Gerrit Patch Uploader has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: scripts/ Patch set 3

scripts/ Patch set 3

Change-Id: I9ca2d53f887bd96c2e9dd2c0723a3276c31669d1
1 file changed, 493 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f84a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
+Script to delete files that are also present on Wikimedia Commons on a local
+wiki. Do not run this script on Wikimedia Commons itself. It works based on
+a given array of templates defined below.
+Files are downloaded and compared. If the files match, it can be deleted on
+the source wiki. If multiple versions of the file exist, the script will not
+delete. If the MD5 comparison is not equal, the script will not delete.
+A sysop account on the local wiki is required if you want all features of
+this script to work properly.
+This script understands various command-line arguments:
+    -autonomous:    run automatically, do not ask any questions. All files
+                    that qualify for deletion are deleted. Reduced screen
+                    output.
+    -replace:       replace links if the files are equal and the file names
+                    differ
+    -replacealways: replace links if the files are equal and the file names
+                    differ without asking for confirmation
+    -replaceloose:  Do loose replacements.  This will replace all occurences
+                    of the name of the image (and not just explicit image
+                    syntax).  This should work to catch all instances of the
+                    file, including where it is used as a template parameter
+                    or in galleries.  However, it can also make more
+                    mistakes.
+    -replaceonly:   Use this if you do not have a local sysop account, but do
+                    wish to replace links from the NowCommons template.
+    -hash:          Use the hash to identify the images that are the same. It
+                    doesn't work always, so the bot opens two tabs to let to
+                    the user to check if the images are equal or not.
+-- Example --
+python -replaceonly -hash -replace -replaceloose -replacealways
+-- Known issues --
+Please fix these if you are capable and motivated:
+- if a file marked nowcommons is not present on Wikimedia Commons, the bot
+  will exit.
+# (C) Wikipedian, 2006-2007
+# (C) Siebrand Mazeland, 2007-2008
+# (C) xqt, 2010-2012
+# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2006-2013
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+__version__ = '$Id$'
+import sys
+import re
+import webbrowser
+import urllib
+import pywikibot
+from pywikibot import i18n
+from pywikibot import pagegenerators as pg
+import image
+# only for nowCommonsMessage
+# from imagetransfer import nowCommonsMessage
+# nowCommonsMessage defined on line #163
+# taken from (compat)
+nowCommons = {
+    '_default': [
+        u'NowCommons'
+    ],
+    'ar': [
+        u'الآن كومنز',
+        u'الآن كومونز',
+    ],
+    'de': [
+        u'NowCommons',
+        u'NC',
+        u'NCT',
+        u'Nowcommons',
+        u'NowCommons/Mängel',
+        u'NowCommons-Überprüft',
+    ],
+    'en': [
+        u'NowCommons',
+        u'Ncd',
+    ],
+    'eo': [
+        u'Nun en komunejo',
+        u'NowCommons',
+    ],
+    'fa': [
+        u'موجود در انبار',
+        u'NowCommons',
+    ],
+    'fr': [
+        u'Image sur Commons',
+        u'DoublonCommons',
+        u'Déjà sur Commons',
+        u'Maintenant sur commons',
+        u'Désormais sur Commons',
+        u'NC',
+        u'NowCommons',
+        u'Nowcommons',
+        u'Sharedupload',
+        u'Sur Commons',
+        u'Sur Commons2',
+    ],
+    'he': [
+        u'גם בוויקישיתוף'
+    ],
+    'hu': [
+        u'Azonnali-commons',
+        u'NowCommons',
+        u'Nowcommons',
+        u'NC'
+    ],
+    'ia': [
+        u'OraInCommons'
+    ],
+    'it': [
+        u'NowCommons',
+    ],
+    'ja': [
+        u'NowCommons',
+    ],
+    'ko': [
+        u'NowCommons',
+        u'공용중복',
+        u'공용 중복',
+        u'Nowcommons',
+    ],
+    'nds-nl': [
+        u'NoenCommons',
+        u'NowCommons',
+    ],
+    'nl': [
+        u'NuCommons',
+        u'Nucommons',
+        u'NowCommons',
+        u'Nowcommons',
+        u'NCT',
+        u'Nct',
+    ],
+    'ro': [
+        u'NowCommons'
+    ],
+    'ru': [
+        u'NowCommons',
+        u'NCT',
+        u'Nowcommons',
+        u'Now Commons',
+        u'Db-commons',
+        u'Перенесено на Викисклад',
+        u'На Викискладе',
+    ],
+    'zh': [
