jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: Semiautomatically compare and synchronise JS and PHP docs

Semiautomatically compare and synchronise JS and PHP docs

I wrote two Ruby scripts to compare the documentation, reviewed their
output and tweaked all of the files to match as well as possible.

I intend to use them further to generate some data for unit testing.

== docparser.rb ==

A quick documentation parser for our JS and PHP code, mostly
compatible with JSDuck and Doxygen syntaxes we use. Generates a JSON
file containing most of the interesting information for a set of
files. Run with -h for usage instructions and examples.

It has pretty much no error handling, so please write the docs
correctly ;) Some of the syntax errors I found running it are fixed in
previous commit I50fd658b, probably some more in this one.

* Supported keywords: constructor, class, method, property, var,
  event, extends, mixins, param, cfg, return, private, static, ignore
* Unsupported keywords: abstract, inheritable, deprecated, singleton,
  throws, chainable, fires, localdoc, inheritdoc

== doccomparer.rb ==

A quick documentation comparison tool for our JS and PHP code, using
docparser.rb. Generates a pretty-printed comparison of documentation
for two sets of files. Run with -h for usage instructions and examples.

Includes some hacks to lower the number of false positives where JS
and PHP language features, inheritance hierarchy or doc format
capabilities differ. (See #smart_compare_process and

Example output snippet:

  FieldLayout: JS/PHP
        #constructor: MISMATCH
            config: MISMATCH
                help: PHP missing
        onFieldDisable: PHP missing
        onLabelClick: PHP missing
        align: JS missing

So FieldLayout is missing documentation for the 'help' configuration
option in PHP (which is unimplemented right now), several event-handling
methods in PHP, and the 'align' property (we don't have JS non-static
properties documented at all right now).

One notable issue is that having a static and non-static property with
the same name is not handled, and several JS classes depend on that.
We should probably avoid it, as it's not allowed in PHP.

Bug: 72455
Change-Id: If9115dd5ac5dc7fb355abd03bb016a436eb3fca1
A bin/doccomparer.rb
A bin/docparser.rb
M php/OoUiElement.php
M php/OoUiLayout.php
M php/OoUiTheme.php
M php/OoUiWidget.php
M php/elements/OoUiButtonElement.php
M php/elements/OoUiFlaggedElement.php
M php/elements/OoUiGroupElement.php
M php/elements/OoUiIconElement.php
M php/elements/OoUiIndicatorElement.php
M php/elements/OoUiLabelElement.php
M php/elements/OoUiTitledElement.php
M php/layouts/OoUiFieldLayout.php
M php/layouts/OoUiFieldsetLayout.php
M php/layouts/OoUiFormLayout.php
M php/layouts/OoUiGridLayout.php
M php/layouts/OoUiPanelLayout.php
M php/themes/OoUiMediaWikiTheme.php
M php/widgets/OoUiButtonGroupWidget.php
M php/widgets/OoUiButtonInputWidget.php
M php/widgets/OoUiButtonWidget.php
M php/widgets/OoUiCheckboxInputWidget.php
M php/widgets/OoUiIconWidget.php
M php/widgets/OoUiIndicatorWidget.php
M php/widgets/OoUiInputWidget.php
M php/widgets/OoUiLabelWidget.php
M php/widgets/OoUiTextInputWidget.php
M src/Element.js
M src/Theme.js
M src/elements/ButtonElement.js
M src/elements/FlaggedElement.js
M src/elements/GroupElement.js
M src/elements/IconElement.js
M src/elements/IndicatorElement.js
M src/elements/LabelElement.js
M src/elements/TitledElement.js
M src/layouts/FieldLayout.js
M src/layouts/FieldsetLayout.js
M src/themes/mediawiki/MediaWikiTheme.js
M src/widgets/ButtonGroupWidget.js
M src/widgets/ButtonInputWidget.js
M src/widgets/CheckboxInputWidget.js
M src/widgets/InputWidget.js
M src/widgets/TextInputWidget.js
45 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

