Ryan Lane has uploaded a new change for review.


Change subject: Deployment module changes for trebuchet-trigger

Deployment module changes for trebuchet-trigger

Change-Id: I4f736f833e85498acddda60f4ea3a8797f44672b
M manifests/role/deployment.pp
D modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/dependencies/l10nupdate-quick
D modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/hooks/depends.py
D modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/hooks/deploylib.py
D modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/hooks/shared.py
M modules/deployment/files/modules/deploy.py
M modules/deployment/manifests/deployment_server.pp
D modules/deployment/templates/git-deploy/git-deploy.conf.erb
D modules/deployment/templates/git-deploy/gitconfig.erb
D modules/deployment/templates/git-deploy/gitignore.erb
10 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 508 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/operations/puppet 

diff --git a/manifests/role/deployment.pp b/manifests/role/deployment.pp
index 30e0967..7f483a6 100644
--- a/manifests/role/deployment.pp
+++ b/manifests/role/deployment.pp
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
     vhost_name         => "",
     port               => 80,
     docroot            => "/srv/deployment",
-    docroot_owner      => "sartoris",
+    docroot_owner      => "trebuchet",
     docroot_group      => "wikidev",
     docroot_dir_allows  => ["","",""],
     serveradmin                => "n...@wikimedia.org",
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
     vhost_name         => "",
     port               => 80,
     docroot            => "/srv/deployment",
-    docroot_owner      => "sartoris",
+    docroot_owner      => "trebuchet",
     docroot_group      => "project-deployment-prep",
     docroot_dir_allows  => [""],
     serveradmin                => "n...@wikimedia.org",
diff --git a/modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/dependencies/l10nupdate-quick 
deleted file mode 100755
index 45e17ae..0000000
--- a/modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/dependencies/l10nupdate-quick
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-. /usr/local/lib/mw-deployment-vars.sh
-umask 0002
-echo "Starting l10nupdate-quick at `date`."
-mwVerDbSets=$($BINDIR/mwversionsinuse --withdb)
-if [ -z "$mwVerDbSets" ]; then
-       echo "Obtaining MediaWiki version list FAILED"
-       exit 1
-# Update l10n cache
-for i in ${mwVerDbSets[@]}
-       mwVerNum=${i%=*}
-       mwDbName=${i#*=}
-        slot=`basename "$(readlink -e $MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum)"`
-       if [ ! -z "$1" -a "$1" != "$slot" ]
-       then
-               continue
-       fi
-       if [ ! -d "$MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum" ]
-               then
-               echo "Update for $mwVerNum failed: $MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum 
does not exist"
-               continue
-       fi
-       cd $MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum
-       git deploy start
-       set +e
-       FAILMSG=""
-       trap "{
-               echo Cleaning up after signal
-               git clean -d -f
-               git reset --hard
-               git deploy abort
-               exit 255
-       if [ ! -d "$MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum/cache" ]
-               then
-               mkdir $MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum/cache
-       fi
-       if [ ! -e "$MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum/ExtensionMessages.php" ]
-               then
-               touch $MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum/ExtensionMessages.php
-       fi
-       if [ ! -e "$MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum/cache/l10n_cache-en.cdb" ]
-               then
-               echo "Building initial localisation cache for $mwVerNum (on 
-               if $BINDIR/mwscript rebuildLocalisationCache.php 
--wiki="$mwDbName" \
-                       --outdir=$MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum/cache \
-                       --threads=12
-               then
-                       true
-               else
-                       FAILMSG="Localisation cache build failed"
-               fi
-       fi
-       if [ -z "$FAILMSG" ]
-       then
-               echo "Updating ExtensionMessages.php for $mwVerNum (on 
-               if $BINDIR/mwscript mergeMessageFileList.php --wiki="$mwDbName" 
-                       --list-file=$MW_COMMON/wmf-config/extension-list \
-                       --output=$MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum/ExtensionMessages.php
-               then
-                       true
-               else
-                       FAILMSG="ExtensionMessages update failed"
-               fi
-       fi
-       if [ -z "$FAILMSG" ]
-       then
