jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )

Change subject: Sep 26 2017 Add logo + Crosstabs

Sep 26 2017 Add logo + Crosstabs

Change-Id: Ib912ed9dfa5060bbe888714b648be77eb6f69734
M WDCM_OverviewDashboard/server.R
M WDCM_OverviewDashboard/ui.R
A WDCM_OverviewDashboard/www/Wikidata-logo-en.png
M WDCM_UsageDashboard/server.R
M WDCM_UsageDashboard/ui.R
A WDCM_UsageDashboard/www/Wikidata-logo-en.png
6 files changed, 330 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

  GoranSMilovanovic: Verified; Looks good to me, approved
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/server.R b/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/server.R
index be744cd..fd1d5fe 100644
--- a/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/server.R
+++ b/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/server.R
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 ### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ### --- WDCM Dashboard Module, v. Beta 0.1
 ### --- Script: server.R, v. Beta 0.1
diff --git a/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/ui.R b/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/ui.R
index 7aa6d79..39e1f07 100644
--- a/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/ui.R
+++ b/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/ui.R
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 ### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ### --- WDCM Dashboard Module, v. Beta 0.1
 ### --- Script: ui.R, v. Beta 0.1
@@ -28,11 +27,25 @@
             # - fluidRow Title
               column(width = 12,
-                     h2('WDCM Overview Dahsboard'),
-                     HTML('<font size="3"><b>Wikidata Concepts 
-                     hr()
+                     h2('WDCM Overview Dashboard'),
+                     HTML('<font size="3"><b>Wikidata Concepts 
             ), # - fluidRow Title END
+            # - fluidRow Logo
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     img(src='Wikidata-logo-en.png', 
+                         align = "left")
+              )
+            ), # - fluidRow END
+            # - hr()
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     hr()
+              )
+            ),
               column(width = 12,
@@ -204,39 +217,61 @@
                                      ), # - tabPanel Overview END
-                            # - tabPanel Usage
+                            # - tabPanel Description
-                                       column(width = 12,
+                                       column(width = 8,
                                               HTML('<h2>WDCM Overview 
-                                                   <p><font size = 2>This 
Dashboard is a part of the Wikidata Concepts Monitor (WDMC). The WDCM system 
provides analytics on Wikidata usage
+                                                   <p><font size = 2>This 
Dashboard is a part of the <b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor (WDMC)</b>. The WDCM 
system provides analytics on Wikidata usage
                                                    across the client projects. 
The WDCM Overview Dashboard presents the big picture of Wikidata usage; other 
WDCM dashboards go
-                                                   into more detail.</font></p>
+                                                   into more detail. The 
Overview Dashboard provides insights into <b>(1)</b> the similarities between 
the client projects in respect to their use of 
+                                                   of Wikidata, as well as 
<b>(2)</b> the volume of Wikidata usage in every client project, <b>(3)</b> 
Wikidata usage tendencies, described by the volume of 
+                                                   Wikidata usage in each of 
the semantic categories of items that are encompassed by the current WDCM 
edition, <b>(4)</b> the similarities between the 
+                                                   Wikidata semantic 
categories of items in respect to their usage across the client projects, 
<b>(5)</b> ranking of client projects in respect to their 
+                                                   Wikidata usage volume, 
<b>(6)</b> the Wikidata usage breakdown across the types of client projects and 
Wikidata semantic categories.</font></p>
-                                                   <h4>Wikidata Item Usage 
+                                                   <h4>Definitions</h4>
-                                                   <p><font size = 
2><b>NOTE.</b> The current Wikidata item usage statistic definition is <i>the 
count of the number of pages in a particular client project
-                                                   where the respective 
Wikidata item is used</i>. Thus, the current definition ignores the usage 
aspects completely</font></p>
+                                                   <p><font size = 
2><b>N.B.</b> The current <b>Wikidata item usage statistic</b> definition is 
<i>the count of the number of pages in a particular client project
+                                                   where the respective 
Wikidata item is used</i>. Thus, the current definition ignores the usage 
aspects completely. This definition is motivated by the currently 
+                                                   present constraints in 
Wikidata usage tracking across the client projects. With more mature Wikidata 
usage tracking systems, the definition will become a subject 
+                                                   of change. The term 
<b>Wikidata usage volume</b> is reserved for total Wikidata usage (i.e. the sum 
of usage statistics) in a particular 
+                                                   client project, group of 
client projects, or semantic categories. By a <b>Wikidata semantic category</b> 
we mean a selection of Wikidata items that is 
+                                                   that is operationally 
defined by a respective SPARQL query returning a selection of items that 
intuitivelly match a human, natural semantic category. 
