Gilles has uploaded a new change for review. ( )

Change subject: Add Prometheus lua script for nginx-full

Add Prometheus lua script for nginx-full

Bug: T151554
Change-Id: Ief5b2f0719f3edcf53bc9646c4bfccd4b6f4db24
A files/prometheus.lua
M manifests/init.pp
2 files changed, 537 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/files/prometheus.lua b/files/prometheus.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8af3ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/prometheus.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+-- vim: ts=2:sw=2:sts=2:expandtab
+-- This module uses a single dictionary shared between Nginx workers to keep
+-- all metrics. Each counter is stored as a separate entry in that dictionary,
+-- which allows us to increment them using built-in `incr` method.
+-- Prometheus requires that (a) all samples for a given metric are presented
+-- as one uninterrupted group, and (b) buckets of a histogram appear in
+-- increasing numerical order. We satisfy that by carefully constructing full
+-- metric names (i.e. metric name along with all labels) so that they meet
+-- those requirements while being sorted alphabetically. In particular:
+--  * all labels for a given metric are presented in reproducible order (the 
+--    used when labels were declared). "le" label for histogram metrics always
+--    goes last;
+--  * bucket boundaries (which are exposed as values of the "le" label) are
+--    presented as floating point numbers with leading and trailing zeroes.
+--    Number of of zeroes is determined for each bucketer automatically based 
+--    bucket boundaries;
+--  * internally "+Inf" bucket is stored as "Inf" (to make it appear after
+--    all numeric buckets), and gets replaced by "+Inf" just before we
+--    expose the metrics.
+-- For example, if you define your bucket boundaries as {0.00005, 10, 1000}
+-- then we will keep the following samples for a metric `m1` with label
+-- `site` set to `site1`:
+--   m1_bucket{site="site1",le="0000.00005"}
+--   m1_bucket{site="site1",le="0010.00000"}
+--   m1_bucket{site="site1",le="1000.00000"}
+--   m1_bucket{site="site1",le="Inf"}
+--   m1_count{site="site1"}
+--   m1_sum{site="site1"}
+-- "Inf" will be replaced by "+Inf" while publishing metrics.
+-- You can find the latest version and documentation at
+-- Released under MIT license.
+-- Default set of latency buckets, 5ms to 10s:
+local DEFAULT_BUCKETS = {0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,
+                         0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10}
+-- Metric is a "parent class" for all metrics.
+local Metric = {}
+function Metric:new(o)
+  o = o or {}
+  setmetatable(o, self)
+  self.__index = self
+  return o
+-- Checks that the right number of labels values have been passed.
+-- Args:
+--   label_values: an array of label values.
+-- Returns:
+--   an error message or nil
+function Metric:check_label_values(label_values)
+  if self.label_names == nil and label_values == nil then
+    return
+  elseif self.label_names == nil and label_values ~= nil then
+    return "Expected no labels for " .. .. ", got " ..  #label_values
+  elseif label_values == nil and self.label_names ~= nil then
+    return "Expected " .. #self.label_names .. " labels for " ..
+  .. ", got none"
+  elseif #self.label_names ~= #label_values then
+    return "Wrong number of labels for " .. .. ". Expected " ..
+           #self.label_names .. ", got " .. #label_values
+  else
+    for i, k in ipairs(self.label_names) do
+      if label_values[i] == nil then
+        return "Unexpected nil value for label " .. k ..  " of " ..
+      end
+    end
+  end
+local Counter = Metric:new()
+-- Increase a given counter by `value`
+-- Args:
+--   value: (number) a value to add to the counter. Defaults to 1 if skipped.
+--   label_values: an array of label values. Can be nil (i.e. not defined) for
+--     metrics that have no labels.
+function Counter:inc(value, label_values)
+  local err = self:check_label_values(label_values)
+  if err ~= nil then
+    self.prometheus:log_error(err)
+    return
+  end
+  self.prometheus:inc(, self.label_names, label_values, value or 1)
+local Gauge = Metric:new()
+-- Set a given gauge to `value`
+-- Args:
+--   value: (number) a value to set the gauge to. Should be defined.
+--   label_values: an array of label values. Can be nil (i.e. not defined) for
+--     metrics that have no labels.
+function Gauge:set(value, label_values)
+  if value == nil then
+    self.prometheus:log_error("No value passed for " ..
+    return
+  end
+  local err = self:check_label_values(label_values)
+  if err ~= nil then
+    self.prometheus:log_error(err)
+    return
+  end
+  self.prometheus:set(, self.label_names, label_values, value)
+local Histogram = Metric:new()
+-- Record a given value in a histogram.