-               echo "Rebuilding localisation cache for $mwVerNum (on 
-               if $BINDIR/mwscript rebuildLocalisationCache.php 
--wiki="$mwDbName" \
-                       --outdir=$MW_COMMON/l10n-$mwVerNum/cache \
-                       --threads=12
-               then
-                       true
-               else
-                       FAILMSG="Localisation cache rebuild failed"
-               fi
-       fi
-       if [ -z "$FAILMSG" ]
-       then
-               git add ExtensionMessages.php cache
-               if git status --porcelain | grep -q '^[MADRC]'
-               then
-                       echo "Deploying change to localisation for $mwVerNum 
(on $mwDbName)"
-                       git commit -m "Update localisation cache for $mwVerNum"
-                       git deploy sync
-               else
-                       echo "No change to localisation for $mwVerNum (on 
-                       git clean -d -f
-                       git reset --hard
-                       git deploy abort
-               fi
-       else
-               echo "$FAILMSG"
-               git clean -d -f
-               git reset --hard
-               git deploy abort
-       fi
-       trap "" SIGINT SIGTERM
-       set -e
diff --git a/modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/hooks/depends.py 
deleted file mode 100644
index aecd43a..0000000
--- a/modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/hooks/depends.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import deploylib
-def main():
-    prefix = os.environ['DEPLOY_ROLLOUT_PREFIX']
-    tag = os.environ['DEPLOY_ROLLOUT_TAG']
-    force = os.environ['DEPLOY_FORCE']
-    #TODO: Use this message to notify IRC
-    #msg = os.environ['DEPLOY_DEPLOY_TEXT']
-    prefixlib = deploylib.DeployLib(prefix)
-    prefixlib.update_repos(tag)
-    # In general, for dependent repos, the parent repo is handling
-    # fetch and checkout. Some dependent repos also update outside
-    # of their parent repos. If the repo forces a sync, then we should
-    # handle it.
-    if force:
-        prefixlib.fetch()
-        prefixlib.checkout("True")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/hooks/deploylib.py 
deleted file mode 100755
index b82f136..0000000
--- a/modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/hooks/deploylib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import subprocess
-import json
-class DeployLib(object):
-    __config = {}
-    def __init__(self, prefix):
-        self.__fetch_config(prefix)
-    def __fetch_config(self, prefix):
-        print "Running: sudo salt-call -l quiet --out json pillar.data"
-        p = subprocess.Popen("sudo salt-call -l quiet --out json pillar.data",
-                             shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-        out = p.communicate()[0]
-        try:
-            pillar = json.loads(out)
-            if 'local' in pillar:
-                pillar = pillar['local']
-            try:
-                repo_config = pillar['repo_config'][prefix]
-                parent_dir = pillar['deployment_config']['parent_dir']
-            except KeyError:
-                print ("Missing configuration for repo. "
-                       "Have you added it in puppet? Exiting.")
-                return False
-            options = {'location': '{0}/{1}'.format(parent_dir,
-                                                    prefix),
-                       'automated': False,
-                       'checkout_submodules': False,
-                       'dependencies': {}}
-            for option, default in options.items():
-                try:
-                    self.__config[option] = repo_config[option]
-                except KeyError:
-                    self.__config[option] = default
-            self.__config['prefix'] = prefix
-            return True
-        except ValueError:
-            print ("JSON data wasn't loaded from the pillar call. "
-                   "git-deploy can't configure itself. Exiting.")
-            return False
-    def get_config(self):
-        return self.__config
-    def update_repos(self, tag):
-        repodir = self.__config['location']
-        checkout_submodules = self.__config['checkout_submodules']
-        # Ensure the fetch will work for the repo
-        p = subprocess.Popen('git update-server-info',
-                             cwd=repodir + '/.git/', shell=True,
-                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-        err = p.communicate()[0]
-        if err:
-            print err
-        # Ensure the fetch will work for the submodules
-        if checkout_submodules:
-            cmd = 'git submodule foreach --recursive "git tag {0}"'.format(tag)
-            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=repodir, shell=True,
-                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-            out = p.communicate()[0]
