jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )

Change subject: Delete wmf_communication\Job stuff

Delete wmf_communication\Job stuff

Totally re-inventing the wheel, now that CiviCRM's mailing batch features
are more accessible via API.

Also, was only used in the one-offs script to send 'sorry' letters

Change-Id: Ie7a48b938ebae6f5f3330133c547e047686408ae
D sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/Job.php
D sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/MailingTemplate.php
D sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/Recipient.php
D sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/Job.test
D sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/TestThankyouTemplate.php
D sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/
D sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/wmf_communication_tests.module
M sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/
M sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/
D sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/wmf_communication.install
M sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/wmf_communication.module
12 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 630 deletions(-)

  jenkins-bot: Verified
  Eileen: Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/Job.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 74aeebc..0000000
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/Job.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-<?php namespace wmf_communication;
-use \Exception;
- * Entity representing a single mailing job batch run
- *
- * A job can be created in small, decoupled steps, and intermediate values
- * examined in the database.
- *
- * For example, here is the lifecycle of a typical job:
- *
- *     // Create an empty mailing job, which will render letters using the
- *     // specified template.
- *     $job = Job::create( 'RecurringDonationsSnafuMay2013Template' );
- *
- *     foreach ( $recipients as $contact_id => $email ) {
- *         $job
- *     // Trigger the batch run.  Execution 
- *     $job->run();
- */
-class Job {
-    protected $id;
-    protected $template;
-    /**
-     * Pull a job from the database.
-     *
-     * @param integer $id  The job's database ID
-     */
-    static function getJob( $id ) {
-        $job = new Job();
-        $job->id = $id;
-        watchdog( 'wmf_communication',
-            "Retrieving mailing job :id from the database.",
-            array( ':id' => $id ),
-            WATCHDOG_INFO
-        );
-        $row = db_select( 'wmf_communication_job' )
-            ->fields( 'wmf_communication_job' )
-            ->condition( 'id', $id )
-            ->execute()
-            ->fetchAssoc();
-        if ( !$row ) {
-            throw new Exception( 'No such job found: ' . $id );
-        }
-        $templateClass = $row['template_class'];
-        if ( !class_exists( $templateClass ) ) {
-            throw new Exception( 'Could not find mailing template class: ' . 
$templateClass );
-        }
-        $job->template = new $templateClass;
-        if ( !( $job->template instanceof IMailingTemplate ) ) {
-            throw new Exception( 'Mailing template class must implement 
IMailingTemplate' );
-        }
-        return $job;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reserve an empty Job record and sequence number.
-     *
-     * @param string $templateClass mailing template classname
-     *
-     * TODO: other job-wide parameters and generic storage
-     */
-    static function create( $templateClass ) {
-        $jobId = db_insert( 'wmf_communication_job' )
-            ->fields( array(
-                'template_class' => $templateClass,
-            ) )
-            ->execute();
-        watchdog( 'wmf_communication',
-            "Created a new job id :id, of type :template_class.",
-            array(
-                ':id' => $jobId,
-                ':template_class' => $templateClass,
-            ),
-            WATCHDOG_INFO
-        );
-        return Job::getJob( $jobId );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Find all queued recipients and send letters.
