Catrope has uploaded a new change for review. ( )

Change subject: AdaptationTest: Actually test that the output is correct

AdaptationTest: Actually test that the output is correct

These tests only tested that the adaptation process didn't
error out and returned a non-empty result. Now they also test
that the result is what we expect it to be.

Because the result contains data-cx blobs which are quite large
(due to embedded titleInfo for links), embed those in the test
data separately for readability, and add some code to inject them
back in by ID.

Also fix the test cases to assert the correct outcome, mostly
around link titles (the title attribute of an adapted link is
equal to the adapted href, not the unadapted one).

Change-Id: I12a723732b87c20d09967755ddb85182ee1ea9c3
M test/adaptation/AdaptationTest.js
M test/adaptation/AdaptationTests.json
2 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/test/adaptation/AdaptationTest.js 
index 4154cfe..04691c2 100644
--- a/test/adaptation/AdaptationTest.js
+++ b/test/adaptation/AdaptationTest.js
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 'use strict';
-const assert = require( '../utils/assert.js' ),
+const assert = require( 'assert' ),
        server = require( '../utils/server.js' ),
        async = require( 'async' ),
        Apertium = require( '../../lib/mt' ).Apertium,
        Adapter = require( '../../lib/Adapter' ),
-       tests = require( './AdaptationTests.json' );
+       tests = require( './AdaptationTests.json' ),
+       jsdom = require( 'jsdom' );
 describe( 'Adaptation tests', () => {
        async.forEach( tests, ( test ) => {
@@ -14,9 +15,27 @@
                cxserver =[ - 1 ];
                cxserver.conf.mtClient = new Apertium( cxserver );
                adapter = new Adapter( test.from,, cxserver );
-               it( 'should not have any errors when: ' + test.desc, () => {
+               it( test.desc, () => {
+                       let expectedDom = new jsdom.JSDOM( test.result );
+                       // Put data-cx in
+                       if ( test[ 'data-cx' ] ) {
+                               for ( let id in test[ 'data-cx' ] ) {
expectedDom.window.document.getElementById( id )
+                                               .setAttribute( 'data-cx', 
JSON.stringify( test[ 'data-cx' ][ id ] ) );
+                               }
+                       }
                        return adapter.adapt( test.source ).then( ( result ) => 
-                               assert.ok( result.getHtml().length > 0 );
+                               let actualDom = new jsdom.JSDOM( 
result.getHtml() );
+                               if ( 
actualDom.window.document.body.isEqualNode( expectedDom.window.document.body ) 
) {
+                                       assert.ok( true, test.desc );
+                               } else {
+                                       assert.equal(
+                                               test.desc
+                                       );
+                               }
                        } );
                } );
        } );
diff --git a/test/adaptation/AdaptationTests.json 
index 47031c1..3d7d0af 100644
--- a/test/adaptation/AdaptationTests.json
+++ b/test/adaptation/AdaptationTests.json
@@ -3,36 +3,171 @@
                "desc": "Link adaptation basic test",
                "from": "en",
                "to": "es",
-               "source": "<p><a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='Oxygen'>Oxygen</a> is 
a chemical element with symbol O and <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='Atomic 
number'>atomic number</a> 8.</p>",
-               "result": "<p><a href='Oxígeno' rel='mw:WikiLink'>Oxygen</a> is 
a chemical element with symbol O and <a href='Número atómico' 
rel='mw:WikiLink'>atomic number</a> 8.</p>"
+               "source": "<p><a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='Oxygen' 
id='mwAA'>Oxygen</a> is a chemical element with symbol O and <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='Atomic number' id='mwAB'>atomic number</a> 8.</p>",
+               "result": "<p><a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='Oxígeno' id='mwAA' 
title='Oxígeno'>Oxygen</a> is a chemical element with symbol O and <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='Número atómico' id='mwAB' title='Número atómico'>atomic 
number</a> 8.</p>",
+               "data-cx": {
+                       "mwAA": {
+                               "adapted": true,
+                               "targetTitle": {
+                                       "title": "Oxígeno",
+                                       "pagelanguage": "es",
+                                       "thumbnail": {
+                                               "source": 
+                                               "width": 80,
+                                               "height": 40
+                                       },
+                                       "terms": {
+                                               "description": [ "elemento 
químico", "elemento químico" ]
+                                       }
+                               },
+                               "sourceTitle": {
+                                       "title": "Oxygen",
+                                       "pagelanguage": "en",
+                                       "thumbnail": {
+                                               "source": 
+                                               "width": 66,
+                                               "height": 80
+                                       },
+                                       "terms": {
+                                               "description": [ "element with 
the atomic number of 8", "element with the atomic number of 8" ]
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       },
+                       "mwAB": {
+                               "adapted": true,
+                               "targetTitle": {
+                                       "title": "Número atómico",
+                                       "pagelanguage": "es",
+                                       "thumbnail": {
+                                               "source": 
+                                               "width": 80,
+                                               "height": 80
+                                       },
+                                       "terms": {
+                                               "description": [ "número total 
de protones que tiene el átomo", "número total de protones que tiene el átomo" ]
+                                       }
+                               },
+                               "sourceTitle": {
+                                       "title": "Atomic number",
+                                       "pagelanguage": "en",
+                                       "thumbnail": {
+                                               "source": 
+                                               "width": 80,
+                                               "height": 49