-            p = subprocess.Popen('git submodule foreach --recursive '
-                                 '"submodule-update-server-info"',
-                                 cwd=repodir, shell=True,
-                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-            out = p.communicate()[0]
-    def run_dependencies(self):
-        # Ensure repos we depend on are handled
-        dependencies = self.__config['dependencies']
-        for dependency, script in dependencies.items():
-            dependency_script = ('/var/lib/git-deploy/dependencies/%s' %
-                                 (script))
-            if os.path.exists(dependency_script):
-                dependency_script = (dependency_script + " %s %s" %
-                                     (dependency, self.__config['prefix']))
-                p = subprocess.Popen(dependency_script, shell=True,
-                                     stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-                out = p.communicate()[0]
-                print out
-            else:
-                print ("Error: script for dependency '%s' is missing. "
-                       "Have you added it in puppet? Exiting." %
-                       dependency_script)
-                return 1
-    def fetch(self):
-        prefix = self.__config['prefix']
-        print ("Running: sudo salt-call -l quiet publish.runner "
-               "deploy.fetch '%s'" % (prefix))
-        p = subprocess.Popen("sudo salt-call -l quiet publish.runner "
-                             "deploy.fetch '%s'" % (prefix),
-                             shell=True,
-                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-        out = p.communicate()[0]
-    def checkout(self, force):
-        prefix = self.__config['prefix']
-        print ("Running: sudo salt-call -l quiet publish.runner "
-               "deploy.checkout '%s,%s'" % (prefix, force))
-        p = subprocess.Popen("sudo salt-call -l quiet publish.runner "
-                             "deploy.checkout '%s,%s'" % (prefix, force),
-                             shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-        out = p.communicate()[0]
-    def ask(self, stage, force=False):
-        prefix = self.__config['prefix']
-        if stage == "fetch":
-            check = "/usr/local/bin/deploy-info --repo=%s --fetch"
-        elif stage == "checkout":
-            check = "/usr/local/bin/deploy-info --repo=%s"
-        p = subprocess.Popen(check % (prefix), shell=True,
-                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-        out = p.communicate()[0]
-        print out
-        while True:
-            answer = raw_input("Continue? ([d]etailed/[C]oncise report,"
-                               "[y]es,[n]o,[r]etry): ")
-            if not answer or answer == "c" or answer == "C":
-                p = subprocess.Popen(check % (prefix), shell=True,
-                                     stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-                out = p.communicate()[0]
-                print out
-            elif answer == "d" or answer == "D":
-                p = subprocess.Popen(check % (prefix) + " --detailed",
-                                     shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-                out = p.communicate()[0]
-                print out
-            elif answer == "Y" or answer == "y":
-                return True
-            elif answer == "N" or answer == "n":
-                return False
-            elif answer == "R" or answer == "r":
-                if stage == "fetch":
-                    self.fetch()
-                if stage == "checkout":
-                    self.checkout(force)
diff --git a/modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/hooks/shared.py 
deleted file mode 100644
index e1d2ed8..0000000
--- a/modules/deployment/files/git-deploy/hooks/shared.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import redis
-import getpass
-import deploylib
-def main():
-    prefix = os.environ['DEPLOY_ROLLOUT_PREFIX']
-    tag = os.environ['DEPLOY_ROLLOUT_TAG']
-    force = os.environ['DEPLOY_FORCE']
-    if force:
-        force = "True"
-    else:
-        force = "False"
-    prefixlib = deploylib.DeployLib(prefix)
-    config = prefixlib.get_config()
-    if not config:
-        return 1
-    if config['automated']:
-        log = 'automated deployment'
-    else:
-        log = raw_input("Log message: ")
-    serv = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
-    serv.rpush("deploy:log", "!log {0} started synchronizing "
-               "{1} '{2}'".format(getpass.getuser(), tag, log))
-    prefixlib.update_repos(tag)
-    prefixlib.fetch()
-    if not prefixlib.ask('fetch'):
-        return 1
-    prefixlib.run_dependencies()
-    prefixlib.checkout(force)
-    if not prefixlib.ask('checkout', force):
-        return 1
-    serv.rpush("deploy:log", "!log {0} synchronized "
