KartikMistry has uploaded a new change for review. ( 
https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/379172 )

Change subject: Remove unmaintained debian directory

Remove unmaintained debian directory

Debian directory is quickly becoming outdated and not used anywhere. We
can bring it back if needed.

Change-Id: Ica065fdd3922ea8550746274799b7199133a81b0
D debian/.gitignore
D debian/README.Debian
D debian/changelog
D debian/compat
D debian/config.dev.yaml
D debian/config.yaml
D debian/control
D debian/copyright
D debian/cxserver.default
D debian/cxserver.init
D debian/cxserver.install
D debian/cxserver.logrotate
D debian/cxserver.postinst
D debian/cxserver.postrm
D debian/cxserver.service
D debian/docs
D debian/gbp.conf
D debian/registry.yaml
D debian/rules
D debian/source/format
D debian/upstart/cxserver.conf
21 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1,699 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/mediawiki/services/cxserver/deploy 

diff --git a/debian/.gitignore b/debian/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c23cf1..0000000
--- a/debian/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
deleted file mode 100644
index 1101b10..0000000
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Node.js dependency
-cxserver depends on node.js >= 4.3 starting with 0.2 release.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index fc7ebda..0000000
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-cxserver (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Updated for new config format.
-  * Fixed cxserver.install.
- -- Kartik Mistry <kmis...@wikimedia.org>  Thu, 03 Nov 2016 15:09:29 +0530
-cxserver (0.2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Update as per cxserver's service-runner migration.
- -- Kartik Mistry <kmis...@wikimedia.org>  Mon, 22 Feb 2016 10:43:47 +0530
-cxserver (0.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Initial release based on Parsoid Debian package.
- -- Kartik Mistry <kmis...@wikimedia.org>  Tue, 17 Jun 2014 10:30:07 +0530
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/debian/compat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/config.dev.yaml b/debian/config.dev.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f17e684..0000000
--- a/debian/config.dev.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Set to 0 to run everything in a single process without clustering.
-# Use ncpu to run as many workers as there are CPU units
-num_workers: 0
-# Log error messages and gracefully restart a worker if v8 reports that it
-# uses more heap (note: not RSS) than this many megabytes.
-worker_heap_limit_mb: 250
-# Logger info
-  level: trace
-#  streams:
-#  # Use gelf-stream -> logstash
-#    - type: gelf
-#        host: logstash1003.eqiad.wmnet
-#        port: 12201
-# Statsd metrics reporter
-  type: log
-  #host: localhost
-  #port: 8125
-  - name: cxserver
-    # a relative path or the name of an npm package, if different from name
-    module: ./app.js
-    # optionally, a version constraint of the npm package
-    # version: ^0.4.0
-    # per-service config
-    conf:
-      port: 8080
-      # interface: localhost # uncomment to only listen on localhost
-      # More per-service config settings
-      # The location of the spec, defaults to spec.yaml if not specified
-      # spec: ./spec.yaml
-      # allow cross-domain requests to the API (default *)
-      cors: '*'
-      # to disable use:
-      # cors: false
-      # to restrict to a particular domain, use:
-      # cors: restricted.domain.org
-      # URL of the outbound proxy to use (complete with protocol)
-      # proxy: http://my.proxy.org:8080
-      # the list of domains for which not to use the proxy defined above
-      # no_proxy_list:
-      #   - domain1.com
-      #   - domain2.org
-      user_agent: cxserver
-      restbase_req:
-        method: '{{request.method}}'
-        uri: https://{{domain}}/api/rest_v1/{+path}
-        query: '{{ default(request.query, {}) }}'
-        headers: '{{request.headers}}'
-        body: '{{request.body}}'
-      jwt:
-        secret: ''
-        algorithms:
-          - HS256
-      mt:
-        # Apertium web API URL
-        apertium:
-          api: http://apertium.wmflabs.org
-        yandex:
-          api: https://translate.yandex.net
-          key: null
-        youdao:
-          api: https://fanyi.youdao.com/paidapi/fanyiapi
-          key: null
-      registry: ./registry.yaml
diff --git a/debian/config.yaml b/debian/config.yaml
deleted file mode 120000
index c11eec8..0000000
--- a/debian/config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab5ecf..0000000
--- a/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Source: cxserver
-Section: web
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Kartik Mistry <kmis...@wikimedia.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
-Standards-Version: 3.9.8
-Homepage: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ContentTranslation
-Vcs-Git: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/services/cxserver/deploy
-Package: cxserver
-Architecture: amd64
-Depends: adduser,
-         logrotate,
-         lsb-base (>= 3.0-6),
-         nodejs (>= 4.6.0),
-         ${misc:Depends},
-         ${shlibs:Depends}
-Enhances: mediawiki
-Description: Content Translation service
- ContentTranslation is a tool that allows editors to translate pages from
- one language to another with the help of machine translation and other
- translation tools.
