On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Prunka, Sean <prun...@battelle.org> wrote:
> Our wiki (running 1.15.3) has a requirement to be logged in to view any
> pages other than login and the Main_Page.
> By default this extends to the API, but I’m having trouble understanding how
> to do the logins from an external PHP app w/ fopen. (can’t get the cookies
> set up.)
> (We cannot use Snoopy, and the mangmt would prefer to not use cURL.)
> I am allowed to allow API calls w/o a login, given that our environment is
> closed, and not accessible to (or from) the Internet.
> Is there a way to leave the required login in place for direct visits to our
> wiki, but turn it off for API calls?
> Alternately, is there an example login script for PHP that uses fopen,
> instead of cURL or Snoopy that I could modify for our needs?

If cURL is absolutely not an option, you could accomplish what you're
getting at by using PHP's stream_context_create[0].


[0] http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-context-create.php

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