On 04/06/12 15:50, nguyenkim thuat wrote:
> Hi,
> When deleting a file attachment via the Mediawiki::API->edit, how to get
> the revision number at that moment?
> For example, when i upload a file, i can find it by the query:
>   *# Find the number of revision of the page which has the id="$id"*
> * /my $query = {
>                         action => 'query',
>                         prop => 'revisions',
>                         rvprop => 'ids',
>                         pageids => $id,
>                 };
>                 my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
>   ..........................................................................
> /
> *But, when deleting a file, we can't use this mechanism. I wonder if the
> API support a function to get this number of revision?
> Thanks.

Files don't have a revision number.
You seem to be checking the revision of the description page of a file.

Or by "deleting a file attachment" you mean "edit the page to change
text"? (which incidentally happens to remove an image from it)

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