Jkrauska has uploaded a new change for review.


Change subject: Initial commit of pmacct module and role

Initial commit of pmacct module and role

Change-Id: I44f02a7911ac8f596f78ea0a6ae5a61c72e75e5c
A manifests/role/pmacct.pp
A modules/pmacct/README.txt
A modules/pmacct/manifests/configs.pp
A modules/pmacct/manifests/init.pp
A modules/pmacct/manifests/install.pp
A modules/pmacct/templates/config.erb
6 files changed, 337 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/operations/puppet 

diff --git a/manifests/role/pmacct.pp b/manifests/role/pmacct.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d52370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/role/pmacct.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# manifests/role/pmacct.pp
+class role::pmacct {
+    system::role { 'role::pmacct':
+      description => '(network monitoring) flow accounting ' }
+    $db_host = '127.0.01'
+    $db_name = 'pmacct'
+    $db_user = 'pmacct'
+    $db_pass = 'pmacct'
+    # Behave differently in labs from production
+    case $::realm {
+        'labs': {
+            $agents = {
+                # tpa - as65001
+                cr1-sdtpa => {
+                    port       => '6001',
+                    ip         => '',
+                    samplerate => '200',
+                    },
+                testing  => {
+                    port       => '123',
+                    ip         => '',
+                    samplerate => '123',
+                    },
+                } # end of agents
+        }
+        'production': {
+            $agents = {
+                # tpa - as65001
+                cr1-sdtpa => {
+                    port       => '6511',
+                    ip         => '',
+                    samplerate => '200',
+                },
+                # Currently running old JunOS and will not sample correctly
+                #cr2-pmtpa => {
+                    #port       => '6512',
+                    #ip         => '',
+                    #samplerate => '1000',
+                    #},
+                # eqiad - as65002
+                cr1-eqiad => {
+                    port       => '6521',
+                    ip         => '',
+                    samplerate => '1000',
+                },
+                cr2-eqiad => {
+                    port       => '6522',
+                    ip         => '',
+                    samplerate => '1000',
+                },
+                # ulsfo - as65003
+                cr1-ulsfo => {
+                    port       => '6531',
+                    ip         => '',
+                    samplerate => '1000',
+                },
+                cr2-ulsfo => {
+                    port       => '6532',
+                    ip         => '',
+                    samplerate => '1000',
+                },
+                # ams - as43821
+                cr1-esams => {
+                    port       => '4381',
+                    ip         => '',
+                    samplerate => '1000',
+                },
+                cr2-knams => {
+                    port       => '4382',
+                    ip         => '',
+                    samplerate => '1000',
+                }
+                } # end of agents
+        }
+        default: {
+            fail('unknown realm, should be labs or production')
+        }
+    }
+    # module
+    class { '::pmacct':
+        agents => $agents,
+    }
diff --git a/modules/pmacct/README.txt b/modules/pmacct/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c303a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pmacct/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# mysql schema is also necessary -- documenting here
+#drop database if exists pmacct;
+#create database pmacct;
+use pmacct;
+drop table if exists traffic_by_asn;
+create table if not exists traffic_by_asn (
+        agent_id INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+        as_dst INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       as_path CHAR(21) NOT NULL,
+       peer_as_dst INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+        packets INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       stamp_inserted DATETIME NOT NULL,
+       stamp_updated DATETIME,
+       PRIMARY KEY (agent_id, as_dst, as_path, peer_as_dst, stamp_inserted)
+drop table if exists traffic_by_country;
+create table if not exists traffic_by_country (
+       agent_id INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       country_ip_dst CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
+       packets INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       stamp_inserted DATETIME NOT NULL,
+       stamp_updated DATETIME,
+       PRIMARY KEY (agent_id, country_ip_dst, stamp_inserted)
+drop table if exists traffic_by_sourceport;
+create table if not exists traffic_by_sourceport  (
+       agent_id INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       src_port INT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       packets INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       stamp_inserted DATETIME NOT NULL,
+       stamp_updated DATETIME,
+       PRIMARY KEY (agent_id, src_port, stamp_inserted)
+drop table if exists traffic_by_interface;
+create table if not exists traffic_by_interface  (
+       agent_id INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       iface_out INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       packets INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       stamp_inserted DATETIME NOT NULL,
+       stamp_updated DATETIME,
+       PRIMARY KEY (agent_id, iface_out, stamp_inserted)
+drop table if exists traffic_by_sourceip;
+create table if not exists traffic_by_sourceip  (
+       agent_id INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       ip_src CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
+       packets INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+       stamp_inserted DATETIME NOT NULL,
+       stamp_updated DATETIME,
+       PRIMARY KEY (agent_id, ip_src, stamp_inserted)