+        u'NowCommons',
+        u'Nowcommons',
+        u'NCT',
+    ],
+nowCommonsMessage = {
+    'ar': u'المل٠الآن متوÙر ÙÙŠ ويكيميديا كومنز.',
+    'de': u'Datei ist jetzt auf Wikimedia Commons verfügbar.',
+    'en': u'File is now available on Wikimedia Commons.',
+    'eo': u'Dosiero nun estas havebla en la Wikimedia-Komunejo.',
+    'fa': u'پرونده اکنون در انبار است',
+    'he': u'הקובץ זמין כעת בוויקישיתוף.',
+    'hu': u'A fájl most már elérhető a Wikimedia Commonson',
+    'ia': u'Le file es ora disponibile in Wikimedia Commons.',
+    'ja': u'ファイルã¯ã‚¦ã‚£ã‚­ãƒ¡ãƒ‡ã‚£ã‚¢ãƒ»ã‚³ãƒ¢ãƒ³ã‚ºã«ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™',
+    'it': u'L\'immagine è adesso disponibile su Wikimedia Commons.',
+    'kk': u'Файлды енді Wikimedia Ортаққорынан 
қатынауға болады.',
+    'lt': u'Failas įkeltas į Wikimedia Commons projektą.',
+    'nl': u'Dit bestand staat nu op [[w:nl:Wikimedia Commons|Wikimedia 
+    'pl': u'Plik jest teraz dostępny na Wikimedia Commons.',
+    'pt': u'Arquivo está agora na Wikimedia Commons.',
+    'ru': u'[[ВП:КБУ#Ф8|Ф.8]]: доÑтупно на 
+    'sr': u'Слика је Ñада доÑтупна и на 
Викимедија ОÑтави.',
+    'zh': u'檔案已存在於維基共享資æºã€‚',
+namespaceInTemplate = [
+    'en',
+    'ia',
+    'it',
+    'ja',
+    'ko',
+    'lt',
+    'ro',
+    'zh',
+# Stemma and stub are images not to be deleted (and are a lot) on it.wikipedia
+# if your project has images like that, put the word often used here to skip 
+word_to_skip = {
+    'en': [],
+    'it': ['stemma', 'stub', 'hill40 '],
+#nowCommonsMessage = imagetransfer.nowCommonsMessage
+class NowCommonsDeleteBot:
+    def __init__(self):
+ = pywikibot.getSite()
+        if repr( == 'commons:commons':
+            sys.exit('Do not run this bot on Commons!')
+    def ncTemplates(self):
+        if in nowCommons:
+            return nowCommons[]
+        else:
+            return nowCommons['_default']
+    def useHashGenerator(self):
+        #
+        lang =
+        num_page = 0
+        word_to_skip_translated = i18n.twtranslate(, word_to_skip)
+        images_processed = list()
+        while 1:
+            url = (''
+                   'language=%s&page=%s&filter=') % (lang, num_page)
+            HTML_text =, no_hostname=True)
+            reg = r'<[Aa] href="(?P<urllocal>.*?)">(?P<imagelocal>.*?)</[Aa]> 
+            reg += r'<[Aa] 
href="(?P<urlcommons>*?)" \
+                   >Image:(?P<imagecommons>.*?)</[Aa]> +?</td><td>'
+            regex = re.compile(reg, re.UNICODE)
+            found_something = False
+            change_page = True
+            for x in regex.finditer(HTML_text):
+                found_something = True
+                image_local ='imagelocal')
+                image_commons ='imagecommons')
+                if image_local in images_processed:
+                    continue
+                change_page = False
+                images_processed.append(image_local)
+                # Skip images that have something in the title (useful for
+                image_to_skip = False
+                for word in word_to_skip_translated:
+                    if word.lower() in image_local.lower():
+                        image_to_skip = True
+                if image_to_skip:
+                    continue
+                url_local ='urllocal')
+                url_commons ='urlcommons')
+                pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
+                                 % image_local)
+                pywikibot.output(u'Local: %s\nCommons: %s\n'
+                                 % (url_local, url_commons))
+                result1 =, 0, 1)
+                result2 =, 0, 1)
+                if image_local.split('Image:')[1] == image_commons:
+                    choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(
+                        u'The local and the commons images have the same name, 
+                        ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
+                else:
+                    choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(
+                        u'Are the two images equal?',
+                        ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
+                if choice.lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
+                    yield [image_local, image_commons]
+                else:
+                    continue
+            # The page is dinamically updated, so we may don't need to change 
+            if change_page:
+                num_page += 1
+            # If no image found means that there aren't anymore, break.