-     */
-    function run() {
-        watchdog( 'wmf_communication',
-            "Running mailing job ID :id...",
-            array( ':id' => $this->id ),
-            WATCHDOG_INFO
-        );
-        $mailer = Mailer::getDefault();
-        $successful = 0;
-        $failed = 0;
-        while ( $recipients = Recipient::getQueuedBatch( $this->id ) ) {
-            foreach ( $recipients as $recipient ) {
-                $bodyTemplate = $this->template->getBodyTemplate( $recipient );
-                $email = array(
-                    'from_name' => $this->template->getFromName(),
-                    'from_address' => $this->template->getFromAddress(),
-                    'reply_to' => $this->template->getFromAddress(),
-                    'to_name' => $recipient->getName(),
-                    'to_address' => $recipient->getEmail(),
-                    'subject' => $this->template->getSubject( $recipient ),
-                    'plaintext' => $bodyTemplate->render( 'txt' ),
-                    'html' => $bodyTemplate->render( 'html' ),
-                );
-                $success = $mailer->send( $email );
-                if ( $success ) {
-                    $successful++;
-                    $recipient->setSuccessful();
-                } else {
-                    $failed++;
-                    $recipient->setFailed();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if ( ( $successful + $failed ) === 0 ) {
-            watchdog( 'wmf_communication',
-                "The mailing job (ID :id) was empty, or already completed.",
-                array( ':id' => $this->id ),
-                WATCHDOG_WARNING
-            );
-        } else {
-            watchdog( 'wmf_communication',
-                "Completed mailing job (ID :id), :successful letters 
successfully sent, and :failed failed.",
-                array(
-                    ':id' => $this->id,
-                    ':successful' => $successful,
-                    ':failed' => $failed,
-                ),
-                WATCHDOG_INFO
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    function getId() {
-        return $this->id;
-    }
diff --git a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/MailingTemplate.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 237f22f..0000000
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/MailingTemplate.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-<?php namespace wmf_communication;
- * Template provider, responsible for the subject and body templates
- *
- * Ordinarily, you can extend the AbstractMailingTemplate.
- */
-interface IMailingTemplate {
-    /**
-     * @return string Subject header for the letter
-     */
-    function getSubject( $recipient );
-    /**
-     * @return Templating template for generating the letter body
-     */
-    function getBodyTemplate( $recipient );
- * Base template provider for normal mailing jobs
- *
- * Most mailings will extend this class and simply define the two abstract 
- * which return a subject message key and the base template name.
- *
- * Anything which will be customized on a per-recipient basis should be 
controlled by this
- * class (or in your subclass).
- */
-abstract class AbstractMailingTemplate implements IMailingTemplate {
-    /**
-     * Get the root directory to search for templates
-     *
-     * @return string path
-     */
-    abstract function getTemplateDir();
-    /**
-     * Get the base template name
-     *
-     * This name is transformed into a template file path by the Templating 
-     *
-     * @return string base name, such as 'thank_you'
-     */
-    abstract function getTemplateName();
-    /**
-     * Job is sent from this email address
-     *
-     * @return string email address
-     */
-    function getFromAddress() {
-        return variable_get( 'thank_you_from_address', null );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Job is sent as this name
-     *
-     * @return string full name for From string
-     */
-    function getFromName() {
-        return variable_get( 'thank_you_from_name', null );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the rendered subject line
-     *
-     * @param Recipient $recipient the addressee
-     *
-     * @return string subject
-     */
-    function getSubject( $recipient ) {
-        return trim( $this->getBodyTemplate( $recipient )->render( 'subject' ) 
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get a template appropriate for this recipient
-     *
-     * Merges contact information into the template variables.
-     *
-     * @param Recipient $recipient the addressee
-     *
-     * @return Templating prepared template
-     */
-    function getBodyTemplate( $recipient ) {
-        $templateParams = array(
-            'name' => $recipient->getName(),
-            'first_name' => $recipient->getFirstName(),
-            'last_name' => $recipient->getLastName(),
-            'email' => $recipient->getEmail(),
-            'locale' => $recipient->getLanguage(),
-        );
-        $templateParams = array_merge( $templateParams, $recipient->getVars() 
-        return new Templating(
-            $this->getTemplateDir(),
-            $this->getTemplateName(),
-            $recipient->getLanguage(),
-            $templateParams
-        );
-    }
diff --git a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/Recipient.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 704093c..0000000
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/Recipient.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-<?php namespace wmf_communication;
-use \Exception;
- * Link metadata between a mailing job and a CiviCRM contact
- *
- * This object contains all the information needed to generate and send a
- * letter, including template parameters. It can be queried for the current
- * delivery status.
- */
-class Recipient {
-    protected $contactId;
-    protected $jobId;
-    protected $status;
-    /**
-     * @var array additional parameters passed to the letter body template
-     */
-    protected $vars = array();
-    /**
-     * Get recipients for this job, in the "queued" status, up to $batchSize.
-     *
-     * Call this repeatedly until empty set is returned.