- .
- This package contains service for Content Translation.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index 8290243..0000000
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
-Upstream-Name: cxserver
-Source: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ContentTranslation
-Files: *
-Copyright: 2013-2014 cxserver AUTHORS, See AUTHORS.txt file
-License: GPL-2.0+
-License: GPL-2.0+
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- .
- This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- .
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- .
- On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
- Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".
diff --git a/debian/cxserver.default b/debian/cxserver.default
deleted file mode 100644
index 2532852..0000000
--- a/debian/cxserver.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Defaults for cxserver initscript
diff --git a/debian/cxserver.init b/debian/cxserver.init
deleted file mode 100644
index f3f8074..0000000
--- a/debian/cxserver.init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# Provides:          cxserver
-# Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
-# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
-# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
-# Short-Description: Mediawiki Content Translation server
-# Description:       ContentTranslation is a tool that allows editors to
-#                    translate pages from one language to another with the help
-#                    of machine translation and other translation tools.
-# Authors: Gabriel Wicke <gwi...@wikimedia.org>,
-#          Kartik Mistry <kmis...@wikimedia.org>
-# Do NOT "set -e"
-# PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the mountnfs.sh script
-DESC="ContentTranslation service"
-DAEMON="/usr/bin/nodejs $SCRIPT_PATH"
-# Exit if the package is not installed
-[ -e "$SCRIPT_PATH" ] || exit 0
-# Read configuration variable file if it is present
-[ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME
-# export the port and host env vars, if set
-export PORT
-# Load the VERBOSE setting and other rcS variables
-. /lib/init/vars.sh
-# Define LSB log_* functions.
-# Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.2-14) to ensure that this file is present
-# and status_of_proc is working.
-. /lib/lsb/init-functions
-# Function that starts the daemon/service
-       # up the number of fds [sockets] from 1024
-       ulimit -n 64000
-       # Return
-       #   0 if daemon has been started
-       #   1 if daemon was already running
-       #   2 if daemon could not be started
-       # calling /bin/sh is a hack needed to get output redirection on Ubuntu
-       # 12.04 LTS, see below
-       start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE -bm \
-               -c cxserver:cxserver --test \
-               --exec /bin/sh -- \
-               -c "$DAEMON $DAEMON_ARGS >> /var/log/cxserver/cxserver.log 
2>&1" \
-               || return 1
-       start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE -bm \
-               -c cxserver:cxserver \
-               --exec /bin/sh -- \
-               -c "$DAEMON $DAEMON_ARGS >> /var/log/cxserver/cxserver.log 
2>&1" \
-               || return 2
-       echo "Started cxserver on port $PORT"
-       # Cleaner version of the above, but does not work with Ubuntu 12.04
-       # LTS as the --no-close parameter is not yet supported there
-       #start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE -bm --no-close \
-       #       -c cxserver:cxserver \
-       #       --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_ARGS >> 
/var/log/cxserver/cxserver.log 2>&1 \
-       #       || return 2
-       # Add code here, if necessary, that waits for the process to be ready
-       # to handle requests from services started subsequently which depend
-       # on this one.  As a last resort, sleep for some time.
