Ottomata has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )

Change subject: Remove now unused eventlogging.pp role

Remove now unused eventlogging.pp role

Bug: T152621
Change-Id: Id528f4d68edb1e3b7a3b2a17328684d4b4fa9c90
D modules/role/manifests/eventlogging.pp
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 333 deletions(-)

  Ottomata: Looks good to me, approved
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/modules/role/manifests/eventlogging.pp 
deleted file mode 100644
index 87446ea..0000000
--- a/modules/role/manifests/eventlogging.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-# role/eventlogging.pp
-# TODO: Move these into role module as
-# role::eventlogging::analytics::* classes
-# These role classes configure various eventlogging services for
-# processing analytics EventLogging data.
-# The setup is described in detail on
-# <>. End-user
-# documentation is available in the form of a guide, located at
-# <>.
-# There exist two APIs for generating events: efLogServerSideEvent() in
-# PHP and mw.eventLog.logEvent() in JavaScript. Events are URL-encoded
-# and sent to our servers by means of an HTTP/S request to varnish,
-# where a varnishkafka instance forwards to Kafka.  These event streams are
-# parsed, validated, and multiplexed into an output streams in Kafka.
-# == Class role::eventlogging
-# Parent class for eventlogging service role classes.
-# This just installs eventlogging and sets up some configuration variables.
-class role::eventlogging {
-    system::role { 'role::eventlogging':
-        description => 'EventLogging',
-    }
-    # EventLogging for analytics processing is deployed
-    # as the eventlogging/analytics scap target.
-    # eventlogging::deployment::target { 'analytics': }
-    # class { 'eventlogging::server':
-        # eventlogging_path => '/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics'
-    # }
-    # Get the Kafka configuration
-    $kafka_config         = kafka_config('analytics')
-    $kafka_brokers_string = $kafka_config['brokers']['string']
-    # Where possible, if this is set, it will be included in client 
-    # to avoid having to do API version for Kafka < 0.10 (where there is not a 
version API).
-    $kafka_api_version = $kafka_config['api_version']
-    # Using kafka-confluent as a consumer is not currently supported by this 
puppet module,
-    # but is implemented in eventlogging.  Hardcode the scheme for consumers 
for now.
-    $kafka_consumer_scheme = 'kafka://'
-    # Commonly used Kafka input URIs.
-    $kafka_mixed_uri = 
-    $kafka_client_side_raw_uri = 
-    # # This check was written for eventlog1001, so only include it there.,
-    # if $::hostname == 'eventlog1001' {
-    #
-    #     # Alert when / gets low. (eventlog1001 has a 9.1G /)
-    #     nrpe::monitor_service { 'eventlogging_root_disk_space':
-    #         description   => 'Eventlogging / disk space',
-    #         nrpe_command  => '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 1024M -c 
512M -p /',
-    #         contact_group => 'analytics',
-    #     }
-    #
-    #     # Alert when /srv gets low. (eventlog1001 has a 456G /srv)
-    #     # Currently, /srv/log/eventlogging grows at about 500kB / s.
-    #     # Which is almost 2G / hour.  100G gives us about 2 days to respond,
-    #     # 50G gives us about 1 day.  Logrotate should keep enough disk space 
-    #     nrpe::monitor_service { 'eventlogging_srv_disk_space':
-    #         description   => 'Eventlogging /srv disk space',
-    #         nrpe_command  => '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 100000M 
-c 50000M -p /srv',
-    #         contact_group => 'analytics',
-    #     }
-    # }
-    #
-    # # make sure any defined eventlogging services are running
-    # class { '::eventlogging::monitoring::jobs': }
-# ==== Data flow classes ====
-# == Class role::eventlogging::forwarder
-# This class was responsible for forwarding incoming raw events from UDP
-# into the eventlogging system - this behavior has been deprecated and
-# server side events are directly sent from Mediawiki via HTTP POST to the
-# event beacon endpoint and will be processed as client side events.
-# This forwarder class exists only for backwards compatibility for services
-# consuming from the legacy ZMQ stream now.
-class role::eventlogging::forwarder inherits role::eventlogging {
