jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )

Change subject: Merge branch 'master' into deployment

Merge branch 'master' into deployment

7299f382 Localisation updates from
707e1ead Localisation updates from
4d321740 Localisation updates from
642fff22 Localisation updates from
718e8478 Encapsulate errors
9646ffdb Update translated error messages for new scheme
d4d9eea5 Fix PP express for new encapsulated errors
45448a69 Localisation updates from
328686d1 Deal with retry errors in pp recurring
bff2710d Don't crash error form on missing keys
d41c81d5 Localisation updates from
da5ef691 Localisation updates from
8604b41b Localisation updates from
af8e633a Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it

Change-Id: I61c2d83a0d5b5553c75ccdd1b363987755a4618e
D tests/phpunit/Adapter/Amazon/AmazonTest.php
D tests/phpunit/Adapter/AstroPay/AstroPayTest.php
D tests/phpunit/Adapter/GlobalCollect/GlobalCollectOrphanAdapterTest.php
D tests/phpunit/Adapter/PayPal/PayPalExpressTest.php
D tests/phpunit/Adapter/PayPal/PayPalLegacyTest.php
D tests/phpunit/AmountTest.php
D tests/phpunit/DataValidatorTest.php
D tests/phpunit/GatewayPageTest.php
D tests/phpunit/GatewayValidationTest.php
A tests/phpunit/LintYaml.php
D tests/phpunit/includes/test_gateway/TestingGenericAdapter.php
11 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 2,447 deletions(-)

  jenkins-bot: Verified
  Ejegg: Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/Amazon/AmazonTest.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a737dc..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/Amazon/AmazonTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
- * 
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group Amazon
- */
-class DonationInterface_Adapter_Amazon_Test extends DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       /**
-        * @param $name string The name of the test case
-        * @param $data array Any parameters read from a dataProvider
-        * @param $dataName string|int The name or index of the data set
-        */
-       public function __construct( $name = null, array $data = array(), 
$dataName = '' ) {
-               parent::__construct( $name, $data, $dataName );
-               $this->testAdapterClass = 'TestingAmazonAdapter';
-       }
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               TestingAmazonAdapter::$mockClient = new MockAmazonClient();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgAmazonGatewayEnabled' => true,
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceAllowedHtmlForms' => array(
-                               'amazon' => array(
-                                       'gateway' => 'amazon',
-                                       'payment_methods' => array('amazon' => 
-                                       'redirect',
-                               ),
-                               'amazon-recurring' => array(
-                                       'gateway' => 'amazon',
-                                       'payment_methods' => array('amazon' => 
-                                       'redirect',
-                                       'recurring',
-                               ),
-                       ),
-               ) );
-       }
-       public function tearDown() {
-               TestingAmazonAdapter::$fakeGlobals = array();
-               parent::tearDown();
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the Amazon gateway converts Canadian
-        * dollars before redirecting
-        *
-        * FIXME: Merge with currency fallback tests?
-        *
-        * @dataProvider canadaLanguageProvider
-        */
-       function testCanadianDollarConversion( $language ) {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'CA' );
-               unset( $init['order_id'] );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'amazon';
-               $init['ffname'] = 'amazon';
-               $init['language'] = $language;
-               $rates = CurrencyRates::getCurrencyRates();
-               $cadRate = $rates['CAD'];
-               $expectedAmount = floor( $init['amount'] / $cadRate );
-               TestingAmazonAdapter::$fakeGlobals = array(
-                       'FallbackCurrency' => 'USD',
-                       'NotifyOnConvert' => true,
-               );
-               $expectedNotification = wfMessage(
-                       'donate_interface-fallback-currency-notice',
-                       'USD'
-               )->inLanguage( $language )->text();
-               $locale = $init['language'] . '_' . $init['country'];
-               $expectedDisplayAmount = Amount::format( $expectedAmount, 
'USD', $locale );
-               $that = $this; //needed for PHP pre-5.4
-               $convertTest = function( $amountString ) use ( 
$expectedDisplayAmount, $that ) {
-                       $that->assertEquals( $expectedDisplayAmount, trim( 
$amountString ), 'Displaying wrong amount' );
-               };
-               $assertNodes = array(
-                       'selected-amount' => array( 'innerhtml' => $convertTest 
-                       'mw-content-text' => array(
-                               'innerhtmlmatches' => 
-                       )
-               );
-               $this->verifyFormOutput( 'AmazonGateway', $init, $assertNodes, 
false );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the Amazon gateway shows an error 
message when validation fails.
-        */
-       function testShowFormOnError() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['OTT'] = 'SALT123456789';
-               $init['amount'] = '-100.00';
-               $init['ffname'] = 'amazon';
-               $session = array( 'Donor' => $init );
-               $errorMessage = wfMessage( 
'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-amount' )->text();
-               $assertNodes = array(
-                       'mw-content-text' => array(
-                               'innerhtmlmatches' => "/.*$errorMessage.*/"
-                       )
-               );
-               $this->verifyFormOutput( 'AmazonGateway', $init, $assertNodes, 
false, $session );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Check that the adapter makes the correct calls for successful 
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentSuccess() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['amount'] = '10.00';
-               $init['order_reference_id'] = mt_rand( 0, 10000000 ); // 
provided by client-side widget IRL
-               // We don't get any profile data up front
-               unset( $init['email'] );
-               unset( $init['fname'] );
-               unset( $init['lname'] );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertFalse( $result->isFailed(), 'Result should not be 
failed when responses are good' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'Testy', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'fname' ), 'Did not populate first name 
from Amazon data' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'Test', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'lname' ), 'Did not populate last name from 
Amazon data' );
-               $this->assertEquals( '', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'email' ), 'Did not populate email from 
Amazon data' );
-               $mockClient = TestingAmazonAdapter::$mockClient;
-               $setOrderReferenceDetailsArgs = 
-               $oid = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' );
-               $this->assertEquals( $oid, 
$setOrderReferenceDetailsArgs['seller_order_id'], 'Did not set order id on 
order reference' );
-               $this->assertEquals( $init['amount'], 
$setOrderReferenceDetailsArgs['amount'], 'Did not set amount on order 
reference' );
-               $this->assertEquals( $init['currency_code'], 
$setOrderReferenceDetailsArgs['currency_code'], 'Did not set currency code on 
order reference' );
-               $message = DonationQueue::instance()->pop( 'complete' );
-               $this->assertNotNull( $message, 'Not sending a message to the 
complete queue' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'S01-0391295-0674065-C095112', 
$message['gateway_txn_id'], 'Queue message has wrong txn ID' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Check that declined authorization is reflected in the result's errors
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentDeclined() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['amount'] = '10.00';
-               $init['order_reference_id'] = mt_rand( 0, 10000000 ); // 
provided by client-side widget IRL
-               // We don't get any profile data up front
-               unset( $init['email'] );
-               unset( $init['fname'] );
-               unset( $init['lname'] );
-               $mockClient = TestingAmazonAdapter::$mockClient;
-               $mockClient->returns['authorize'][] = 'InvalidPaymentMethod';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->getRefresh(), 'Result should be a 
refresh on error' );
-               $errors = $result->getErrors();
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       'InvalidPaymentMethod',
-                       $errors[0]->getErrorCode(),
-                       'InvalidPaymentMethod error should be set'
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * This apparently indicates a shady enough txn that we should turn 
them away
-        */
-       function testFailOnAmazonRejected() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['amount'] = '10.00';
-               $init['order_reference_id'] = mt_rand( 0, 10000000 ); // 
provided by client-side widget IRL
-               // We don't get any profile data up front
-               unset( $init['email'] );
-               unset( $init['fname'] );
-               unset( $init['lname'] );
-               $mockClient = TestingAmazonAdapter::$mockClient;
-               $mockClient->returns['authorize'][] = 'AmazonRejected';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->isFailed(), 'Result should be 
failed' );
-               // Could assert something about errors after rebasing onto 
-               // $errors = $result->getErrors();
-               // $this->assertTrue( isset( $errors['AmazonRejected'] ), 
'AmazonRejected error should be set' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * When the transaction times out, just gotta fail it till we work out 
-        * asynchronous authorization flow
-        */
-       function testTransactionTimedOut() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['amount'] = '10.00';
-               $init['order_reference_id'] = mt_rand( 0, 10000000 ); // 
provided by client-side widget IRL
-               // We don't get any profile data up front
-               unset( $init['email'] );
-               unset( $init['fname'] );
-               unset( $init['lname'] );
-               $mockClient = TestingAmazonAdapter::$mockClient;
-               $mockClient->returns['authorize'][] = 'TransactionTimedOut';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->isFailed(), 'Result should be 
failed' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * When the SDK throws an exceptions, we should handle it.