  Trevor Parscal: Looks good to me, approved
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/bin/doccomparer.rb b/bin/doccomparer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da1c7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/doccomparer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+require 'pp'
+require_relative 'docparser'
+# convert [ {name: 'foo'}, … ] to { foo: {name: 'foo'}, … }
+def reindex arg
+       if arg.is_a?(Array) && arg.all?{|v| v.is_a? Hash }
+               Hash[{|v| [ v[:name], reindex(v) ] } ]
+       elsif arg.is_a? Hash
+               arg.each_pair{|k, v| arg[k] = reindex(v) }
+       else
+               arg
+       end
+def indent text, tabs
+       text == '' ? text : text.gsub(/^/, '  '*tabs)
+# whitespace-insensitive strings
+def canonicalize value
+       if value.is_a? String
+               value.strip.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')
+       elsif value.is_a? Array
+     {|v| canonicalize v }
+       elsif value.is_a? Hash
+               value.each_pair{|k, v| value[k] = canonicalize v }
+       else
+               value
+       end
+def sanitize_description text
+       cleanup_class_name(text)
+               .gsub('null and undefined', 'null')
+               .gsub('undefined and null', 'null')
+               .gsub('array()', '[]')
+               .gsub('jQuery|string|Function', 'string')
+               .gsub('string|Function', 'string')
+               .gsub('object', 'array')
+               .gsub(/#(\w+)/, '\1()')
+def smart_compare_process val, type
+       val[:description] = sanitize_description val[:description]
+       case type
+       when :class
+               val = val.dup
+               val[:mixins].delete 'OO.EventEmitter' # JS only
+               val[:mixins].delete 'PendingElement' # JS only
+               val.delete :parent if val[:parent] == 'ElementMixin' # PHP only
+               val.delete :methods
+               val.delete :properties
+               val.delete :events
+       when :method
+               if val[:name] == '#constructor'
+                       val[:params].delete 'element' # PHP only
+               end
+               val[:config].each_pair{|k, v|
+                       default = v.delete :default
+                       v[:description] << " (default: #{default})" if default
+                       v[:description] = sanitize_description v[:description]
+                       v[:type] = sanitize_description v[:type]
+               }
+               val[:params].each_pair{|k, v|
+                       default = v.delete :default
+                       v[:description] << " (default: #{default})" if default
+                       v[:description] = sanitize_description v[:description]
+                       v[:type] = sanitize_description v[:type]
+               }
+       when :property
+               val[:description] = sanitize_description val[:description]
+               val[:type] = sanitize_description val[:type]
+       end
+       val
+def smart_compare a, b, a_name, b_name, type
+       a = smart_compare_process a, type
+       b = smart_compare_process b, type
+       compare_hash a, b, a_name, b_name
+def smart_compare_methods a, b, a_name, b_name
+       smart_compare a, b, a_name, b_name, :method
+def smart_compare_properties a, b, a_name, b_name
+       smart_compare a, b, a_name, b_name, :property
+def compare_hash a, b, a_name, b_name, nested=:compare_hash
+       keys = (a ? a.keys: []) + (b ? b.keys : [])
+       out = do |key|
+               a_val = a ? canonicalize(a[key]) : nil
+               b_val = b ? canonicalize(b[key]) : nil
+               if [a_val, b_val] == [{}, []] || [a_val, b_val] == [[], {}]
+                       a_val, b_val = {}, {}
+               end
+               if a_val.is_a? Hash and b_val.is_a? Hash
+                       comparison_result = indent method(nested).call(a_val, 
b_val, a_name, b_name), 2
+                       if comparison_result.strip == ''
+                               "#{key}: match" if $VERBOSE
+                       else
+                               "#{key}: MISMATCH\n#{comparison_result}"
+                       end
+               else
+                       if a_val == b_val
+                               "#{key}: match" if $VERBOSE
+                       elsif a_val == nil
+                               "#{key}: #{a_name} missing"
+                       elsif b_val == nil
+                               "#{key}: #{b_name} missing"
+                       else
+                               "#{key}: MISMATCH\n  #{a_name}: 
#{a_val.inspect}\n  #{b_name}: #{b_val.inspect}"
+                       end
+               end
+       end
+       out.compact.join "\n"
+if ARGV.empty? || ARGV == ['-h'] || ARGV == ['--help']
+       $stderr.puts "usage: ruby [-v] #{$0} <dirA> <dirB> <nameA> <nameB>"
+       $stderr.puts "       ruby #{$0} src php JS PHP > compare.txt"
+       dir_a, dir_b, name_a, name_b = ARGV
+       js = parse_any_path dir_a
+       php = parse_any_path dir_b
+       js = reindex js
+       php = reindex php
+       (js.keys + php.keys).sort.uniq.each do |class_name|
+               where = [js.key?(class_name) ? name_a : nil, 
php.key?(class_name) ? name_b : nil].compact
+               puts "\n#{class_name}: #{where.join '/'}" if $VERBOSE || 
where.length == 2
+               if where.length == 2
+                       data = [
+                               "Basic:",
+                               ( indent smart_compare(js[class_name], 
php[class_name], name_a, name_b, :class), 2 ),
+                               "Methods:",
+                               ( indent compare_hash(js[class_name][:methods], 
php[class_name][:methods], name_a, name_b, :smart_compare_methods), 2 ),
+                               "Properties:",
+                               ( indent 
compare_hash(js[class_name][:properties], php[class_name][:properties], name_a, 
name_b, :smart_compare_properties), 2 ),
+                       ]
+                       puts indent{|d| d != ''}.join("\n"), 2
+               end
+       end
diff --git a/bin/docparser.rb b/bin/docparser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db83248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/docparser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+require 'pp'
+require 'json'
+def parse_dir dirname
+       Dir.entries(dirname).map{|filename|
+               if filename == '.' || filename == '..'
+                       nil
+               else
+                       parse_any_path "#{dirname}/#{filename}"
+               end
+       }.compact.inject(:+)
+def cleanup_class_name class_name
+       class_name.sub(/OoUi/, '').sub(/OO\.ui\./, '')
+def parse_file filename
+       if filename !~ /\.(php|js)$/
+               return nil
+       end
+       filetype = filename[/\.(php|js)$/, 1].to_sym
+       text = filename, encoding: 'utf-8'
+       # ewwww
+       # some docblocks are missing and we really need them
+       text = text.sub(/(?<!\*\/\n)^class/, "/**\n*/\nclass")
+       # text = text.sub('public static $targetPropertyName', "/**\n*/\npublic 
static $targetPropertyName")
+       # find all documentation blocks, together with the following line 
(unless it contains another docblock)
+       docblocks = text.scan(/\/\*\*[\s\S]+?\*\/\n[ \t]*(?:(?=\/\*\*)|.*)/)
+       current_class = nil
+       output = []
+       previous_item = {} # dummy
+               kind = nil
+               previous_item = data = {
+                       name: nil,
+                       description: '',