+                                                   The structure of Wikidata 
does not necessarily match any intuitive human semantics. In WDCM, an effort is 
made to select the semantic categories so to match 
+                                                   the intuitive, everyday 
semantics as much as possible, in order to assist anyone involved in analytical 
work with this system. However, the choice of semantic 
+                                                   categories in WDCM is not 
necessarily exhaustive (i.e. they do not necessarily cover all Wikidata items), 
neither the categories are necessarily 
+                                                   mutually exclusive. The 
Wikidata ontology is very complex and a product of work of many people, so 
there is an optimization price to be paid in every attempt to 
+                                                   adapt or simplify its 
present structure to the needs of a statistical analytical system such as WDCM. 
The current set of WDCM semantic categories is thus not 
+                                                   normative in any sense and 
a subject  of change in any moment, depending upon the analytical needs of the 
                                                    <h4>Wikidata Usage 
                                                    <p><font size = 2>The 
similarity structure in Wikidata usage <i>across the client projects</i> is 
presented. Each bubble represents a client project.
                                                    The size of the bubble 
reflects the volume of Wikidata usage in the respective project. Projects 
similar in respect to the semantics of Wikidata
-                                                   usage are grouped together. 
Only top five projects (of each project type) in respect to Wikidata usage 
volume are labeled.<br>
-                                                   The bubble chart is 
produced by performing a t-SNE dimensionality reduction of the inter-Projects 
Euclidean distances derived from the
-                                                   Projects x Categories 
contingency table.</font></p>
+                                                   usage are grouped 
+                                                   The bubble chart is 
produced by performing a <a 
 target="_blank">t-SNE dimensionality reduction</a> 
+                                                   of the client project 
pairwise Euclidean distances derived from the Projects x Categories contingency 
table. Given that the original higher-dimensional space 
+                                                   from which the 2D map is 
derived is rather constrained by the choice of a small number of semantic 
categories, the similarity mapping is somewhat 
+                                                   imprecise and should be 
taken as an attempt at an approximate big picture of the client projects 
similarity structure only. More precise 2D maps of 
+                                                   the similarity structures 
in client projects are found on the WDCM Semantics Dashboard, where each 
semantic category first receives an 
+                                                   <a href = 
""; target = "_blank">LDA Topic 
+                                                   and the similarity 
structure between the client projects is then derived from project topical 
+                                                   While the <i>Explore</i> 
tab presents a dynamic <a href = ""; 
target="_blank">{Rbokeh}</a> visualization alongised 
+                                                   the tools to explore it in 
detail, the <i>Highlights</i> tab shows a static <a href = 
""; target="_blank">{ggplot2}</a> plot with the most 
important client projects 
+                                                   marked (<b>NOTE.</b> Only 
top five projects (of each project type) in respect to Wikidata usage volume 
are labeled).</font></p>
                                                    <h4>Wikidata Usage 
                                                    <p><font size = 2>The 
similarity structure in Wikidata usage <i>across the semantic categories</i> is 
presented. Each bubble represents a Wikidata semantic
                                                    category. The size of the 
bubble reflects the volume of Wikidata usage from the respective category. If 
two categories are found in proximity,
-                                                   that means that the 
projects that tend to use the one also tend to use the another, and vice 
-                                                   The bubble chart is 
produced by performing a t-SNE dimensionality reduction of the inter-Projects 
Euclidean distances derived from the
-                                                   Categories x Projects 
contingency table.</font></p>
+                                                   that means that the 
projects that tend to use the one also tend to use the another, and vice versa. 
Similarly to the Usage Overview, the 2D mapping is obtained by performing 
+                                                   a <a 
 target="_blank">t-SNE dimensionality reduction</a> 
+                                                   of the categories pairwise 
Euclidean distances derived from the Projects x Categories contingency table. 