-        */
-       function testClientException() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['amount'] = '10.00';
-               $init['order_reference_id'] = mt_rand( 0, 10000000 ); // 
provided by client-side widget IRL
-               // We don't get any profile data up front
-               unset( $init['email'] );
-               unset( $init['fname'] );
-               unset( $init['lname'] );
-               $mockClient = TestingAmazonAdapter::$mockClient;
-               $mockClient->exceptions['authorize'][] = new Exception( 'Test' 
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $errors = $result->getErrors();
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       ResponseCodes::NO_RESPONSE,
-                       $errors[0]->getErrorCode(),
-                       'NO_RESPONSE error should be set'
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Check the adapter makes the correct calls for successful monthly 
-        */
-       function testDoRecurringPaymentSuccess() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['amount'] = '10.00';
-               $init['recurring'] = '1';
-               $init['subscr_id'] = 'C01-9650293-7351908';
-               // We don't get any profile data up front
-               unset( $init['email'] );
-               unset( $init['fname'] );
-               unset( $init['lname'] );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               // FIXME: PaymentResult->isFailed returns null for false
-               $this->assertTrue( !( $result->isFailed() ), 'Result should not 
be failed when responses are good' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'Testy', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'fname' ), 'Did not populate first name 
from Amazon data' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'Test', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'lname' ), 'Did not populate last name from 
Amazon data' );
-               $this->assertEquals( '', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'email' ), 'Did not populate email from 
Amazon data' );
-               $mockClient = TestingAmazonAdapter::$mockClient;
-               $setBillingAgreementDetailsArgs = 
-               $oid = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' );
-               $this->assertEquals( $oid, 
$setBillingAgreementDetailsArgs['seller_billing_agreement_id'], 'Did not set 
order id on billing agreement' );
-               $authorizeOnBillingAgreementDetailsArgs = 
-               $this->assertEquals( $init['amount'], 
$authorizeOnBillingAgreementDetailsArgs['authorization_amount'], 'Did not 
authorize correct amount' );
-               $this->assertEquals( $init['currency_code'], 
$authorizeOnBillingAgreementDetailsArgs['currency_code'], 'Did not authorize 
correct currency code' );
-               $message = DonationQueue::instance()->pop( 'complete' );
-               $this->assertNotNull( $message, 'Not sending a message to the 
complete queue' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'S01-5318994-6362993-C004044', 
$message['gateway_txn_id'], 'Queue message has wrong txn ID' );
-               $this->assertEquals( $init['subscr_id'], $message['subscr_id'], 
'Queue message has wrong subscription ID' );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/AstroPay/AstroPayTest.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 4173d93..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/AstroPay/AstroPayTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- */
-use \Psr\Log\LogLevel;
- *
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group AstroPay
- */
-class DonationInterface_Adapter_AstroPay_AstroPayTest extends 
DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       /**
-        * @param $name string The name of the test case
-        * @param $data array Any parameters read from a dataProvider
-        * @param $dataName string|int The name or index of the data set
-        */
-       function __construct( $name = null, array $data = array(), $dataName = 
'' ) {
-               parent::__construct( $name, $data, $dataName );
-               $this->testAdapterClass = 'TestingAstroPayAdapter';
-       }
-       function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgAstroPayGatewayEnabled' => true,
-               ) );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Ensure we're setting the right url for each transaction
-        * @covers AstroPayAdapter::getCurlBaseOpts
-        */
-       function testCurlUrl() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setCurrentTransaction( 'NewInvoice' );
-               $result = $gateway->getCurlBaseOpts();
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $result[CURLOPT_URL],
-                       'Not setting URL to transaction-specific value.'
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Test the NewInvoice transaction is making a sane request and signing
-        * it correctly
-        */
-       function testNewInvoiceRequest() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $session['Donor']['order_id'] = '123456789';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $init, $session );
-               $this->setLanguage( $init['language'] );
-               $gateway = new TestingAstroPayAdapter();
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'NewInvoice' );
-               parse_str( $gateway->curled[0], $actual );
-               $expected = array(
-                       'x_login' => 'createlogin',
-                       'x_trans_key' => 'createpass',
-                       'x_invoice' => '123456789',
-                       'x_amount' => '100.00',
-                       'x_currency' => 'BRL',
-                       'x_bank' => 'TE',
-                       'x_country' => 'BR',
-                       'x_description' => wfMessage( 
'donate_interface-donation-description' )->inLanguage( $init['language'] 
-                       'x_iduser' => '',
-                       'x_cpf' => '00003456789',
-                       'x_name' => 'Nome Apelido',
-                       'x_email' => '',
-                       // 'x_address' => 'Rua Falso 123',
-                       // 'x_zip' => '01110-111',
-                       // 'x_city' => 'São Paulo',
-                       // 'x_state' => 'SP',
-                       'control' => 
-                       'type' => 'json',
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, 'NewInvoice is not 
including the right parameters' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * When AstroPay sends back valid JSON with status "0", we should set 
-        * status to true and errors should be empty.
-        */
-       function testStatusNoErrors() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'NewInvoice' );
-               $this->assertEquals( true, $gateway->getTransactionStatus(),
-                       'Transaction status should be true for code "0"' );
-               $this->assertFalse( $gateway->getErrorState()->hasErrors(),
-                       'Transaction errors should be empty for code "0"' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * If astropay sends back non-JSON, communication status should be false
-        */
-       function testGibberishResponse() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $this->setLanguage( $init['language'] );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'notJson' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'NewInvoice' );
-               $this->assertEquals( false, $gateway->getTransactionStatus(),
-                       'Transaction status should be false for bad format' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * When AstroPay sends back valid JSON with status "1", we should set
-        * error array to generic error and log a warning.
-        */
-       function testStatusErrors() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $this->setLanguage( $init['language'] );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '1' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'NewInvoice' );
-               $errors = $gateway->getErrorState()->getErrors();
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       'internal-0000',
-                       $errors[0]->getErrorCode(),
-                       'Wrong error for code "1"'
-               );
-               $logged = $this->getLogMatches( LogLevel::WARNING, '/This error 
message should appear in the log./' );
-               $this->assertNotEmpty( $logged );
-       }
-       /**
-        * do_transaction should set redirect key when we get a valid response.
-        */
-       function testRedirectOnSuccess() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'NewInvoice' );
-               // from the test response
-               $expected = 
-               $response = $gateway->getTransactionResponse();
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $response->getRedirect(),
-                       'do_transaction is not setting the right redirect' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * do_transaction should set redirect key when we get a valid response.
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentSuccess() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               // from the test response
-               $expected = 
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $result->getRedirect(),
-                       'doPayment is not setting the right redirect' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * When AstroPay sends back valid JSON with status "1", we should set
-        * error array to generic error and log a warning.
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentErrors() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $this->setLanguage( $init['language'] );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '1' );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $errors = $result->getErrors();
-               $this->assertNotEmpty(
-                       $errors,
-                       'Should be an error in PaymentResult'
-               );
-               $logged = $this->getLogMatches( LogLevel::WARNING, '/This error 
message should appear in the log./' );
-               $this->assertNotEmpty( $logged );
-               // TODO: Should this really be a refresh, or should we finalize 
to failed here?
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->getRefresh(), 'PaymentResult should 
be a refresh' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Should set a validation error on amount
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentLimitExceeded() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $this->setLanguage( $init['language'] );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'limit_exceeded' );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->getRefresh(), 'PaymentResult should 
be a refresh' );
-               $errors = $gateway->getTransactionResponse()->getErrors();
-               $this->assertEquals( 'donate_interface-error-msg-limit', 
$errors[0]->getMessageKey() );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'amount', $errors[0]->getField() );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Should set a validation error on fiscal_number
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentBadFiscalNumber() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $this->setLanguage( $init['language'] );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'fiscal_number' );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->getRefresh(), 'PaymentResult should 
be a refresh' );
-               $errors = $gateway->getTransactionResponse()->getErrors();
-               $this->assertEquals( 
'donate_interface-error-msg-fiscal_number', $errors[0]->getMessageKey() );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'fiscal_number', $errors[0]->getField() );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Should finalize to failed
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentUserUnauthorized() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $this->setLanguage( $init['language'] );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'user_unauthorized' );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->isFailed() );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Should tell the user to try again
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentCouldNotRegister() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $this->setLanguage( $init['language'] );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'could_not_register' );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->getRefresh(), 'PaymentResult should 
be a refresh' );
-               $errors = $gateway->getTransactionResponse()->getErrors();
-               $this->assertEquals( 'internal-0001', 
$errors[0]->getErrorCode() );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Should tell the user to try again
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentCouldNotMakeDeposit() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $this->setLanguage( $init['language'] );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'could_not_make_deposit' 
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->getRefresh(), 'PaymentResult should 
be a refresh' );
-               $errors = $gateway->getTransactionResponse()->getErrors();
-               $this->assertEquals( 'internal-0001', 
$errors[0]->getErrorCode() );
-       }
-       /**
-        * PaymentStatus transaction should interpret the delimited response
-        */
-       function testPaymentStatus() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $session['Donor']['order_id'] = '123456789';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $init, $session );
-               $gateway = new TestingAstroPayAdapter();
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'PaymentStatus' );
-               // from the test response
-               $expected = array(
-                       'result' => '9',
-                       'x_amount' => '100.00',
-                       'x_iduser' => '08feb2d12771bbcfeb86',
-                       'x_invoice' => '123456789',
-                       'PT' => '1',
-                       'x_control' => 
-                       'x_document' => '987654321',
-                       'x_bank' => 'TE',
-                       'x_payment_type' => '03',
-                       'x_bank_name' => 'GNB',
-                       'x_currency' => 'BRL',
-               );
-               $results = $gateway->getTransactionData();
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $results,
-                       'PaymentStatus response not interpreted correctly' );
-               // Should not throw exception
-               $gateway->verifyStatusSignature( $results );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Invalid signature should be recognized as such.
