Sbisson has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: Browser tests: make faster

Browser tests: make faster

* Convert logged in tests to anonymous
* Use api instead of UI for preconditions

Change-Id: I08228ea1b4b565c014b1127dbce54676f552b304
M tests/browser/features/action_menu_permalink.feature
M tests/browser/features/anon_interface.feature
M tests/browser/features/description.feature
M tests/browser/features/edit_existing.feature
M tests/browser/features/flow_in_recent_changes.feature
M tests/browser/features/flow_logged_in.feature
M tests/browser/features/flow_no_javascript.feature
M tests/browser/features/mark_topic_as_resolved.feature
M tests/browser/features/moderation.feature
M tests/browser/features/new_topic.feature
M tests/browser/features/post_links.feature
M tests/browser/features/reopen_topic.feature
M tests/browser/features/reply.feature
M tests/browser/features/sorting_topics.feature
M tests/browser/features/special_enableflow.feature
A tests/browser/features/step_definitions/api_steps.rb
M tests/browser/features/step_definitions/reply_steps.rb
M tests/browser/features/support/env.rb
M tests/browser/features/support/pages/abstract_flow_page.rb
M tests/browser/features/suppress.feature
M tests/browser/features/thank.feature
M tests/browser/features/watch.feature
22 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/tests/browser/features/action_menu_permalink.feature 
index cbeb5b5..03f6bc2 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/action_menu_permalink.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/action_menu_permalink.feature
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
 @chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10
-@clean @login
 Feature: Actions menu Permalink
-    Given I am logged in
+    Given there is a new topic with title "Permalinktest"
     And I am on Flow page
   Scenario: Topic Actions menu Permalink
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "Permalinktest"
     When I hover on the Topic Actions link
     And I click Permalink from the Actions menu
     And I am viewing Topic page
@@ -16,15 +15,13 @@
     And the top post should have a heading which contains "Permalinktest"
   Scenario: Actions menu Permalink
-    Given I have created a Flow topic
-    And I reply with comment "this is my response"
+    Given I reply with comment "this is my response"
     When I select the permalink for the second post of the first topic
     Then I am viewing Topic page
     And I see only one topic on the page
     And the highlighted comment is "this is my response"
   Scenario: Old style topic permalink
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "Permalinktest"
     When I go to an old style permalink to my topic
     And I am viewing Topic page
     Then I see only one topic on the page
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/anon_interface.feature 
index a9f95f4..25b2049 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/anon_interface.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/anon_interface.feature
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-@chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @phantomjs
-@clean @login
+@chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10
 Feature: Check the interface for anonymous users
   Scenario: Anon does not see block or actions
-    Given I am on Flow page
-      And I have created a Flow topic
-      # which is not hidden (this is implicit from the above step)
-    When I see a flow creator element
-    Then the block author link should not be visible
+       Given there is a new topic
+    When I am on Flow page
+    Then I see a flow creator element
+    And the block author link should not be visible
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/description.feature 
index 41b1af0..cdc1976 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/description.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/description.feature
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 @chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10
 Feature: Board description
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/edit_existing.feature 
index edd99d9..c3bd8a9 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/edit_existing.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/edit_existing.feature
@@ -3,24 +3,22 @@
 Feature: Edit existing title
-  Assumes that the test Flow page has at least two topics (with posts).
-    Given I am logged in
-        And I am on Flow page
-        And I have created a Flow topic
+    Given there is a new topic with title "original title"
   Scenario: Edit an existing title
+    Given I am on Flow page
     When I hover on the Topic Actions link
-      And I click the Edit title action
-      And I edit the title field with Title edited
-      And I save the new title
+    And I click the Edit title action
+    And I edit the title field with Title edited
+    And I save the new title
     Then the top post should have a heading which contains "Title edited"
-  @phantomjs
   Scenario: Edit existing post
+    Given I am logged in
+    And I am on Flow page
     When I hover on the Post Actions link
-      And I click Edit post
-      And I edit the post field with Post edited
-      And I save the new post
+    And I click Edit post
+    And I edit the post field with Post edited
+    And I save the new post
     Then the saved post should contain Post edited
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/flow_in_recent_changes.feature 
index 8ecc0a4..94a8b87 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/flow_in_recent_changes.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/flow_in_recent_changes.feature
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 @chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10
-@clean @login
 Feature: Flow updates are in Recent Changes
-    Given I am logged in
-    And I am on Flow page
+    Given I am on Flow page
     And I have created a Flow topic with title "New topic should be in Recent 
   Scenario: New topic is in Recent Changes
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/flow_logged_in.feature 
index 1c4e1d6..d109db4 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/flow_logged_in.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/flow_logged_in.feature
@@ -6,30 +6,29 @@
   It requires the cldr extension, a "Flow QA" page, and a "Selenium user" who 
   permission to flow-delete (usually 'sysop'/administrator user right), to
   flow-suppress (usually the 'oversight' user right), and to block (usually 
-  If the Selenium_user's Flow editor is VisualEditor, then the flow_page
-  definitions have to change.