-     *
-     * @param integer $jobId
-     * @param integer $batchSize maximum number to return
-     * @param integer $queuedState fetch recipients in the given state
-     *
-     * @return array of Recipient
-     */
-    static function getQueuedBatch( $jobId, $batchSize = 100, $queuedState = 
'queued' ) {
-        $result = db_select( 'wmf_communication_recipient' )
-            ->fields( 'wmf_communication_recipient' )
-            ->condition( 'job_id', $jobId )
-            ->condition( 'status', $queuedState )
-            ->orderBy( 'queued_id' )
-            ->range( 0, $batchSize )
-            ->execute();
-        $recipients = array();
-        while ( $row = $result->fetchAssoc() ) {
-            $recipients[] = Recipient::loadFromRow( $row );
-        }
-        return $recipients;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add a CiviCRM contact to a mailing job
-     *
-     * @param integer $jobId
-     * @param integer $contactId CiviCRM contact id
-     * @param array $vars serializable template parameters
-     */
-    static function create( $jobId, $contactId, $vars ) {
-        watchdog( 'wmf_communication',
-            "Adding contact :contact_id to job :job_id, with parameters :vars",
-            array(
-                'job_id' => $jobId,
-                'contact_id' => $contactId,
-                'vars' => json_encode( $vars, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ),
-            ),
-            WATCHDOG_INFO
-        );
-        db_insert( 'wmf_communication_recipient' )
-            ->fields( array(
-                'job_id' => $jobId,
-                'contact_id' => $contactId,
-                'status' => 'queued',
-                'vars' => json_encode( $vars ),
-            ) )
-            ->execute();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Parse database record into a Recipient object
-     *
-     * @param array $dbRow associative form of the db record for a single 
-     *
-     * @return Recipient
-     */
-    static protected function loadFromRow( $dbRow ) {
-        $recipient = new Recipient();
-        $recipient->contactId = $dbRow['contact_id'];
-        $recipient->jobId = $dbRow['job_id'];
-        $recipient->status = $dbRow['status'];
-        if ( $dbRow['vars'] ) {
-            $recipient->vars = json_decode( $dbRow['vars'], true );
-            if ( $recipient->vars === null ) {
-                throw new Exception( 'Could not decode serialized vars, error 
code: ' . json_last_error() );
-            }
-        }
-        // FIXME: Get contact details en masse.
-        // TODO: Maybe we want to decouple from the civi db, and keep all 
necessary contact
-        // info in the recipient table.
-        $api = civicrm_api_classapi();
-        $success = $api->Contact->get( array(
-            'id' => $recipient->contactId,
-            'return' => 
-            'version' => 3,
-        ) );
-        if ( !$success ) {
-            throw new Exception( $api->errorMsg() );
-        }
-        $values = $api->values();
-        if ( $values ) {
-            $recipient->contact = array_pop( $values );
-        } else {
-            throw new Exception( 'Tried to email a non-existent contact, ' . 
$recipient->contactId );
-        }
-        return $recipient;
-    }
-    function getEmail() {
-        return $this->contact->email;
-    }
-    function getName() {
-        return $this->contact->display_name;
-    }
-    function getFirstName() {
-        return $this->contact->first_name;
-    }
-    function getLastName() {
-        return $this->contact->last_name;
-    }
-    function getLanguage() {
-        return Translation::normalize_language_code( 
$this->contact->preferred_language );
-    }
-    function getVars() {
-        return $this->vars;
-    }
-    function setFailed() {
-        $this->setStatus( 'failed' );
-    }
-    function setSuccessful() {
-        $this->setStatus( 'successful' );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Usually, you will want to use a specific accessor like setFailed, above.