-        */
-       function testInvalidSignature() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $session['Donor']['order_id'] = '123456789';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $init, $session );
-               $gateway = new TestingAstroPayAdapter();
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'badsig' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'PaymentStatus' );
-               $results = $gateway->getTransactionData();
-               $this->setExpectedException( 'ResponseProcessingException' );
-               $gateway->verifyStatusSignature( $results );
-       }
-       /**
-        * If status is paid and signature is correct, processDonorReturn 
should not
-        * throw exception and final status should be 'completed'
-        */
-       function testSuccessfulReturn() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $session['Donor']['order_id'] = '123456789';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $init, $session );
-               $gateway = new TestingAstroPayAdapter();
-               $requestValues = array(
-                       'result' => '9',
-                       'x_amount' => '100.00',
-                       'x_amount_usd' => '42.05',
-                       'x_control' => 
-                       'x_description' => 'Donation to the Wikimedia 
-                       'x_document' => '32869',
-                       'x_iduser' => '08feb2d12771bbcfeb86',
-                       'x_invoice' => '123456789',
-               );
-               $result = $gateway->processDonorReturn( $requestValues );
-               $this->assertFalse( $result->isFailed() );
-               $status = $gateway->getFinalStatus();
-               $this->assertEquals( FinalStatus::COMPLETE, $status );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Make sure we record the actual amount charged, even if the donor has
-        * opened a new window and screwed up their session data.
-        */
-       function testReturnUpdatesAmount() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $init['amount'] = '22.55'; // junk session data from another 
banner click
-               $session['Donor']['order_id'] = '123456789';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $init, $session );
-               $gateway = new TestingAstroPayAdapter();
-               $amount = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' );
-               $this->assertEquals( '22.55', $amount );
-               $requestValues = array(
-                       'result' => '9',
-                       'x_amount' => '100.00',
-                       'x_amount_usd' => '42.05',
-                       'x_control' => 
-                       'x_description' => 'Donation to the Wikimedia 
-                       'x_document' => '32869',
-                       'x_iduser' => '08feb2d12771bbcfeb86',
-                       'x_invoice' => '123456789',
-               );
-               $result = $gateway->processDonorReturn( $requestValues );
-               $this->assertFalse( $result->isFailed() );
-               $amount = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' );
-               $this->assertEquals( '100.00', $amount, 'Not recording correct 
amount' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * If payment is rejected, final status should be 'failed'
-        */
-       function testRejectedReturn() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $session['Donor']['order_id'] = '123456789';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $init, $session );
-               $gateway = new TestingAstroPayAdapter();
-               $requestValues = array(
-                       'result' => '8', // rejected by bank
-                       'x_amount' => '100.00',
-                       'x_amount_usd' => '42.05',
-                       'x_control' => 
-                       'x_description' => 'Donation to the Wikimedia 
-                       'x_document' => '32869',
-                       'x_iduser' => '08feb2d12771bbcfeb86',
-                       'x_invoice' => '123456789',
-               );
-               $result = $gateway->processDonorReturn( $requestValues );
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->isFailed() );
-               $status = $gateway->getFinalStatus();
-               $this->assertEquals( FinalStatus::FAILED, $status );
-       }
-       function testStageBankCode() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'elo';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->doPayment();
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $bank_code = $exposed->getData_Staged( 'bank_code' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'EL', $bank_code, 'Not setting bank_code 
in doPayment' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Test that we run the AntiFraud filters before redirecting
-        */
-       function testAntiFraudFilters() {
-               DonationInterface_FraudFiltersTest::setupFraudMaps( $this );
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['bank_code'] = 'VD';
-               // following data should trip fraud alarms
-               $init['utm_medium'] = 'somethingmedia';
-               $init['utm_source'] = 'somethingmedia';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertTrue( $result->isFailed(), 'Result should be 
failure if fraud filters say challenge' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'challenge', 
$gateway->getValidationAction(), 'Validation action is not as expected' );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $this->assertEquals( 60, $exposed->risk_score, 'RiskScore is 
not as expected' );
-       }
-       function testStageFiscalNumber() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $init['fiscal_number'] = '000.034.567-89';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->doPayment();
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $staged = $exposed->getData_Staged( 'fiscal_number' );
-               $this->assertEquals( '00003456789', $staged, 'Not stripping 
fiscal_number punctuation in doPayment' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * We should increment the order ID with each NewInvoice call
-        */
-       function testNewInvoiceOrderId() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $firstRequest = $this->setUpRequest( $init );
-               $firstAttempt = new TestingAstroPayAdapter();
-               $firstAttempt->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '1' );
-               $firstAttempt->doPayment();
-               $this->setUpRequest( $init, $firstRequest->getSessionArray() );
-               $secondAttempt = new TestingAstroPayAdapter();
-               $secondAttempt->doPayment();
-               parse_str( $firstAttempt->curled[0], $firstParams );
-               parse_str( $secondAttempt->curled[0], $secondParams );
-               $this->assertNotEquals( $firstParams['x_invoice'], 
-                       'Not generating new order id for NewInvoice call'
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * We should increment the order ID with each NewInvoice call, even when
-        * retrying inside a single doPayment call
-        */
-       function testNewInvoiceOrderIdRetry() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'collision' );
-               $gateway->doPayment();
-               parse_str( $gateway->curled[0], $firstParams );
-               parse_str( $gateway->curled[1], $secondParams );
-               $this->assertNotEquals( $firstParams['x_invoice'], 
-                       'Not generating new order id for retried NewInvoice 
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * We should show an error for incompatible country / currency 
-        */
-       function testBadCurrencyForCountry() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BR' );
-               $init['currency_code'] = 'CLP';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $errorState = $gateway->getErrorState();
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $errorState->hasValidationError( 'currency_code' ),
-                       'Should show a currency code error for trying to use 
CLP in BR'
-               );
-       }
-       function testDummyFiscalNumber() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'MX' );
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->doPayment();
-               parse_str( $gateway->curled[0], $firstParams );
-               $fiscalNumber = $firstParams['x_cpf'];
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       13, strlen( $fiscalNumber ),
-                       'Fake fiscal number should be 13 digits'
-               );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index d460c32..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/GlobalCollect/GlobalCollectOrphanAdapterTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- */
-use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
- *
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group GlobalCollect
- * @group OrphanSlayer
- */
-class DonationInterface_Adapter_GlobalCollect_Orphans_GlobalCollectTest 
extends DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgGlobalCollectGatewayEnabled' => true,
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceAllowedHtmlForms' => array(
-                               'cc-vmad' => array(
-                                       'gateway' => 'globalcollect',
-                                       'payment_methods' => array('cc' => 
array( 'visa', 'mc', 'amex', 'discover' )),
-                                       'countries' => array(
-                                               '+' => array( 'US', ),
-                                       ),
-                               ),
-                       ),
-               ) );
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param $name string The name of the test case
-        * @param $data array Any parameters read from a dataProvider
-        * @param $dataName string|int The name or index of the data set
-        */
-       function __construct( $name = null, array $data = array(), $dataName = 
'' ) {
-               parent::__construct( $name, $data, $dataName );
-               $this->testAdapterClass = 'TestingGlobalCollectOrphanAdapter';
-               $this->dummy_utm_data = array (
-                       'utm_source' => 'dummy_source',
-                       'utm_campaign' => 'dummy_campaign',
-                       'utm_medium' => 'dummy_medium',
-                       'date' => time(),
-               );
-       }
-       public function testConstructor() {
-               $options = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $class = $this->testAdapterClass;
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject();
-               $this->assertInstanceOf( $class, $gateway );
-               $this->verifyNoLogErrors();
-       }
-       public function testBatchOrderID_generate() {
-               //no data on construct, generate Order IDs
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( null, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => TRUE ) ) );
-               $this->assertTrue( $gateway->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' ), 'The 
order_id meta generate setting override is not working properly. Order_id 
generation may be broken.' );
-               $this->assertNotNull( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), 'Failed asserting that an absent order id is not left as null, 
when generating our own' );
-               $data = array_merge( $this->getDonorTestData(), 
$this->dummy_utm_data );
-               $data['order_id'] = '55555';
-               //now, add data and check that we didn't kill the oid. Still 
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $data );
-               $this->assertEquals( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), '55555', 'loadDataAndReInit failed to stick OrderID' );
-               $data['order_id'] = '444444';
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $data );
-               $this->assertEquals( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), '444444', 'loadDataAndReInit failed to stick OrderID' );
-               $this->verifyNoLogErrors();
-       }
-       public function testBatchOrderID_no_generate() {
-               //no data on construct, do not generate Order IDs
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( null, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => FALSE ) ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $gateway->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' ), 
'The order_id meta generate setting override is not working properly. Deferred 
order_id generation may be broken.' );
-               $this->assertEmpty( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), 'Failed asserting that an absent order id is left as null, when 
not generating our own' );
-               $data = array_merge( $this->getDonorTestData(), 
$this->dummy_utm_data );
-               $data['order_id'] = '66666';
-               //now, add data and check that we didn't kill the oid. Still 
not generating
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $data );
-               $this->assertEquals( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), '66666', 'loadDataAndReInit failed to stick OrderID' );
-               $data['order_id'] = '777777';
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $data );
-               $this->assertEquals( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), '777777', 'loadDataAndReInit failed to stick OrderID on second 
batch item' );
-               $this->verifyNoLogErrors();
-       }
-       /**
-        * Tests to make sure that certain error codes returned from GC will
-        * trigger order cancellation, even if retryable errors also exist.
