during launch, but fortunately nothing 
that would endanger the astronauts during atmospheric re-entry.
Fantastic view

Although nothing is leaping out as a major problem with the heat shield, 
shuttle managers have not officially ruled out that possibility and 
whether they might need to undertake a spacewalk under the orbiter to 
inspect or repair the heat shield. Analysts are still looking at images 
that were taken by the astronauts with the shuttle's robot arm before 
the shuttle docked to the International Space Station on Thursday.

"I am completely withholding judgment until the analysts come back," 
says deputy shuttle manager John Shannon.

On Thursday, the two ISS astronauts took pictures of Discovery's heat 
shield as it did a back flip beneath the station to look for any damage 
on the orbiter. "A fantastic view to see such a grand vehicle outside 
our window," says ISS flight engineer Jeff Williams. "We completed that 
as planned. We saw nothing out of the ordinary, nothing of interest."

Astronauts Piers Sellers and Mike Fossum began the first spacewalk of 
their mission at 0917 EDT (1317 GMT) on Saturday. During their 6.5-hour 
jaunt outside, they will test whether a 15-metre extension to the 
shuttle robotic arm would be stable enough to use as a work platform to 
repair a damaged heat shield (see Shuttle astronauts will wobble on 
robotic arm).

They will also begin the process of replacing part of the Mobile 
Transporter, a rail car that allows the ISS robotic arm to move the 
length of the station's backbone-like truss (see Astronauts to do 
'heavy' lifting on spacewalks).

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