                                                    <h4>Wikidata Usage 
@@ -244,23 +279,32 @@
                                                    In the <i>Project Usage 
Rank-Frequency</i> plot, each point represents a client project; Wikidata usage 
is represented on the vertical and
                                                    the project usage rank on 
the horizontal axis, while only top project (per project type) are labeled. The 
highly-skewed, asymmetrical
                                                    distribution reveals that a 
small fraction of client projects only accounts for a huge proportion of 
Wikidata usage.<br> In the
-                                                   <i>Project Usage 
log(Rank)-log(Frequency)</i> plot, the logarithms of both variables are 
represented. A power-law relationship holds true if this
-                                                   plot is linear; the plot 
includes the best fit linear model, however, no attempts to estimate the Zipf 
distribution were made. </font></p>
+                                                   <i>Project Usage 
log(Rank)-log(Frequency)</i> plot, the logarithms of both variables are 
+                                                   A <a href = 
""; target="_blank">power-law</a> 
relationship holds true if this
+                                                   plot is linear. The plot 
includes the best linear fit, however, no attempts to estimate the underlying 
probability distribution were made. </font></p>
                                                    <h4>Client Project 
                                                    <p><font size = 2>Project 
types are provided in the rows of this chart, while the semantic categories are 
given on the horizontal axis.
-                                                   The height of the 
respective bar indicates Wikidata usage from the respective semantic category 
in a particular client project.</font></p>
+                                                   The height of the 
respective bar indicates Wikidata usage volume from the respective semantic 
category in a particular client project.</font></p>
                                                    <h4>Client Projects Usage 
-                                                   <p><font size = 2>Use the 
slider to select the percent range of the Wikidata usage distribution across 
the client project to show. The
-                                                   chart will automatically 
adjust presenting the selected projects in increasing order of Wikidata usage, 
presenting at most 30 top projects
-                                                   from the 
+                                                   <p><font size = 2>Use the 
slider to select the percentile rank range of the Wikidata usage volume 
distribution across the client project to show. The
+                                                   chart will automatically 
adjust to present the selected projects in increasing order of Wikidata usage, 
and presenting at most 30 top projects
+                                                   from the selection. 
<b>NOTE.</b> The <a href=""; 
target="_blank">percentile rank</a> 
+                                                   of a score is the 
percentage of scores in its frequency distribution that are equal to or lower 
than it. 
+                                                   For example, a client 
project that has a Wikidata usage volume greater than or equal to 75% of all 
client projects under
+                                                   consideration is said to be 
at the 75th percentile, where 75 is the percentile rank.<br> In effect, you can 
browse the whole 
+                                                   distribution of Wikidata 
usage across the client projects by selecting the lower and uppers limit in 
terms of usage percentile rank.</font></p>
                                                    <h4>Wikidata Usage 
-                                                   <p><font size = 2>A 
breakdown of Wikidata usage statistics across client projects, project types, 
and semantic categories.</font></p>
+                                                   <p><font size = 2>A 
breakdown of Wikidata usage statistics across client projects and semantic 
categories. To the left, 
+                                                   a table that presents a 
Client Project vs. Semantic Category cross-tabulation. The Usage column in this 
table is the Wikidata 
+                                                  usage statistic for a 
particular Semantic Category x Client Project combination (e.g. The Wikidata 
usage in the category "Human" in 
+                                                  the dewiki project). To the 
right, the total Wikidata usage per client project is presented (i.e. the sum 
of Wikidata usage across 
+                                                  all semantic categories for 
a particular client project; e.g. the total Wikidata usage volume of 
diff --git a/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/www/Wikidata-logo-en.png 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380ea29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/www/Wikidata-logo-en.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/WDCM_UsageDashboard/server.R b/WDCM_UsageDashboard/server.R
index 57d4b41..62fe121 100644
--- a/WDCM_UsageDashboard/server.R