-        * @dataProvider mcNoRetryCodeProvider
-        */
-       public function testNoMastercardFinesForRepeatOnBadCodes( $code ) {
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( null, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => FALSE ) ) );
-               //Toxic card should not retry, even if there's an order id 
-               $init = array_merge( $this->getDonorTestData(), 
$this->dummy_utm_data );
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               $init['order_id'] = '55555';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $init['contribution_tracking_id'] = mt_rand();
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( $code );
-               $result = $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $gateway->curled ), "Gateway 
kept trying even with response code $code!  MasterCard could fine us a thousand 
bucks for that!" );
-               $this->assertEquals( false, $result->getCommunicationStatus(), 
"Error code $code should mean status of do_transaction is false" );
-               $errors = $result->getErrors();
-               $this->assertFalse( empty( $errors ), 'Orphan adapter needs to 
see the errors to consider it rectified' );
-               $finder = function( $error ) {
-                       return $error->getErrorCode() == '1000001';
-               };
-               $this->assertNotEmpty( array_filter( $errors, $finder ), 
'Orphan adapter needs error 1000001 to consider it rectified' );
-               $loglines = $this->getLogMatches( LogLevel::INFO, "/Got error 
code $code, not retrying to avoid MasterCard fines./" );
-               $this->assertNotEmpty( $loglines, "GC Error $code is not 
generating the expected payments log error" );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Make sure we're incorporating GET_ORDERSTATUS AVS and CVV responses 
-        * fraud scores.
-        */
-       function testGetOrderstatusPostProcessFraud() {
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceEnableCustomFilters' => true,
-                       'wgGlobalCollectGatewayCustomFiltersFunctions' => array(
-                               'getCVVResult' => 10,
-                               'getAVSResult' => 30,
-                       ),
-               ) );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( null, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => FALSE ) ) );
-               $init = array_merge( $this->getDonorTestData(), 
$this->dummy_utm_data );
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               $init['order_id'] = '55555';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $init['contribution_tracking_id'] = mt_rand();
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '600_badCvv' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $action = $gateway->getValidationAction();
-               $this->assertEquals( 'review', $action,
-                       'Orphan gateway should fraud fail on bad CVV and AVS' );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $this->assertEquals( 40, $exposed->risk_score,
-                       'Risk score was incremented correctly.' );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/PayPal/PayPalExpressTest.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index a3ac3a7..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/PayPal/PayPalExpressTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * 
- *
- * 
- *
- * 
- */
- *
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group PayPal
- */
-class DonationInterface_Adapter_PayPal_Express_Test extends 
DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       protected $testAdapterClass = 'TestingPaypalExpressAdapter';
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceCancelPage' => 
-                       'wgPaypalExpressGatewayEnabled' => true,
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceThankYouPage' => 
-               ) );
-       }
-       protected function unsetVariableFields( &$message ) {
-               $fields = array(
-                       'date', 'source_host', 'source_run_id', 
'source_version', 'gateway_account'
-               );
-               foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
-                       unset( $message[$field] );
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Check that the adapter makes the correct calls for successful 
-        * and sends a good queue message.
-        */
-       function testProcessDonorReturn() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['contribution_tracking_id'] = '45931210';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'OK' );
-               $gateway->processDonorReturn( array(
-                       'token' => 'EC%2d4V987654XA123456V',
-                       'PayerID' => 'ASDASD'
-               ) );
-               $message = DonationQueue::instance()->pop( 'complete' );
-               $this->assertNotNull( $message, 'Not sending a message to the 
complete queue' );
-               $this->unsetVariableFields( $message );
-               $expected = array (
-                       'contribution_tracking_id' => 
-                       'country' => 'US',
-                       'fee' => '0',
-                       'gateway' => 'paypal_ec',
-                       'gateway_txn_id' => '5EJ123456T987654S',
-                       'language' => 'en',
-                       'order_id' => $init['contribution_tracking_id'] . '.0',
-                       'payment_method' => 'paypal',
-                       'payment_submethod' => '',
-                       'response' => false,
-                       'user_ip' => '',
-                       'utm_source' => '..paypal',
-                       'city' => 'San Francisco',
-                       'currency' => 'USD',
-                       'email' => '',
-                       'first_name' => 'Fezziwig',
-                       'gross' => '1.55',
-                       'last_name' => 'Fowl',
-                       'recurring' => '',
-                       'state_province' => 'CA',
-                       'street_address' => '123 Fake Street',
-                       'postal_code' => '94105',
-                       'source_name' => 'DonationInterface',
-                       'source_type' => 'payments',
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $message );
-               $this->assertNull(
-                       DonationQueue::instance()->pop( 'complete' ),
-                       'Sending extra messages to complete queue!'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testProcessDonorReturnRecurring() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['contribution_tracking_id'] = '45931210';
-               $init['recurring'] = '1';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $init, array( 'Donor' => $init ) );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'Recurring-OK' );
-               $gateway->processDonorReturn( array(
-                       'token' => 'EC%2d4V987654XA123456V',
-                       'PayerID' => 'ASDASD'
-               ) );
-               $message = DonationQueue::instance()->pop( 'complete' );
-               $this->assertNotNull( $message, 'Not sending a message to the 
complete queue' );
-               $this->unsetVariableFields( $message );
-               $expected = array (
-                       'contribution_tracking_id' => 
-                       'country' => 'US',
-                       'fee' => '0',
-                       'gateway' => 'paypal_ec',
-                       'gateway_txn_id' => '5EJ123456T987654S',
-                       'language' => 'en',
-                       'order_id' => $init['contribution_tracking_id'] . '.0',
-                       'payment_method' => 'paypal',
-                       'payment_submethod' => '',
-                       'response' => false,
-                       'user_ip' => '',
-                       'utm_source' => '..rpaypal',
-                       'city' => 'San Francisco',
-                       'currency' => 'USD',
-                       'email' => '',
-                       'first_name' => 'Fezziwig',
-                       'gross' => '1.55',
-                       'last_name' => 'Fowl',
-                       'recurring' => '1',
-                       'state_province' => 'CA',
-                       'street_address' => '123 Fake Street',
-                       'postal_code' => '94105',
-                       'source_name' => 'DonationInterface',
-                       'source_type' => 'payments',
-                       'subscr_id' => 'I-88J1M3DLSF0'
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $message );
-               $this->assertNull(
-                       DonationQueue::instance()->pop( 'complete' ),
-                       'Sending extra messages to complete queue!'
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Check that we send the donor back to paypal to try a different source
-        */
-       function testProcessDonorReturnPaymentRetry() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['contribution_tracking_id'] = '45931210';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '10486' );
-               $result = $gateway->processDonorReturn( array(
-                       'token' => 'EC%2d2D123456D9876543U',
-                       'PayerID' => 'ASDASD'
-               ) );
-               $message = DonationQueue::instance()->pop( 'complete' );
-               $this->assertNull( $message, 'Should not queue a message' );
-               $this->assertFalse( $result->isFailed() );
-               $redirect = $result->getRedirect();
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $redirect
-               );
-       }
-       public function testProcessDonorReturnRecurringRetry() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               $init['contribution_tracking_id'] = '45931210';
-               $init['recurring'] = '1';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $init, array( 'Donor' => $init ) );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '10486' );
-               $result = $gateway->processDonorReturn( array(
-                       'token' => 'EC%2d2D123456D9876543U',
-                       'PayerID' => 'ASDASD'
-               ) );
-               $this->assertNull(
-                       DonationQueue::instance()->pop( 'complete' ),
-                       'Sending a spurious message to the complete queue!'