-    sleep 5
-# Function that stops the daemon/service
-       # Return
-       #   0 if daemon has been stopped
-       #   1 if daemon was already stopped
-       #   2 if daemon could not be stopped
-       #   other if a failure occurred
-       start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/60/KILL/5 --pidfile 
-       RETVAL="$?"
-       [ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && return 2
-       # Wait for children to finish too if this is a daemon that forks
-       # and if the daemon is only ever run from this initscript.
-       # If the above conditions are not satisfied then add some other code
-       # that waits for the process to drop all resources that could be
-       # needed by services started subsequently.  A last resort is to
-       # sleep for some time.
-       start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=0/5/KILL/5 --exec 
-       [ "$?" = 2 ] && return 2
-       # Many daemons don't delete their pidfiles when they exit.
-       rm -f $PIDFILE
-       return "$RETVAL"
-# Function that sends a SIGHUP to the daemon/service
-do_reload() {
-       #
-       # If the daemon can reload its configuration without
-       # restarting (for example, when it is sent a SIGHUP),
-       # then implement that here.
-       #
-       start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name 
-       return 0
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-       [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
-       do_start
-       case "$?" in
-               0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
-               2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
-       esac
-       ;;
-  stop)
-       [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
-       do_stop
-       case "$?" in
-               0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
-               2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
-       esac
-       ;;
-  status)
-       status_of_proc "$DAEMON" "$NAME" && exit 0 || exit $?
-       ;;
-  #reload|force-reload)
-       #
-       # If do_reload() is not implemented then leave this commented out
-       # and leave 'force-reload' as an alias for 'restart'.
-       #
-       #log_daemon_msg "Reloading $DESC" "$NAME"
-       #do_reload
-       #log_end_msg $?
-       #;;
-  restart|force-reload)
-       #
-       # If the "reload" option is implemented then remove the
-       # 'force-reload' alias
-       #
-       log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
-       do_stop
-       case "$?" in
-         0|1)
-               do_start
-               case "$?" in
-                       0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
-                       1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
-                       *) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
-               esac
-               ;;
-         *)
-               # Failed to stop
-               log_end_msg 1
-               ;;
-       esac
-       ;;
-  *)
-       #echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
-       echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
-       exit 3
-       ;;
diff --git a/debian/cxserver.install b/debian/cxserver.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 3602811..0000000
--- a/debian/cxserver.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-debian/*.yaml usr/lib/cxserver/
-node_modules/ usr/lib/cxserver/
-package.json usr/lib/cxserver/
-src/ usr/lib/cxserver/
diff --git a/debian/cxserver.logrotate b/debian/cxserver.logrotate
deleted file mode 100644
index 091a81a..0000000
--- a/debian/cxserver.logrotate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/var/log/cxserver/cxserver.log {
-    daily
-    copytruncate
-    missingok
-    compress
-    notifempty
-    rotate 15
-    size 256M
diff --git a/debian/cxserver.postinst b/debian/cxserver.postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index f28dc5a..0000000
--- a/debian/cxserver.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# postinst script for cxserver
-# see: dh_installdeb(1)
-set -e
-# summary of how this script can be called:
-#        * <postinst> `configure' <most-recently-configured-version>
-#        * <old-postinst> `abort-upgrade' <new version>
-#        * <conflictor's-postinst> `abort-remove' `in-favour' <package>
-#          <new-version>
-#        * <postinst> `abort-remove'
-#        * <deconfigured's-postinst> `abort-deconfigure' `in-favour'
-#          <failed-install-package> <version> `removing'
-#          <conflicting-package> <version>
-# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
-# the debian-policy package
-case "$1" in
-    configure)
-    # make sure that the cxserver user exists. Simplest portable way to check
-    # is to chown something, so we'll create the directories that we need here.
