ArielGlenn has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: dumps: admin script to do cleanup, enter maintenance mode, etc

dumps: admin script to do cleanup, enter maintenance mode, etc

this script will:
clean up most recent broken jobs of a dump
remove lockfiles from interrupted dumps on a host
enter/end maintenance mode, request immediate exit after
  completion of current job, etc.
kill with extreme prejudice any dump scripts running on a specific
  wiki but not the python wrapper script (yet)
add a notice message to the index page for the most recent dump
  of a specific wiki

Change-Id: I861b40210f4c018e99a9fbace544b6e68284ac7d
A xmldumps-backup/
M xmldumps-backup/dumps/
M xmldumps-backup/worker
M xmldumps-backup/
4 files changed, 714 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

  ArielGlenn: Verified; Looks good to me, approved
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/xmldumps-backup/ b/xmldumps-backup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a39ef0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmldumps-backup/
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+run a set of commands in a given order,
+given information about how many free slots
+the host has for such processes and how many
+slots each process takes.
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+import glob
+import socket
+import signal
+from dumps.utils import RunInfoFile, Chunk
+from dumps.runnerutils import Checksummer, Status, NoticeFile, SymLinks
+from import DumpDir
+from worker import DumpItemList
+from dumps.WikiDump import Wiki, Config
+def command_has_wiki(pid, wikiname):
+    '''
+    see if the process with the given pid is operating on the
+    given wiki by checking process command line args
+    '''
+    if wikiname is None:
+        # no check needed
+        return True
+    try:
+        process_command = open("/proc/%s/cmdline" % pid, "r")
+    except IOError:
+        # permission or gone, anyways not us
+        return False
+    for line in process_command:
+        if line:
+            fields = line.split("\x00")
+            for field in fields:
+                if field == wikiname or field == "--wiki=" + wikiname:
+                    process_command.close()
+                    return True
+    process_command.close()
+    return False
+def get_job_output_files(wiki, job, dump_item_list):
+    '''
+    return list of output files produced by job
+    '''
+    job_files = []
+    for item in dump_item_list:
+        if == job:
+            job_files = item.list_outfiles_for_cleanup(DumpDir(wiki, 
+            break
+    return job_files
+def check_process_running(pid):
+    '''
+    see if process with given pid is running
+    and if we started it.
+    it's possible for the process to die or be killed
+    in the meantime after this returns, what can you do
+    '''
+    try:
+        os.kill(int(pid), 0)
+    except OSError:
+        return False
+    try:
+        process_environ = open("/proc/%s/environ" % pid, "r")
+    except IOError:
+        # permission or gone, anyways not us
+        return False
+    for line in process_environ:
+        if line:
+            fields = line.split("\x00")
+            for field in fields:
+                if field == "DUMPS":
+                    process_environ.close()
+                    return True
+    process_environ.close()
+    return False
+def get_lockfile_content(filename):
+    '''
+    return the host running the process
+    and the pid of the process that created
+    the lockfile
+    '''
+    with open(filename, "r") as lockfile:
+        content =
+        lines = content.splitlines()
+        if len(lines) != 1:
+            return(None, None)
+        else:
+            host, pid = lines[0].split(" ", 1)
+            return(host, pid)
+def create_file(filename):
+    '''
+    create an empty file
+    '''
+    open(filename, 'a').close()
+def remove_file(filename):
+    '''
+    remove a file
+    '''
+    try:
+        os.unlink(filename)
+    except:
+        pass
+class ActionHandler(object):
+    '''
+    methods for all actions, whether on one wiki or on all
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, actions, message, undo, configfile,
+                 wikiname, dryrun, verbose):
+        '''
+        constructor.