-               );
-               $this->assertFalse( $result->isFailed() );
-               $redirect = $result->getRedirect();
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $redirect
-               );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/PayPal/PayPalLegacyTest.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 827d8bb..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/PayPal/PayPalLegacyTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
- * 
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group PayPal
- */
-class DonationInterface_Adapter_PayPal_Legacy_Test extends 
DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       /**
-        * @param $name string The name of the test case
-        * @param $data array Any parameters read from a dataProvider
-        * @param $dataName string|int The name or index of the data set
-        */
-       public function __construct( $name = null, array $data = array(), 
$dataName = '' ) {
-               parent::__construct( $name, $data, $dataName );
-               $this->testAdapterClass = 'TestingPaypalLegacyAdapter';
-       }
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceCancelPage' => 
-                       'wgPaypalGatewayEnabled' => true,
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceThankYouPage' => 
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceAllowedHtmlForms' => array(
-                               'paypal' => array(
-                                       'gateway' => 'paypal',
-                                       'payment_methods' => array('paypal' => 
-                               ),
-                               'paypal-recurring' => array(
-                                       'gateway' => 'paypal',
-                                       'payment_methods' => array('paypal' => 
-                                       'recurring',
-                               ),
-                       ),
-               ) );
-       }
-       public function tearDown() {
-               TestingPaypalLegacyAdapter::$fakeGlobals = array();
-               parent::tearDown();
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the Donate transaction works as 
expected when all necessary data is present.
-        */
-       function testDoTransactionDonate() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $ret = $gateway->doPayment();
-               parse_str( parse_url( $ret->getRedirect(), PHP_URL_QUERY ), 
$res );
-               $expected = array (
-                       'amount' => $init['amount'],
-                       'currency_code' => $init['currency_code'],
-                       'country' => $init['country'],
-                       'business' => '',
-                       'cmd' => '_donations',
-                       'item_name' => 'Donation to the Wikimedia Foundation',
-                       'item_number' => 'DONATE',
-                       'no_note' => '0',
-                       'custom' => $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-                       'lc' => $init['country'], //this works because it's a 
US donor...
-                       'cancel_return' => 
-                       'return' => 
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $res, 'Paypal "Donate" 
transaction not constructing the expected redirect URL' );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-                       $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ),
-                       "Paypal order_id should equal ct_id"
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the DonateRecurring transaction 
works as expected when all necessary data is present.
-        */
-       function testDoTransactionDonateRecurring() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['recurring'] = '1';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $ret = $gateway->doPayment();
-               parse_str( parse_url( $ret->getRedirect(), PHP_URL_QUERY ), 
$res );
-               $expected = array (
-                       'a3' => $init['amount'], //obviously.
-                       'currency_code' => $init['currency_code'],
-                       'country' => $init['country'],
-                       'business' => '',
-                       'cmd' => '_xclick-subscriptions',
-                       'item_name' => 'Donation to the Wikimedia Foundation',
-                       'item_number' => 'DONATE',
-                       'no_note' => '0',
-                       'custom' => $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-                       'lc' => $init['country'], //this works because it's a 
US donor...
-                       't3' => 'M', //hard-coded in transaction definition
-                       'p3' => '1', //hard-coded in transaction definition
-                       'src' => '1', //hard-coded in transaction definition
-                       'srt' => $gateway->getGlobal( 'RecurringLength' ),
-                       'cancel_return' => 
-                       'return' => 
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $res, 'Paypal "DonateRecurring" 
transaction not constructing the expected redirect URL' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the Donate transaction works as 
expected when all necessary data is present.
-        */
-       function testDoTransactionDonateXclick() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               TestingPaypalLegacyAdapter::$fakeGlobals = array(
-                       'XclickCountries' => array( $init['country'] ),
-               );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $ret = $gateway->doPayment();
-               parse_str( parse_url( $ret->getRedirect(), PHP_URL_QUERY ), 
$res );
-               $expected = array (
-                       'amount' => $init['amount'],
-                       'currency_code' => $init['currency_code'],
-                       'country' => $init['country'],
-                       'business' => '',
-                       'cmd' => '_xclick',
-                       'item_name' => 'Donation to the Wikimedia Foundation',
-                       'item_number' => 'DONATE',
-                       'no_note' => '1', //hard-coded in transaction definition
-                       'custom' => $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-//                     'lc' => $init['country'], //Apparently, this was 
removed from our implementation, because 'CN' is weird.
-                       'cancel_return' => 
-                       'return' => 
-                       'no_shipping' => '1', //hard-coded in transaction 
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $res, 'Paypal "DonateXclick" 
transaction not constructing the expected redirect URL' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the Paypal gateway redirects when 
validation is successful.
-        */
-       function testRedirectFormOnValid() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $session = array( 'Donor' => $init );
-               $that = $this;
-               $redirectTest = function( $location ) use ( $that, $init ) {
-                       parse_str( parse_url( $location, PHP_URL_QUERY ), 
$actual );
-                       $that->assertEquals( $init['amount'], $actual['amount'] 
-               };
-               $assertNodes = array(
-                       'headers' => array(
-                               'Location' => $redirectTest,
-                       )
-               );
-               $this->verifyFormOutput( 'PaypalLegacyGateway', $init, 
$assertNodes, false, $session );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the Paypal gateway shows an error 
message when validation fails.
-        */
-       function testShowFormOnError() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['amount'] = '-100.00';
-               $session = array( 'Donor' => $init );
-               $errorMessage = wfMessage( 
'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-amount' )->text();
-               $assertNodes = array(
-                       'mw-content-text' => array(
-                               'innerhtmlmatches' => "/.*$errorMessage.*/"
-                       )
-               );
-               $this->verifyFormOutput( 'PaypalLegacyGateway', $init, 
$assertNodes, false, $session );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Stay on the payments form if there's a currency conversion 
-        */
-       function testShowFormOnCurrencyFallback() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['currency'] = 'BBD';
-               $init['amount'] = 15.00;
-               $session = array( 'Donor' => $init );
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceFallbackCurrency' => 'USD',
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceNotifyOnConvert' => true,
-               ) );
-               $errorMessage = wfMessage( 
'donate_interface-fallback-currency-notice', 'USD' )->text();
-               $assertNodes = array(
-                       'headers' => array(
-                               'location' => null,
-                       ),
-                       'currency_codeMsg' => array(
-                               'innerhtmlmatches' => "/.*$errorMessage.*/"
-                       )
-               );
-               $this->verifyFormOutput( 'PaypalLegacyGateway', $init, 
$assertNodes, false, $session );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the Donate transaction works as 
expected in Belgium for fr, de, and nl.