-               "{1} '{2}'".format(getpass.getuser(), tag, log))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/modules/deployment/files/modules/deploy.py 
index 6ec43c9..7362ee2 100644
--- a/modules/deployment/files/modules/deploy.py
+++ b/modules/deployment/files/modules/deploy.py
@@ -90,26 +90,13 @@
 def deployment_server_init():
-    serv = _get_redis_serv()
     is_deployment_server = __grains__.get('deployment_server')
-    hook_dir = __grains__.get('deployment_global_hook_dir')
     if not is_deployment_server:
         return 0
     deploy_user = __grains__.get('deployment_repo_user')
     repo_config = __pillar__.get('repo_config')
     for repo in repo_config:
         config = get_config(repo)
-        repo_sync_dir = '{0}/sync/{1}'.format(hook_dir, os.path.dirname(repo))
-        sync_link = '{0}/{1}.sync'.format(repo_sync_dir,
-                                          os.path.basename(repo))
-        # Create repo sync dir
-        if not __salt__['file.directory_exists'](repo_sync_dir):
-            __salt__['file.mkdir'](repo_sync_dir)
-        # Create repo sync script link
-        if not __salt__['file.file_exists'](sync_link):
-            sync_script = '{0}/sync/{1}'.format(hook_dir,
-                                                config['sync_script'])
-            __salt__['file.symlink'](sync_script, sync_link)
         # Clone repo from upstream or init repo with no upstream
         if not __salt__['file.directory_exists'](config['location'] + '/.git'):
             if config['upstream']:
@@ -124,7 +111,7 @@
             # git clone does ignores umask and does explicit mkdir with 755
             __salt__['file.set_mode'](config['location'], 2775)
             # Set the repo name in the repo's config
-            cmd = 'git config deploy.tag-prefix %s' % repo
+            cmd = 'git config deploy.repo-name %s' % repo
             status = __salt__['cmd.retcode'](cmd, cwd=config['location'],
                                              runas=deploy_user, umask=002)
             if status != 0:
diff --git a/modules/deployment/manifests/deployment_server.pp 
index 69ecb12..67a1b87 100644
--- a/modules/deployment/manifests/deployment_server.pp
+++ b/modules/deployment/manifests/deployment_server.pp
@@ -1,25 +1,4 @@
-class deployment::deployment_server(
-    $deployment_conffile='/etc/git-deploy/git-deploy.conf',
-    $deployment_ignorefile='/etc/git-deploy/gitignore',
-    $deployment_ignores=['.deploy'],
-    $deployment_restrict_umask='002',
-    $deployment_block_file='/etc/ROLLOUTS_BLOCKED',
-    $deployment_support_email='',
-    $deployment_repo_name_detection='dot-git-parent-dir',
-    $deployment_announce_email='',
-    $deployment_send_mail_on_sync=false,
-    $deployment_send_mail_on_revert=false,
-    $deployment_log_directory='/var/log/git-deploy',
-    $deployment_log_timing_data=false,
-    $deployment_git_deploy_dir='/var/lib/git-deploy',
-    $deployment_per_repo_config={},
-    $deployer_groups=[]
-    ) {
-    if ! defined(Package['git-deploy']){
-        package { 'git-deploy':
-            ensure => present;
-        }
-    }
+class deployment::deployment_server($deployer_groups=[]) {
     if ! defined(Package['git-core']){
         package { 'git-core':
             ensure => present;
@@ -30,85 +9,16 @@
             ensure => present;
-    $deployment_global_hook_dir = "${deployment_git_deploy_dir}/hooks"
-    $deployment_dependencies_dir = "${deployment_git_deploy_dir}/dependencies"
-    file { $deployment_global_hook_dir:
-        ensure => directory,
-        mode   => '0555',
-        owner  => 'root',
-        group  => 'root',
+    if ! defined(Package['python-git']){
+        package { 'python-git':
+            ensure => present;
+        }
+    }
+    package { 'trebuchet-trigger':
+        ensure => present;
-    file { $deployment_dependencies_dir:
-        ensure => directory,
-        mode   => '0555',
-        owner  => 'root',
-        group  => 'root',
-    }
-    file { "${$deployment_global_hook_dir}/sync":
-        ensure  => directory,
-        mode    => '0555',
-        owner   => 'root',
-        group   => 'root',
-        require => [File[$deployment_global_hook_dir]],
-    }
-    file { "${$deployment_global_hook_dir}/sync/deploylib.py":
-        source  => 'puppet:///deployment/git-deploy/hooks/deploylib.py',
-        mode    => '0555',
-        owner   => 'root',
-        group   => 'root',
-        require => [File["${$deployment_global_hook_dir}/sync"]],
-    }
-    file { "${$deployment_global_hook_dir}/sync/shared.py":
-        source  => 'puppet:///deployment/git-deploy/hooks/shared.py',
-        mode    => '0555',
-        owner   => 'root',
-        group   => 'root',
-        require => [File["${$deployment_global_hook_dir}/sync"]],
-    }
-    file { "${$deployment_global_hook_dir}/sync/depends.py":
-        source  => 'puppet:///deployment/git-deploy/hooks/depends.py',
-        mode    => '0555',
