Chelsyx has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: Add bookmarking states

Add bookmarking states

In Shiny 0.14, RStudio added a way to bookmark
the state of the dashboard. Previously, we've
used the shinyURL R package, but this way we
use something that is now built into Shiny.

Bug: T145478
Change-Id: I0852673581c87a89d95da9f14715fc093daac6a6
A global.R
M server.R
M ui.R
R www/custom.js
4 files changed, 263 insertions(+), 345 deletions(-)

  Chelsyx: Verified; Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/global.R b/global.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6300d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/global.R
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+enableBookmarking(store = "url")
diff --git a/server.R b/server.R
index 17a3679..5ac100c 100644
--- a/server.R
+++ b/server.R
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
 existing_date <- Sys.Date() - 1
-shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
+function(input, output, session) {
   if (Sys.Date() != existing_date) {
     # Create a Progress object
-    progress <- shiny::Progress$new(session, min = 0, max = 1)
+    progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
     progress$set(message = "Downloading desktop data", value = 0)
     progress$set(message = "Downloading apps data", value = 0.1)
@@ -30,11 +30,6 @@
     progress$set(message = "Finished downloading datasets", value = 1)
     existing_date <<- Sys.Date()
-  }
-  # Wrap time_frame_range to provide global settings
-  time_frame_range <- function(input_local_timeframe, input_local_daterange) {
-    return(polloi::time_frame_range(input_local_timeframe, 
input_local_daterange, input$timeframe_global, input$daterange_global))
   ## Desktop value boxes
@@ -69,7 +64,6 @@
   output$desktop_event_plot <- renderDygraph({
     desktop_dygraph_set %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_desktop_event)) 
input$desktop_event_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Events", title = "Desktop 
search events, by day") %>%
       dyRangeSelector %>%
       dyEvent(as.Date("2016-07-12"), "A (schema switch)", labelLoc = "bottom")
@@ -78,7 +72,6 @@
   output$desktop_load_plot <- renderDygraph({
     desktop_load_data %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_desktop_load)) %>%
input$desktop_load_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Load time (ms)", title = 
"Desktop load times, by day", use_si = FALSE) %>%
       dyRangeSelector %>%
       dyEvent(as.Date("2016-07-12"), "A (schema switch)", labelLoc = "bottom")
@@ -87,7 +80,6 @@
   output$paulscore_approx_plot_fulltext <- renderDygraph({
     paulscore_fulltext %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
input$smoothing_paulscore_approx)) %>%
input$paulscore_approx_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "PaulScore", title = 
"PaulScore for fulltext searches, by day", use_si = FALSE, group = 
"paulscore_approx") %>%
       dyRangeSelector %>%
       dyLegend(labelsDiv = "paulscore_approx_legend", show = "always")
@@ -96,7 +88,6 @@
   output$paulscore_approx_plot_autocomplete <- renderDygraph({
     paulscore_autocomplete %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
input$smoothing_paulscore_approx)) %>%
input$paulscore_approx_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "PaulScore", title = 
"PaulScore for autocomplete searches, by day", use_si = FALSE, group = 
"paulscore_approx") %>%
       dyRangeSelector %>%
       dyLegend(labelsDiv = "paulscore_approx_legend", show = "always")
@@ -134,7 +125,6 @@
   output$mobile_event_plot <- renderDygraph({
     mobile_dygraph_set %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_mobile_event)) %>%
input$mobile_event_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Events", title = "Mobile 
search events, by day") %>%
@@ -142,7 +132,6 @@
   output$mobile_load_plot <- renderDygraph({
     mobile_load_data %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_mobile_load)) %>%
input$mobile_load_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Load time (ms)", title = 
"Mobile search events, by day", use_si = FALSE) %>%
@@ -179,7 +168,6 @@
   output$android_event_plot <- renderDygraph({
     android_dygraph_set %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_app_event)) %>%
-      polloi::subset_by_date_range(time_frame_range(input$app_event_timeframe, 
input$app_event_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Events", title = "Android 
mobile app search events, by day") %>%
@@ -187,7 +175,6 @@
   output$android_load_plot <- renderDygraph({
     android_load_data %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_app_load)) %>%
-      polloi::subset_by_date_range(time_frame_range(input$app_load_timeframe, 
input$app_load_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Load time (ms)", title = 
"Android result load times, by day", use_si = FALSE) %>%
@@ -195,7 +182,6 @@
   output$ios_event_plot <- renderDygraph({
     ios_dygraph_set %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_app_event)) %>%
-      polloi::subset_by_date_range(time_frame_range(input$app_event_timeframe, 
input$app_event_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Events", title = "iOS mobile 
app search events, by day") %>%
@@ -203,7 +189,6 @@
   output$ios_load_plot <- renderDygraph({
     ios_load_data %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_app_load)) %>%
-      polloi::subset_by_date_range(time_frame_range(input$app_load_timeframe, 