-     *
-     * If your job has custom recipient workflow states, set them using this 
-     *
-     * @param string $status
-     */
-    function setStatus( $status ) {
-        db_update( 'wmf_communication_recipient' )
-            ->condition( 'contact_id', $this->contactId )
-            ->condition( 'job_id', $this->jobId )
-            ->fields( array(
-                'status' => $status,
-            ) )
-            ->execute();
-    }
diff --git a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/Job.test 
deleted file mode 100644
index 685a102..0000000
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/Job.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-use wmf_communication\Job;
-use wmf_communication\Mailer;
-use wmf_communication\Recipient;
-require_once 'TestThankyouTemplate.php';
-class JobTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
-    protected $profile = 'minimal';
-    public static function getInfo() {
-        return array(
-            'name' => 'Mailing Job',
-            'group' => 'Wikimedia',
-            'description' => 'Create and run a mailing job',
-        );
-    }
-    public function setUp() {
-        parent::setUp( 'wmf_communication', 'wmf_common' );
-        // FIXME
-        variable_set( 'thank_you_from_address', '' );
-        variable_set( 'thank_you_from_name', 'Testus' );
-        Mailer::$defaultSystem = 'drupal';
-        $contact = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'create', array(
-            'contact_type' => 'Individual',
-            'email' => '',
-            'first_name' => 'Foo',
-            'last_name' => 'Beer',
-            'preferred_language' => 'it',
-        ) );
-        if ($contact['is_error'] ) {
-            $this->fail($contact['error_message']);
-        }
-        $this->contactId = $contact['id'];
-        $this->job = Job::create( 'TestThankyouTemplate' );
-        Recipient::create(
-            $this->job->getId(),
-            $this->contactId,
-            array(
-                'amount' => 'EUR 22.11',
-                'receive_date' => '1999-12-31T23:59:59+0000',
-            )
-        );
-    }
-    public function testRun() {
-        $this->job->run();
-        $mails = $this->drupalGetMails();
-        $this->assertEqual( count( $mails ), 1,
-            "One and only one message was sent." );
-        $expected = '[{
-            "id":"wmf_communication_generic",
-            "to":"Foo Beer <>",
-            "subject":"Grazie dalla Wikimedia Foundation",
-            "body":"\nThis is a MIME-encoded 
message.\n--BOUNDARY\nContent-type: text\/plain;charset=utf-8\n\n\tCaro Foo 
Beer, \n\n\tGrazie per la tua donazione alla Wikimedia Foundation. \u00c8 
stata\ndavvero apprezzata di cuore! \n\n\tPer le tue registrazioni: La tua 
donazione il\n1999-12-31T23:59:59+0000 \u00e8 stata \u20ac 
22.11.\n\n\n--BOUNDARY\nContent-type: text\/html;charset=utf-8\n\n<p>Caro Foo 
Beer,<\/p>\n\n<p>Grazie per la tua donazione alla Wikimedia Foundation. \u00c8 
stata davvero apprezzata di\ncuore!<\/p>\n\n<p>Per le tue registrazioni: La tua 
donazione il 1999-12-31T23:59:59+0000 \u00e8 stata\n\u20ac 
-            "headers": {
-                "From":"Testus <>",
-                "Sender":"",
-                "Return-Path":"Testus <>",
-                "MIME-Version":"1.0",
-                "Content-Type":"multipart\/alternative;boundary=BOUNDARY"
-            }
-        }]';
-        if ( preg_match( '/boundary=(.*)$/', 
$mails[0]['headers']['Content-Type'], $matches ) ) {
-            $boundary = $matches[1];
-            $expected = str_replace( 'BOUNDARY', $boundary, $expected );
-        } else {
-            $this->fail( "Could not parse multi-part email" );
-        }
-        $expected = json_decode( $expected, true );
-        $this->assertEqual( $mails, $expected,
-            "Email headers and content are correct" );
-    }
-    public function tearDown() {
-        parent::tearDown();
-    }
diff --git a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/TestThankyouTemplate.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index fb3b693..0000000
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/TestThankyouTemplate.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-use wmf_communication\AbstractMailingTemplate;
-class TestThankyouTemplate extends AbstractMailingTemplate {
-    function getTemplateName() {
-        return 'thank_you';
-    }
-    function getTemplateDir() {
-        return __DIR__ . "/templates";
-    }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ae050..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Grazie dalla Wikimedia Foundation
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index ba832e7..0000000
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-name = WMF Communication Test Cases
-description = Simpletests
-package = Wikimedia
-core = 7.x
-dependencies[] = wmf_communication
-files[] = Job.test
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index b3d9bbc..0000000
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/tests/wmf_communication_tests.module
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/ 
index 5b4f13d..ca453d1 100644
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/
+++ b/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/
@@ -3,13 +3,6 @@
 function wmf_communication_drush_command()
     $items = array(
-        'wmf-send-letters' => array(