+                       parent: nil,
+                       mixins: [],
+                       methods: [],
+                       properties: [],
+                       events: [],
+                       params: [],
+                       config: [],
+                       visibility: :public,
+                       type: nil,
+                       # static: false, # unnecessary, skip it
+               }
+               valid_for_all = %I[name description]
+               valid_per_kind = {
+                       class:    valid_for_all + %I[parent mixins methods 
properties events],
+                       method:   valid_for_all + %I[params config return 
visibility static],
+                       property: valid_for_all + %I[type static],
+                       event:    valid_for_all + %I[params],
+               }
+               js_class_constructor = false
+               js_class_constructor_desc = ''
+               ignore = false
+               comment, code_line = d.split '*/'
+               comment.split("\n").each{|c|
+                       next if c.strip == '/**'
+                       c.sub!(/^[ \t]*\*[ \t]?/, '') # strip leading *
+                       m = c.match(/^@(\w+)[ \t]*(.*)/)
+                       if !m
+                               previous_item[:description] << c + "\n"
+                               next
+                       end
+                       keyword, content = m.captures
+                       # handle JS class/constructor conundrum
+                       if keyword == 'class' || keyword == 'constructor'
+                               js_class_constructor = true
+                       end
+                       case keyword
+                       when 'constructor'
+                               # handle JS class/constructor conundrum
+                               js_class_constructor_desc = data[:description]
+                               data[:description] = ''
+                               kind = :method
+                       when 'class'
+                               kind = :class
+                       when 'method'
+                               kind = :method
+                       when 'property', 'var'
+                               kind = :property
+                               m = content.match(/^\{?(.+?)\}?( .+)?$/)
+                               if m.captures
+                                       type, description = m.captures
+                                       data[:type] = type
+                                       data[:description] = description if 
+                               end
+                       when 'event'
+                               kind = :event
+                               data[:name] = content.strip
+                       when 'extends'
+                               data[:parent] = 
+                       when 'mixins'
+                               data[:mixins] << 
+                       when 'param'
+                               case filetype
+                               when :js
+                                       type, name, default, description = 
content.match(/^\{(.+?)\} \[?([\w.$]+?)(?:=(.+?))?\]?( .+)?$/).captures
+                                       next if type == 'Object' && name == 
+                                       data[:params] << {name: name, type: 
cleanup_class_name(type), description: description||'', default: default}
+                                       previous_item = data[:params][-1]
+                               when :php
+                                       type, name, config, description = 
content.match(/^(\S+) \$(\w+)(?:\['(\w+)'\])?( .+)?$/).captures
+                                       next if type == 'array' && name == 
'config' && !config
+                                       if config && name == 'config'
+                                               data[:config] << {name: config, 
type: cleanup_class_name(type), description: description||''}
+                                               previous_item = 
+                                       else
+                                               data[:params] << {name: name, 
type: cleanup_class_name(type), description: description||''}
+                                               previous_item = 
+                                       end
+                               end
+                       when 'cfg' # JS only
+                               type, name, default, description = 
content.match(/^\{(.+?)\} \[?([\w.$]+?)(?:=(.+?))?\]?( .+)?$/).captures
+                               data[:config] << {name: name, type: 
cleanup_class_name(type), description: description||'', default: default}
+                               previous_item = data[:config][-1]
+                       when 'return'
+                               case filetype
+                               when :js
+                                       type, description = 
content.match(/^\{(.+?)\}( .+)?$/).captures
+                                       data[:return] = {type: 
cleanup_class_name(type), description: description||''}
+                                       previous_item = data[:return]
+                               when :php
+                                       type, description = 
content.match(/^(\S+)( .+)?$/).captures
+                                       data[:return] = {type: 
cleanup_class_name(type), description: description||''}
+                                       previous_item = data[:return]
+                               end
+                       when 'private'
+                               data[:visibility] = :private
+                       when 'static'
+                               data[:static] = true
+                       when 'ignore'
+                               ignore = true
+                       when 'abstract', 'inheritable', 'deprecated', 
'singleton', 'throws', 'chainable', 'fires', 'localdoc', 'inheritdoc'
+                               # skip
+                       else
+                               raise "unrecognized keyword: #{keyword}"
+                       end
+               }
+               next if ignore
+               if code_line && code_line.strip != ''
+                       case filetype
+                       when :js
+                               m = 
code_line.match(/(?:(static|prototype)\.)?(\w+) = /)
+                               kind_, name = m.captures
+                               data[:static] = true if kind_ == 'static'
+                               kind = {'static' => :property, 'prototype' => 
:method}[ kind_.strip ] if kind_ && !kind
+                               data[:name] = cleanup_class_name(name)
+                       when :php
+                               m = 
code_line.match(/\s*(?:(public|protected|private) )?(?:(static) )?(function[ 
\t]|class[ \t]|\$)(\w+)(?: extends (\w+))?/)
+                               visibility, static, kind_, name, parent = 
+                               kind = {'$' => :property, 'function' => 
:method, 'class' => :class}[ kind_.strip ]
+                               data[:visibility] = {'private' => :private, 
'protected' => :private, 'public' => :public}[ visibility ] || :public
+                               data[:static] = true if static
+                               data[:parent] = cleanup_class_name(parent) if 
+                               data[:name] = cleanup_class_name(name)
+                       end
+               end
+               # handle JS class/constructor conundrum
+               if kind == :class || js_class_constructor