input$app_load_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Load time (ms)", title = 
"iOS result load times, by day", use_si = FALSE) %>%
@@ -211,7 +196,6 @@
   output$click_position_plot <- renderDygraph({
     position_prop %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
input$smoothing_app_click_position)) %>%
 input$app_click_position_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "", ylab = "Proportion of Clicks (%)", title 
= "Proportion of Clicks on Nth Result") %>%
       dyAxis("x", ticker = "Dygraph.dateTicker", axisLabelFormatter = 
              axisLabelWidth = 100, pixelsPerLabel = 80) %>%
@@ -222,7 +206,6 @@
   output$invoke_source_plot <- renderDygraph({
     source_prop %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
input$smoothing_app_invoke_source)) %>%
 input$app_invoke_source_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "", ylab = "Proportion of Search Sessions 
(%)", title = "Proportion of Search Sessions, by Invoke Source") %>%
       dyAxis("x", ticker = "Dygraph.dateTicker", axisLabelFormatter = 
              axisLabelWidth = 100, pixelsPerLabel = 80) %>%
@@ -234,7 +217,7 @@
   output$cirrus_aggregate <- renderDygraph({
     split_dataset$cirrus[, c(1, 3)] %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_fulltext_search)) 
input$fulltext_search_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Searches", title = 
"Full-text via API usage by day", legend_name = "Searches") %>%
@@ -242,7 +225,6 @@
   output$open_aggregate <- renderDygraph({
     split_dataset$open[, c(1, 3)] %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_open_search)) %>%
input$open_search_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Searches", title = 
"OpenSearch API usage by day", legend_name = "Searches") %>%
@@ -250,7 +232,6 @@
   output$geo_aggregate <- renderDygraph({
     split_dataset$geo[, c(1, 3)] %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_geo_search)) %>%
input$geo_search_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Searches", title = "Geo 
Search API usage by day", legend_name = "Searches") %>%
@@ -258,7 +239,6 @@
   output$language_aggregate <- renderDygraph({
     split_dataset$language[, c(1, 3)] %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_language_search)) 
input$language_search_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Searches", title = "Language 
Search API usage by day", legend_name = "Searches") %>%
@@ -266,7 +246,6 @@
   output$prefix_aggregate <- renderDygraph({
     split_dataset$prefix[, c(1, 3)] %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_prefix_search)) 
input$prefix_search_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Searches", title = "Prefix 
Search API usage by day", legend_name = "Searches") %>%
@@ -275,7 +254,6 @@
   output$failure_rate_plot <- renderDygraph({
failure_data_with_automata, failure_data_no_automata) %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_failure_rate)) %>%
input$failure_rate_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Zero Results Rate (%)", 
title = "Zero Results Rate, by day",
                            legend_name = "ZRR") %>%
       dyRangeSelector(fillColor = "") %>%
@@ -286,7 +264,6 @@
   output$failure_rate_change_plot <- renderDygraph({
failure_roc_with_automata, failure_roc_no_automata) %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
polloi::smooth_switch(input$smoothing_global, input$smoothing_failure_rate)) %>%
input$failure_rate_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Change (%)", title = "Zero 
Results rate change, by day", legend_name = "Change") %>%
       dyRangeSelector(fillColor = "", strokeColor = "") %>%
       dyEvent(as.Date("2016-03-16"), "Completion Suggester Deployed", labelLoc 
= "bottom")
@@ -296,7 +273,7 @@
     xts_data <- input$failure_breakdown_automata %>%
failure_breakdown_no_automata) %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
input$smoothing_failure_breakdown)) %>%
 input$failure_breakdown_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       { xts(.[, -1], = .$date) }
     xts_data %>% dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Zero Results Rate (%)",
                          main = "Zero result rate by search type") %>%
@@ -325,7 +302,6 @@
   output$suggestion_dygraph_plot <- renderDygraph({
suggestion_with_automata, suggestion_no_automata) %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
input$smoothing_failure_suggestions)) %>%
 input$failure_suggestions_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "Date", ylab = "Zero Results Rate (%)", 
title = "Zero Result Rates with Search Suggestions") %>%
       dyRangeSelector(fillColor = "") %>%
       dyEvent(as.Date("2016-02-01"), "A (format switch)", labelLoc = "bottom") 
@@ -382,7 +358,6 @@
langproj_with_automata, langproj_no_automata) %>%
       aggregate_wikis(input$language_selector, input$project_selector) %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
input$smoothing_failure_langproj)) %>%
input$failure_langproj_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "", ylab = "Zero Results Rate (%)", title = 
"Zero result rate by language and project") %>%
       dyLegend(show = "always", width = 400, labelsDiv = 
"failure_langproj_legend") %>%
       dyAxis("x", axisLabelFormatter = polloi::custom_axis_formatter) %>%
@@ -393,7 +368,6 @@
   output$lethal_dose_plot <- renderDygraph({
     user_page_visit_dataset %>%
       polloi::smoother(smooth_level = 