-        owner   => 'root',
-        group   => 'root',
-        require => [File["${$deployment_global_hook_dir}/sync"]],
-    }
-    file { "${$deployment_dependencies_dir}/l10n":
-        source  => 
-        mode    => '0555',
-        owner   => 'root',
-        group   => 'root',
-        require => [File[$deployment_dependencies_dir]],
-    }
-    file { '/etc/gitconfig':
-        content => template('deployment/git-deploy/gitconfig.erb'),
-        mode    => '0444',
-        owner   => 'root',
-        group   => 'root',
-        require => [Package['git-core']],
-    }
-    file { $deployment_conffile:
-        content => template('deployment/git-deploy/git-deploy.conf.erb'),
-        mode    => '0444',
-        owner   => 'root',
-        group   => 'root',
-    }
-    file { $deployment_ignorefile:
-        content => template('deployment/git-deploy/gitignore.erb'),
-        mode    => '0444',
-        owner   => 'root',
-        group   => 'root',
-    }
+    # Remove when added to trigger
     file { '/usr/local/bin/deploy-info':
         owner   => 'root',
         group   => 'root',
@@ -117,6 +27,7 @@
         require => [Package['python-redis']],
+    # Remove when added to trigger
     file { '/usr/local/bin/service-restart':
         owner  => 'root',
         group  => 'root',
@@ -124,6 +35,7 @@
         source => 'puppet:///deployment/git-deploy/utils/service-restart',
+    # Remove when added to trigger
     file { '/usr/local/bin/submodule-update-server-info':
         owner  => 'root',
         group  => 'root',
@@ -137,20 +49,14 @@
         replace => true,
-    salt::grain { 'deployment_global_hook_dir':
-        grain   => 'deployment_global_hook_dir',
-        value   => $deployment_global_hook_dir,
-        replace => true,
-    }
     salt::grain { 'deployment_repo_user':
         grain   => 'deployment_repo_user',
-        value   => 'sartoris',
+        value   => 'trebuchet',
         replace => true,
-    generic::systemuser { 'sartoris':
-        name   => 'sartoris',
+    generic::systemuser { 'trebuchet':
+        name   => 'trebuchet',
         shell  => '/bin/false',
         home   => '/nonexistent',
         groups => $deployer_groups,
diff --git a/modules/deployment/templates/git-deploy/git-deploy.conf.erb 
deleted file mode 100644
index d9512a2..0000000
--- a/modules/deployment/templates/git-deploy/git-deploy.conf.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-;; Global options
-       ;; Force users to have this umask
-       restrict-umask = <%= deployment_restrict_umask %>
-       ;; If this file exists all rollouts are blocked
-       block-file = <%= deployment_block_file %>
-       ;; E-Mail addresses to complain to when stuff goes wrong
-       <% if deployment_support_email %>support-email = <%= 
deployment_support_email %><% else %>;;support-email = ad...@example.org<% end 
-       ;; What strategy should we use to detect the repo name?
-       repo-name-detection = <%= deployment_repo_name_detection %>
-       ;; Where should the mail configured below go?
-       <% if deployment_announce_email %>announce-mail = <%= 
deployment_announce_email %><% else %>;;announce-mail = admin@examp
-le.org<% end %>
-       ;; When should we send an E-Mail?
-       send-mail-on-sync   = <%= deployment_send_mail_on_sync %>
-       send-mail-on-revert = <%= deployment_send_mail_on_revert %>
-       ;; Where to store the timing information
-       log-directory = <%= deployment_log_directory %>
-       ;; We want timing information
-       log-timing-data = <%= deployment_log_timing_data %>
-       ;; Global hook dir
-       <% if deployment_global_hook_dir %>hook-dir = <%= 
deployment_global_hook_dir %><% else %>;;hoor-dir = /var/lib/git-deploy/hooks<% 
end %>
-;; Per-repo options, keys here override equivalent keys in the
-;; global options
-<% if deployment_per_repo_config %><% deployment_per_repo_config.each do 
|repo, options| %>
-[deploy "repository <%= repo %>"]
-<% options.each do |option, value| %>
-       <%= option %> = <%= value %>
-<% end %><% end %>
-<% end %>
diff --git a/modules/deployment/templates/git-deploy/gitconfig.erb 
deleted file mode 100644
index 48bd6c8..0000000
--- a/modules/deployment/templates/git-deploy/gitconfig.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-       config-file = <%= deployment_conffile %>
-       excludesfile = <%= deployment_ignorefile %>
diff --git a/modules/deployment/templates/git-deploy/gitignore.erb 
deleted file mode 100644
index db6ca81..0000000
--- a/modules/deployment/templates/git-deploy/gitignore.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<% deployment_ignores.each do |deployment_ignore| %>
-<%= deployment_ignore %>
-<% end %>

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I4f736f833e85498acddda60f4ea3a8797f44672b
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Ryan Lane <rl...@wikimedia.org>

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