+++ b/WDCM_UsageDashboard/server.R
@@ -708,6 +708,208 @@
       contentType = "text/csv"
+    #### ---  Chart: tabulations_projectTypesChart
+    output$tabulations_projectTypesChart <- renderPlot({
+      # - Chart Frame for output$tabulations_projectTypesChart
+      plotFrame <- wdcmProjectCategory %>%
+        filter(Project %in% selectedProjects & Category %in% 
selectedCategories) %>%
+        group_by(`Project Type`) %>% 
+        summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      # - top 25 categories:
+      if (dim(plotFrame)[1] > 25) {
+        plotFrame <- plotFrame[1:25, ]
+      }
+      plotFrame$`Project Type` <- factor(plotFrame$`Project Type`, 
+                                   levels = plotFrame$`Project 
+      # - express labels as K, M:
+      plotFrame$Label <- sapply(plotFrame$Usage, function(x) {
+        if (x >= 1e+03 & x < 1e+06) {
+          out <- paste(round(x/1e+03, 1), "K", sep = "")
+        } else if (x > 1e+06) {
+          out <- paste(round(x/1e+06, 1), "M", sep = "")
+        } else {
+          out <- as.character(x)
+        }
+        return(out)
+      })
+      # - Plot
+      ggplot(plotFrame,
+             aes(x = `Project Type`, y = Usage, label = Label)) +
+        geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = .6, fill = "#4c8cff") +
+        xlab('Project Type') + ylab('Entity Usage') +
+        ylim(0, max(plotFrame$Usage) + .1*max(plotFrame$Usage)) +
+        scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+        geom_label(size = 3, vjust = -.1) +
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15)) %>%
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    })
+    # - Download Frame: tabulations_projectTypesChart
+    tabulations_projectTypesChartDownload_Frame <- reactive({
+      plotFrame <- wdcmProjectCategory %>%
+        filter(Project %in% selectedProjects & Category %in% 
selectedCategories) %>%
+        group_by(`Project Type`) %>% 
+        summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      plotFrame
+    })
+    # - Download: tabulations_projectTypesChart
+    output$tabulations_projectTypesChart_Frame <- downloadHandler(
+      filename = function() {
+        'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+      content = function(file) {
+        write.csv(tabulations_projectTypesChartDownload_Frame(),
+                  file,
+                  quote = FALSE,
+                  row.names = FALSE)
+      },
+      contentType = "text/csv"
+    )
+    #### ---  Chart: crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChart
+    output$crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChart <- renderPlot({
+      # - Chart Frame for output$crosstabulations_projectsCategoriessChart
+      plotFrame <- wdcmProjectCategory %>%
+        filter(Project %in% selectedProjects & Category %in% 
selectedCategories) %>%
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      projectOrder <- plotFrame %>%
+        group_by(Project) %>% 
+        summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      selProj <- projectOrder$Project[1:25]
+      plotFrame <- plotFrame %>% 
+        filter(Project %in% selProj)
+      plotFrame$Project <- factor(plotFrame$Project, 
+                                         levels = selProj)
+      # - express labels as K, M:
+      plotFrame$Label <- sapply(plotFrame$Usage, function(x) {
+        if (x >= 1e+03 & x < 1e+06) {
+          out <- paste(round(x/1e+03, 1), "K", sep = "")
+        } else if (x > 1e+06) {
+          out <- paste(round(x/1e+06, 1), "M", sep = "")
+        } else {
+          out <- as.character(x)
+        }
+        return(out)
+      })
+      # - Plot
+      ggplot(plotFrame,
+             aes(x = Project, y = Usage, label = Label)) +
+        geom_line(size = .25, color = "#4c8cff", group = 1) +
+        geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "#4c8cff") + 
+        geom_point(size = 1, color = "white") + 
+        geom_text_repel(aes(label = plotFrame$Label), 
+                        size = 3) +
+        facet_wrap(~ Category, ncol = 3, scales = "free_y") +
+        xlab('Project') + ylab('Entity Usage') +
+        ylim(0, max(plotFrame$Usage) + .5*max(plotFrame$Usage)) +
+        scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15)) %>%
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    })
+    # - Download Frame: crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChart
+    crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChartDownload_Frame <- reactive({
+      plotFrame <- wdcmProjectCategory %>%
+        filter(Project %in% selectedProjects & Category %in% 
selectedCategories) %>%
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      plotFrame
+    })
+    # - Download: crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesFrame
+    output$crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesFrame <- downloadHandler(
+      filename = function() {
+        'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+      content = function(file) {
+        write.csv(crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChartDownload_Frame(),
+                  file,
+                  quote = FALSE,
+                  row.names = FALSE)
+      },
+      contentType = "text/csv"
+    )
+    #### ---  Chart: crosstabulations_projectTypesCategoriesChart
+    output$crosstabulations_projectTypesCategoriesChart <- renderPlot({
+      # - Chart Frame for output$crosstabulations_projectTypesCategoriesChart