+-- Args:
+--   value: (number) a value to record. Should be defined.
+--   label_values: an array of label values. Can be nil (i.e. not defined) for
+--     metrics that have no labels.
+function Histogram:observe(value, label_values)
+  if value == nil then
+    self.prometheus:log_error("No value passed for " ..
+    return
+  end
+  local err = self:check_label_values(label_values)
+  if err ~= nil then
+    self.prometheus:log_error(err)
+    return
+  end
+  self.prometheus:histogram_observe(, self.label_names, label_values, 
+local Prometheus = {}
+Prometheus.__index = Prometheus
+Prometheus.initialized = false
+-- Generate full metric name that includes all labels.
+-- Args:
+--   name: string
+--   label_names: (array) a list of label keys.
+--   label_values: (array) a list of label values.
+-- Returns:
+--   (string) full metric name.
+local function full_metric_name(name, label_names, label_values)
+  if not label_names then
+    return name
+  end
+  local label_parts = {}
+  for idx, key in ipairs(label_names) do
+    local label_value = (string.format("%s", label_values[idx])
+      :gsub("[^\032-\126]", "")  -- strip non-printable characters
+      :gsub("\\", "\\\\")
+      :gsub('"', '\\"'))
+    table.insert(label_parts, key .. '="' .. label_value .. '"')
+  end
+  return name .. "{" .. table.concat(label_parts, ",") .. "}"
+-- Construct bucket format for a list of buckets.
+-- This receives a list of buckets and returns a sprintf template that should
+-- be used for bucket boundaries to make them come in increasing order when
+-- sorted alphabetically.
+-- To re-phrase, this is where we detect how many leading and trailing zeros we
+-- need.
+-- Args:
+--   buckets: a list of buckets
+-- Returns:
+--   (string) a sprintf template.
+local function construct_bucket_format(buckets)
+  local max_order = 1
+  local max_precision = 1
+  for _, bucket in ipairs(buckets) do
+    assert(type(bucket) == "number", "bucket boundaries should be numeric")
+    -- floating point number with all trailing zeros removed
+    local as_string = string.format("%f", bucket):gsub("0*$", "")
+    local dot_idx = as_string:find(".", 1, true)
+    max_order = math.max(max_order, dot_idx - 1)
+    max_precision = math.max(max_precision, as_string:len() - dot_idx)
+  end
+  return "%0" .. (max_order + max_precision + 1) .. "." .. max_precision .. "f"
+-- Extract short metric name from the full one.
+-- Args:
+--   full_name: (string) full metric name that can include labels.
+-- Returns:
+--   (string) short metric name with no labels. For a `*_bucket` metric of
+--     histogram the _bucket suffix will be removed.
+local function short_metric_name(full_name)
+  local labels_start, _ = full_name:find("{")
+  if not labels_start then
+    -- no labels
+    return full_name
+  end
+  local suffix_idx, _ = full_name:find("_bucket{")
+  if suffix_idx and full_name:find("le=") then
+    -- this is a histogram metric
+    return full_name:sub(1, suffix_idx - 1)
+  end
+  -- this is not a histogram metric
+  return full_name:sub(1, labels_start - 1)
+-- Makes a shallow copy of a table
+local function copy_table(table)
+  local new = {}
+  if table ~= nil then
+    for k, v in ipairs(table) do
+      new[k] = v
+    end
+  end
+  return new
+-- Check metric name and label names for correctness.
+-- Regular expressions to validate metric and label names are
+-- documented in
+-- Args:
+--   metric_name: (string) metric name.
+--   label_names: label names (array of strings).
+-- Returns:
+--   Either an error string, or nil of no errors were found.
+local function check_metric_and_label_names(metric_name, label_names)
+  if not metric_name:match("^[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*$") then
+    return "Metric name '" .. metric_name ..
+           "' contains invalid characters"
+  end
+  for _, label_name in ipairs(label_names or {}) do
+    if label_name == "le" then
+      return "Invalid label name 'le' in " .. metric_name
+    end
+    if not label_name:match("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$") then
+      return "Metric '" .. metric_name .. "' label name '" .. label_name ..
+             "' contains invalid characters"
+    end
+  end
+-- Initialize the module.
+-- This should be called once from the `init_by_lua` section in nginx
+-- configuration.
+-- Args:
+--   dict_name: (string) name of the nginx shared dictionary which will be
+--     used to store all metrics
+--   prefix: (optional string) if supplied, prefix is added to all
+--   metric names on output
+-- Returns:
+--   an object that should be used to register metrics.