-        *
-        * @dataProvider belgiumLanguageProvider
-        */
-       function testDoTransactionDonate_BE( $language ) {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'BE' );
-               $init['language'] = $language;
-               $this->setLanguage( $language );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $donateText = wfMessage( 
'donate_interface-donation-description' )->inLanguage( $language )->text();
-               $ret = $gateway->doPayment();
-               parse_str( parse_url( $ret->getRedirect(), PHP_URL_QUERY ), 
$res );
-               $expected = array (
-                       'amount' => $init['amount'],
-                       'currency_code' => $init['currency_code'],
-                       'country' => 'BE',
-                       'business' => '',
-                       'cmd' => '_donations',
-                       'item_name' => $donateText,
-                       'item_number' => 'DONATE',
-                       'no_note' => '0',
-                       'custom' => $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-                       'lc' => 'BE',
-                       'cancel_return' => 
-                       'return' => 
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $res, 'Paypal "Donate" 
transaction not constructing the expected redirect URL' );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-                       $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ),
-                       "Paypal order_id should equal ct_id"
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the Donate transaction works as 
-        * in Canada for English and French
-        *
-        * @dataProvider canadaLanguageProvider
-        */
-       function testDoTransactionDonate_CA( $language ) {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'CA' );
-               $init['language'] = $language;
-               $this->setLanguage( $language );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $donateText = wfMessage( 
'donate_interface-donation-description' )->inLanguage( $language )->text();
-               $ret = $gateway->doPayment();
-               parse_str( parse_url( $ret->getRedirect(), PHP_URL_QUERY ), 
$res );
-               $expected = array (
-                       'amount' => $init['amount'],
-                       'currency_code' => 'CAD',
-                       'country' => 'CA',
-                       'business' => '',
-                       'cmd' => '_donations',
-                       'item_name' => $donateText,
-                       'item_number' => 'DONATE',
-                       'no_note' => '0',
-                       'custom' => $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-                       'lc' => 'CA',
-                       'cancel_return' => 
-                       'return' => 
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $res, 'Paypal "Donate" 
transaction not constructing the expected redirect URL' );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-                       $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ),
-                       "Paypal order_id should equal ct_id"
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that the Donate transaction works as 
expected in Italy
-        */
-       function testDoTransactionDonate_IT() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'IT' );
-               $this->setLanguage( 'it' );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $donateText = wfMessage( 
'donate_interface-donation-description' )->inLanguage( 'it' )->text();
-               $ret = $gateway->doPayment();
-               parse_str( parse_url( $ret->getRedirect(), PHP_URL_QUERY ), 
$res );
-               $expected = array (
-                       'amount' => $init['amount'],
-                       'currency_code' => $init['currency_code'],
-                       'country' => 'IT',
-                       'business' => '',
-                       'cmd' => '_donations',
-                       'item_name' => $donateText,
-                       'item_number' => 'DONATE',
-                       'no_note' => '0',
-                       'custom' => $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-                       'lc' => 'IT',
-                       'cancel_return' => 
-                       'return' => 
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $res, 'Paypal "Donate" 
transaction not constructing the expected redirect URL' );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ),
-                       $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ),
-                       "Paypal order_id should equal ct_id"
-               );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/AmountTest.php b/tests/phpunit/AmountTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8506e70..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/AmountTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
- * @group      Fundraising
- * @group      DonationInterface
- * @group      Validation
- */
-class AmountTest  extends DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       /**
-        * @var GatewayType
-        */
-       protected $adapter;
-       /**
-        * @var Amount
-        */
-       protected $validator;
-       /**
-        * @var ErrorState
-        */
-       protected $errors;
-       /**
-        * @var array
-        */
-       protected $normalized;
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgDonationInterfacePriceFloor' => 1.50,
-                       'wgDonationInterfacePriceCeiling' => 100,
-                       'wgLanguageCode' => 'en',
-               ) );
-               $this->setUpRequest( array(
-                       'country' => 'US',
-                       'uselang' => 'en',
-               ) );
-               $this->normalized = array(
-                       'language' => 'en',
-                       'country' => 'US',
-                       'currency_code' => 'USD',
-               );
-               $this->errors = new ErrorState();
-               $this->adapter = new TestingGenericAdapter();
-               $this->validator = new Amount();
-       }
-       protected function validate() {
-               $this->validator->validate(
-                       $this->adapter, $this->normalized, $this->errors
-               );
-       }
-       protected function getFirstError() {
-               $list = $this->errors->getErrors();
-               return $list[0];
-       }
-       public function testValidUsd() {
-               $this->normalized['amount'] = '10.00';
-               $this->validate();
-               $this->assertFalse(
-                       $this->errors->hasValidationError(),
-                       'Error shown for valid amount'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testZeroAmount() {
-               $this->normalized['amount'] = '0.00';
-               $this->validate();
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ),
-                       'No error for zero amount'
-               );
-               $expected = DataValidator::getError( 'amount', 'not_empty' );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $expected,
-                       $this->getFirstError(),
-                       'Wrong error for zero amount'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testWhitespaceAmount() {
-               $this->normalized['amount'] = '    ';
-               $this->validate();
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ),
-                       'No error for whitespace amount'
-               );
-               $expected = DataValidator::getError( 'amount', 'not_empty' );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $expected,
-                       $this->getFirstError(),
-                       'Wrong error for zero amount'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testNonNumericAmount() {
-               $this->normalized['amount'] = 'XYZ123';
-               $this->validate();
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ),
-                       'No error for non-numeric amount'
-               );
-               $expected = new ValidationError(
-                       'amount',
-                       'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-amount'
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $expected,
-                       $this->getFirstError(),
-                       'Wrong error message for non-numeric amount'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testNegativeAmount() {
-               $this->normalized['amount'] = '-100.00';
-               $this->validate();
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ),
-                       'No error for negative amount'
-               );
-               $expected = new ValidationError(
-                       'amount',
-                       'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-amount'
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $expected,
-                       $this->getFirstError(),
-                       'Wrong error message for non-numeric amount'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testTooMuchUsd() {
-               $this->normalized['amount'] = '101.00';
-               $this->validate();
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ),
-                       'No error for excessive amount (USD)'
-               );
-               $expected = new ValidationError(
-                       'amount',
-                       'donate_interface-bigamount-error',
-                       array(
-                               100,
-                               'USD',
-                               $this->adapter->getGlobal( 'MajorGiftsEmail' ),
-                       )
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $expected,
-                       $this->getFirstError(),
-                       'Wrong error message for excessive amount (USD)'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testTooLittleUsd() {
-               $this->normalized['amount'] = '1.49';
-               $this->validate();
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ),
-                       'No error for diminutive amount (USD)'
-               );
-               $formattedMin = Amount::format( 1.50, 'USD', 'en_US' );
-               $expected = new ValidationError(
-                       'amount',
-                       'donate_interface-smallamount-error',
-                       array( $formattedMin )
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $expected,
-                       $this->getFirstError(),
-                       'Wrong error message for diminutive amount (USD)'
-               );
-       }
-       // Conversion tests depend on Barbadian monetary policy
-       // BBD is convenient as it's pegged to $0.50
-       public function testTooMuchBbd() {
-               $this->normalized['currency_code'] = 'BBD';
-               $this->normalized['amount'] = '201.00';
-               $this->validate();
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ),
-                       'No error for excessive amount (BBD)'
-               );
-               $expected = new ValidationError(
-                       'amount',
-                       'donate_interface-bigamount-error',
-                       array(
-                               200,
-                               'BBD',
-                               $this->adapter->getGlobal( 'MajorGiftsEmail' )
-                       )
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $expected,
-                       $this->getFirstError(),
-                       'Wrong error message for excessive amount (BBD)'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testTooLittleBbd() {
-               $this->normalized['currency_code'] = 'BBD';
-               $this->normalized['amount'] = '2.95';
-               $this->validate();
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ),
-                       'No error for diminutive amount (BBD)'
-               );
-               $formattedMin = Amount::format( 3.00, 'BBD', 'en_US' );
-               $expected = new ValidationError(
-                       'amount',
-                       'donate_interface-smallamount-error',
-                       array( $formattedMin )
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       $expected,
-                       $this->getFirstError(),
-                       'Wrong error message for diminutive amount (BBD)'
-               );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/DataValidatorTest.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 3858521..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/DataValidatorTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
- * @group      Fundraising
- * @group      DonationInterface
- * @group      Validation
- * @category   UnitTesting
- */
-class DataValidatorTest  extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-       /**
-        * Test the Luhn check algorithm
-        * @dataProvider luhnDataProvider
-        */
-       public function testLuhnCheck( $number, $expresult, $helpful_message ) {
-               $result = DataValidator::cc_number_exists_in_str( $number );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expresult, $result, "$number failed 
expected luhn check ($helpful_message)" );
-       }
-       public function luhnDataProvider() {
-               return array(
-                       // Mastercard
-                       array ( '5333331605740535', true, 'Mastercard' ),
-                       array ( '5143792293131636', true, 'Mastercard' ),
-                       array ( 'John Doe 5199122553269905 Random', true, 
'Mastercard' ),
-                       array ( '5497-8801-7320-5943', true, 'Mastercard' ),
-                       array ( '5370 5369 5295 3903', true, 'Mastercard' ),
-                       array ( '5295975049354398', true, 'Mastercard' ),
-                       array ( '5122728197617259', true, 'Mastercard' ),
-                       array ( '5372869474419840', true, 'Mastercard' ),
-                       array ( '5479089850576103', true, 'Mastercard' ),
-                       array ( '5375122664558457', true, 'Mastercard' ),
-                       // VISA array(16), digit
-                       array ( '4024007145540307', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4532676809474030', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4024007139174626', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4556384391069166', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4916423001204113', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4716409516522919', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4296465885589572', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4532969094459737', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4485480938896362', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4539357366702682', true, 'Visa 16 digit' ),
-                       // VISA array(13), digit
-                       array ( '4916199124929', true, 'Visa 13 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4916237697951', true, 'Visa 13 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4929247091115', true, 'Visa 13 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4024007169572', true, 'Visa 13 digit' ),
-                       array ( '4716716919391', true, 'Visa 13 digit' ),
-                       // American Express
-                       array ( '343114236688284', true, 'Amex' ),
-                       array ( '379274178561225', true, 'Amex' ),
-                       // Discover
-                       array ( '6011013905647431', true, 'Discover' ),
-                       array ( '6011045341391380', true, 'Discover' ),
-                       array ( '6011324325736120', true, 'Discover' ),
-                       // Diners Club is not currently working at all
-                       /**
-                         array ( '30343484937451', true, 'Diners Club' ),
-                         array ( '30037415730064', true, 'Diners Club' ),
-                         array ( '30392872026500', true, 'Diners Club' ),
-                        */
-                       // enRoute
-                       array ( '201454799826249', true, 'enRoute' ),
-                       array ( '201498205795993', true, 'enRoute' ),
-                       array ( '214960886496931', true, 'enRoute' ),
-                       // JCB
-                       array ( '3582219461343499', true, 'JCB' ),
-                       array ( '3534022982879267', true, 'JCB' ),
-                       //not sure what is wrong with the next one, but it's 
-                       //array ( '3519002211673029', true, 'JCB' ),
-                       // Voyager is also not currently working at all
-                       /**
-                         array ( '869952786819898', true, 'Voyager' ),
-                         array ( '869967184704708', true, 'Voyager' ),
-                         array ( '869901879171733', true, 'Voyager' ),
-                        */
-                       // Not credit cards
-                       array ( 'John Doe', false, 'Not a valid credit card' ),
-                       array ( 'Peter 123456', false, 'Not a valid credit 
card' ),
-                       array ( '1234567', false, 'Not a valid credit card' )
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Oh Shit: It's an actual simple unit test!