-    makedir() {
-        if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
-            mkdir $1
-        fi
-        chown -R $2 $1 && chmod $3 $1
-    }
-    cd /var/log
-    makedir cxserver root:root 700
-    chgrp cxserver cxserver 2>/dev/null || addgroup --system cxserver
-    chown cxserver cxserver 2>/dev/null || adduser --system --home 
/usr/lib/cxserver --no-create-home \
-                                           --disabled-password --ingroup 
cxserver cxserver
-    # Now that we have the user ready, chown & chmod the log dir
-    makedir cxserver cxserver:cxserver 700
-    ;;
-    abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
-    ;;
-    *)
-        echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
-        exit 1
-    ;;
-# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
-# generated by other debhelper scripts.
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/cxserver.postrm b/debian/cxserver.postrm
deleted file mode 100644
index bc4c3b8..0000000
--- a/debian/cxserver.postrm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# postrm script for cxserver
-# see: dh_installdeb(1)
-set -e
-# summary of how this script can be called:
-#        * <postrm> `remove'
-#        * <postrm> `purge'
-#        * <old-postrm> `upgrade' <new-version>
-#        * <new-postrm> `failed-upgrade' <old-version>
-#        * <new-postrm> `abort-install'
-#        * <new-postrm> `abort-install' <old-version>
-#        * <new-postrm> `abort-upgrade' <old-version>
-#        * <disappearer's-postrm> `disappear' <overwriter>
-#          <overwriter-version>
-# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
-# the debian-policy package
-case "$1" in
-    purge)
-    # Delete user; recipe from
-    # https://wiki.debian.org/AccountHandlingInMaintainerScripts
-    USERNAME=cxserver
-    if [ -x "$(command -v deluser)" ]; then
-        deluser --quiet --system $USERNAME > /dev/null || true
-    else
-        echo >&2 "not removing $USERNAME system account because deluser 
command was not found"
-    fi
-    # Delete directory for pid file
-    if [ -d "/var/run/cxserver" ]; then
-        rm -rf "/var/run/cxserver"
-    fi
-    # Delete directory for log files
-    if [ -d "/var/log/cxserver" ]; then
-        rm -rf "/var/log/cxserver"
-    fi
-    ;;
-    remove|upgrade|failed-upgrade|abort-install|abort-upgrade|disappear)
-    ;;
-    *)
-        echo "postrm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
-        exit 1
-    ;;
-# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
-# generated by other debhelper scripts.
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/cxserver.service b/debian/cxserver.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 92a08fa..0000000
--- a/debian/cxserver.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Description=Mediawiki Content Translation service
-Wants=local-fs.target network.target
-After=local-fs.target network.target
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/nodejs /usr/lib/cxserver/src/server.js
diff --git a/debian/docs b/debian/docs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0419ea5..0000000
--- a/debian/docs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/gbp.conf b/debian/gbp.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e31add..0000000
--- a/debian/gbp.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/registry.yaml b/debian/registry.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f09b4cd..0000000
--- a/debian/registry.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1178 +0,0 @@
-  - ab
-  - ace
-  - ady
-  - af
-  - ak
-  - am
-  - ang
-  - an
-  - arc
-  - ar
-  - arz
-  - ast
-  - as
-  - av
-  - ay
-  - az
-  - azb
-  - bar
-  - ba
-  - bcl
-  - be-tarask
-  - be