+      plotFrame <- wdcmProjectCategory %>%
+        filter(Project %in% selectedProjects & Category %in% 
selectedCategories) %>% 
+        group_by(`Project Type`, Category) %>% 
+        summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>% 
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      projectTypeOrder <- plotFrame %>% 
+        group_by(`Project Type`) %>% 
+        summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>% 
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      plotFrame$`Project Type` <- factor(plotFrame$`Project Type`, 
+                                  levels = projectTypeOrder$`Project Type`)
+      # - express labels as K, M:
+      plotFrame$Label <- sapply(plotFrame$Usage, function(x) {
+        if (x >= 1e+03 & x < 1e+06) {
+          out <- paste(round(x/1e+03, 1), "K", sep = "")
+        } else if (x > 1e+06) {
+          out <- paste(round(x/1e+06, 1), "M", sep = "")
+        } else {
+          out <- as.character(x)
+        }
+        return(out)
+      })
+      # - Plot
+      ggplot(plotFrame,
+             aes(x = `Project Type`, y = Usage, label = Label)) +
+        geom_line(size = .25, color = "#4c8cff", group = 1) +
+        geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "#4c8cff") + 
+        geom_point(size = 1, color = "white") + 
+        geom_text_repel(aes(label = plotFrame$Label), 
+                        size = 3) +
+        facet_wrap(~ Category, ncol = 3, scales = "free_y") +
+        xlab('Project Type') + ylab('Entity Usage') +
+        ylim(0, max(plotFrame$Usage) + .5*max(plotFrame$Usage)) +
+        scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15)) %>%
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    })
+    # - Download Frame: crosstabulations_projectTypeCategoriesChart
+    crosstabulations_projectTypeCategoriesChartDownload_Frame <- reactive({
+      plotFrame <- wdcmProjectCategory %>%
+        filter(Project %in% selectedProjects & Category %in% 
selectedCategories) %>% 
+        group_by(`Project Type`, Category) %>% 
+        summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>% 
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      plotFrame
+    })
+    # - Download: crosstabulations_projectTypeCategoriesChartFrame
+    output$crosstabulations_projectTypeCategoriesChartFrame <- downloadHandler(
+      filename = function() {
+        'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+      content = function(file) {
+        write.csv(crosstabulations_projectTypeCategoriesChartDownload_Frame(),
+                  file,
+                  quote = FALSE,
+                  row.names = FALSE)
+      },
+      contentType = "text/csv"
+    )
diff --git a/WDCM_UsageDashboard/ui.R b/WDCM_UsageDashboard/ui.R
index 000fdbd..2d249ae 100644
--- a/WDCM_UsageDashboard/ui.R
+++ b/WDCM_UsageDashboard/ui.R
@@ -28,10 +28,25 @@
               column(width = 12,
                      h2('WDCM Usage Dashboard'),
-                     HTML('<font size="3"><b>Wikidata Concepts 
-                     hr()
+                     HTML('<font size="3"><b>Wikidata Concepts 
             ), # - fluidRow Title END
+            # - fluidRow Logo
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     img(src='Wikidata-logo-en.png', 
+                         align = "left")
+                     )
+            ), # - fluidRow END
+            # - hr()
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     hr()
+                     )
+            ),
             # - fluidRow Boxes
@@ -285,16 +300,57 @@
= 6,
withSpinner(plotOutput('tabulations_projectsChart', height = "600px")),
         'Data (csv)')
= 6,
withSpinner(plotOutput('tabulations_categoriesChart', height = "600px")),
         'Data (csv)')
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         hr()
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 6,
h4('Project Types'),
withSpinner(plotOutput('tabulations_projectTypesChart', height = "600px")),
         'Data (csv)')
+                                                                  ),
+                                                                  column(width 
= 6
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         hr()
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
h4('Project vs Categories'),
withSpinner(plotOutput('crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChart', height = 
         'Data (csv)')
+                                                                         )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         hr()
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
h4('Project Types vs Categories'),
withSpinner(plotOutput('crosstabulations_projectTypesCategoriesChart', height = 
         'Data (csv)')
+                                                                  )
diff --git a/WDCM_UsageDashboard/www/Wikidata-logo-en.png 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380ea29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WDCM_UsageDashboard/www/Wikidata-logo-en.png
Binary files differ

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ib912ed9dfa5060bbe888714b648be77eb6f69734
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: analytics/wmde/WDCM
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: GoranSMilovanovic <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: GoranSMilovanovic <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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