On 09/02/12 18:19, Amgine wrote:
> Most of the php bot frameworks, including some which are heavily used on
> en.WP, use serialized php.
> I do not believe MW should make such a decision due to IE being a
> poorly-behaved browser, this being the only argument presented.
> Amgine

- The long deprecation should be done for any format being deprecated.
- I don't think we should drop php format.
- The IE-only problems could be addressed by banning (403) those formats
for IE User-Agents. Api queries aren't tipically cached, so no cache
duplication problem there, the rule can be duplicated in the squids too,
to ensure a IE query never arrives to the apaches.
Possible concern: some winsock libraries would use the windows default
user-agent (IE), although it's likely very low, and for those formats
even much more, and we discourage not using a custom UA, even if they
are unaware they should do it.

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