+        reads configs for every wiki, this might be wasteful
+        but really how long can it take? even with 1k wikis
+        '''
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        if not actions and not undo:
+            if self.verbose:
+                sys.stderr.write("No actions specified.\n")
+            return
+        self.actions = actions
+        self.undo = undo
+        self.dryrun = dryrun
+        self.wikiname = wikiname
+        self.configfile = configfile
+        self.message = message
+        self.conf = Config(self.configfile)
+        if self.wikiname is None:
+            self.wikilist = self.conf.db_list
+        else:
+            self.wikilist = [self.wikiname]
+        self.wikiconfs = {}
+        for wiki in self.wikilist:
+            self.wikiconfs[wiki] = self.get_wiki_config(wiki)
+    def get_wiki_config(self, wikiname):
+        '''
+        parse and return the configuration for a particular wiki
+        '''
+        wikiconf = Config(self.configfile)
+        wikiconf.parse_conffile_per_project(wikiname)
+        return wikiconf
+    def do_all(self):
+        '''
+        do all actions specified at instantiation time
+        '''
+        self.conf.parse_conffile_globally()
+        self.do_global_actions()
+        self.undo_global_actions()
+        self.do_per_wiki_actions()
+        self.undo_per_wiki_actions()
+    def do_global_actions(self):
+        '''
+        do all actions that either do not
+        reference a particular wiki (maintenance,
+        exit) or may run on one or all wikis
+        '''
+        for item in self.actions:
+            if item == "kill":
+                self.do_kill()
+            elif item == "unlock":
+                self.do_unlock()
+            elif item == "remove":
+                self.do_remove()
+            elif item == "maintenance":
+                self.do_maintenance()
+            elif item == "exit":
+                self.do_exit()
+    def do_per_wiki_actions(self):
+        '''
+        do all actions that must reference
+        only one wiki
+        '''
+        for item in self.actions:
+            for wiki in self.wikiconfs:
+                if item == "notice":
+                    self.do_notice(wiki)
+    def undo_global_actions(self):
+        '''
+        undo all specified actions that do not
+        reference a particular wiki
+        '''
+        for item in self.undo:
+            if item == "maintenance":
+                self.undo_maintenance()
+            elif item == "exit":
+                self.undo_exit()
+    def undo_per_wiki_actions(self):
+        '''
+        undo all specified actions that must
+        reference a particular wiki
+        '''
+        for wiki in self.wikiconfs:
+            for item in self.undo:
+                if item == "notice":
+                    self.undo_notice(wiki)
+    def get_dump_pids(self):
+        '''
+        get list of pids either for one wiki or for all
+        which are running dumps; these must have been started by
+        either the scheduler, the bash wrapper or the
+        script.  i.e. if a user runs dumpBackups.php by hand
+        that is not going to be picked up.
+        don't rely on lock files, they may have been removed or not created
+        look up processes with DUMPS environ var set. values:
+           'scheduler' (the dumps scheduler)
+           'wrapper' (the bash dumps wrapper that runs across all wikis
+           pid (the worker that runs on one wiki and any processes it spawned)
+        we want at all costs to avoid hardcoded list of commands
+        '''
+        pids = []
+        uid = os.geteuid()
+        for process_id in os.listdir('/proc'):
+            if process_id.isdigit():
+                # owned by us
+                puid = os.stat(os.path.join('/proc', process_id)).st_uid
+                if puid == uid:
+                    # has DUMPS environ var
+                    try:
+                        process_environ = open("/proc/%s/environ" % 
process_id, "r")
+                    except IOError:
+                        # permission or gone, anyways not us
+                        continue
+                    for line in process_environ:
+                        if line:
+                            fields = line.split("\x00")
+                            for field in fields:
+                                if field.startswith("DUMPS="):
+                                    # if no wiki specified for instance, get 
procs for all
+                                    if self.wikiname is None or 
command_has_wiki(process_id, self.wikiname):
+                                        pids.append(process_id)
+                                    break
+                    process_environ.close()
+        return pids
+    def do_kill(self):
+        '''
+        kill all dump related processes for the wiki specified
+        at instantiation or all wikis; good only for processes
+        started by the scheduler, the bash wrapper script or
+        the python worker script
+        '''
+        pids = self.get_dump_pids()
+        if self.dryrun:
+            print "would kill processes", pids
+            return
+        elif self.verbose:
+            print "killing these processes:", pids
+        for pid in pids:
+            os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM)
+    def do_unlock(self):
+        '''
+        unlock either wiki specified at instantiation or
+        all wikis, provided they were locked on current host
+        '''
+        lock_info = self.find_dump_lockinfo()
+        # fixme does this iter over keys?
+        for wiki in lock_info:
+            if check_process_running(lock_info[wiki]['pid']):
+                continue
+            if self.dryrun:
+                print "would remove lock", lock_info[wiki]['name']
+            else:
+                if self.verbose:
+                    print "removing lock for", wiki
+                os.unlink(lock_info[wiki]['filename'])
+    def find_failed_dumps_for_wiki(self, wikiname):
+        '''
+        return list of failed jobs for the latest run
+        for the specified wiki or empty list if there are none
+        '''
+        failed_jobs = []
+        # fixme how is the above a string, shouldn't it be a function?