+                       if current_class
+                               output << current_class
+                       end
+                       current_class ={|k,v| 
valid_per_kind[:class].include? k }
+                       current_class[:description] = js_class_constructor_desc 
if js_class_constructor_desc != ''
+                       previous_item = current_class
+               end
+               # standardize
+               if data[:name] == '__construct' || js_class_constructor
+                       data[:name] = '#constructor'
+               end
+               # put into the current class
+               if kind && kind != :class
+                       keys = {
+                               method: :methods,
+                               property: :properties,
+                               event: :events,
+                       }
+                       current_class[keys[kind]] <<{|k,v| 
valid_per_kind[kind].include? k }
+                       previous_item = current_class[keys[kind]]
+               end
+       }
+       # this is evil, assumes we only have one class in a file, but we'd need 
a proper parser to do it better
+       if current_class
+               current_class[:mixins] +=
+                       text.scan(/\$this->mixin\( .*?new (\w+)\( 
+       end
+       output << current_class if current_class
+       output
+def parse_any_path path
+       if path
+               parse_dir path
+       else
+               parse_file path
+       end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+       if ARGV.empty? || ARGV == ['-h'] || ARGV == ['--help']
+               $stderr.puts "usage: ruby #{$0} <files...>"
+               $stderr.puts "       ruby #{$0} src > docs-js.json"
+               $stderr.puts "       ruby #{$0} php > docs-php.json"
+       else
+               out = JSON.pretty_generate{|a| parse_any_path a 
+               # ew
+               out = out.gsub(/\{\s+\}/, '{}').gsub(/\[\s+\]/, '[]')
+               puts out
+       end
diff --git a/php/OoUiElement.php b/php/OoUiElement.php
index 6ee02c9..65fda51 100644
--- a/php/OoUiElement.php
+++ b/php/OoUiElement.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * DOM element abstraction.
+ */
 class OoUiElement extends OoUiTag {
        /* Static properties */
@@ -25,10 +28,8 @@
        /* Methods */
-        * Create element.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
-        * @param array $config['classes'] CSS class names to add
+        * @param string[] $config['classes'] CSS class names to add
         * @param array $config['content'] Content to append, text or 
OoUiElement objects
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
@@ -105,9 +106,9 @@
-        * Check if element or a mixin supports a method.
+        * Check if element supports one or more methods.
-        * @param string|array $method Method to check
+        * @param string|string[] $methods Method or list of methods to check
         * @return boolean Method is supported
        public function supports( $methods ) {
diff --git a/php/OoUiLayout.php b/php/OoUiLayout.php
index 9e36f37..7159076 100644
--- a/php/OoUiLayout.php
+++ b/php/OoUiLayout.php
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
+ * Container for elements.
+ */
 class OoUiLayout extends OoUiElement {
-        * Create layout.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
diff --git a/php/OoUiTheme.php b/php/OoUiTheme.php
index 4db4c2a..f4efd51 100644
--- a/php/OoUiTheme.php
+++ b/php/OoUiTheme.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * Theme logic.
+ */
 class OoUiTheme {
        /* Members */
@@ -23,8 +26,8 @@
         * Get a list of classes to be applied to a widget.
-        * @localdoc The 'on' and 'off' lists combined MUST contain keys for 
all classes the theme adds or
-        *   removes, otherwise state transitions will not work properly.
+        * The 'on' and 'off' lists combined MUST contain keys for all classes 
the theme adds or removes,
+        * otherwise state transitions will not work properly.
         * @param OoUiElement $element Element for which to get classes
         * @return array Categorized class names with `on` and `off` lists
diff --git a/php/OoUiWidget.php b/php/OoUiWidget.php
index c412146..0ac745b 100644
--- a/php/OoUiWidget.php
+++ b/php/OoUiWidget.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * User interface control.
+ */
 class OoUiWidget extends OoUiElement {
        /* Properties */
@@ -14,9 +17,8 @@
        /* Methods */
-        * Create widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
+        * @param boolean $config['disabled'] Disable (default: false)
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
                // Initialize config
diff --git a/php/elements/OoUiButtonElement.php 
index 058273e..26a4bf6 100644
--- a/php/elements/OoUiButtonElement.php
+++ b/php/elements/OoUiButtonElement.php
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
+ * Element with a button.
+ *
+ * Buttons are used for controls which can be clicked. They can be configured 
to use tab indexing
+ * and access keys for accessibility purposes.
+ */
 class OoUiButtonElement extends OoUiElementMixin {
         * Button is framed.
@@ -11,12 +17,11 @@
        public static $targetPropertyName = 'button';
-        * Mixin button element.
-        *
         * @param OoUiElement $element Element being mixed into
         * @param array $config Configuration options
-        * @param boolean $config['framed'] Render button with a frame
-        * @param number $config['tabIndex'] Button's tab index, use -1 to 
prevent tab focusing
+        * @param boolean $config['framed'] Render button with a frame 
(default: true)
+        * @param number $config['tabIndex'] Button's tab index. Use 0 to use 
default ordering, use -1 to
+        *   prevent tab focusing. (default: 0)
        public function __construct( OoUiElement $element, array $config = 
array() ) {
                // Parent constructor
@@ -47,7 +52,7 @@
-        * Check if button is framed.
+        * Check if button has a frame.
         * @return boolean Button is framed
diff --git a/php/elements/OoUiFlaggedElement.php 
index 6f297ef..d81429d 100644
--- a/php/elements/OoUiFlaggedElement.php
+++ b/php/elements/OoUiFlaggedElement.php
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
+ * Element with named flags that can be added, removed, listed and checked.
+ *
+ * A flag, when set, adds a CSS class on the `$element` by combining 
`oo-ui-flaggedElement-` with
+ * the flag name. Flags are primarily useful for styling.
+ */
 class OoUiFlaggedElement extends OoUiElementMixin {
         * Flags.
@@ -11,11 +17,10 @@
        public static $targetPropertyName = 'flagged';
-        * Mixin flagged element.
-        *
         * @param OoUiElement $element Element being mixed into
         * @param array $config Configuration options
-        * @param string|string[] $config['flags'] Flags
+        * @param string|string[] $config['flags'] Styling flags, e.g. 
'primary', 'destructive' or
+        *   'constructive'
        public function __construct( OoUiElement $element, array $config = 
array() ) {
                // Parent constructor
diff --git a/php/elements/OoUiGroupElement.php 
index 2a068f6..a798d93 100644
--- a/php/elements/OoUiGroupElement.php
+++ b/php/elements/OoUiGroupElement.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * Element containing a sequence of child elements.
+ */
 class OoUiGroupElement extends OoUiElementMixin {
         * List of items in the group.