-        * @covers DataValidator::getZeroPaddedValue()
-        */
-       public function testGetZeroPaddedValue() {
-               //make sure that it works in the two main categories of ways it 
should work
-               $this->assertEquals( '00123', 
DataValidator::getZeroPaddedValue( '123', 5 ), "getZeroPaddedValue does not 
properly pad out a value in the simplest case" );
-               $this->assertEquals( '00123', 
DataValidator::getZeroPaddedValue( '0000123', 5 ), "getZeroPaddedValue does not 
properly unpad and re-pad a value when leading zeroes exist in the initial 
value" );
-               //make sure it fails gracefully when asked to do something 
-               $this->assertFalse( DataValidator::getZeroPaddedValue( 
'123456', 5 ), "getZeroPaddedValue does not return false when the exact desired 
value is impossible" );
-       }
-       public function fiscalNumberProvider() {
-               return array(
-                       array( 'BR', '', false ), // empty not OK for BR
-                       array( 'US', '', true ), // empty OK for US
-                       array( 'BR', '12345', false ), // too short for BR
-                       array( 'BR', '00003456789', true ),
-                       array( 'BR', '000.034.567-89', true ), // strip 
-                       array( 'BR', '00.000.000/0001-00', true ), // CPNJ 
should pass too
-                       array( 'BR', '1111222233334444', false ),
-                       array( 'BR', 'ABC11122233', false ),
-                       array( 'CL', '12.123.123-K', true ),
-                       array( 'CL', '12.12.12-4', false ),
-                       array( 'CO', '123-456', true ),
-                       array( 'CO', '1234-5678-90', true ),
-                       array( 'CO', '12A-456-7', false ),
-                       array( 'CO', '1234-5678-901', false ),
-                       array( 'AR', 'ABC12312', false ),
-                       array( 'AR', '12341234', true ),
-                       array( 'AR', '1112223', true ),
-                       array( 'AR', '111222', false ),
-                       array( 'MX', '', true ), // Not required for MX
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * @dataProvider fiscalNumberProvider
-        * TODO: Test modular validator integration with DonationData
-        */
-       public function testValidateFiscalNumber( $country, $value, $valid ) {
-               $validator = new FiscalNumber();
-               $errors = new ErrorState();
-               $validator->validate(
-                       new TestingGenericAdapter(),
-                       array( 'country' => $country, 'fiscal_number' => 
$value, 'language' => 'en' ),
-                       $errors
-               );
-               $expectation = $valid ? "should" : "should not";
-               $this->assertEquals(
-                       !$valid,
-                       $errors->hasValidationError( 'fiscal_number' ),
-                       "$value $expectation be a valid fiscal number for 
-               );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/GatewayPageTest.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6971f04..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/GatewayPageTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- */
-use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group GatewayPage
- */
-class GatewayPageTest extends DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       /**
-        * @var GatewayPage
-        */
-       protected $page;
-       /**
-        * @var GatewayAdapter
-        */
-       protected $adapter;
-       public function setUp() {
-               $this->page = new TestingGatewayPage();
-               // put these here so tests can override them
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals = array ( 
'FallbackCurrency' => 'USD' );
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$acceptedCurrencies[] = 'USD';
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeIdentifier = 'globalcollect';
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgPaypalGatewayEnabled' => true,
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceAllowedHtmlForms' => array(
-                               'paypal' => array(
-                                       'gateway' => 'paypal',
-                                       'payment_methods' => array('paypal' => 
-                               ),
-                       ),
-               ) );
-               parent::setUp();
-       }
-       protected function setUpAdapter( $extra = array() ) {
-               $externalData = array_merge(
-                       array(
-                               'amount' => '200',
-                               'currency_code' => 'BBD',
-                               'contribution_tracking_id' => mt_rand( 10000, 
10000000 ),
-                       ),
-                       $extra
-               );
-               $this->adapter = new TestingGenericAdapter( array(
-                       'external_data' => $externalData,
-               ) );
-               $this->page->adapter = $this->adapter;
-       }
-       public function tearDown() {
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$acceptedCurrencies = array();
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals = array();
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeIdentifier = false;
-               parent::tearDown();
-       }
-       public function testCurrencyFallbackWithNotification() {
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals['NotifyOnConvert'] = true;
-               $this->setUpAdapter();
-               $this->assertFalse( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-               $errors = $this->adapter->getErrorState()->getErrors();
-               $msgKey = 'donate_interface-fallback-currency-notice';
-               $this->assertEquals( $msgKey, $errors[0]->getMessageKey() );
-               $this->assertEquals( 100, 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' ) );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'USD', 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'currency_code' ) );
-       }
-       public function testCurrencyFallbackIntermediateConversion() {
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals['FallbackCurrency'] = 'OMR';
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals['NotifyOnConvert'] = true;
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$acceptedCurrencies[] = 'OMR';
-               // FIXME: Relies on app default exchange rate.  Set explicitly 
-               $this->setUpAdapter();
-               $errors = $this->adapter->getErrorState()->getErrors();
-               $msgKey = 'donate_interface-fallback-currency-notice';
-               $this->assertEquals( $msgKey, $errors[0]->getMessageKey() );
-               $this->assertEquals( 38, 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' ) );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'OMR', 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'currency_code' ) );
-       }
-       public function testCurrencyFallbackWithoutNotification() {
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals['NotifyOnConvert'] = false;
-               $this->setUpAdapter();
-               $this->assertTrue( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-               $errorState = $this->adapter->getErrorState();
-               $this->assertFalse( $errorState->hasErrors() );
-               $this->assertEquals( 100, 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' ) );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'USD', 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'currency_code' ) );
-       }
-       public function testCurrencyFallbackAlwaysNotifiesIfOtherErrors() {
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals['NotifyOnConvert'] = false;
-               $this->setUpAdapter( array( 'email' => 'notanemail' ) );
-               $errors = $this->adapter->getErrorState()->getErrors();
-               $msgKey = 'donate_interface-fallback-currency-notice';
-               $foundError = false;
-               foreach( $errors as $error ) {
-                       if ( $error->getField() === 'currency_code' ) {
-                               $this->assertEquals( $msgKey, 
$error->getMessageKey() );
-                               $foundError = true;
-                       }
-               }
-               $this->assertTrue( $foundError );
-               $this->assertEquals( 100, 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' ) );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'USD', 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'currency_code' ) );
-       }
-       public function testNoFallbackForSupportedCurrency() {
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$acceptedCurrencies[] = 'BBD';
-               $this->setUpAdapter();
-               $errorState = $this->adapter->getErrorState();
-               $this->assertFalse( $errorState->hasErrors() );
-               $this->assertEquals( 200, 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' ) );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'BBD', 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'currency_code' ) );
-       }
-       public function testCurrencyFallbackByCountry() {
-               // With 'FallbackCurrencyByCountry', we need to return a single 
supported currency
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$acceptedCurrencies = array( 'USD' );
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals = array(
-                       'FallbackCurrency' => false,
-                       'FallbackCurrencyByCountry' => true,
-               );
-               $extra = array(
-                       'country' => 'US',
-               );
-               $this->setUpAdapter( $extra );
-               $this->assertEquals( 100, 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' ) );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'USD', 
$this->adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'currency_code' ) );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Before redirecting a user to the processor, we should log all of 
-        * details at info level
-        */
-       function testLogDetailsOnRedirect() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $session = array( 'Donor' => $init );
-               $this->verifyFormOutput( 'PaypalLegacyGateway', $init, array(), 
false, $session );
-               $logged = $this->getLogMatches( LogLevel::INFO, '/^Redirecting 
for transaction: /' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $logged ), 'Should have logged 
details once' );
-               preg_match( '/Redirecting for transaction: (.*)$/', $logged[0], 
$matches );
-               $detailString = $matches[1];
-               $expected = array(
-                       'currency_code' => 'USD',
-                       'payment_submethod' => '',
-                       'fname' => 'Firstname',
-                       'lname' => 'Surname',
-                       'amount' => '1.55',
-                       'language' => 'en',
-                       'email' => '',
-                       'country' => 'US',
-                       'payment_method' => 'paypal',
-                       'user_ip' => '',
-                       'recurring' => '',
-                       'utm_source' => '..paypal',
-                       'gateway' => 'paypal',
-                       'gateway_account' => 'testing',
-                       'gateway_txn_id' => false,
-                       'response' => false,
-                       'street' => '123 Fake Street',
-                       'city' => 'San Francisco',
-                       'state' => 'CA',
-                       'postal_code' => '94105',
-                       'php-message-class' => 
-               );
-               $actual = json_decode( $detailString, true );
-               // TODO: when tests use PHPUnit 4.4
-               // $this->assertArraySubset( $expected, $actual, false, 'Logged 
the wrong stuff' );
-               $expected['order_id'] = $actual['contribution_tracking_id'];
-               unset( $actual['contribution_tracking_id'] );
-               unset( $actual['correlation-id'] );
-               unset( $actual['date'] );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, 'Logged the wrong 
stuff!' );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/GatewayValidationTest.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f8768..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/GatewayValidationTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- */
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group GatewayPage
- */
-class GatewayValidationTest extends DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       protected $page;
-       protected $adapter;
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       // FIXME: base class sketchiness.