-    Given I am logged in
-    And I have created a Flow topic
+    Given there is a new topic created by me
+    And I am logged in
+    And I am on Flow page
   Scenario: Add new Flow topic and show author and block links
     Given the author link is visible
-      And the talk to author link is not visible
-      And the block author link is not visible
-    # hover doesn't work in IE, bug 67723
+    And the talk to author link is not visible
+    And the block author link is not visible
     When I hover over the author link
     Then the talk to author link should be visible
-      And the block author link should be visible
+    And the block author link should be visible
+  # todo: replace with actual tests on those actions
   Scenario: Post Actions
     When I hover on the Post Actions link
     Then I should see a Hide button
-      And I should see a Delete button
-      And I should see a Suppress button
+    And I should see a Delete button
+    And I should see a Suppress button
   Scenario: Topic Actions
     When I hover on the Topic Actions link
     Then I should see a Hide topic button
-      And I should see a Delete topic button
-      And I should see a Suppress topic button
+    And I should see a Delete topic button
+    And I should see a Suppress topic button
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/flow_no_javascript.feature 
index 0437696..9932bc9 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/flow_no_javascript.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/flow_no_javascript.feature
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-@custom-browser @firefox
 Feature: Basic site for legacy devices
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/mark_topic_as_resolved.feature 
index d6f5f45..ae8d14e 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/mark_topic_as_resolved.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/mark_topic_as_resolved.feature
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 Feature: Mark topic as resolved
-    Given I am logged in
+    Given there is a new topic
+    And I am logged in
     And I am on Flow page
-    And I have created a Flow topic
   Scenario: Resolving a topic without a summary
     When I mark the first topic as resolved
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/moderation.feature 
index 2f0bd10..7bfb63d 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/moderation.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/moderation.feature
@@ -3,35 +3,15 @@
 Feature: Moderation
-  Assumes Flow is enabled for the User_talk namespace.
-    Given I am logged in
-        And I am on Flow page
+    Given there is a new topic
+    And I am logged in
+    And I am on Flow page
   Scenario: Deleting a topic
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "Deletemeifyoudare"
     When I hover on the Topic Actions link
-        And I click the Delete topic button
-        And I see a dialog box
-        And I give reason for deletion as being "He's a naughty boy"
-        And I click Delete topic
+    And I click the Delete topic button
+    And I see a dialog box
+    And I give reason for deletion as being "He's a naughty boy"
+    And I click Delete topic
     Then the top post should be marked as deleted
-  Scenario: Cancelling a dialog without text
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "Testing cancel deletion of 
-    When I hover on the Topic Actions link
-        And I click the Delete topic button
-        And I see a dialog box
-        And I cancel the dialog
-    Then I do not see the dialog box
-  Scenario: Cancelling a dialog with text
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "Testing cancel deletion of 
-    When I hover on the Topic Actions link
-        And I click the Delete topic button
-        And I see a dialog box
-        And I give reason for deletion as being "About to change my mind"
-        And I cancel the dialog
-        And I confirm
-    Then I do not see the dialog box
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/new_topic.feature 
index a9ae4a4..2eef363 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/new_topic.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/new_topic.feature
@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
-@chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @phantomjs
+@chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10
 Feature: Creating a new topic
     Given I am on Flow page
-  Scenario: Cannot create a new topic without content
-    When I type "Anonymous user topic creation test" into the new topic title 
-    Then the Save New Topic button should be disabled
   Scenario: Add new Flow topic as anonymous user
     When I have created a Flow topic with title "Anonymous user topic creation"
-    # TODO the terminology below is terrible, posts don't have headings. It's 
the top topic's title and first post.