+function Prometheus.init(dict_name, prefix)
+  local self = setmetatable({}, Prometheus)
+  self.dict = ngx.shared[dict_name or "prometheus_metrics"]
+ = {}
+  if prefix then
+    self.prefix = prefix
+  else
+    self.prefix = ''
+  end
+  self.type = {}
+  self.registered = {}
+  self.buckets = {}
+  self.bucket_format = {}
+  self.initialized = true
+  self:counter("nginx_metric_errors_total",
+    "Number of nginx-lua-prometheus errors")
+  self.dict:set("nginx_metric_errors_total", 0)
+  return self
+function Prometheus:log_error(...)
+  ngx.log(ngx.ERR, ...)
+  self.dict:incr("nginx_metric_errors_total", 1)
+function Prometheus:log_error_kv(key, value, err)
+  self:log_error(
+    "Error while setting '", key, "' to '", value, "': '", err, "'")
+-- Register a counter.
+-- Args:
+--   name: (string) name of the metric. Required.
+--   description: (string) description of the metric. Will be used for the HELP
+--     comment on the metrics page. Optional.
+--   label_names: array of strings, defining a list of metrics. Optional.
+-- Returns:
+--   a Counter object.
+function Prometheus:counter(name, description, label_names)
+  if not self.initialized then
+    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Prometheus module has not been initialized")
+    return
+  end
+  local err = check_metric_and_label_names(name, label_names)
+  if err ~= nil then
+    self:log_error(err)
+    return
+  end
+  if self.registered[name] then
+    self:log_error("Duplicate metric " .. name)
+    return
+  end
+  self.registered[name] = true
+[name] = description
+  self.type[name] = "counter"
+  return Counter:new{name=name, label_names=label_names, prometheus=self}
+-- Register a gauge.
+-- Args:
+--   name: (string) name of the metric. Required.
+--   description: (string) description of the metric. Will be used for the HELP
+--     comment on the metrics page. Optional.
+--   label_names: array of strings, defining a list of metrics. Optional.
+-- Returns:
+--   a Gauge object.
+function Prometheus:gauge(name, description, label_names)
+  if not self.initialized then
+    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Prometheus module has not been initialized")
+    return
+  end
+  local err = check_metric_and_label_names(name, label_names)
+  if err ~= nil then
+    self:log_error(err)
+    return
+  end
+  if self.registered[name] then
+    self:log_error("Duplicate metric " .. name)
+    return
+  end
+  self.registered[name] = true
+[name] = description
+  self.type[name] = "gauge"
+  return Gauge:new{name=name, label_names=label_names, prometheus=self}
+-- Register a histogram.
+-- Args:
+--   name: (string) name of the metric. Required.
+--   description: (string) description of the metric. Will be used for the HELP
+--     comment on the metrics page. Optional.
+--   label_names: array of strings, defining a list of metrics. Optional.
+--   buckets: array if numbers, defining bucket boundaries. Optional.
+-- Returns:
+--   a Histogram object.
+function Prometheus:histogram(name, description, label_names, buckets)
+  if not self.initialized then
+    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Prometheus module has not been initialized")
+    return
+  end
+  local err = check_metric_and_label_names(name, label_names)
+  if err ~= nil then
+    self:log_error(err)
+    return
+  end
+  for _, suffix in ipairs({"", "_bucket", "_count", "_sum"}) do
+    if self.registered[name .. suffix] then
+      self:log_error("Duplicate metric " .. name .. suffix)
+      return
+    end
+    self.registered[name .. suffix] = true
+  end
+[name] = description
+  self.type[name] = "histogram"
+  self.buckets[name] = buckets or DEFAULT_BUCKETS
+  self.bucket_format[name] = construct_bucket_format(self.buckets[name])
+  return Histogram:new{name=name, label_names=label_names, prometheus=self}
+-- Set a given dictionary key.
+-- This overwrites existing values, so it should only be used when initializing
+-- metrics or when explicitely overwriting the previous value of a metric.
+function Prometheus:set_key(key, value)
+  local ok, err = self.dict:safe_set(key, value)
+  if not ok then
+    self:log_error_kv(key, value, err)
+  end
+-- Increment a given counter by `value`.
+-- Args:
+--   name: (string) short metric name without any labels.
+--   label_names: (array) a list of label keys.
+--   label_values: (array) a list of label values.
+--   value: (number) value to add. Optional, defaults to 1.
