Hello all,

There's been a fair amount of discussion on the wikitech-l list about
oauth, but I realized some people may be here that are not on that list so
I'm cross-posting. Since api users are probably one of the most likely
groups to use oauth, I wanted to make sure everyone here had a chance to
give input on the requirements.

We're collecting user stories here:
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OAuth/User_stories, and hoping to compile a
list of requirements and priorities before the Berlin hackathon. So if you
see any uses that are missing from that list, please add it. Or vote for
any use cases there that are similar to cases you would use. If you have
any projects currently that you would like to use oauth with, please post
as many details as possible, so we make sure that the implementation covers
as many use cases as we can.

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