+        wiki = Wiki(self.wikiconfs[wikiname], wikiname)
+        date = wiki.latest_dump()
+        if date is None:
+            return [], None
+        wiki.set_date(date)
+        run_info_file = RunInfoFile(wiki, False)
+        results = run_info_file.get_old_runinfo_from_file()
+        if not results:
+            return [], None
+        for entry in results:
+            if entry.status() == "failed":
+                failed_jobs.append(
+        return failed_jobs, date
+    def find_failed_dumps(self):
+        '''
+        return dict of failed jobs per wiki during most recent run,
+        skipping over wikis with no failed jobs
+        '''
+        failed_dumps = {}
+        for wiki in self.wikilist:
+            results, date = self.find_failed_dumps_for_wiki(wiki)
+            if results and date is not None:
+                failed_dumps[wiki] = {}
+                failed_dumps[wiki][date] = results
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "failed dumps info:", failed_dumps
+        return failed_dumps
+    def do_remove(self):
+        '''
+        find all failed dump jobs for unlocked wikis
+        clean them up after getting lock on each one
+        first, then remove lock
+        if a specific wiki was specified at instantiation,
+        clean up only that wiki
+        '''
+        failed_dumps = self.find_failed_dumps()
+        for wikiname in failed_dumps:
+            for date in failed_dumps[wikiname]:
+                wiki = Wiki(self.wikiconfs[wikiname], wikiname)
+                wiki.set_date(date)
+                try:
+                    wiki.lock()
+                except:
+                    sys.stderr.write("Couldn't lock %s, can't do cleanup\n" % 
+                    continue
+                self.cleanup_dump(wiki, failed_dumps[wikiname][date])
+                wiki.unlock()
+    def cleanup_dump(self, wiki, failed_jobs):
+        '''
+        for the specified wiki, and the given list
+        of failed jobs, find all the output files, toss
+        them, then rebuild: md5sums file, symlinks
+        into latest dir, dump run info file
+        '''
+        chunk_info = Chunk(wiki, wiki.db_name)
+        dump_dir = DumpDir(wiki, wiki.db_name)
+        run_info_file = RunInfoFile(wiki, True)
+        dump_item_list = DumpItemList(wiki, False, False, False, None, None,
+                                      True, chunk_info, None, run_info_file, 
+        if not failed_jobs:
+            if self.verbose:
+                print "no failed jobs for wiki", wiki
+        for job in failed_jobs:
+            files = get_job_output_files(wiki, job, dump_item_list.dump_items)
+            paths = [dump_dir.filename_public_path(fileinfo) for fileinfo in 
+            if self.verbose:
+                print "for job", job, "these are the output files:", paths
+            for filename in paths:
+                if self.dryrun:
+                    print "would unlink", filename
+                else:
+                    try:
+                        os.unlink(filename)
+                    except:
+                        continue
+        if self.dryrun:
+            print "would update dumpruninfo file, checksums file, ",
+            print "status file, index.html file and symlinks to latest dir"
+            return
+        # need to update status files, dumpruninfo, checksums file
+        # and latest links.
+        checksums = Checksummer(wiki, dump_dir, True, False)
+        html_notice_file = NoticeFile(wiki, "", True)
+        status = Status(wiki, dump_dir, dump_item_list.dump_items, checksums,
+                        True, False, html_notice_file, None, self.verbose)
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "updating status files for wiki", wiki.db_name
+        status.update_status_files()
+        run_info_file = RunInfoFile(wiki, True)
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "updating dump run info file for wiki", wiki.db_name
+        symlinks = SymLinks(wiki, dump_dir, False, False, True)
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "updating symlinks for wiki", wiki.db_name
+        symlinks.cleanup_symlinks()
+    def do_maintenance(self):
+        '''
+        create an empty maintenance.txt file
+        causes the dump runners after the next job
+        to run no jobs per wiki
+        and sleep 5 minutes in between each wiki
+        this is a global action that affects all wikis
+        run on the given host
+        '''
+        if self.dryrun:
+            print "would create maintenance file"
+            return
+        elif self.verbose:
+            print "creating maintenance file"
+        create_file("maintenance.txt")
+    def do_exit(self):
+        '''