     Then the top post should have a heading which contains "Anonymous user 
topic creation"
-      And the top post should have content which contains "Anonymous user 
topic creation"
+    And the top post should have content which contains "Anonymous user topic 
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/post_links.feature 
index 5c1c39b..54cbe52 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/post_links.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/post_links.feature
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
 @chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10
-@clean @login
 Feature: Follow user links
-  Scenario: User links takes me to the user page
-    Given I am logged in
-      And I am on Flow page
-      And I have created a Flow topic
-      And I see a flow creator element
-    When I click the flow creator element
-    Then I am on my user page
+  Background:
+    Given there is a new topic created by me
+  Scenario: User links takes me to the user page
+    Given I am on Flow page
+    When I click the flow creator element
+    Then I am on my user page
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/reopen_topic.feature 
index 71d35ef..e64556e 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/reopen_topic.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/reopen_topic.feature
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 Feature: Reopen a resolved topic
-    Given I am logged in
+    Given there is a new topic
+    And I am logged in
     And I am on Flow page
-    And I have created a Flow topic
   Scenario: Reopening a resolved topic and changing the summary
     Given I mark the first topic as resolved
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/reply.feature 
index 0213c0c..b3614b9 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/reply.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/reply.feature
@@ -3,19 +3,16 @@
 Feature: Replying
-  Background:
-    Given I am logged in
-      And I am on Flow page
-  @phantomjs
   Scenario: I can reply
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "Reply test"
-    When I reply with comment "Boom boom shake shake the room"
-    Then the top post's first reply should contain the text "Boom boom shake 
shake the room"
+    Given there is a new topic
+    And I am on Flow page
+    When I reply with comment "hi there"
+    Then the top post's first reply should contain the text "hi there"
-  @phantomjs
   Scenario: Replying updates watched state
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "Reply watch test"
-      And I am not watching my new Flow topic
+    Given there is a new topic created by me
+    And I am logged in
+    And I am on Flow page
+    And I am not watching my new Flow topic
     When I reply with comment "I want to watch this title"
     Then I should see an unwatch link on the topic
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/sorting_topics.feature 
index 177ecd1..d0da113 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/sorting_topics.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/sorting_topics.feature
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 @chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @phantomjs
-@clean @login
 Feature: Sorting topics
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
   Scenario: Switch topic sorting to Recently Active Topics
     When I click Newest topics link
-      And I click Recently active topics choice
+    And I click Recently active topics choice
     Then the Flow page should show Recently active topics link
-      And the Flow page should not show Newest topics link
+    And the Flow page should not show Newest topics link
   Scenario: Switch topic sorting to Recently Active Topics and then back to 
Newest topics
     When I click Newest topics link
-      And I click Recently active topics choice
-      And I click Recently active topics link
-      And I click Newest topics choice
+    And I click Recently active topics choice
+    And I click Recently active topics link
+    And I click Newest topics choice
     Then the Flow page should show Newest topics link
-      And the Flow page should not show Recently active topics link
+    And the Flow page should not show Recently active topics link
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/special_enableflow.feature 
index def6a87..6952a43 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/special_enableflow.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/special_enableflow.feature
@@ -3,24 +3,21 @@
 Feature: Flow Special:EnableFlow enables new flow boards
     Given I am logged in
-      And I navigate to enable flow page
+    And I navigate to enable flow page
   Scenario: Enabling a new Flow page
     When I enable a new Flow board
     Then I get confirmation for enabling a new Flow board
-      And I click on the new Flow board link
-      And The page I am on is a Flow board
+    And I click on the new Flow board link
+    And The page I am on is a Flow board
   Scenario: Enabling a Flow page on existing page
     Given I have an existing talk page
     When I enable a new Flow board on the talk page
     Then I get confirmation for enabling a new Flow board
-      And I click on the new Flow board link
-      And The page I am on is a Flow board
-      And I click the archive link
-      And The archive contains the original text
+    And I click on the new Flow board link
+    And The page I am on is a Flow board
+    And I click the archive link
+    And The archive contains the original text
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/step_definitions/api_steps.rb 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b9674e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/browser/features/step_definitions/api_steps.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Given(/^there is a new topic with title \"(.*?)\"$/) do |title|
+  title = @data_manager.get title
+  api.action('flow', submodule: 'new-topic', page: 'Talk:Flow_QA', nttopic: 
title, ntcontent: 'created via API')
+Given(/^there is a new topic$/) do
+  step "there is a new topic with title \"title\""
+Given(/^there is a new topic created by me$/) do
+  api.log_in user, password unless api.logged_in?