-            'description' => 'Run a prepared mailing job',
-            'arguments' => array(
-                'job' => 'Job id',
-            ),
-            'required-arguments' => true,
-        ),
                'silverpop-import-mailings' => array(
                        'description' => 'Import sent mailings from Silverpop',
                        'options' => array(
@@ -19,20 +12,6 @@
     return $items;
-function wmf_communication_drush_help($section)
-    switch ($section) {
-    case 'drush:wmf-send-letters':
-        return dt('Run a prepared mailing job.');
-    }
-function drush_wmf_communication_wmf_send_letters()
-    $options = drush_get_arguments();
-    module_invoke('wmf_communication', 'send_letters', $options[1] );
 function drush_wmf_communication_silverpop_import_mailings()
diff --git a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/ 
index 1d06663..ad41b03 100644
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/
+++ b/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/
@@ -5,11 +5,8 @@
 configure = admin/config/wmf_communication
 dependencies[] = wmf_common
 dependencies[] = wmf_civicrm
-files[] = Job.php
 files[] = Mailer.php
-files[] = MailingTemplate.php
 files[] = MediaWikiMessages.php
-files[] = Recipient.php
 files[] = Templating.php
 files[] = Translation.php
 files[] = twigext_l10n/CldrData.php
diff --git a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/wmf_communication.install 
deleted file mode 100644
index a4aefca..0000000
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/wmf_communication.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-function wmf_communication_schema() {
-    $schema['wmf_communication_job'] = array(
-        'description' => 'Specification of mail job',
-        'fields' => array(
-            'id' => array(
-                'type' => 'serial',
-                'unsigned' => true,
-                'not null' => true,
-            ),
-            'template_class' => array(
-                'description' => 'Template provider, instance of 
-                'type' => 'varchar',
-                'length' => 128,
-                'not null' => true,
-            ),
-        ),
-        'primary key' => array('id'),
-        'indexes' => array(
-            'job_template' => array('template_class'),
-        ),
-    );
-    $schema['wmf_communication_recipient'] = array(
-        'description' => 'Record linking contact and mail job',
-        'fields' => array(
-            'queued_id' => array(
-                'type' => 'serial',
-                'unsigned' => true,
-                'not null' => true,
-            ),
-            'contact_id' => array(
-                'description' => 'Foreign key to civicrm.civicrm_contact',
-                'type' => 'int',
-                'unsigned' => true,
-                'not null' => true,
-            ),
-            'job_id' => array(
-                'type' => 'int',
-                'unsigned' => true,
-                'not null' => true,
-            ),
-            'status' => array(
-                'type' => 'varchar',
-                'length' => 32,
-            ),
-            'vars' => array(
-                'description' => 'Extra parameters to pass during template 
rendering, specific to this contact.  Stored as JSON.',
-                'type' => 'text',
-            ),
-        ),
-        'primary key' => array('queued_id'),
-        'indexes' => array(
-            'recipient_status' => array('status'),
-            'recipient_job' => array('job_id'),
-        ),
-        'unique keys' => array(
-            'recipient_contact_job' => array('contact_id', 'job_id'),
-        ),
-        'foreign keys' => array(
-            'recipient_job' => array(
-                'table' => 'wmf_communication_job',
-                'columns' => array('job_id' => 'id'),
-            ),
-            'recipient_contact' => array(
-                'table' => 'civicrm.civicrm_contact',
-                'columns' => array('contact_id' => 'id'),
-            ),
-        ),
-    );
-    return $schema;
diff --git a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/wmf_communication.module 
index 9066755..4c3fdce 100644
--- a/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/wmf_communication.module
+++ b/sites/all/modules/wmf_communication/wmf_communication.module
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
 use wmf_communication\CiviMailBulkStore;
-use wmf_communication\Job;
 use wmf_communication\SilverpopImporter;
-function wmf_communication_send_letters( $jobId ) {
-    Job::getJob( $jobId )->run();
 function wmf_communication_permission() {
   return array(

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ie7a48b938ebae6f5f3330133c547e047686408ae
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: wikimedia/fundraising/crm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Ejegg <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: AndyRussG <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Cdentinger <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Eileen <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Katie Horn <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Mepps <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: XenoRyet <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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