input$smoothing_lethal_dose_plot)) %>%
input$lethal_dose_timeframe_daterange)) %>%
       polloi::make_dygraph(xlab = "", ylab = "Time (s)", title = "Time at 
which we have lost N% of the users") %>%
       dyAxis("x", ticker = "Dygraph.dateTicker", axisLabelFormatter = 
              axisLabelWidth = 100, pixelsPerLabel = 80) %>%
@@ -786,4 +760,4 @@
     return(dropdownMenu(type = "notifications", .list = notifications))
diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R
index 4f91cee..cce737a 100644
--- a/ui.R
+++ b/ui.R
@@ -2,321 +2,259 @@
-#Header elements for the visualisation
-header <- dashboardHeader(title = "Search Metrics", 
dropdownMenuOutput("message_menu"), disable = FALSE)
+function(request) {
+  dashboardPage(
-#Sidebar elements for the search visualisations.
-sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
-  tags$head(
-    tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "stylesheet.css"),
-    tags$script(src = "rainbow.js")
-  ),
-  sidebarMenu(
-    menuItem(text = "KPIs",
-             div(selectInput("kpi_summary_date_range_selector",
-                             label = "KPI data range", multiple = FALSE, 
selected = "monthly",
-                             choices = list("Yesterday" = "daily", "Last 7 
days" = "weekly",
-                                            "Last 30 days" = "monthly", "Last 
90 days" = "quarterly")),
-                 style = "margin-bottom:-10px;"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Summary", tabName = "kpis_summary"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Monthly Metrics", tabName = 
-             menuSubItem(text = "Load times", tabName = "kpi_load_time"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Zero results", tabName = "kpi_zero_results"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "API usage", tabName = "kpi_api_usage"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Augmented Clickthrough", tabName = 
-             icon = icon("star", lib = "glyphicon")),
-    menuItem(text = "Desktop",
-             menuSubItem(text = "Events", tabName = "desktop_events"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Load times", tabName = "desktop_load"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "PaulScore", tabName = "paulscore_approx")),
-    menuItem(text = "Mobile Web",
-             menuSubItem(text = "Events", tabName = "mobile_events"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Load times", tabName = "mobile_load")),
-    menuItem(text = "Mobile Apps",
-             menuSubItem(text = "Events", tabName = "app_events"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Load times", tabName = "app_load"),
-                        menuSubItem(text = "Click Position", tabName = 
-                        menuSubItem(text = "Invoke Source", tabName = 
-                        ),
-    menuItem(text = "API",
-             menuSubItem(text = "Full-text via API", tabName = 
-             menuSubItem(text = "Open Search", tabName = "open_search"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Geo Search", tabName = "geo_search"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Prefix Search", tabName = "prefix_search"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Language Search", tabName = 
-    menuItem(text = "Zero Results",
-             menuSubItem(text = "Summary", tabName = "failure_rate"),
-             menuSubItem(text = "Search Type Breakdown", tabName = 
-             menuSubItem(text = "Search Suggestions", tabName = 
-             menuSubItem(text = "Language/Project Breakdown", tabName = 
-    menuItem(text = "Page Visit Times", tabName = "survival"),
-    menuItem(text = "Global Settings",
-             selectInput(inputId = "smoothing_global", label = "Smoothing", 
selectize = TRUE, selected = "day",
-                         choices = c("No Smoothing" = "day", "Weekly Median" = 
-                                     "Monthly Median" = "month", "Splines" = 
-             selectInput(inputId = "timeframe_global", label = "Time Frame", 
selectize = TRUE, selected = "",
-                         choices = c("All available data" = "all", "Last 7 
days" = "week", "Last 30 days" = "month",
-                                     "Last 90 days" = "quarter", "Custom" = 
-             conditionalPanel("input.timeframe_global == 'custom'",
-                              dateRangeInput("daterange_global", label = 
"Custom Date Range",
-                                             start = Sys.Date()-11, end = 
Sys.Date()-1, min = "2015-04-14")),
-             icon = icon("cog", lib = "glyphicon"))
-  ),
-  div(icon("info-sign", lib = "glyphicon"), HTML("<strong>Tip</strong>: you 
can drag on the graphs with your mouse to zoom in on a particular date 
range."), style = "padding: 10px; color: white;")
+    dashboardHeader(title = "Search Metrics", 
dropdownMenuOutput("message_menu"), disable = FALSE),
-#Body elements for the search visualisations.
-body <- dashboardBody(
-  tabItems(
-    tabItem(tabName = "kpis_summary",
-            htmlOutput("kpi_summary_date_range"),
-            fluidRow(valueBoxOutput("kpi_summary_box_load_time", width = 3),
-                     valueBoxOutput("kpi_summary_box_zero_results", width = 3),
-                     valueBoxOutput("kpi_summary_box_api_usage", width = 3),
-                     valueBoxOutput("kpi_summary_box_augmented_clickthroughs", 
width = 3)),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