diff --git a/modules/pmacct/manifests/configs.pp 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab9938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pmacct/manifests/configs.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# pmacct::makeconfig
+# Generates a unique config file per device and pretag file.
+define pmacct::configs ($name, $port, $ip, $samplerate) {
+    # Single confile file per device
+    file { "${pmacct::home}/configs/config-${name}.cfg":
+        ensure  => 'file',
+        owner   => 'pmacct',
+        group   => 'pmacct',
+        mode    => '0640',
+        content => template('pmacct/config.erb'),
+        require => File [ "${pmacct::home}/configs" ],
+    }
+    # Populate pretag file
+    file_line { "Port ${port}":
+      line => "set_tag=${port} ip=${ip}",
+      path => "${pmacct::home}/configs/pretag.map",
+    }
+    # Corresponding ferm rule for firewall redirect
+    ferm::rule {"${name}-BGP":
+        rule  => "proto tcp dport 179 source ${ip} REDIRECT to-ports ${port}",
+        table => 'nat',
+        chain => 'PREROUTING',
+    }
diff --git a/modules/pmacct/manifests/init.pp b/modules/pmacct/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19474f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pmacct/manifests/init.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Class: pmacct
+# This installs and mangages pmacct configuraiton
+# http://www.pmacct.net/
+# Will initially be added to node 'netmon1001'
+class pmacct ($agents) {
+    # Install package and make sure user and directories are set
+    class {'pmacct::install':
+        home => '/srv/pmacct',
+    }
+    # Iterate over the device list to create new configs
+    # FIXME: Review daniel's different method for iterating over a hash..
+    create_resources('pmacct::configs', $agents)
+    # Iterate over the device list to verify/check iptables redirects
+    # FIXME: ferm (should probably happen in one iterate...
+    # FIXME: make sure services are running (not start/stop scripts)
+    # ...
diff --git a/modules/pmacct/manifests/install.pp 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad287f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pmacct/manifests/install.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Class: pmacct::install
+# This installs and mangages pmacct configuraiton
+# http://www.pmacct.net/
+class pmacct::install ($home) {
+    # Package
+    # Must be built with these configure flags
+    # --enable-mysql --enable-64bit --enable-threads --enable-geoip
+    package { 'pmacct':
+        ensure => installed,
+    }
+    # User creation (not done by package)
+    generic::systemuser { 'pmacct':
+        name  => 'pmacct',
+        home  => $home,
+        shell => '/bin/bash',
+    }
+    # Home directory
+    file { $home:
+        ensure => 'directory',
+        owner  => 'pmacct',
+        group  => 'pmacct',
+        mode   => '0750',
+    }
+    # Log directory
+    file { "${home}/logs":
+        ensure  => 'directory',
+        owner   => 'pmacct',
+        group   => 'pmacct',
+        mode    => '0750',
+        require => File[ $home ],
+    }
+    # Config directory
+    file { "${home}/configs":
+        ensure  => 'directory',
+        owner   => 'pmacct',
+        group   => 'pmacct',
+        mode    => '0750',
+        require => File[ $home ],
+    }
+    # Pretag map file
+    file { "${home}/configs/pretag.map":
+      ensure  => present,
+      owner   => 'pmacct',
+      group   => 'pmacct',
+      mode    => '0640',
+    }
diff --git a/modules/pmacct/templates/config.erb 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32a3430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pmacct/templates/config.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+!# Wikimedia pmacct netflow collector configuration file (one daemon per 
+!# This file is managed by Puppet!
+!# Note: '!' is used for comments, '#' added for better syntax highlighting
+!# Custom configuration made from template for <%= @name %>
+daemonize: true
+syslog: daemon
+pidfile: /var/run/nfacctd-<%= @name %>.pid
+!# Maxmind Country Database
+geoip_ipv4_file: /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat
+!# SQL Settings
+sql_optimize_clauses: true
+sql_refresh_time: 300
+sql_history: 5m
+sql_history_roundoff: m
+!# Tag Mapping to set agent_id in mysql
+pre_tag_map: <%= @home %>/config/pretag.map
+!# Full List of Plugins
+plugins: mysql[country], mysql[port], mysql[iface], mysql[src], mysql[asn]
+!# ASN Aggregation
+aggregate[asn]: tag,dst_as,as_path,peer_dst_as
+sql_table[asn]: traffic_by_asn
+sql_table_type[asn]: bgp
+!# Country Aggregation
+aggregate[country]: tag,dst_host_country
+sql_table[country]: traffic_by_country
+!# Source Port Aggregation
+aggregate[port]: tag,src_port
+sql_table[port]: traffic_by_sourceport
+!# Outbound interface
+aggregate[iface]: tag,out_iface
+sql_table[iface]: traffic_by_interface
+!# Source Host (which VIP)
+aggregate[src]: tag,src_host
+sql_table[src]: traffic_by_sourceip
+!# Netflow UDP Port
+nfacctd_port: <%= @port %>
+!# Disable some warnings due to JunOS bugs
+nfacctd_disable_checks: true
+!# FIXME: Use a map file, which can be relaoded with a SIGUSR2
+!# Correct for sampling rate by upscaling byte counts
+nfacctd_ext_sampling_rate: <%= @samplerate %>
+nfacctd_renormalize: true
+!# BGP Config
+bgp_daemon: true
+bgp_daemon_max_peers: 1
+!# Note:  JunOS does not support custom bgp ports, so we are using iptables 
NAT redirect to accomplish the same locally
+!# eg. iptables --table nat --append PREROUTING --proto tcp --source --dport 179 --jump REDIRECT --to-ports 6001
+!# Using same port number as Flow, but BGP is TCP and Flow is UDP
+bgp_daemon_port: <%= @port %>
+!# Rely on BGP for destination ASN (IPFIX buggy)
+nfacctd_as_new: bgp
+!# Strip as-path to first 3 hops (disabled)
+!bgp_aspath_radius: 3

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I44f02a7911ac8f596f78ea0a6ae5a61c72e75e5c
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Jkrauska <jkrau...@wikimedia.org>

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