@@ -11,8 +14,6 @@
        public static $targetPropertyName = 'group';
-        * Element containing a sequence of child elements.
-        *
         * @param OoUiElement $element Element being mixed into
         * @param array $config Configuration options
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
-        * Add items at the end.
+        * Add items.
         * Adding an existing item will move it.
diff --git a/php/elements/OoUiIconElement.php b/php/elements/OoUiIconElement.php
index 2c591c3..5a22901 100644
--- a/php/elements/OoUiIconElement.php
+++ b/php/elements/OoUiIconElement.php
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
+ * Element containing an icon.
+ *
+ * Icons are graphics, about the size of normal text. They can be used to aid 
the user in locating
+ * a control or convey information in a more space efficient way. Icons should 
rarely be used
+ * without labels; such as in a toolbar where space is at a premium or within 
a context where the
+ * meaning is very clear to the user.
+ */
 class OoUiIconElement extends OoUiElementMixin {
-        * Icon value.
+        * Symbolic icon name.
         * @var string
@@ -11,11 +19,9 @@
        public static $targetPropertyName = 'icon';
-        * Mixin icon element.
-        *
         * @param OoUiElement $element Element being mixed into
         * @param array $config Configuration options
-        * @param string $config['icon'] Icon value
+        * @param string $config['icon'] Symbolic icon name
        public function __construct( OoUiElement $element, array $config = 
array() ) {
                // Parent constructor
@@ -29,9 +35,9 @@
-        * Set icon value.
+        * Set icon name.
-        * @param string $icon Icon value
+        * @param string|null $icon Symbolic icon name
         * @chainable
        public function setIcon( $icon = null ) {
@@ -42,9 +48,9 @@
-        * Get icon value.
+        * Get icon name.
-        * @return string Icon value
+        * @return string Icon name
        public function getIcon() {
                return $this->icon;
diff --git a/php/elements/OoUiIndicatorElement.php 
index 5017267..c7ae701 100644
--- a/php/elements/OoUiIndicatorElement.php
+++ b/php/elements/OoUiIndicatorElement.php
@@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
+ * Element containing an indicator.
+ *
+ * Indicators are graphics, smaller than normal text. They can be used to 
describe unique status or
+ * behavior. Indicators should only be used in exceptional cases; such as a 
button that opens a menu
+ * instead of performing an action directly, or an item in a list which has 
errors that need to be
+ * resolved.
+ */
 class OoUiIndicatorElement extends OoUiElementMixin {
-        * Indicator value.
+        * Symbolic indicator name
-        * @var string
+        * @var string|null
        protected $indicator = null;
        public static $targetPropertyName = 'indicator';
-        * Mixin indicator element.
-        *
         * @param OoUiElement $element Element being mixed into
         * @param array $config Configuration options
-        * @param string $config['indicator'] Indicator value
+        * @param string $config['indicator'] Symbolic indicator name
        public function __construct( OoUiElement $element, array $config = 
array() ) {
                // Parent constructor
@@ -31,9 +37,9 @@
-        * Set indicator value.
+        * Set indicator name.
-        * @param string $indicator Indicator value
+        * @param string|null $indicator Symbolic name of indicator to use or 
null for no indicator
         * @chainable
        public function setIndicator( $indicator = null ) {
@@ -44,9 +50,9 @@
-        * Get indicator value.
+        * Get indicator name.
-        * @return string Indicator value
+        * @return string Indicator name
        public function getIndicator() {
                return $this->indicator;
diff --git a/php/elements/OoUiLabelElement.php 
index 8659032..627e5bb 100644
--- a/php/elements/OoUiLabelElement.php
+++ b/php/elements/OoUiLabelElement.php
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
+ * Element containing a label.
+ */
 class OoUiLabelElement extends OoUiElementMixin {
         * Label value.
-        * @var string
+        * @var string|null
-       protected $label;
+       protected $label = null;
        public static $targetPropertyName = 'label';
-        * Mixin label element.
-        *
         * @param OoUiElement $element Element being mixed into
         * @param array $config Configuration options
-        * @param string $config['label'] Label value
+        * @param string $config['label'] Label text
        public function __construct( OoUiElement $element, array $config = 
array() ) {
                // Parent constructor
@@ -29,9 +30,11 @@
-        * Set label value.
+        * Set the label.
-        * @param string $label Label value
+        * An empty string will result in the label being hidden.
+        *
+        * @param string|null $label Label text
         * @chainable
        public function setLabel( $label ) {
@@ -45,9 +48,9 @@
-        * Get label value.
+        * Get the label.
-        * @return string Label value
+        * @return string Label text
        public function getLabel() {
                return $this->label;
diff --git a/php/elements/OoUiTitledElement.php 
index d15fa3a..a44af36 100644
--- a/php/elements/OoUiTitledElement.php
+++ b/php/elements/OoUiTitledElement.php
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
+ * Element with a title.
+ *
+ * Titles are rendered by the browser and are made visible when hovering the 
element. Titles are
+ * not visible on touch devices.
+ */
 class OoUiTitledElement extends OoUiElementMixin {
-        * Title.
+        * Title text.
         * @var string
@@ -11,13 +17,11 @@
        public static $targetPropertyName = 'titled';
-        * Mixin titled element.
-        *
-        * If the 'title' config option is not provided, the static property 
'$title' of $element is used.
+        * 
         * @param OoUiElement $element Element being mixed into
         * @param array $config Configuration options
-        * @param string $config['title'] Title
+        * @param string $config['title'] Title. If not provided, the static 
property 'title' is used.
        public function __construct( OoUiElement $element, array $config = 
array() ) {
                // Parent constructor
@@ -32,7 +36,7 @@
-        * Add one or more flags.
+        * Set title.
         * @param string|null $title Title text or null for no title
         * @chainable
diff --git a/php/layouts/OoUiFieldLayout.php b/php/layouts/OoUiFieldLayout.php
index 594bf3e..ce48de6 100644
--- a/php/layouts/OoUiFieldLayout.php
+++ b/php/layouts/OoUiFieldLayout.php
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
+ * Layout made of a field and optional label.
+ *
+ * Available label alignment modes include:
+ *  - left: Label is before the field and aligned away from it, best for when 
the user will be
+ *    scanning for a specific label in a form with many fields
+ *  - right: Label is before the field and aligned toward it, best for forms 
the user is very
+ *    familiar with and will tab through field checking quickly to verify 
which field they are in
+ *  - top: Label is before the field and above it, best for when the user will 
need to fill out all
+ *    fields from top to bottom in a form with few fields
+ *  - inline: Label is after the field and aligned toward it, best for small 
boolean fields like
+ *    checkboxes or radio buttons
+ */
 class OoUiFieldLayout extends OoUiLayout {