+        create an empty exit.txt file; causes the
+        dump runners to exit after next job
+        this is a global action that affects all wikis
+        run on the given host
+        '''
+        if self.dryrun:
+            print "would create exit file"
+            return
+        elif self.verbose:
+            print "creating exit file"
+        create_file("exit.txt")
+    def do_notice(self, wikiname):
+        '''
+        create a notice.txt file for the particular wiki for
+        the most recent run. the contents will appear on its
+        web page for that dump run
+        '''
+        wiki = Wiki(self.wikiconfs[wikiname], wikiname)
+        date = wiki.latest_dump()
+        if date is None:
+            print "dump never run, not adding notice file for wiki", wikiname
+            return
+        if self.dryrun:
+            print "would add notice.txt for wiki", wikiname, "date", date
+            return
+        elif self.verbose:
+            print "creating notice file for wiki", wikiname, "date", date
+        wiki.set_date(date)
+        NoticeFile(wiki, self.message, True)
+    def undo_maintenance(self):
+        '''
+        remove any maintenance.txt file that may exist,
+        resumes normal operations
+        '''
+        if self.dryrun:
+            print "would remove maintenance file"
+            return
+        elif self.verbose:
+            print "removing maintenance file"
+        remove_file("maintenance.txt")
+    def undo_exit(self):
+        '''
+        remove any exit.txt file that may exist,
+        resumes normal operations
+        '''
+        if self.dryrun:
+            print "would remove exit file"
+            return
+        elif self.verbose:
+            print "removing exit file"
+        remove_file("exit.txt")
+    def undo_notice(self, wikiname):
+        '''
+        remove any notice.txt file that may exist
+        for the most current run for the given wiki
+        '''
+        wiki = Wiki(self.wikiconfs[wikiname], wikiname)
+        date = wiki.latest_dump()
+        if date is None:
+            print "dump never run, no notice file to remove for wiki", wikiname
+            return
+        if self.dryrun:
+            print "would remove notice.txt for wiki", wikiname, "date", date
+            return
+        elif self.verbose:
+            print "removing notice file for wiki", wikiname, "date", date
+        wiki.set_date(date)
+        NoticeFile(wiki, False, True)
+    def find_dump_lockinfo(self):
+        '''
+        get host and pid information for lockfiles for the wiki
+        specified at instantiation or for all wikis
+        '''
+        my_hostname = socket.getfqdn()
+        lockfiles = []
+        results = {}
+        if self.wikiname is not None:
+            path = os.path.join(self.wikiconfs[self.wikiname].private_dir, 
self.wikiname, "lock")
+            if os.path.exists(path):
+                lockfiles = [path]
+        else:
+            lockfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.conf.private_dir, "*", 
+        for filename in lockfiles:
+            host, pid = get_lockfile_content(filename)
+            wiki = self.get_wiki_from_lockfilename(filename)
+            if host == my_hostname:
+                results[wiki] = {'pid': pid, 'host': host, 'filename': 
+        return results
+    def get_wiki_from_lockfilename(self, filename):
+        '''
+        given the full lockfile name, grab the wiki name out of it
+        and return it
+        '''
+        if filename.endswith("lock"):
+            filename = filename[:-4]
+        if filename.startswith(self.conf.private_dir):
+            filename = filename[len(self.conf.private_dir):]
+        filename = filename.strip(os.path.sep)
+        return filename
+def usage(message=None):
+    '''
+    display a helpful usage message with
+    an optional introductory message first
+    '''
+    if message is not None:
+        sys.stderr.write(message)
+        sys.stderr.write("\n")
+    usage_message = """
+Usage: --<action> [--<action>...]
+    [--configfile] [--wiki] [--dryrun] [--verbose] [--help]
+    where <action> is one of the following:
+    kill        (-k) kill all running workers and their children
+    unlock      (-u) unlock all locked wikis that have lock
+                     files created by a process that is no
+                     longer running on the current host
+    remove      (-r) remove all failed wiki jobs from most
+                     recent dump, reset wiki status. This
+                     removes ALL related files, so for a
+                     job that produces 4 pages-article files
+                     but only one is actually bad, it will
+                     remove them all.