-    tabItem(tabName = "monthly_metrics",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(fluidRow(
-                column(selectInput("monthy_metrics_month", "Month",
-                                   choices =,
-                                   selected =[lubridate::month(Sys.Date() - 1 - months(1))],
-                                   selectize = FALSE),
-                       width = 6),
-                column(selectInput("monthy_metrics_year", "Year",
-                                   choices = 
lubridate::year(seq(lubridate::floor_date(as.Date("2016-01-01"), "year"), 
Sys.Date() - 1 - months(1), "year")),
-                                   selected = lubridate::year(Sys.Date() - 1 - 
-                                   selectize = FALSE),
-                       width = 6)
-              ),
-              checkboxInput("monthly_metrics_prev_month",
-                            "Show previous month", TRUE),
-              checkboxInput("monthly_metrics_prev_year",
-                            "Show previous year", TRUE),
-              width = 4),
-              column(tableOutput("monthly_metrics_tbl"), width = 8)
-            ),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
-    tabItem(tabName = "kpi_load_time",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_kpi_load_time"), width = 
-              column(div(id = "kpi_load_time_series_legend"), width = 8)
-            ),
-            dygraphOutput("kpi_load_time_series"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
-    tabItem(tabName = "kpi_zero_results",
-            polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_kpi_zero_results"),
-            dygraphOutput("kpi_zero_results_series"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
-    tabItem(tabName = "kpi_api_usage",
-            fluidRow(column(radioButtons("kpi_api_usage_series_data",
-                                         label = "Type of data to display",
-                                         choices = list("Calls" = "raw",
-                                                        "Day-to-day % change" 
= "change"),
-                                         inline = TRUE),
-                            width = 4),
-                     column(checkboxInput("kpi_api_usage_series_log_scale",
-                                          label = "Log10 Scale",
-                                          value = FALSE),
-                            width = 2),
-                     column(checkboxInput("kpi_api_usage_series_include_open",
-                                          label = "Include OpenSearch in 
-                                          value = TRUE),
-                            width = 3),
-                     column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_kpi_api_usage"), 
width = 3)),
-            dygraphOutput("kpi_api_usage_series"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
-    tabItem(tabName = "kpi_augmented_clickthroughs",
-            fluidRow(
column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_augmented_clickthroughs"), width = 4),
-              column(div(id = "kpi_augmented_clickthroughs_series_legend"), 
width = 8)),
-            dygraphOutput("kpi_augmented_clickthroughs_series"),
-    tabItem(tabName = "desktop_events",
-            fluidRow(
-              valueBoxOutput("desktop_event_searches"),
-              valueBoxOutput("desktop_event_resultsets"),
-              valueBoxOutput("desktop_event_clickthroughs")),
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_desktop_event"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("desktop_event_timeframe"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("desktop_event_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("desktop_event_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
-    tabItem(tabName = "desktop_load",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_desktop_load"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("desktop_load_timeframe"), width 
= 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("desktop_load_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("desktop_load_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
-    tabItem(tabName = "paulscore_approx",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_paulscore_approx"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("paulscore_approx_timeframe"), 
width = 4),
column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("paulscore_approx_timeframe"), width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("paulscore_approx_plot_fulltext"),
-            div(id = "paulscore_approx_legend", style = "text-align: center;"),
-            dygraphOutput("paulscore_approx_plot_autocomplete"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
-    tabItem(tabName = "mobile_events",
-            fluidRow(
-              valueBoxOutput("mobile_event_searches"),
-              valueBoxOutput("mobile_event_resultsets"),
-              valueBoxOutput("mobile_event_clickthroughs")),
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_mobile_event"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("mobile_event_timeframe"), width 
= 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("mobile_event_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("mobile_event_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+    dashboardSidebar(
+      tags$head(
+        tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = 
+        tags$script(src = "custom.js")