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceGatewayAdapters' => array(
-                               'donation' => 'TestingGatewayAdapter',
-                       ),
-                       'wgDonationInterfacePriceFloor' => 2.00,
-                       'wgDonationInterfacePriceCeiling' => 100.00,
-               ) );
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$acceptedCurrencies[] = 'USD';
-               $this->page = new TestingGatewayPage();
-       }
-       protected function setUpAdapter( $data = array() ) {
-               $this->adapter = new TestingGenericAdapter( array(
-                       'external_data' => $data,
-               ) );
-               $this->page->adapter = $this->adapter;
-       }
-       public function tearDown() {
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeIdentifier = null;
-               TestingGenericAdapter::$acceptedCurrencies = array();
-               parent::tearDown();
-       }
-       public function assertHasValidationError( $field, $messageKey = null, 
$messageParams = null ) {
-               $hasError = false;
-               foreach( $this->adapter->getErrorState()->getErrors() as $error 
) {
-                       if ( $error instanceof ValidationError and 
$error->getField() === $field ) {
-                               $hasError = true;
-                               if ( $messageKey !== null ) {
-                                       $this->assertEquals( $messageKey, 
$error->getMessageKey() );
-                               }
-                               if ( $messageParams !== null ) {
-                                       $this->assertEquals( $messageParams, 
$error->getMessageParams() );
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               $this->assertTrue( $hasError );
-       }
-       public function testPassesValidation() {
-               $this->setUpAdapter( array(
-                       'amount' => '2.00',
-                       'country' => 'US',
-                       'currency' => 'USD',
-                       'email' => '',
-               ) );
-               $this->assertTrue( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-       }
-       public function testLowAmountError() {
-               $this->setUpAdapter( array(
-                       'amount' => '1.99',
-                       'country' => 'US',
-                       'currency' => 'USD',
-               ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-               $errors = $this->adapter->getErrorState();
-               $this->assertTrue( $errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ) );
-       }
-       public function testHighAmountError() {
-               $this->setUpAdapter( array(
-                       'amount' => '100.99',
-                       'country' => 'US',
-                       'currency' => 'USD',
-               ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-               $errors = $this->adapter->getErrorState();
-               $this->assertTrue( $errors->hasValidationError( 'amount' ) );
-       }
-       public function testCurrencyCodeError() {
-               $this->setUpAdapter( array(
-                       'amount' => '2.99',
-                       'country' => 'BR',
-                       'currency' => 'BRL',
-               ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-               $this->assertHasValidationError( 'currency_code' );
-       }
-       public function testCountryError() {
-               // TODO: also validate and test country=ZZ and XX
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceForbiddenCountries' => array( 'XX' )
-               ) );
-               $this->setUpAdapter( array(
-                       'amount' => '2.99',
-                       'country' => 'XX',
-                       'currency' => 'USD',
-               ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-               $this->assertHasValidationError( 'country' );
-       }
-       public function testEmailError() {
-               $this->setUpAdapter( array(
-                       'amount' => '2.99',
-                       'currency' => 'USD',
-                       'email' => 'foo',
-               ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-               $this->assertHasValidationError( 'email' );
-       }
-       public function testSpuriousCcError() {
-               $this->setUpAdapter( array(
-                       'amount' => '2.99',
-                       'currency' => 'USD',
-                       'fname' => '4111111111111111',
-               ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-               $this->assertHasValidationError( 'fname' );
-       }
-       public function testMissingFieldError() {
-               $this->setUpAdapter( array(
-                       'amount' => '2.99',
-               ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $this->adapter->validatedOK() );
-               $this->assertHasValidationError( 'currency_code' );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/LintYaml.php b/tests/phpunit/LintYaml.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd8a5f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/LintYaml.php
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Sadly, I didn't find any off-the-shelf yaml linters that didn't make me mad.
+// Requires PHP 5.4
+use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser;
+function runForYamlFiles( $callback ) {
+       $directoryIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( __DIR__ . '/../' );
+       $filter = new RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator( $directoryIterator, 
function( $current, $key, $iterator ) {
+               // Skip tests and vendor directories.
+               if ( $current->getFilename() === 'tests'
+                       || $current->getFilename() === 'vendor'
+                       || $current->getFilename() === 'node_modules'
+               ) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               // Recurse
+               if ( $current->isDir() ) {
+                       return true;
+               }
+               // Match .yaml or .yml
+               return preg_match( '/\.ya?ml$/', $current->getFilename() );
+       } );
+       $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $filter );
+       foreach ( $iterator as $file ) {
+               if ( $file->isFile() ) {
+                       $callback( $file->getPathname() );
+               }
+       }
+function lintYamlFile( $path ) {
+       $yamlParser = new Parser();
+       try {
+               $data = $yamlParser->parse( file_get_contents( $path ) );
+       } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
+               global $exitStatus;
+               $exitStatus = -1;
+               error_log( $path . ': ' . $ex->getMessage() );
+       }
+$exitStatus = 0;
+require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
+runForYamlFiles( 'lintYamlFile' );
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/test_gateway/TestingGenericAdapter.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d0346..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/includes/test_gateway/TestingGenericAdapter.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (b33d3e Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- */
- * A really dumb adapter.
- */
-class TestingGenericAdapter extends GatewayAdapter {
-       public static $fakeGlobals = array();
-       public static $fakeIdentifier;
-       public static $acceptedCurrencies = array();
-       public function getCommunicationType() {
-               return 'xml';
-       }
-       public function normalizeOrderID( $override = null, $dataObj = null ) {
-               return '12345';
-       }
-       public static function getGlobal( $name ) {
-               if ( array_key_exists( $name, 
TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals ) ) {
-                       return TestingGenericAdapter::$fakeGlobals[$name];
-               }
-               return parent::getGlobal( $name );
-       }
-       public static function getIdentifier() {
-               if ( self::$fakeIdentifier ) {
-                       return self::$fakeIdentifier;
-               }
-               return GatewayAdapter::getIdentifier();
-       }
-       public function loadConfig() {
-       }
-       public function defineAccountInfo() {
-       }
-       public function defineDataConstraints() {
-       }
-       public function defineErrorMap() {
-       }
-       public function defineOrderIDMeta() {
-       }
-       public function definePaymentMethods() {
-       }
-       public function defineReturnValueMap() {
-       }
-       public function defineTransactions() {
-       }
-       public function defineDataTransformers() {
-               $this->data_transformers = parent::getCoreDataTransformers();
-       }
-       public function defineVarMap() {
-       }
-       public function setGatewayDefaults( $options = array() ) {
-       }
-       public function getCurrencies( $options = array() ) {
-               return TestingGenericAdapter::$acceptedCurrencies;
-       }
-       public function doPayment() {
-       }
-       protected function getBasedir() {
-               return __DIR__;
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (af8e63 Log session IDs when adding info & failing to find it)

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I61c2d83a0d5b5553c75ccdd1b363987755a4618e
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface
Gerrit-Branch: deployment
Gerrit-Owner: Ejegg <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Ejegg <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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