+    maintenance (-m) touch maintenance.txt in cwd, causing
+                     workers to run no wikis and sleep 5
+                     minutes in between checks to see if
+                     maintenance is done
+    exit        (-e) touch exit.txt in cwd, causing workers
+                     to exit after next job
+    notice      (-n) message supplied will be put into notice
+                     file for the given wiki for the most recent
+                     dump or for all wikis
+                     this notice file is incorporated into
+                     the web page shown to users, once
+                     the page is regenerated (during runs)
+    OR
+    undo        (-U) comma-separated list of 'maintenance',
+                     'notice', 'exit'
+                     the options specified will be undone
+    wiki        (-w) run on the specified wiki: default, runs on
+                     all given by the config file
+    configfile  (-c) path to config file
+                     default: wikidump.conf in cwd
+    dryrun      (-d) don't do it but show what would be done
+    verbose     (-v) print many progress messages
+    help        (-h) show this message
+    sys.stderr.write(usage_message)
+    sys.exit(1)
+def check_options(remainder, configfile):
+    '''
+    whine if these options have problems
+    '''
+    if len(remainder) > 0:
+        usage("Unknown option(s) specified: <%s>" % remainder[0])
+    if not os.path.exists(configfile):
+        usage("no such file found: " + configfile)
+def fixup_undo(undo):
+    '''
+    convert comma sep argument into list
+    '''
+    if undo is not None:
+        undo = [(item).strip() for item in undo.split(",")]
+    else:
+        undo = []
+    return undo
+def check_actions(undo, actions):
+    '''
+    make sure no specified action is also in the undo list
+    '''
+    problems = []
+    for item in undo:
+        if item in actions:
+            problems.append(item)
+    if problems:
+        usage("action and undo of action cannot be specified together " +
+              ", ".join(problems))
+def get_action_opt(option):
+    '''
+    return action correspodning to command line option
+    '''
+    action_options = ['kill', 'unlock', 'remove', 'maintenance', 'exit']
+    if option.startswith("--"):
+        option = option[2:]
+        if option in action_options:
+            return option
+    elif option.startswith("-"):
+        option = option[1:]
+        for action in action_options:
+            if action.startswith(option):
+                return action
+    return None
+def main():
+    'main entry point, does all the work'
+    actions = []
+    configfile = "wikidump.conf"
+    dryrun = False
+    verbose = False
+    message = None
+    undo = None
+    wiki = None
+    try:
+        (options, remainder) = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 
+                                                 ["configfile=", "notice=", 
"no=", "undo=",
+                                                  "wiki=", "kill", "unlock", 
+                                                  "maintenance", "exit", 
+                                                  "verbose", "help"])
+    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+        usage("Unknown option specified: " + str(err))
+    for (opt, val) in options:
+        if opt in ["-c", "--configfile"]:
+            configfile = val
+        elif opt in ["-n", "--notice"]:
+            actions.append("notice")
+            message = val
+        elif opt in ["-U", "--undo"]:
+            undo = val
+        elif opt in ["-w", "--wiki"]:
+            wiki = val
+        elif opt in ["-d", "--dryrun"]:
+            dryrun = True
+        elif opt in ["-v", "--verbose"]:
+            verbose = True
+        elif opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
+            usage('Help for this script\n')
+        else:
+            result = get_action_opt(opt)
+            if result is not None:
+                actions.append(result)
+            else:
+                usage("Unknown option specified: <%s>" % opt)
+    check_options(remainder, configfile)
+    undo = fixup_undo(undo)
+    check_actions(undo, actions)
+    handler = ActionHandler(actions, message, undo, configfile,
+                            wiki, dryrun, verbose)
+    handler.do_all()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/xmldumps-backup/dumps/ 
index 71433ea..0d34820 100644
--- a/xmldumps-backup/dumps/
+++ b/xmldumps-backup/dumps/
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
         # runs going at once (think en pedia, one finishing up the history, 
         # starting at the beginning to get the new abstracts and stubs).
-            dumps_in_order =
+            dumps_in_order =
             me_index = dumps_in_order.index(
             # don't wrap around to the newest dump in the list!
             if me_index > 0:
diff --git a/xmldumps-backup/worker b/xmldumps-backup/worker
index e16f39d..5e270dc 100755
--- a/xmldumps-backup/worker
+++ b/xmldumps-backup/worker
@@ -203,6 +203,8 @@
+export DUMPS
 WIKIDUMP_BASE=`dirname "$0"`
diff --git a/xmldumps-backup/ b/xmldumps-backup/
index 0c1d48b..9d4bf80 100644
--- a/xmldumps-backup/
+++ b/xmldumps-backup/
@@ -1100,6 +1100,8 @@
 def main():
+    os.environ['DUMPS'] = str(os.getpid())
         date = None
         config_file = False

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I861b40210f4c018e99a9fbace544b6e68284ac7d
Gerrit-PatchSet: 5
Gerrit-Project: operations/dumps
Gerrit-Branch: ariel
Gerrit-Owner: ArielGlenn <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: ArielGlenn <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Hydriz <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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