+      ),
+      sidebarMenu(id = "tabs",
+                  menuItem(text = "KPIs",
+                           div(selectInput("kpi_summary_date_range_selector",
+                                           label = "KPI data range", multiple 
= FALSE, selected = "monthly",
+                                           choices = list("Yesterday" = 
"daily", "Last 7 days" = "weekly",
+                                                          "Last 30 days" = 
"monthly", "Last 90 days" = "quarterly")),
+                               style = "margin-bottom:-10px;"),
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Summary", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Monthly Metrics", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Load times", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Zero results", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "API usage", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Augmented Clickthrough", 
tabName = "kpi_augmented_clickthroughs"),
+                           icon = icon("star", lib = "glyphicon")),
+                  menuItem(text = "Desktop",
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Events", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Load times", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "PaulScore", tabName = 
+                  menuItem(text = "Mobile Web",
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Events", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Load times", tabName = 
+                  menuItem(text = "Mobile Apps",
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Events", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Load times", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Click Position", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Invoke Source", tabName = 
+                  ),
+                  menuItem(text = "API",
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Full-text via API", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Open Search", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Geo Search", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Prefix Search", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Language Search", tabName = 
+                  menuItem(text = "Zero Results",
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Summary", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Search Type Breakdown", tabName 
= "failure_breakdown"),
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Search Suggestions", tabName = 
+                           menuSubItem(text = "Language/Project Breakdown", 
tabName = "failure_langproj")),
+                  menuItem(text = "Page Visit Times", tabName = "survival"),
+                  menuItem(text = "Global Settings",
+                           selectInput(inputId = "smoothing_global", label = 
"Smoothing", selectize = TRUE, selected = "day",
+                                       choices = c("No Smoothing" = "day", 
"Weekly Median" = "week",
+                                                   "Monthly Median" = "month", 
"Splines" = "gam")),
+                           icon = icon("cog", lib = "glyphicon"))
+      ),
+      div(icon("info-sign", lib = "glyphicon"), HTML("<strong>Tip</strong>: 
you can drag on the graphs with your mouse to zoom in on a particular date 
range."), style = "padding: 10px; color: white;"),
+      div(bookmarkButton(), style = "text-align: center;")
-    tabItem(tabName = "mobile_load",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_mobile_load"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("mobile_load_timeframe"), width 
= 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("mobile_load_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("mobile_load_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "app_events",
-            fluidRow(
-              valueBoxOutput("app_event_searches"),
-              valueBoxOutput("app_event_resultsets"),
-              valueBoxOutput("app_event_clickthroughs")),
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_app_event"), width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("app_event_timeframe"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("app_event_timeframe"), width 
= 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("android_event_plot"),
-            dygraphOutput("ios_event_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "app_load",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_app_load"), width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("app_load_timeframe"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("app_load_timeframe"), width 
= 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("android_load_plot"),
-            dygraphOutput("ios_load_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "app_click_position",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_app_click_position"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("app_click_position_timeframe"), 
width = 4),
column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("app_click_position_timeframe"), width = 4)),
-            div(id = "app_click_position_legend", class = "large"),
-            dygraphOutput("click_position_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "app_invoke_source",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_app_invoke_source"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("app_invoke_source_timeframe"), 