+  step "there is a new topic with title \"title\""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/step_definitions/reply_steps.rb 
index 9aa5472..4d098f9 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/step_definitions/reply_steps.rb
+++ b/tests/browser/features/step_definitions/reply_steps.rb
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   on(FlowPage) do |page|
-    page.new_reply_editor_element.send_keys(content)
+    page.new_reply_editor_element.when_present.send_keys(content)
     page.flow_first_topic_element.paragraph_element(text: content).when_present
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/support/env.rb 
index fa9bdeb..0fba164 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/support/env.rb
+++ b/tests/browser/features/support/env.rb
@@ -4,3 +4,11 @@
 require 'mediawiki_selenium/step_definitions'
 require_relative 'div_extension'
+  PageObject.default_page_wait = ENV['PAGE_WAIT_TIMEOUT'].to_i
+  PageObject.default_element_wait = ENV['ELEMENT_WAIT_TIMEOUT'].to_i
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/support/pages/abstract_flow_page.rb 
index dfb2fa4..e77e960 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/support/pages/abstract_flow_page.rb
+++ b/tests/browser/features/support/pages/abstract_flow_page.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 require_relative 'wiki_page'
 class AbstractFlowPage < WikiPage
-  def visualeditor_or_textarea(parent_form_class)
-    parent = form_element(class: parent_form_class).when_present
+  def visualeditor_or_textarea(form)
+    parent = form.is_a?(String) ? form_element(css: form) : form
+    parent.when_present
     if parent.div_element(class: 'flow-editor-visualeditor').exists?
       parent.div_element(class: 've-ce-documentNode')
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
   form(:edit_description_form, css: ".edit-header-form")
   a(:sidebar_toggle, class: "side-rail-toggle-button")
   def edit_description_textbox_element
-    visualeditor_or_textarea 'edit-header-form'
+    visualeditor_or_textarea '.edit-header-form'
   # If page has an archive template from a flow conversion
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@
     page.summary_element.button_element(text: 'Update summary')
   def edit_summary_element
-    visualeditor_or_textarea 'flow-edit-form'
+    visualeditor_or_textarea '.flow-edit-form'
   span(:first_topic_resolved_mark) do |page|
@@ -240,7 +241,7 @@
   text_field(:new_topic_title, name: "topiclist_topic")
   def new_topic_body_element
-    visualeditor_or_textarea 'flow-newtopic-form'
+    visualeditor_or_textarea '.flow-newtopic-form'
   button(:new_topic_cancel, css: ".flow-newtopic-form .mw-ui-destructive")
@@ -257,7 +258,8 @@
   def new_reply_editor_element
-    visualeditor_or_textarea 'flow-reply-form'
+    form = flow_first_topic_element.form_element(class: 'flow-reply-form')
+    visualeditor_or_textarea form
   button(:new_reply_cancel, css: ".flow-reply-form .mw-ui-destructive")
@@ -267,7 +269,7 @@
   # Editing post workflow
   def post_edit_element
-    visualeditor_or_textarea 'flow-edit-post-form'
+    visualeditor_or_textarea '.flow-edit-post-form'
   button(:change_post_save, css: ".flow-edit-post-form .mw-ui-constructive")
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/suppress.feature 
index 034aadf..628146d 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/suppress.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/suppress.feature
@@ -7,22 +7,24 @@
     Given I am logged in
-    And I am on Flow page
   Scenario: Suppressing a topic
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "suppress-topic"
+    Given there is a new topic with title "suppress-topic"
+    And I am on Flow page
     When I suppress the first topic with reason "I suppress you"
     Then the top post should be marked as suppressed
   Scenario: Restoring a topic
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "suppress-restore-topic"
+    Given there is a new topic with title "suppress-restore-topic"
+    And I am on Flow page
     When I suppress the first topic with reason "I suppress you temporarily"
     And I undo the suppression
     Then I see the topic "suppress-restore-topic" on the board
     And everybody sees the topic "suppress-restore-topic" on the board
   Scenario: A suppressed topic is not in board history
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "suppress-not-in-history"
+    Given there is a new topic with title "suppress-not-in-history"
+    And I am on Flow page
     And I suppress the first topic
     When I visit the board history page
     Then I see the following entries in board history
@@ -37,7 +39,8 @@
         |commented on        |suppress-not-in-history|
   Scenario: A suppressed and restored topic is in board history
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "suppress-restore-in-history"