         * Alignment.
@@ -9,12 +22,10 @@
        protected $align;
-        * Create field layout.
-        *
         * @param OoUiWidget $fieldWidget Field widget
         * @param array $config Configuration options
         * @param string $config['align'] Alignment mode, either 'left', 
'right', 'top' or 'inline'
-        * @param string $config['help'] Explanatory text shown as a '?' icon 
(not implemented).
+        *   (default: 'left')
        public function __construct( OoUiWidget $fieldWidget, array $config = 
array() ) {
                // Config initialization
@@ -26,7 +37,7 @@
                // Properties
                $this->field = new OoUiTag( 'div' );
                $this->fieldWidget = $fieldWidget;
-               $this->help = ""; // TODO implement
+               $this->help = ''; // TODO implement
                // Mixins
                $this->mixin( new OoUiLabelElement( $this, $config ) );
diff --git a/php/layouts/OoUiFieldsetLayout.php 
index 1e7b2dd..42953ac 100644
--- a/php/layouts/OoUiFieldsetLayout.php
+++ b/php/layouts/OoUiFieldsetLayout.php
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+ * Layout made of a fieldset and optional legend.
+ *
+ * Just add OoUiFieldLayout items.
+ */
 class OoUiFieldsetLayout extends OoUiLayout {
         * Alignment.
@@ -9,10 +14,8 @@
        protected $align;
-        * Create fieldset layout.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
-        * @param OoUiFieldLayout $config['items'] Items to add
+        * @param OoUiFieldLayout[] $config['items'] Items to add
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
                // Parent constructor
diff --git a/php/layouts/OoUiFormLayout.php b/php/layouts/OoUiFormLayout.php
index e4c7922..7c42892 100644
--- a/php/layouts/OoUiFormLayout.php
+++ b/php/layouts/OoUiFormLayout.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * Layout with an HTML form.
+ */
 class OoUiFormLayout extends OoUiLayout {
        /* Static properties */
@@ -7,8 +10,6 @@
        public static $tagName = 'form';
-        * Create form layout.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
         * @param string $config['method'] HTML form `method` attribute
         * @param string $config['action'] HTML form `action` attribute
diff --git a/php/layouts/OoUiGridLayout.php b/php/layouts/OoUiGridLayout.php
index bd697c6..c093427 100644
--- a/php/layouts/OoUiGridLayout.php
+++ b/php/layouts/OoUiGridLayout.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * Layout made of proportionally sized columns and rows.
+ */
 class OoUiGridLayout extends OoUiLayout {
        /* Properties */
@@ -26,8 +29,6 @@
        protected $heights = array();
-        * Create field layout.
-        *
         * @param OoUiPanelLayout[] $panels Panels in the grid
         * @param array $config Configuration options
         * @param number[] $config['widths'] Widths of columns as ratios
diff --git a/php/layouts/OoUiPanelLayout.php b/php/layouts/OoUiPanelLayout.php
index 126924f..5d71b52 100644
--- a/php/layouts/OoUiPanelLayout.php
+++ b/php/layouts/OoUiPanelLayout.php
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
+ * Layout that expands to cover the entire area of its parent, with optional 
scrolling and padding.
+ */
 class OoUiPanelLayout extends OoUiLayout {
-        * Create panel layout.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
         * @param boolean $config['scrollable'] Allow vertical scrolling 
(default: false)
         * @param boolean $config['padded'] Pad the content from the edges 
(default: false)
diff --git a/php/themes/OoUiMediaWikiTheme.php 
index c83a58c..947275c 100644
--- a/php/themes/OoUiMediaWikiTheme.php
+++ b/php/themes/OoUiMediaWikiTheme.php
@@ -4,15 +4,6 @@
        /* Methods */
-       /**
-        * Get a list of classes to be applied to a widget.
-        *
-        * @localdoc The 'on' and 'off' lists combined MUST contain keys for 
all classes the theme adds or
-        *   removes, otherwise state transitions will not work properly.
-        *
-        * @param OoUiElement $element Element for which to get classes
-        * @return array Categorized class names with `on` and `off` lists
-        */
        public function getElementClasses( OoUiElement $element ) {
                $variants = array(
                        'invert' => false,
diff --git a/php/widgets/OoUiButtonGroupWidget.php 
index c1d035a..ae8b18d 100644
--- a/php/widgets/OoUiButtonGroupWidget.php
+++ b/php/widgets/OoUiButtonGroupWidget.php
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
+ * Group widget for multiple related buttons.
+ *
+ * Use together with OoUiButtonWidget.
+ */
 class OoUiButtonGroupWidget extends OoUiWidget {
-        * Create button group widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
-        * @param array $config['items'] Buttons to add
+        * @param OoUiButtonWidget[] $config['items'] Buttons to add
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
                // Parent constructor
diff --git a/php/widgets/OoUiButtonInputWidget.php 
index c42a8d7..87a3746 100644
--- a/php/widgets/OoUiButtonInputWidget.php
+++ b/php/widgets/OoUiButtonInputWidget.php
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
+ * A button that is an input widget. Intended to be used within a 
+ */
 class OoUiButtonInputWidget extends OoUiInputWidget {
-        * Create button input widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
         * @param string $config['type'] HTML tag `type` attribute, may be 
'button', 'submit' or 'reset'
         *   (default: 'button')
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
         * Overridden to support setting the 'value' of `<input/>` elements.
-        * @param string $label Label value
+        * @param string|null $label Label text
         * @chainable
        public function setLabel( $label ) {
diff --git a/php/widgets/OoUiButtonWidget.php b/php/widgets/OoUiButtonWidget.php
index 3693153..65e7489 100644
--- a/php/widgets/OoUiButtonWidget.php
+++ b/php/widgets/OoUiButtonWidget.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * Generic widget for buttons.
+ */
 class OoUiButtonWidget extends OoUiWidget {
@@ -17,9 +20,9 @@
        protected $target = null;
-        * Create button widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
+        * @param string $config['href'] Hyperlink to visit when clicked
+        * @param string $config['target'] Target to open hyperlink in
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
                // Configuration initialization
diff --git a/php/widgets/OoUiCheckboxInputWidget.php 
index 4c0db6a..ff6bae8 100644
--- a/php/widgets/OoUiCheckboxInputWidget.php
+++ b/php/widgets/OoUiCheckboxInputWidget.php
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
+ * Checkbox input widget.
+ */
 class OoUiCheckboxInputWidget extends OoUiInputWidget {
-        * Create checkbox input widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
diff --git a/php/widgets/OoUiIconWidget.php b/php/widgets/OoUiIconWidget.php
index 019948f..fcfab87 100644
--- a/php/widgets/OoUiIconWidget.php
+++ b/php/widgets/OoUiIconWidget.php
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+ * Icon widget.
+ *
+ * See OoUiIconElement for more information.
+ */
 class OoUiIconWidget extends OoUiWidget {
        /* Static properties */
@@ -7,8 +12,6 @@
        public static $tagName = 'span';
-        * Create icon widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
diff --git a/php/widgets/OoUiIndicatorWidget.php 
index 08b1206..6c6cbf5 100644