width = 4),
column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("app_invoke_source_timeframe"), width = 4)),
-            div(id = "app_invoke_source_legend"),
-            dygraphOutput("invoke_source_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "fulltext_search",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_fulltext_search"), width 
= 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("fulltext_search_timeframe"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("fulltext_search_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("cirrus_aggregate"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "open_search",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_open_search"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("open_search_timeframe"), width 
= 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("open_search_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("open_aggregate"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "geo_search",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_geo_search"), width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("geo_search_timeframe"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("geo_search_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("geo_aggregate"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "prefix_search",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_prefix_search"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("prefix_search_timeframe"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("prefix_search_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("prefix_aggregate"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "language_search",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_language_search"), width 
= 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("language_search_timeframe"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("language_search_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            dygraphOutput("language_aggregate"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "failure_rate",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_failure_rate"), width = 
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("failure_rate_timeframe"), width 
= 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("failure_rate_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            polloi::automata_select(input_id = "failure_rate_automata"),
-            dygraphOutput("failure_rate_plot"),
-            dygraphOutput("failure_rate_change_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "failure_breakdown",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_failure_breakdown"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("failure_breakdown_timeframe"), 
width = 4),
column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("failure_breakdown_timeframe"), width = 4)),
-            polloi::automata_select(input_id = "failure_breakdown_automata"),
-            dygraphOutput("failure_breakdown_plot"),
-            div(id = "failure_breakdown_plot_legend"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "failure_suggestions",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_failure_suggestions"), 
width = 4),
column(polloi::timeframe_select("failure_suggestions_timeframe"), width = 4),
column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("failure_suggestions_timeframe"), width = 
-            polloi::automata_select(input_id = "failure_suggestions_automata"),
-            dygraphOutput("suggestion_dygraph_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "failure_langproj",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_failure_langproj"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("failure_langproj_timeframe"), 
width = 4),
column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("failure_langproj_timeframe"), width = 4)),
-            polloi::automata_select(input_id = "failure_langproj_automata"),
-            fluidRow(column(selectInput("project_order", "Sort projects by",
-                                        list("Alphabetical order" = 
"alphabet", "Volume of requests" = "volume"),
-                                        selected = "volume"),
-                            uiOutput("project_selector_container"), width = 2),
-                     column(selectInput("language_order", "Sort languages by",
-                                        list("Alphabetical order" = 
"alphabet", "Volume of requests" = "volume"),
-                                        selected = "volume"),
-                            uiOutput("language_selector_container"), width = 
-                     column(dygraphOutput("failure_langproj_plot"),
-                            div(id = "failure_langproj_legend", style = 
"margin-top:30px;"), width = 8)),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    ),
-    tabItem(tabName = "survival",
-            fluidRow(
-              column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_lethal_dose_plot"), 
width = 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_select("lethal_dose_timeframe"), width 
= 4),
-              column(polloi::timeframe_daterange("lethal_dose_timeframe"), 
width = 4)),
-            div(id = "lethal_dose_plot_legend"),
-            dygraphOutput("lethal_dose_plot"),
-            includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
-    )
-  )
-dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body, skin = "black",