+    Given there is a new topic with title "suppress-restore-in-history"
+    And I am on Flow page
     And I have suppressed and restored the first topic
     When I visit the board history page
     Then I see the following entries in board history
@@ -56,7 +59,8 @@
         |suppressed the topic|suppress-restore-in-history|
   Scenario: A suppressed and restored topic is in topic history
-    Given I have created a Flow topic with title "suppress-restore-in-history"
+    Given there is a new topic with title "suppress-restore-in-history"
+    And I am on Flow page
     And I have suppressed and restored the first topic
     When I visit the topic history page
     Then I see the following entries in topic history
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/thank.feature 
index 54af7ec..697de9d 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/thank.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/thank.feature
@@ -4,22 +4,21 @@
 Feature: Thank author of a Flow post
   Scenario: Anon does not see Thank button
-    Given the "Talk:Flow QA" page has a new unmoderated topic created by me
-      And I am on Flow page
+    Given there is a new topic
+    When I am on Flow page
     Then I should not see a Thank button
   Scenario: Thank the user
     Given I am logged in
-      And the most recent topic on "Talk:Flow QA" is written by another user
-      And I am on Flow page
-      And I see a Thank button
+    And the most recent topic on "Talk:Flow QA" is written by another user
+    And I am on Flow page
     When I click on the Thank button
     Then I should see the Thank button be replaced with Thanked button
   Scenario: I cannot thank my own post
-    Given I am logged in
-      And the "Talk:Flow QA" page has a new unmoderated topic created by me
-      And I am on Flow page
+    Given there is a new topic created by me
+    And I am logged in
+    When I am on Flow page
     Then I should not see a Thank button
diff --git a/tests/browser/features/watch.feature 
index 704ecd3..7937e00 100644
--- a/tests/browser/features/watch.feature
+++ b/tests/browser/features/watch.feature
@@ -1,38 +1,39 @@
-@chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @phantomjs
+@chrome @firefox @internet_explorer_10
 @clean @login
 Feature: Watching/Unwatching Boards and Topics
-       Scenario: Watch topic
-               Given I am logged in
-                       And I am on Flow page
-                       And I have created a Flow topic
-                       And I am not watching the Flow topic
-               When I click the Watch Topic link
-               Then I should see the Unwatch Topic link
+  Background:
+    Given there is a new topic
-       Scenario: Unwatch topic
-               Given I am logged in
-                       And I am on Flow page
-                       And I have created a Flow topic
-                       And I am watching the Flow topic
-               When I click the Unwatch Topic link
-               Then I should see the Watch Topic link
+  Scenario: Watch topic
+    Given I am logged in
+    And I am on Flow page
+    And I am not watching the Flow topic
+    When I click the Watch Topic link
+    Then I should see the Unwatch Topic link
-       Scenario: Watch board
-               Given I am logged in
-                       And I am on Flow page
-                       And I am not watching the Flow board
-               When I click the Watch Board link
-               Then I should see the Unwatch Board link
+  Scenario: Unwatch topic
+    Given I am logged in
+    And I am on Flow page
+    And I am watching the Flow topic
+    When I click the Unwatch Topic link
+    Then I should see the Watch Topic link
-       Scenario: Unwatch board
-               Given I am logged in
-                       And I am on Flow page
-                       And I am watching the Flow board
-               When I click the Unwatch Board link
-               Then I should see the Watch Board link
+  Scenario: Watch board
+    Given I am logged in
+    And I am on Flow page
+    And I am not watching the Flow board
+    When I click the Watch Board link
+    Then I should see the Unwatch Board link
-       Scenario: No watch links for anonymous users
-               When I am on Flow page
-               Then I should not see any watch links
+  Scenario: Unwatch board
+    Given I am logged in
+    And I am on Flow page
+    And I am watching the Flow board
+    When I click the Unwatch Board link
+    Then I should see the Watch Board link
+  Scenario: No watch links for anonymous users
+    When I am on Flow page
+    Then I should not see any watch links

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I08228ea1b4b565c014b1127dbce54676f552b304
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/Flow
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Sbisson <>

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