-  - bg
-  - bho
-  - bi
-  - bjn
-  - bm
-  - bn
-  - bo
-  - bpy
-  - br
-  - bs
-  - bug
-  - bxr
-  - ca
-  - cbk-zam
-  - cdo
-  - ceb
-  - ce
-  - chr
-  - ch
-  - chy
-  - ckb
-  - co
-  - crh-latn
-  - cr
-  - csb
-  - cs
-  - cu
-  - cv
-  - cy
-  - da
-  - de
-  - diq
-  - dsb
-  - dv
-  - dz
-  - ee
-  - el
-  - eml
-  - en
-  - eo
-  - es
-  - et
-  - eu
-  - ext
-  - fa
-  - ff
-  - fi
-  - fj
-  - fo
-  - frp
-  - frr
-  - fr
-  - fur
-  - fy
-  - gag
-  - gan
-  - ga
-  - gd
-  - glk
-  - gl
-  - gn
-  - gom
-  - got
-  - gsw
-  - gu
-  - gv
-  - hak
-  - ha
-  - haw
-  - he
-  - hif
-  - hi
-  - hr
-  - hsb
-  - ht
-  - hu
-  - hy
-  - ia
-  - id
-  - ie
-  - ig
-  - ik
-  - ilo
-  - io
-  - is
-  - it
-  - iu
-  - ja
-  - jam
-  - jbo
-  - jv
-  - kaa
-  - kab
-  - ka
-  - kbd
-  - kg
-  - ki
-  - kk
-  - kl
-  - km
-  - kn
-  - koi
-  - ko
-  - krc
-  - ksh
-  - ks
-  - ku
-  - kv
-  - kw
-  - ky
-  - lad
-  - la
-  - lbe
-  - lb
-  - lez
-  - lg
-  - lij
-  - li
-  - lmo
-  - ln
-  - lo
-  - lrc
-  - ltg
-  - lt
-  - lv
-  - lzh
-  - mai
-  - map-bms
-  - mdf
-  - mg
-  - mhr
-  - min
-  - mi
-  - mk
-  - ml
-  - mn
-  - mrj
-  - mr
-  - ms
-  - mt
-  - mwl
-  - myv
-  - my
-  - mzn
-  - nah
-  - nan
-  - nap
-  - na
-  - nb
-  - nds-nl
-  - nds
-  - ne
-  - new
-  - nl
-  - nn
-  - nov
-  - nrm
-  - nso
-  - nv
-  - ny
-  - oc
-  - olo
-  - om
-  - or
-  - os
-  - pag
-  - pam
-  - pap
-  - pa
-  - pcd
-  - pdc
-  - pfl
-  - pih
-  - pi
-  - pl
-  - pms
-  - pnb
-  - pnt
-  - ps
-  - pt
-  - qu
-  - rm
-  - rmy
-  - rn
-  - roa-tara
-  - rup
-  - ro
-  - rue
-  - ru
-  - rw
-  - sah
-  - sa
-  - scn
-  - sco
-  - sc
-  - sd
-  - se
-  - sg
-  - sgs
-  - sh
-  - simple
-  - si
-  - sk
-  - sl
-  - sm
-  - sn
-  - so
-  - sq
-  - srn
-  - sr
-  - ss
-  - stq
-  - st
-  - su
-  - sv
-  - sw
-  - szl
-  - ta
-  - tcy
-  - tet
-  - te
-  - tg
-  - th
-  - ti
-  - tk
-  - tl
-  - tn
-  - to
-  - tpi
-  - tr
-  - ts
-  - tt
-  - tum
-  - tw
-  - tyv
-  - ty
-  - udm
-  - ug
-  - uk
-  - ur
-  - uz
-  - vec
-  - vep
-  - ve
-  - vi
-  - vls
-  - vo
-  - vro
-  - war
-  - wa
-  - wo
-  - wuu
-  - xal
-  - xh
-  - xmf
-  - yi
-  - yo
-  - yue
-  - za
-  - zea
-  - zh
-  - zu
-  - ab
-  - ace
-  - ady
-  - af
-  - ak
-  - am
-  - ang
-  - an
-  - arc
-  - ar
-  - arz
-  - ast
-  - as
-  - av
-  - ay
-  - az
-  - azb
-  - bar
-  - ba
-  - bcl
-  - be-tarask
-  - be
-  - bg
-  - bho
-  - bi
-  - bjn
-  - bm
-  - bn
-  - bo
-  - bpy
-  - br
-  - bs
-  - bug
-  - bxr
-  - ca
-  - cbk-zam
-  - cdo
-  - ceb
-  - ce
-  - chr
-  - ch
-  - chy
-  - ckb
-  - co
-  - crh-latn
-  - cr
-  - csb
-  - cs
-  - cu
-  - cv
-  - cy
-  - da
-  - de
-  - diq
-  - dsb
-  - dv
-  - dz
-  - ee
-  - el
-  - eml
-  - en
-  - eo
-  - es
-  - et
-  - eu
-  - ext
-  - fa
-  - ff
-  - fi
-  - fj
-  - fo
-  - frp
-  - frr
-  - fr
-  - fur
-  - fy
-  - gag
-  - gan
-  - ga
-  - gd
-  - glk
-  - gl
-  - gn
-  - gom
-  - got
-  - gsw
-  - gu
-  - gv
-  - hak
-  - ha
-  - haw
-  - he
-  - hif
-  - hi
-  - hr
-  - hsb
-  - ht
-  - hu
-  - hy
-  - ia
-  - id
-  - ie
-  - ig
-  - ik
-  - ilo
-  - io
-  - is
-  - it
-  - iu
-  - ja
-  - jam
-  - jbo
-  - jv
-  - kaa
-  - kab
-  - ka
-  - kbd
-  - kg
-  - ki
-  - kk
-  - kl
-  - km
-  - kn
-  - koi
-  - ko
-  - krc
-  - ksh
-  - ks
-  - ku
-  - kv
-  - kw
-  - ky
-  - lad
-  - la
-  - lbe
-  - lb
-  - lez
-  - lg
-  - lij
-  - li
-  - lmo
-  - ln
-  - lo
-  - lrc
-  - ltg
-  - lt
-  - lv
-  - lzh
-  - mai
-  - map-bms
-  - mdf
-  - mg
-  - mhr
-  - min
-  - mi
-  - mk
-  - ml
-  - mn
-  - mrj
-  - mr
-  - ms
-  - mt
-  - mwl
-  - myv
-  - my
-  - mzn
-  - nah
-  - nan
-  - nap
-  - na
-  - nb
-  - nds-nl
-  - nds
-  - ne
-  - new
-  - nl
-  - nn
-  - nov
-  - nrm
-  - nso
-  - nv
-  - ny