--- a/php/widgets/OoUiIndicatorWidget.php
+++ b/php/widgets/OoUiIndicatorWidget.php
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+ * Indicator widget.
+ *
+ * See OoUiIndicatorElement for more information.
+ */
 class OoUiIndicatorWidget extends OoUiWidget {
        /* Static properties */
@@ -7,8 +12,6 @@
        public static $tagName = 'span';
-        * Create indicator widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
diff --git a/php/widgets/OoUiInputWidget.php b/php/widgets/OoUiInputWidget.php
index c94a849..2b8c913 100644
--- a/php/widgets/OoUiInputWidget.php
+++ b/php/widgets/OoUiInputWidget.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * Base class for input widgets.
+ */
 class OoUiInputWidget extends OoUiWidget {
        /* Properties */
@@ -19,8 +22,6 @@
        protected $readOnly = false;
-        * Create input widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
         * @param string $config['name'] HTML input name (default: '')
         * @param string $config['value'] Input value (default: '')
@@ -126,7 +127,8 @@
-        * Set the read-only state of the widget.
+        * Set the read-only state of the widget. This should probably change 
the widgets's appearance and
+        * prevent it from being used.
         * @param boolean $state Make input read-only
         * @chainable
diff --git a/php/widgets/OoUiLabelWidget.php b/php/widgets/OoUiLabelWidget.php
index f3a2033..29e6cc1 100644
--- a/php/widgets/OoUiLabelWidget.php
+++ b/php/widgets/OoUiLabelWidget.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * Label widget.
+ */
 class OoUiLabelWidget extends OoUiWidget {
        /* Static properties */
@@ -7,8 +10,6 @@
        public static $tagName = 'span';
-        * Create label widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
        public function __construct( array $config = array() ) {
diff --git a/php/widgets/OoUiTextInputWidget.php 
index a343591..80093ea 100644
--- a/php/widgets/OoUiTextInputWidget.php
+++ b/php/widgets/OoUiTextInputWidget.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ * Input widget with a text field.
+ */
 class OoUiTextInputWidget extends OoUiInputWidget {
        /* Properties */
@@ -12,9 +15,8 @@
        protected $multiline = false;
-        * Create text input widget.
-        *
         * @param array $config Configuration options
+        * @param string $config['placeholder'] Placeholder text
         * @param string $config['type'] HTML tag `type` attribute (default: 
         * @param boolean $config['multiline'] Allow multiple lines of text 
(default: false)
@@ -57,11 +59,11 @@
-        * Check if the widget is read-only.
+        * Check if input supports multiple lines.
         * @return boolean
-       public function isMultiLine() {
+       public function isMultiline() {
                return (bool)$this->multiline;
diff --git a/src/Element.js b/src/Element.js
index 8a79c9d..93ef8d2 100644
--- a/src/Element.js
+++ b/src/Element.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  * @constructor
  * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
  * @cfg {Function} [$] jQuery for the frame the widget is in
- * @cfg {string[]} [classes] CSS class names
+ * @cfg {string[]} [classes] CSS class names to add
  * @cfg {string} [text] Text to insert
  * @cfg {jQuery} [$content] Content elements to append (after text)
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
  * @static
  * @param {HTMLElement} el Element to scroll into view
- * @param {Object} [config={}] Configuration config
+ * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
  * @param {string} [config.duration] jQuery animation duration value
  * @param {string} [config.direction] Scroll in only one direction, e.g. 'x' 
or 'y', omit
  *  to scroll in both directions
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
  * Check if element supports one or more methods.
  * @param {string|string[]} methods Method or list of methods to check
- * @return boolean All methods are supported
+ * @return {boolean} All methods are supported
 OO.ui.Element.prototype.supports = function ( methods ) {
        var i, len,
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@
  * Scroll element into view.
- * @param {Object} [config={}]
+ * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
 OO.ui.Element.prototype.scrollElementIntoView = function ( config ) {
        return OO.ui.Element.scrollIntoView( this.$element[0], config );
diff --git a/src/Theme.js b/src/Theme.js
index 7f0ab98..bb9bebd 100644
--- a/src/Theme.js
+++ b/src/Theme.js
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
  * Get a list of classes to be applied to a widget.
- * @localdoc The 'on' and 'off' lists combined MUST contain keys for all 
classes the theme adds or
- *   removes, otherwise state transitions will not work properly.
+ * The 'on' and 'off' lists combined MUST contain keys for all classes the 
theme adds or removes,
+ * otherwise state transitions will not work properly.
  * @param {OO.ui.Element} element Element for which to get classes
  * @return {Object.<string,string[]>} Categorized class names with `on` and 
`off` lists
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
  * For elements with theme logic hooks, this should be called anytime there's 
a state change.
- * @param {OO.ui.Element} Element for which to update classes
+ * @param {OO.ui.Element} element Element for which to update classes
  * @return {Object.<string,string[]>} Categorized class names with `on` and 
`off` lists
 OO.ui.Theme.prototype.updateElementClasses = function ( element ) {
diff --git a/src/elements/ButtonElement.js b/src/elements/ButtonElement.js
index a6d5b1c..58a57a0 100644
--- a/src/elements/ButtonElement.js
+++ b/src/elements/ButtonElement.js
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
  * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
  * @cfg {jQuery} [$button] Button node, assigned to #$button, omit to use a 
generated `<a>`
  * @cfg {boolean} [framed=true] Render button with a frame
- * @cfg {number} [tabIndex=0] Button's tab index, use null to have no tabIndex
+ * @cfg {number} [tabIndex=0] Button's tab index. Use 0 to use default 
ordering, use -1 to prevent
+ *   tab focusing.
  * @cfg {string} [accessKey] Button's access key
 OO.ui.ButtonElement = function OoUiButtonElement( config ) {
diff --git a/src/elements/FlaggedElement.js b/src/elements/FlaggedElement.js
index 7d7eb13..7ad6ee8 100644
--- a/src/elements/FlaggedElement.js
+++ b/src/elements/FlaggedElement.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  * @constructor
  * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
- * @cfg {string[]} [flags=[]] Styling flags, e.g. 'primary', 'destructive' or 
+ * @cfg {string|string[]} [flags] Styling flags, e.g. 'primary', 'destructive' 
or 'constructive'
  * @cfg {jQuery} [$flagged] Flagged node, assigned to #$flagged, omit to use 
 OO.ui.FlaggedElement = function OoUiFlaggedElement( config ) {
diff --git a/src/elements/GroupElement.js b/src/elements/GroupElement.js
index 3017718..1b5e3f8 100644
--- a/src/elements/GroupElement.js
+++ b/src/elements/GroupElement.js
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
  * Add items.
- * Adding an existing item (by value) will move it.
+ * Adding an existing item will move it.
  * @param {OO.ui.Element[]} items Items
  * @param {number} [index] Index to insert items at
diff --git a/src/elements/IconElement.js b/src/elements/IconElement.js
index 79b6a22..832fb3a 100644
--- a/src/elements/IconElement.js
+++ b/src/elements/IconElement.js
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
