EBernhardson has uploaded a new change for review.


Change subject: Convert go feature to api tests

Convert go feature to api tests

This also requires the nearmatch api changes to core in I7153262.

Change-Id: Ie0a6e8b3b95b56dc9457fc9efe290950d3837a8b
R tests/browser/features/go_api.feature
A tests/browser/features/go_browser.feature
M tests/browser/features/prefix_search_api.feature
M tests/browser/features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb
4 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch 

diff --git a/tests/browser/features/go.feature 
similarity index 61%
rename from tests/browser/features/go.feature
rename to tests/browser/features/go_api.feature
index 75d16b7..51f3ffb 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/go.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/go_api.feature
@@ -1,41 +1,36 @@
-@clean @go @phantomjs
+@clean @go @api
 Feature: Go Search
   Scenario: I can "go" to a page with mixed capital and lower case name by the 
name all lower cased
-    When I go search for mixedcapsandlowercase
-    Then I am on a page titled MixedCapsAndLowerCase
+    When I get api near matches for mixedcapsandlowercase
+    Then MixedCapsAndLowerCase is the first api search result
   Scenario: I can "go" to a page with mixed capital and lower case name by the 
name with totally wrong case cased
-    When I go search for miXEdcapsandlowercASe
-    Then I am on a page titled MixedCapsAndLowerCase
+    When I get api near matches for miXEdcapsandlowercASe
+    Then MixedCapsAndLowerCase is the first api search result
   Scenario: I can "go" to a page with an accented character without the accent
-    When I go search for africa
-    Then I am on a page titled África
+    When I get api near matches for africa
+    Then África is the first api search result
   Scenario: I can "go" to a page in a namespace with an accented character 
without the accent
-    When I go search for mo:test
-    Then I am on a page titled Mó:Test
+    When I get api near matches for mo:test
+    Then Mó:Test is the first api search result
   Scenario: When I "go" to a page with the namespace specified twice I end up 
on the search results page
-    When I go search for file:mo:test
-    Then I am on a page titled Search results
+    When I get api near matches for file:mo:test
+    Then there are no api search results
   Scenario: I can "go" to a page with mixed capital and lower case name by the 
name all lower cased and quoted
-    When I go search for "mixedcapsandlowercase"
-    Then I am on a page titled MixedCapsAndLowerCase
-  @from_core
-  Scenario: I can "go" to a user's page whether it is there or not
-    When I go search for User:DoesntExist
-    Then I am on a page titled User:DoesntExist
+    When I get api near matches for "mixedcapsandlowercase"
+    Then MixedCapsAndLowerCase is the first api search result
   Scenario Outline: When I near match just one page I go to that page
-    When I go search for <term> Nearmatchflattentest
-    Then I am on a page titled <title> Nearmatchflattentest
+    When I get api near matches for <term> Nearmatchflattentest
+    Then <title> Nearmatchflattentest is the first api search result
     |      term      |      title      |
     | soñ onlyaccent | Soñ Onlyaccent  |
@@ -45,8 +40,8 @@
   Scenario Outline: When I near match more than one page but one is exact 
(case, modulo case, or converted to title case) I go to that page
-    When I go search for <term> Nearmatchflattentest
-    Then I am on a page titled <title> Nearmatchflattentest
+    When I get api near matches for <term> Nearmatchflattentest
+    Then <title> Nearmatchflattentest is the first api search result
     |      term      |      title      |
     | son            | son             |
@@ -63,17 +58,17 @@
     | SON Titlecase  | Son Titlecase   |
     | soñ twoaccents | Soñ Twoaccents  |
     | són twoaccents | Són Twoaccents  |
-    | bach           | Johann Sebastian Bach |
-    | koan           | Kōan            |
-    | son redirect   | Soñ Redirect    |
+    | bach           | Bach            |
+    | koan           | Koan            |
+    | son redirect   | Son Redirect    |
     | Son Redirectnotbetter | Són Redirectnotbetter |
-    | Søn Redirectnoncompete | Blah Redirectnoncompete |
-    | Soñ Redirectnoncompete | Blah Redirectnoncompete |
+    | Søn Redirectnoncompete | Søn Redirectnoncompete |
+    | Soñ Redirectnoncompete | Soñ Redirectnoncompete |
   Scenario Outline: When I near match more than one page but none of them are 
exact then I go to the search results page
-    When I go search for <term> Nearmatchflattentest
-    Then I am on a page titled Search results
+    When I get api near matches for <term> Nearmatchflattentest
+    Then  there are no api search results
     |       term      |
     | son twoaccents  |
@@ -82,5 +77,5 @@
   Scenario: When I near match a redirect and a page then the redirect is 
chosen if it is a better match
-    When I go search for SEO Redirecttest
-    Then I am on a page titled Search Engine Optimization Redirecttest
+    When I get api near matches for SEO Redirecttest
+    Then SEO Redirecttest is the first api search result
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/go_browser.feature 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd4535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/browser/features/go_browser.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+@clean @go @phantomjs
+Feature: Go Search
+  @from_core
+  Scenario: I can "go" to a user's page whether it is there or not
+    When I go search for User:DoesntExist
+    Then I am on a page titled User:DoesntExist
+  @options
+  Scenario Outline: When I near match more than one page but one is exact 
(case, modulo case, or converted to title case) I go to that page
+    When I go search for <term> Nearmatchflattentest
+    Then I am on a page titled <title> Nearmatchflattentest
+  Examples:
+    |      term      |      title      |
+    | bach           | Johann Sebastian Bach |
+    | Søn Redirectnoncompete | Blah Redirectnoncompete |
+    | Soñ Redirectnoncompete | Blah Redirectnoncompete |
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/prefix_search_api.feature 
index 2d3a45e..c320c2b 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/prefix_search_api.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/prefix_search_api.feature
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
     When I get api suggestions for template talk:
     Then Template talk:Foo is in the api suggestions
-@clean @api @prefix
-Feature: Prefix search
   Scenario Outline: Search suggestions
     When I get api suggestions for <term>
     Then <first_result> is the first api suggestion
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb 
index 98a5df1..6c90254 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb
+++ b/tests/browser/features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 require "cgi"
-require "debugger"
 Given(/^I am logged in via api$/) do

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ie0a6e8b3b95b56dc9457fc9efe290950d3837a8b
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: EBernhardson <ebernhard...@wikimedia.org>

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