-              title = "Search Metrics Dashboard | Discovery | Engineering | 
Wikimedia Foundation")
+    dashboardBody(
+      tabItems(
+        tabItem(tabName = "kpis_summary",
+                htmlOutput("kpi_summary_date_range"),
+                fluidRow(valueBoxOutput("kpi_summary_box_load_time", width = 
+                         valueBoxOutput("kpi_summary_box_zero_results", width 
= 3),
+                         valueBoxOutput("kpi_summary_box_api_usage", width = 
valueBoxOutput("kpi_summary_box_augmented_clickthroughs", width = 3)),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
+        tabItem(tabName = "monthly_metrics",
+                fluidRow(
+                  column(fluidRow(
+                    column(selectInput("monthy_metrics_month", "Month",
+                                       choices =,
+                                       selected =[lubridate::month(Sys.Date() - 1 - months(1))],
+                                       selectize = FALSE),
+                           width = 6),
+                    column(selectInput("monthy_metrics_year", "Year",
+                                       choices = 
lubridate::year(seq(lubridate::floor_date(as.Date("2016-01-01"), "year"), 
Sys.Date() - 1 - months(1), "year")),
+                                       selected = lubridate::year(Sys.Date() - 
1 - months(1)),
+                                       selectize = FALSE),
+                           width = 6)
+                  ),
+                  checkboxInput("monthly_metrics_prev_month",
+                                "Show previous month", TRUE),
+                  checkboxInput("monthly_metrics_prev_year",
+                                "Show previous year", TRUE),
+                  width = 4),
+                  column(tableOutput("monthly_metrics_tbl"), width = 8)
+                ),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
+        tabItem(tabName = "kpi_load_time",
+                fluidRow(
+                  column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_kpi_load_time"), 
width = 4),
+                  column(div(id = "kpi_load_time_series_legend"), width = 8)
+                ),
+                dygraphOutput("kpi_load_time_series"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
+        tabItem(tabName = "kpi_zero_results",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_kpi_zero_results"),
+                dygraphOutput("kpi_zero_results_series"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
+        tabItem(tabName = "kpi_api_usage",
+                fluidRow(column(radioButtons("kpi_api_usage_series_data",
+                                             label = "Type of data to display",
+                                             choices = list("Calls" = "raw",
+                                                            "Day-to-day % 
change" = "change"),
+                                             inline = TRUE),
+                                width = 4),
+                         column(checkboxInput("kpi_api_usage_series_log_scale",
+                                              label = "Log10 Scale",
+                                              value = FALSE),
+                                width = 2),
+                                              label = "Include OpenSearch in 
+                                              value = TRUE),
+                                width = 3),
column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_kpi_api_usage"), width = 3)),
+                dygraphOutput("kpi_api_usage_series"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
+        tabItem(tabName = "kpi_augmented_clickthroughs",
+                fluidRow(
column(polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_augmented_clickthroughs"), width = 4),
+                  column(div(id = 
"kpi_augmented_clickthroughs_series_legend"), width = 8)),
+                dygraphOutput("kpi_augmented_clickthroughs_series"),
+        tabItem(tabName = "desktop_events",
+                fluidRow(
+                  valueBoxOutput("desktop_event_searches"),
+                  valueBoxOutput("desktop_event_resultsets"),
+                  valueBoxOutput("desktop_event_clickthroughs")),
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_desktop_event"),
+                dygraphOutput("desktop_event_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
+        tabItem(tabName = "desktop_load",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_desktop_load"),
+                dygraphOutput("desktop_load_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
+        tabItem(tabName = "paulscore_approx",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_paulscore_approx"),
+                dygraphOutput("paulscore_approx_plot_fulltext"),
+                div(id = "paulscore_approx_legend", style = "text-align: 
+                dygraphOutput("paulscore_approx_plot_autocomplete"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")),
+        tabItem(tabName = "mobile_events",
+                fluidRow(
+                  valueBoxOutput("mobile_event_searches"),
+                  valueBoxOutput("mobile_event_resultsets"),
+                  valueBoxOutput("mobile_event_clickthroughs")),
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_mobile_event"),
+                dygraphOutput("mobile_event_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "mobile_load",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_mobile_load"),