- * Set icon.
+ * Set icon name.
  * @param {Object|string|null} icon Symbolic icon name, or map of icon names 
keyed by language ID;
  *  use the 'default' key to specify the icon to be used when there is no icon 
in the user's
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@
- * Get icon.
+ * Get icon name.
- * @return {string} Icon
+ * @return {string} Icon name
 OO.ui.IconElement.prototype.getIcon = function () {
        return this.icon;
diff --git a/src/elements/IndicatorElement.js b/src/elements/IndicatorElement.js
index 59b80e2..60bee6f 100644
--- a/src/elements/IndicatorElement.js
+++ b/src/elements/IndicatorElement.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
  * @static
  * @inheritable
- * @property {string|null} Symbolic indicator name or null for no indicator
+ * @property {string|null} Symbolic indicator name
 OO.ui.IndicatorElement.static.indicator = null;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
- * Set indicator.
+ * Set indicator name.
  * @param {string|null} indicator Symbolic name of indicator to use or null 
for no indicator
  * @chainable
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
- * Get indicator.
+ * Get indicator name.
  * @return {string} title Symbolic name of indicator
diff --git a/src/elements/LabelElement.js b/src/elements/LabelElement.js
index 504d675..fdbdad7 100644
--- a/src/elements/LabelElement.js
+++ b/src/elements/LabelElement.js
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
  * Set the label.
  * An empty string will result in the label being hidden. A string containing 
only whitespace will
- * be converted to a single &nbsp;
+ * be converted to a single `&nbsp;`.
  * @param {jQuery|string|Function|null} label Label nodes; text; a function 
that returns nodes or
  *  text; or null for no label
diff --git a/src/elements/TitledElement.js b/src/elements/TitledElement.js
index 5b37757..43b19aa 100644
--- a/src/elements/TitledElement.js
+++ b/src/elements/TitledElement.js
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
  * @constructor
  * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
  * @cfg {jQuery} [$titled] Titled node, assigned to #$titled, omit to use 
- * @cfg {string|Function} [title] Title text or a function that returns text
+ * @cfg {string|Function} [title] Title text or a function that returns text. 
If not provided, the
+ *    static property 'title' is used.
 OO.ui.TitledElement = function OoUiTitledElement( config ) {
        // Config intialization
diff --git a/src/layouts/FieldLayout.js b/src/layouts/FieldLayout.js
index d3b0122..2b669d8 100644
--- a/src/layouts/FieldLayout.js
+++ b/src/layouts/FieldLayout.js
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
  * Layout made of a field and optional label.
- * @class
- * @extends OO.ui.Layout
- * @mixins OO.ui.LabelElement
- *
  * Available label alignment modes include:
  *  - left: Label is before the field and aligned away from it, best for when 
the user will be
  *    scanning for a specific label in a form with many fields
@@ -14,6 +10,10 @@
  *    fields from top to bottom in a form with few fields
  *  - inline: Label is after the field and aligned toward it, best for small 
boolean fields like
  *    checkboxes or radio buttons
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends OO.ui.Layout
+ * @mixins OO.ui.LabelElement
  * @constructor
  * @param {OO.ui.Widget} fieldWidget Field widget
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
  * Set the field alignment mode.
+ * @private
  * @param {string} value Alignment mode, either 'left', 'right', 'top' or 
  * @chainable
diff --git a/src/layouts/FieldsetLayout.js b/src/layouts/FieldsetLayout.js
index ec3401c..d407e8e 100644
--- a/src/layouts/FieldsetLayout.js
+++ b/src/layouts/FieldsetLayout.js
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
  * @class
  * @extends OO.ui.Layout
- * @mixins OO.ui.LabelElement
  * @mixins OO.ui.IconElement
+ * @mixins OO.ui.LabelElement
  * @mixins OO.ui.GroupElement
  * @constructor
diff --git a/src/themes/mediawiki/MediaWikiTheme.js 
index d02a972..31a7d34 100644
--- a/src/themes/mediawiki/MediaWikiTheme.js
+++ b/src/themes/mediawiki/MediaWikiTheme.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  * @class
- * @extends {OO.ui.Theme}
+ * @extends OO.ui.Theme
  * @constructor
diff --git a/src/widgets/ButtonGroupWidget.js b/src/widgets/ButtonGroupWidget.js
index 74413fe..5fd1dc9 100644
--- a/src/widgets/ButtonGroupWidget.js
+++ b/src/widgets/ButtonGroupWidget.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  * @constructor
  * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
- * @cfg {OO.ui.ButtonWidget} [items] Buttons to add
+ * @cfg {OO.ui.ButtonWidget[]} [items] Buttons to add
 OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget = function OoUiButtonGroupWidget( config ) {
        // Parent constructor
diff --git a/src/widgets/ButtonInputWidget.js b/src/widgets/ButtonInputWidget.js
index 862658d..b7b0244 100644
--- a/src/widgets/ButtonInputWidget.js
+++ b/src/widgets/ButtonInputWidget.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * A button that is an input widget. Intended to be used within FormLayouts.
+ * A button that is an input widget. Intended to be used within a 
  * @class
  * @extends OO.ui.InputWidget
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
  * Get input element.
+ * @private
  * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
  * @return {jQuery} Input element
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@
- * Set the label.
+ * Set label value.
  * Overridden to support setting the 'value' of `<input/>` elements.
diff --git a/src/widgets/CheckboxInputWidget.js 
index f05319f..537edf5 100644
--- a/src/widgets/CheckboxInputWidget.js
+++ b/src/widgets/CheckboxInputWidget.js
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
  * Get input element.
+ * @private
  * @return {jQuery} Input element
 OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget.prototype.getInputElement = function () {
diff --git a/src/widgets/InputWidget.js b/src/widgets/InputWidget.js
index 9ecea58..e9b3b70 100644
--- a/src/widgets/InputWidget.js
+++ b/src/widgets/InputWidget.js
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
  * Get input element.
+ * @private
  * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
  * @return {jQuery} Input element
@@ -128,8 +129,9 @@
  * Sanitize incoming value.
- * Ensures value is a string, and converts undefined and null to empty strings.
+ * Ensures value is a string, and converts undefined and null to empty string.
+ * @private
  * @param {string} value Original value
  * @return {string} Sanitized value
diff --git a/src/widgets/TextInputWidget.js b/src/widgets/TextInputWidget.js
index 05c578d..b5f7234 100644
--- a/src/widgets/TextInputWidget.js
+++ b/src/widgets/TextInputWidget.js
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@
  * Get input element.
+ * @private
  * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
  * @return {jQuery} Input element

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: If9115dd5ac5dc7fb355abd03bb016a436eb3fca1
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: oojs/ui
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Bartosz Dziewoński <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Catrope <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jforrester <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Legoktm <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Trevor Parscal <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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