+            if not found_something:
+                break
+    def getPageGenerator(self):
+        if use_hash:
+            gen = self.useHashGenerator()
+        else:
+            nowCommonsTemplates = [pywikibot.Page(, title,
+                                                  defaultNamespace=10)
+                                   for title in self.ncTemplates()]
+            gens = [pg.ReferringPageGenerator(t, followRedirects=True,
+                                              onlyTemplateInclusion=True)
+                    for t in nowCommonsTemplates]
+            gen = pg.CombinedPageGenerator(gens)
+            gen = pg.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(gen, [6])
+            gen = pg.DuplicateFilterPageGenerator(gen)
+            gen = pg.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
+        return gen
+    def findFilenameOnCommons(self, localImagePage):
+        filenameOnCommons = None
+        for templateName, params in localImagePage.templatesWithParams():
+            if templateName in self.ncTemplates():
+                if params == []:
+                    filenameOnCommons = 
+                elif in namespaceInTemplate:
+                    skip = False
+                    filenameOnCommons = None
+                    for par in params:
+                        val = par.split('=')
+                        if len(val) == 1 and not skip:
+                            filenameOnCommons = par[par.index(':') + 1:]
+                            break
+                        if val[0].strip() == '1':
+                            filenameOnCommons = 
val[1].strip()[val[1].strip().index(':') + 1:]
+                            break
+                        skip = True
+                    if not filenameOnCommons:
+                        filenameOnCommons = 
+                else:
+                    val = params[0].split('=')
+                    if len(val) == 1:
+                        filenameOnCommons = params[0].strip()
+                    else:
+                        filenameOnCommons = val[1].strip()
+                return filenameOnCommons
+    # Function stolen from and modified. Really needed?
+    def urlname(self, talk_page):
+        """The name of the page this Page refers to, in a form suitable for the
+        URL of the page.
+        """
+        title = talk_page.replace(" ", "_")
+        encodedTitle = title.encode(
+        return urllib.quote(encodedTitle)
+    def run(self):
+        commons = pywikibot.getSite('commons', 'commons')
+        comment = i18n.twtranslate(, nowCommonsMessage)
+        for page in self.getPageGenerator():
+            if use_hash:
+                # Page -> Has the namespace | commons image -> Not
+                images_list = page    # 0 -> local image, 1 -> commons image
+                page = pywikibot.Page(, images_list[0])
+            else:
+                # If use_hash is true, we have already print this before, no 
+                # Show the title of the page we're working on.
+                # Highlight the title in purple.
+                pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
+                                 % page.title())
+            try:
+                localImagePage = pywikibot.ImagePage(, page.title())
+                if localImagePage.fileIsOnCommons():
+                    pywikibot.output(u'File is already on Commons.')
+                    continue
+                md5 = localImagePage.getFileMd5Sum()
+                if use_hash:
+                    filenameOnCommons = images_list[1]
+                else:
+                    filenameOnCommons = self.findFilenameOnCommons(
+                        localImagePage)
+                if not filenameOnCommons and not use_hash:
+                    pywikibot.output(u'NowCommons template not found.')
+                    continue
+                commonsImagePage = pywikibot.ImagePage(commons, 'Image:%s'
+                                                       % filenameOnCommons)
+                if localImagePage.title(withNamespace=False) == \
+                 commonsImagePage.title(withNamespace=False) and use_hash:
+                    pywikibot.output(
+                        u'The local and the commons images have the same name')
+                if localImagePage.title(withNamespace=False) != \
+                 commonsImagePage.title(withNamespace=False):
+                    usingPages = list(localImagePage.usingPages())
+                    if usingPages and usingPages != [localImagePage]:
+                        pywikibot.output(
+                            u'\"\03{lightred}%s\03{default}\" is still used in 
%i pages.'