+                dygraphOutput("mobile_load_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "app_events",
+                fluidRow(
+                  valueBoxOutput("app_event_searches"),
+                  valueBoxOutput("app_event_resultsets"),
+                  valueBoxOutput("app_event_clickthroughs")),
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_app_event"),
+                dygraphOutput("android_event_plot"),
+                dygraphOutput("ios_event_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "app_load",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_app_load"),
+                dygraphOutput("android_load_plot"),
+                dygraphOutput("ios_load_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "app_click_position",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_app_click_position"),
+                div(id = "app_click_position_legend", class = "large"),
+                dygraphOutput("click_position_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "app_invoke_source",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_app_invoke_source"),
+                div(id = "app_invoke_source_legend"),
+                dygraphOutput("invoke_source_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "fulltext_search",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_fulltext_search"),
+                dygraphOutput("cirrus_aggregate"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "open_search",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_open_search"),
+                dygraphOutput("open_aggregate"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "geo_search",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_geo_search"),
+                dygraphOutput("geo_aggregate"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "prefix_search",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_prefix_search"),
+                dygraphOutput("prefix_aggregate"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "language_search",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_language_search"),
+                dygraphOutput("language_aggregate"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "failure_rate",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_failure_rate"),
+                polloi::automata_select(input_id = "failure_rate_automata"),
+                dygraphOutput("failure_rate_plot"),
+                dygraphOutput("failure_rate_change_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "failure_breakdown",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_failure_breakdown"),
+                polloi::automata_select(input_id = 
+                dygraphOutput("failure_breakdown_plot"),
+                div(id = "failure_breakdown_plot_legend"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "failure_suggestions",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_failure_suggestions"),
+                polloi::automata_select(input_id = 
+                dygraphOutput("suggestion_dygraph_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "failure_langproj",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_failure_langproj"),
+                polloi::automata_select(input_id = 
+                fluidRow(column(selectInput("project_order", "Sort projects 
+                                            list("Alphabetical order" = 
"alphabet", "Volume of requests" = "volume"),
+                                            selected = "volume"),
+                                uiOutput("project_selector_container"), width 
= 2),
+                         column(selectInput("language_order", "Sort languages 
+                                            list("Alphabetical order" = 
"alphabet", "Volume of requests" = "volume"),
+                                            selected = "volume"),
+                                uiOutput("language_selector_container"), width 
= 2),
+                         column(dygraphOutput("failure_langproj_plot"),
+                                div(id = "failure_langproj_legend", style = 
"margin-top:30px;"), width = 8)),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        ),
+        tabItem(tabName = "survival",
+                polloi::smooth_select("smoothing_lethal_dose_plot"),
+                div(id = "lethal_dose_plot_legend"),
+                dygraphOutput("lethal_dose_plot"),
+                includeMarkdown("./tab_documentation/")
+        )
+      )
+    ),
+    skin = "black", title = "Search Metrics Dashboard | Discovery | 
Engineering | Wikimedia Foundation")
diff --git a/www/rainbow.js b/www/custom.js
similarity index 81%
rename from www/rainbow.js
rename to www/custom.js
index 7f65bc0..5ae3036 100644
--- a/www/rainbow.js
+++ b/www/custom.js
@@ -22,4 +22,9 @@
     // Reveals the KPI dropdown menu at launch:
     $('ul.sidebar-menu li.treeview').first().addClass('active');
+    // Update the URL in the browser when a tab is clicked on:
+    $('a[href^="#shiny-tab"]').click(function(){
+      window.location.hash = encodeURI($(this).attr('data-value'));
+    });

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I0852673581c87a89d95da9f14715fc093daac6a6
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: wikimedia/discovery/rainbow
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Bearloga <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Chelsyx <>

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