Faidon Liambotis has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: tcpircbot: tabs to spaces

tcpircbot: tabs to spaces

Change-Id: Id5b1e9e724e489d75804ec81338c3f747bc77daa
M modules/tcpircbot/manifests/init.pp
M modules/tcpircbot/manifests/instance.pp
2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

  Faidon Liambotis: Looks good to me, approved
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/modules/tcpircbot/manifests/init.pp 
index a3429f1..d5dcf4f 100644
--- a/modules/tcpircbot/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/modules/tcpircbot/manifests/init.pp
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 # === Examples
 # The following snippet will configure a bot nicknamed 'announcebot' that will
-# sit on #wikimedia-operations on Freenode and forward messages that come in 
-# private and loopback IPs on port 9200:
+# sit on #wikimedia-operations on Freenode and forward messages that come in
+#from private and loopback IPs on port 9200:
 #   include tcpircbot
@@ -32,36 +32,36 @@
 #   }
 class tcpircbot (
-       $user        = 'tcpircbot',
-       $group       = 'tcpircbot',
-       $dir         = '/srv/tcpircbot',
+    $user        = 'tcpircbot',
+    $group       = 'tcpircbot',
+    $dir         = '/srv/tcpircbot',
 ) {
-       package { [ 'python-irclib', 'python-netaddr' ]:
-               ensure => present,
-       }
+    package { [ 'python-irclib', 'python-netaddr' ]:
+        ensure => present,
+    }
-       if ! defined(Group[$group]) {
-               group { $group:
-                       ensure => present,
-               }
-       }
+    if ! defined(Group[$group]) {
+        group { $group:
+            ensure => present,
+        }
+    }
-       if ! defined(User[$user]) {
-               user { $user:
-                       ensure     => present,
-                       gid        => $group,
-                       shell      => '/bin/false',
-                       home       => $dir,
-                       managehome => true,
-                       system     => true,
-               }
-       }
+    if ! defined(User[$user]) {
+        user { $user:
+            ensure     => present,
+            gid        => $group,
+            shell      => '/bin/false',
+            home       => $dir,
+            managehome => true,
+            system     => true,
+        }
+    }
-       file { "${dir}/tcpircbot.py":
-               ensure => present,
-               source => 'puppet:///modules/tcpircbot/tcpircbot.py',
-               owner  => $user,
-               group  => $group,
-               mode   => '0555',
-       }
+    file { "${dir}/tcpircbot.py":
+        ensure => present,
+        source => 'puppet:///modules/tcpircbot/tcpircbot.py',
+        owner  => $user,
+        group  => $group,
+        mode   => '0555',
+    }
diff --git a/modules/tcpircbot/manifests/instance.pp 
index ccff091..b96a116 100644
--- a/modules/tcpircbot/manifests/instance.pp
+++ b/modules/tcpircbot/manifests/instance.pp
@@ -53,41 +53,41 @@
 #   }
 define tcpircbot::instance(
-       $channel,
-       $password,
-       $nickname    = $title,
-       $server_host = 'chat.freenode.net',
-       $server_port = 7000,
-       $cidr        = undef,
-       $ssl         = true,
-       $max_clients = 5,
-       $listen_port = 9200,
+    $channel,
+    $password,
+    $nickname    = $title,
+    $server_host = 'chat.freenode.net',
+    $server_port = 7000,
+    $cidr        = undef,
+    $ssl         = true,
+    $max_clients = 5,
+    $listen_port = 9200,
 ) {
-       include tcpircbot
+    include tcpircbot
-       file { "${tcpircbot::dir}/${title}.json":
-               ensure  => present,
-               content => template('tcpircbot/tcpircbot.json.erb'),
-               require => User[$tcpircbot::user],
-       }
+    file { "${tcpircbot::dir}/${title}.json":
+        ensure  => present,
+        content => template('tcpircbot/tcpircbot.json.erb'),
+        require => User[$tcpircbot::user],
+    }
-       file { "/etc/init/tcpircbot-${title}.conf":
-               ensure  => present,
-               content => template('tcpircbot/tcpircbot.conf.erb'),
-       }
+    file { "/etc/init/tcpircbot-${title}.conf":
+        ensure  => present,
+        content => template('tcpircbot/tcpircbot.conf.erb'),
+    }
-       file { "/etc/init.d/tcpircbot-${title}":
-               ensure => link,
-               target => '/lib/init/upstart-job',
-       }
+    file { "/etc/init.d/tcpircbot-${title}":
+        ensure => link,
+        target => '/lib/init/upstart-job',
+    }
-       service { "tcpircbot-${title}":
-               ensure    => running,
-               provider  => 'upstart',
-               subscribe => File["/etc/init/tcpircbot-${title}.conf"],
-               require   => [
-                       Package['python-irclib'],
-                       File["${tcpircbot::dir}/${title}.json"],
-               ],
-       }
+    service { "tcpircbot-${title}":
+        ensure    => running,
+        provider  => 'upstart',
+        subscribe => File["/etc/init/tcpircbot-${title}.conf"],
+        require   => [
+            Package['python-irclib'],
+            File["${tcpircbot::dir}/${title}.json"],
+        ],
+    }

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: Id5b1e9e724e489d75804ec81338c3f747bc77daa
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Matanya <mata...@foss.co.il>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Akosiaris <akosia...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Andrew Bogott <abog...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Dzahn <dz...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Faidon Liambotis <fai...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot

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