+function Prometheus:inc(name, label_names, label_values, value)
+  local key = full_metric_name(name, label_names, label_values)
+  if value == nil then value = 1 end
+  if value < 0 then
+    self:log_error_kv(key, value, "Value should not be negative")
+    return
+  end
+  local newval, err = self.dict:incr(key, value)
+  if newval then
+    return
+  end
+  -- Yes, this looks like a race, so I guess we might under-report some values
+  -- when multiple workers simultaneously try to create the same metric.
+  -- Hopefully this does not happen too often (shared dictionary does not get
+  -- reset during configuation reload).
+  if err == "not found" then
+    self:set_key(key, value)
+    return
+  end
+  -- Unexpected error
+  self:log_error_kv(key, value, err)
+-- Set the current value of a gauge to `value`
+-- Args:
+--   name: (string) short metric name without any labels.
+--   label_names: (array) a list of label keys.
+--   label_values: (array) a list of label values.
+--   value: (number) the new value for the gauge.
+function Prometheus:set(name, label_names, label_values, value)
+  local key = full_metric_name(name, label_names, label_values)
+  self:set_key(key, value)
+-- Record a given value into a histogram metric.
+-- Args:
+--   name: (string) short metric name without any labels.
+--   label_names: (array) a list of label keys.
+--   label_values: (array) a list of label values.
+--   value: (number) value to observe.
+function Prometheus:histogram_observe(name, label_names, label_values, value)
+  self:inc(name .. "_count", label_names, label_values, 1)
+  self:inc(name .. "_sum", label_names, label_values, value)
+  -- we are going to mutate arrays of label names and values, so create a copy.
+  local l_names = copy_table(label_names)
+  local l_values = copy_table(label_values)
+  -- Last bucket. Note, that the label value is "Inf" rather than "+Inf"
+  -- required by Prometheus. This is necessary for this bucket to be the last
+  -- one when all metrics are lexicographically sorted. "Inf" will get replaced
+  -- by "+Inf" in Prometheus:collect().
+  table.insert(l_names, "le")
+  table.insert(l_values, "Inf")
+  self:inc(name .. "_bucket", l_names, l_values, 1)
+  local label_count = #l_names
+  for _, bucket in ipairs(self.buckets[name]) do
+    if value <= bucket then
+      -- last label is now "le"
+      l_values[label_count] = self.bucket_format[name]:format(bucket)
+      self:inc(name .. "_bucket", l_names, l_values, 1)
+    end
+  end
+-- Present all metrics in a text format compatible with Prometheus.
+-- This function should be used to expose the metrics on a separate HTTP page.
+-- It will get the metrics from the dictionary, sort them, and expose them
+-- aling with TYPE and HELP comments.
+function Prometheus:collect()
+  ngx.header.content_type = "text/plain"
+  if not self.initialized then
+    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Prometheus module has not been initialized")
+    return
+  end
+  local keys = self.dict:get_keys(0)
+  -- Prometheus server expects buckets of a histogram to appear in increasing
+  -- numerical order of their label values.
+  table.sort(keys)
+  local seen_metrics = {}
+  for _, key in ipairs(keys) do
+    local value, err = self.dict:get(key)
+    if value then
+      local short_name = short_metric_name(key)
+      if not seen_metrics[short_name] then
+        if[short_name] then
+          ngx.say("# HELP " .. self.prefix .. short_name .. " " ..[short_name])
+        end
+        if self.type[short_name] then
+          ngx.say("# TYPE " .. self.prefix .. short_name .. " " .. 
+        end
+        seen_metrics[short_name] = true
+      end
+      -- Replace "Inf" with "+Inf" in each metric's last bucket 'le' label.
+      ngx.say(self.prefix .. key:gsub('le="Inf"', 'le="+Inf"'), " ", value)
+    else
+      self:log_error("Error getting '", key, "': ", err)
+    end
+  end
+return Prometheus
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
index fbbc8a8..52d332c 100644
--- a/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -70,6 +70,14 @@
         tag     => 'nginx', # workaround PUP-2689, can remove w/ puppetmaster 
+    if $variant == 'full' {
+        file { '/etc/nginx/prometheus.lua':
+            ensure  => $ensure,
+            source  => 'puppet:///modules/nginx/prometheus.lua',
+            require => Package["nginx-${variant}"],
+        }
+    }
     # Order package -> config -> service for all
     #  nginx-tagged config files (including all File resources
     #  declared within this module), and set up the

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ief5b2f0719f3edcf53bc9646c4bfccd4b6f4db24
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet/nginx
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Gilles <>

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