-    $eventlogging_host    = hiera('eventlogging_host', $::ipaddress)
-    # This forwards the kafka eventlogging-valid-mixed topic to
-    # ZMQ port 8600 for backwards compatibility.
-    eventlogging::service::forwarder { 'legacy-zmq':
-        input   => 
-        outputs => ["tcp://${eventlogging_host}:8600"],
-    }
-    ferm::service { 'eventlogging-zmq-legacy-stream':
-        proto   => 'tcp',
-        notrack => true,
-        port    => '8600',
-        srange  => '@resolve((hafnium.eqiad.wmnet graphite1001.eqiad.wmnet))',
-    }
-# == Class role::eventlogging::processor
-# Reads raw events, parses and validates them, and then sends
-# them along for further consumption.
-class role::eventlogging::processor inherits role::eventlogging {
-    $kafka_consumer_group = hiera(
-        'eventlogging_processor_kafka_consumer_group',
-        'eventlogging_processor_client_side_00'
-    )
-    # Run N parallel client side processors.
-    # These will auto balance amongst themselves.
-    $client_side_processors = hiera(
-        'eventlogging_client_side_processors',
-        ['client-side-00', 'client-side-01']
-    )
-    # Choose the eventlogging URI scheme to use for consumers and producer 
(inputs vs outputs).
-    # This allows us to try out different Kafka handlers and different kafka 
-    # that eventlogging supports.  The default is kafka://.  Also available is 
-    # eventlogging::processor is the only configured analytics eventlogging 
kafka producer, so we
-    # only need to define this here.
-    $kafka_producer_scheme = hiera('eventlogging_kafka_producer_scheme', 
-    # Read in raw events from Kafka, process them, and send them to
-    # the schema corresponding to their topic in Kafka.
-    $kafka_schema_output_uri  = 
-    # The downstream eventlogging MySQL consumer expects schemas to be
-    # all mixed up in a single stream.  We send processed events to a
-    # 'mixed' kafka topic in order to keep supporting it for now.
-    # We blacklist certain high volume schemas from going into this topic.
-    $mixed_schema_blacklist = 
hiera('eventlogging_valid_mixed_schema_blacklist', undef)
-    $kafka_mixed_output_uri = $mixed_schema_blacklist ? {
-        undef   => 
-        default => 
-    }
-    # Append this to query params of kafka-python writer if set.
-    # kafka-confluent defaults to setting this to 0.9 anyway.
-    $kafka_api_version_param = $kafka_api_version ? {
-        undef   => '',
-        default => "&api_version=${kafka_api_version}"
-    }
-    # Increase number and backoff time of retries for async
-    # analytics uses.  If metadata changes, we should give
-    # more time to retry. NOTE: testing this in production
-    # STILL yielded some dropped messages.  Need to figure
-    # out why and stop it.  This either needs to be higher,
-    # or it is a bug in kafka-python.
-    # See:
-    $kafka_producer_args = $kafka_producer_scheme ? {
-        # args for kafka-confluent handler writer
-        'kafka-confluent://' => 
-        # args for kafka-python handler writer
-        'kafka://'           => 
-    }
-    eventlogging::service::processor { $client_side_processors:
-        format         => '%q %{recvFrom}s %{seqId}d %t %o %{userAgent}i',
-        input          => 
-        sid            => $kafka_consumer_group,
-        outputs        => [
-            "${kafka_schema_output_uri}&${kafka_producer_args}",
-            "${kafka_mixed_output_uri}&${kafka_producer_args}",
-        ],
-        output_invalid => true,
-    }
-# == Class role::eventlogging::consumer::mysql
-# Consumes the stream of events and writes them to MySQL
-class role::eventlogging::consumer::mysql inherits role::eventlogging {
-    ## MySQL / MariaDB
-    # Log strictly valid events to the 'log' database on m4-master.
-    class { 'passwords::mysql::eventlogging': }    # T82265
-    $mysql_user = $passwords::mysql::eventlogging::user
-    $mysql_pass = $passwords::mysql::eventlogging::password
-    $mysql_db = $::realm ? {
-        production => 'm4-master.eqiad.wmnet/log',
-        labs       => '',
-    }
-    # Run N parallel mysql consumers processors.
-    # These will auto balance amongst themselves.
-    $mysql_consumers = hiera(
-        'eventlogging_mysql_consumers',
-        ['mysql-m4-master-00']
-    )
-    $kafka_consumer_group = 'eventlogging_consumer_mysql_00'
-    # Append this to query params if set.