-  - oc
-  - olo
-  - om
-  - or
-  - os
-  - pag
-  - pam
-  - pap
-  - pa
-  - pcd
-  - pdc
-  - pfl
-  - pih
-  - pi
-  - pl
-  - pms
-  - pnb
-  - pnt
-  - ps
-  - pt
-  - qu
-  - rm
-  - rmy
-  - rn
-  - roa-tara
-  - rup
-  - ro
-  - rue
-  - ru
-  - rw
-  - sah
-  - sa
-  - scn
-  - sco
-  - sc
-  - sd
-  - se
-  - sg
-  - sgs
-  - sh
-  - simple
-  - si
-  - sk
-  - sl
-  - sm
-  - sn
-  - so
-  - sq
-  - srn
-  - sr
-  - ss
-  - stq
-  - st
-  - su
-  - sv
-  - sw
-  - szl
-  - ta
-  - tcy
-  - tet
-  - te
-  - tg
-  - th
-  - ti
-  - tk
-  - tl
-  - tn
-  - to
-  - tpi
-  - tr
-  - ts
-  - tt
-  - tum
-  - tw
-  - tyv
-  - ty
-  - udm
-  - ug
-  - uk
-  - ur
-  - uz
-  - vec
-  - vep
-  - ve
-  - vi
-  - vls
-  - vo
-  - vro
-  - war
-  - wa
-  - wo
-  - wuu
-  - xal
-  - xh
-  - xmf
-  - yi
-  - yo
-  - yue
-  - za
-  - zea
-  - zh
-  - zu
-  Apertium:
-    af:
-      - nl
-    an:
-      - ca
-      - es
-    ar:
-      - mt
-    ast:
-      - es
-    bg:
-      - mk
-    br:
-      - fr
-    ca:
-      - an
-      - en
-      - eo
-      - es
-      - fr
-      - oc
-      - pt
-      - simple
-    cy:
-      - en
-      - simple
-    da:
-      - nb
-      - nn
-      - sv
-    en:
-      - ca
-      - eo
-      - es
-      - gl
-      - sh
-    eo:
-      - en
-      - simple
-    es:
-      - an
-      - ast
-      - ca
-      - en
-      - eo
-      - fr
-      - gl
-      - it
-      - oc
-      - pt
-      - simple
-    eu:
-      - en
-      - es
-      - simple
-    fr:
-      - ca
-      - eo
-      - es
-    gl:
-      - en
-      - es
-      - pt
-      - simple
-    hi:
-      - ur
-    id:
-      - ms
-    is:
-      - en
-      - simple
-      - sv
-    it:
-      - ca
-      - es
-      - sc
-    kk:
-      - tt
-    mk:
-      - bg
-      - sr
-    ms:
-      - id
-    mt:
-      - ar
-    nb:
-      - da
-      - nn
-      - sv
-    nl:
-      - af
-    nn:
-      - da
-      - nb
-      - sv
-    oc:
-      - ca
-      - es
-    pt:
-      - ca
-      - es
-      - gl
-    ro:
-      - es
-    se:
-      - nb
-    sh:
-      - en
-      - simple
-      - sl
-    simple:
-      - ca
-      - eo
-      - es
-      - gl
-      - sh
-    sl:
-      - sh
-      - sr
-    sv:
-      - da
-      - is
-      - nb
-      - nn
-    tt:
-      - kk
-    ur:
-      - hi
-  Yandex:
-    af:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-    ar:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    az:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ba:
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    'be-tarask':
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    be:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    bg:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    bs:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ca:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    cs:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    cy:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    da:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    de:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    el:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    en:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    es:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    et:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    eu:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    fa:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    fi:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    fr:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ga:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    gl:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    he:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    hi:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    hr:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ht:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    hu:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    hy:
-      - ba
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    id:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    is:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    it:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ja:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ka:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    kk:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ko:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ky:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    la:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    lt:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    lv:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    mg:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    mk:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    mn:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ms:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    mt:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    nl:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    nb:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    pl:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    pt:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ro:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ru:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - uz
-    sk:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    sl:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    sq:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    sr:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    sv:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    sw:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    tg:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    th:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    tl:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    tr:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    tt:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    uk:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    ur:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    uz:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-    vi:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-    zh:
-      - ba
-      - hy
-      - pl
-      - sq
-      - ru
-      - uz
-  Youdao:
-    en:
-      - zh
-    zh:
-      - en
-  Dictd:
-    en:
-      - hi
-  JsonDict:
-    ca:
-      - es
-    en:
-      - es
-    es:
-      - ca
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index ca15f42..0000000
--- a/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# -*- makefile -*-
-# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
-       dh $@
-       dh_strip --no-automatic-dbgsym
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 89ae9db..0000000
--- a/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (native)
diff --git a/debian/upstart/cxserver.conf b/debian/upstart/cxserver.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 946919b..0000000
--- a/debian/upstart/cxserver.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set ft=upstart:
-# Upstart job configuration for cxserver
-description "Mediawiki Content Translation service"
-start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
-stop on runlevel [!2345]
-setuid "cxserver"
-setgid "cxserver"
-env NODE_PATH="/var/lib/cxserver/src/node_modules"
-chdir "/var/lib/cxserver"
-exec nodejs src/server.js

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