Hi all,

Why are locked users can log in via the API? Would have expected that the
users get back the status blocked. It says so in any case in the
documentation. I have a standard SVN installation without extensions or
other modifications. Can anyone confirm this? Below the query and the result
comes from unit testing. It looks like get, but in reality it is a post

<?xml version="1.0"?><api xmlns="http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/api/";><login
result="Success" lguserid="3" lgusername="Unittesting02"
lgtoken="ef8fc0d6e4f463e3b2c8d1716d306f5f" cookieprefix="mw_ut_19a"
sessionid="2bce1ed6a491fe957894bab610b77ae4" /></api>

The user is really blocked, like the log says.

12:01, 3. Jun. 2011     Unittesting02 (Diskussion | Beiträge)   unbegrenzt
(Freigeben | Sperre ändern)     Sysadmin (Diskussion | Beiträge | Sperren)
Erstellung von Benutzerkonten gesperrt, darf eigene Diskussionsseite nicht
bearbeiten      (Ungebührliches Verhalten)

I forgot to configure something or is this by design and the documentation
is wrong?

Best regards 
- xarax -

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