-    $kafka_api_version_param = $kafka_api_version ? {
-        undef   => '',
-        default => "&api_version=${kafka_api_version}"
-    }
-    # Define statsd host url to send mysql insert metrics.
-    # For beta cluster, set in
-    $statsd_host          = hiera('eventlogging_statsd_host',      
-    # Kafka consumer group for this consumer is mysql-m4-master
-    eventlogging::service::consumer { $mysql_consumers:
-        # auto commit offsets to kafka more often for mysql consumer
-        input  => 
-        output => 
-        sid    => $kafka_consumer_group,
-        # Restrict permissions on this config file since it contains a 
-        owner  => 'root',
-        group  => 'eventlogging',
-        mode   => '0640',
-    }
-# == Class role::eventlogging::consumer::files
-# Consumes streams of events and writes them to log files.
-class role::eventlogging::consumer::files inherits role::eventlogging {
-    # Log all raw log records and decoded events to flat files in
-    # $out_dir as a medium of last resort. These files are rotated
-    # and rsynced to stat1003 & stat1002 for backup.
-    $out_dir = '/srv/log/eventlogging'
-    # We ensure the /srv/log (parent of $out_dir) manually here, as
-    # there is no proper class to rely on for this, and starting a
-    # separate would be an overkill for now.
-    if !defined(File['/srv/log']) {
-        file { '/srv/log':
-            ensure => 'directory',
-            mode   => '0755',
-            owner  => 'root',
-            group  => 'root',
-        }
-    }
-    # Logs are collected in <$log_dir> and rotated daily.
-    file { [$out_dir, "${out_dir}/archive"]:
-        ensure => 'directory',
-        owner  => 'eventlogging',
-        group  => 'eventlogging',
-        mode   => '0664',
-    }
-    # TODO put this in a file when role::eventlogging
-    # moves to role modules.
-    $logrotate_content = "${out_dir}/*.log {
-       daily
-       olddir ${out_dir}/archive
-       notifempty
-       maxage 30
-       rotate 1000
-       dateext
-       compress
-       delaycompress
-       missingok
-    logrotate::conf { 'eventlogging-files':
-        ensure  => present,
-        content => $logrotate_content,
-        require => [
-            File[$out_dir],
-            File["${out_dir}/archive"]
-        ],
-    }
-    $kafka_consumer_group = hiera(
-        'eventlogging_files_kafka_consumer_group',
-        'eventlogging_consumer_files_00'
-    )
-    # Append this to query params if set.
-    $kafka_api_version_param = $kafka_api_version ? {
-        undef   => '',
-        default => "&api_version=${kafka_api_version}"
-    }
-    # Raw client side events:
-    eventlogging::service::consumer { 'client-side-events.log':
-        input  => 
-        output => "file://${out_dir}/client-side-events.log",
-        sid    => $kafka_consumer_group,
-    }
-    # Processed and valid all (AKA 'mixed') mixed.
-    # Note that this does not include events that were
-    # 'blacklisted' during processing.  Events are blacklisted
-    # from these logs for volume reasons.
-    eventlogging::service::consumer { 'all-events.log':
-        input  =>  "${kafka_mixed_uri}${kafka_api_version_param}",
-        output => "file://${out_dir}/all-events.log",
-        sid    => $kafka_consumer_group,
-    }
-    $backup_destinations = $::realm ? {
-        production => [  'stat1002.eqiad.wmnet', 'stat1003.eqiad.wmnet' ],
-        labs       => false,
-    }
-    if ( $backup_destinations ) {
-        class { 'rsync::server': }
-        $rsync_clients_ferm = join($backup_destinations, ' ')
-        ferm::service { 'eventlogging_rsyncd':
-            proto  => 'tcp',
-            port   => '873',
-            srange => "@resolve((${rsync_clients_ferm}))",
-        }
-        rsync::server::module { 'eventlogging':
-            path        => $out_dir,
-            read_only   => 'yes',
-            list        => 'yes',
-            require     => File[$out_dir],
-            hosts_allow => $backup_destinations,
-        }
-    }

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: Id528f4d68edb1e3b7a3b2a17328684d4b4fa9c90
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Ottomata <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Ottomata <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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