+                            % (localImagePage.title(withNamespace=False),
+                               len(usingPages)))
+                        if replace is True:
+                                pywikibot.output(
+                                    u'Replacing 
\"\03{lightred}%s\03{default}\" by \
+                                    \"\03{lightgreen}%s\03{default}\".'
+                                    % 
+                                oImageRobot = image.ImageRobot(
+                                    pg.FileLinksGenerator(localImagePage),
+                                    localImagePage.title(withNamespace=False),
+                                    '', replacealways, replaceloose)
+                                # If the image is used with the urlname the
+                                # previous function won't work
+                                if len(list(pywikibot.ImagePage(,
page.title()).usingPages())) > 0 and \
+                                                                replaceloose:
+                                    oImageRobot = image.ImageRobot(
+                                        pg.FileLinksGenerator(
+                                            localImagePage),
+                                        self.urlname(
+                                            localImagePage.title(
+                                                withNamespace=False)),
+                                        commonsImagePage.title(
+                                            withNamespace=False),
+                                        '', replacealways, replaceloose)
+                                # refresh because we want the updated list
+                                usingPages = len(list(pywikibot.ImagePage(
+                          , page.title()).usingPages()))
+                                if usingPages > 0 and use_hash:
+                                    # just an enter
+                                    pywikibot.input(
+                                        u'There are still %s pages with this \
+                                        image, confirm the manual removal from 
them please.'
+                                        % usingPages)
+                        else:
+                            pywikibot.output(u'Please change them manually.')
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        pywikibot.output(
+                            u'No page is using 
\"\03{lightgreen}%s\03{default}\" anymore.'
+                            % localImagePage.title(withNamespace=False))
+                commonsText = commonsImagePage.get()
+                if replaceonly is False:
+                    if md5 == commonsImagePage.getFileMd5Sum():
+                        pywikibot.output(
+                            u'The image is identical to the one on Commons.')
+                        if len(localImagePage.getFileVersionHistory()) > 1 and 
not use_hash:
+                            pywikibot.output(
+                                u"This image has a version history. Please \
+                                delete it manually after making sure that the \
+                                old versions are not worth keeping.""")
+                            continue
+                        if autonomous is False:
+                            pywikibot.output(
+                                u'\n\n>>>> Description on 
\03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<<\n'
+                                % page.title())
+                            pywikibot.output(localImagePage.get())
+                            pywikibot.output(
+                                u'\n\n>>>> Description on 
\03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<<\n'
+                                % commonsImagePage.title())
+                            pywikibot.output(commonsText)
+                            choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(u'Does the 
description \
+                                    on Commons contain all required source and 
+                                    u'information?',
+                                    ['yes', 'no'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
+                            if choice.lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
+                                localImagePage.delete(
+                                    comment + ' [[:commons:Image:%s]]'
+                                    % filenameOnCommons, prompt=False)
+                        else:
+                            localImagePage.delete(
+                                comment + ' [[:commons:Image:%s]]'
+                                % filenameOnCommons, prompt=False)
+                    else:
+                        pywikibot.output(
+                            u'The image is not identical to the one on 
+            except (pywikibot.NoPage, pywikibot.IsRedirectPage), e:
+                pywikibot.output(u'%s' % e[0])
+                continue
+def main():
+    global autonomous
+    global replace, replacealways, replaceloose, replaceonly
+    global use_hash
+    autonomous = False
+    replace = False
+    replacealways = False
+    replaceloose = False
+    replaceonly = False
+    use_hash = False
+    for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs():
+        if arg == '-autonomous':
+            autonomous = True
+        if arg == '-replace':
+            replace = True
+        if arg == '-replacealways':
+            replace = True
+            replacealways = True
+        if arg == '-replaceloose':
+            replaceloose = True
+        if arg == '-replaceonly':
+            replaceonly = True
+        if arg == '-hash':
+            use_hash = True
+    bot = NowCommonsDeleteBot()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        main()
+    finally:
+        pywikibot.stopme()

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I9ca2d53f887bd96c2e9dd2c0723a3276c31669d1
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Gerrit Patch Uploader <>

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