+                                       },
+                                       "terms": {
+                                               "description": [ "number of 
protons found in the nucleus of an atom", "number of protons found in the 
nucleus of an atom" ]
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
                "desc": "Link adaptation - Full paragraph and relative links",
                "from": "en",
                "to": "es",
-               "source": "<p id='mwBg'><b id='mwBw'>Oxygen</b> is a <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chemical_element' title='Chemical element' 
id='mwCA'>chemical element</a> with symbol<span typeof='mw:Entity' id='mwCQ'> 
</span><b id='mwCg'>O</b> and <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Atomic_number' 
title='Atomic number' id='mwCw'>atomic number</a> 8. It is a member of the <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chalcogen' title='Chalcogen' id='mwDA'>chalcogen</a> 
<a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Group_(periodic_table)' title='Group (periodic 
table)' id='mwDQ'>group</a> on the <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Periodic_table' 
title='Periodic table' id='mwDg'>periodic table</a> and is a highly <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chemical_reaction' title='Chemical reaction' 
id='mwDw'>reactive</a> <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Nonmetal' title='Nonmetal' 
id='mwEA'>nonmetal</a> and <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Oxidizing_agent' 
title='Oxidizing agent' id='mwEQ'>oxidizing agent</a> that readily forms <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Oxide' title='Oxide' id='mwEg'>oxides</a> with most 
elements as well as other <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chemical_compound' 
title='Chemical compound' id='mwEw'>compounds</a>. By mass, oxygen is the 
third-<a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Abundance_of_the_chemical_elements' 
title='Abundance of the chemical elements' id='mwFA'>most abundant element</a> 
in the universe, after <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Hydrogen' title='Hydrogen' 
id='mwFQ'>hydrogen</a> and <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Helium' title='Helium' 
id='mwFg'>helium</a>. At <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Standard_temperature_and_pressure' title='Standard temperature and 
pressure' id='mwFw' class='mw-redirect'>standard temperature and pressure</a>, 
two atoms of the element <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chemical_bond' 
title='Chemical bond' id='mwGA'>bind</a> to form <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Allotropes_of_oxygen#Dioxygen' title='Allotropes of oxygen' 
id='mwGQ'>dioxygen</a>, a colorless and odorless <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Diatomic_molecule' title='Diatomic molecule' id='mwGg'>diatomic</a> <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Gas' title='Gas' id='mwGw'>gas</a> with the formula. 
This is an important part of the <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Atmosphere_of_Earth' title='Atmosphere of Earth' 
id='mwHQ'>atmosphere</a> and diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Earth's_atmosphere' title='Earth's atmosphere' 
id='mwHg' class='mw-redirect'>Earth's atmosphere</a>. Additionally, as oxides 
the element makes up almost half of the <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Earth's_crust' title='Earth's crust' id='mwHw' 
class='mw-redirect'>Earth's crust</a>.</p>",
-               "result": "<p id='mwBg'><b id='mwBw'>Oxygen</b> is a <a 
href='Elemento químico' id='mwCA' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Chemical 
element'>chemical element</a> with symbol<span id='mwCQ' typeof='mw:Entity'> 
</span><b id='mwCg'>O</b> and <a href='Número atómico' id='mwCw' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Atomic number'>atomic number</a> 8. It is a member of 
the <a href='Anfígeno' id='mwDA' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Chalcogen'>chalcogen</a> <a 
data-cx='{&#34;adapted&#34;:false,&#34;sourceTitle&#34;:&#34;Group (periodic 
table)&#34;}' href='./Group_(periodic_table)' id='mwDQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Group (periodic table)'>group</a> on the <a href='Tabla periódica de los 
elementos' id='mwDg' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Periodic table'>periodic 
table</a> and is a highly <a href='Reacción química' id='mwDw' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Chemical reaction'>reactive</a> <a href='No metal' 
id='mwEA' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Nonmetal'>nonmetal</a> and <a 
href='Oxidante' id='mwEQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Oxidizing agent'>oxidizing 
agent</a> that readily forms <a href='Óxido' id='mwEg' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Oxide'>oxides</a> with most elements as well as other <a href='Compuesto 
químico' id='mwEw' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Chemical compound'>compounds</a>. 
By mass, oxygen is the third-<a href='Abundancia de los elementos químicos' 
id='mwFA' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Abundance of the chemical elements'>most 
abundant element</a> in the universe, after <a href='Hidrógeno' id='mwFQ' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Hydrogen'>hydrogen</a> and <a href='Helio' id='mwFg' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Helium'>helium</a>. At <a class='mw-redirect' 
href='Condiciones normalizadas de presión y temperatura' id='mwFw' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Standard temperature and pressure'>standard 
temperature and pressure</a>, two atoms of the element <a href='Enlace químico' 
id='mwGA' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Chemical bond'>bind</a> to form <a 
href='Alótropos del oxígeno' id='mwGQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Allotropes of 
oxygen'>dioxygen</a>, a colorless and odorless <a href='Molécula diatómica' 
id='mwGg' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Diatomic molecule'>diatomic</a> <a 
href='Gas' id='mwGw' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Gas'>gas</a> with the formula. 
This is an important part of the <a href='Atmósfera terrestre' id='mwHQ' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Atmosphere of Earth'>atmosphere</a> and diatomic 
oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the <a atmosphere='' class='mw-redirect' 
href='Tierra' id='mwHg' rel='mw:WikiLink' s='' s_atmosphere='' 
title='Earth'>Earth's atmosphere</a>. Additionally, as oxides the element makes 
up almost half of the <a class='mw-redirect' crust='' href='Tierra' id='mwHw' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' s='' s_crust='' title='Earth'>Earth's crust</a>.</p>"
+               "source": "<p id='mwBg'><b id='mwBw'>Oxygen</b> is a <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chemical_element' title='Chemical element' 
id='mwCA'>chemical element</a> with symbol<span typeof='mw:Entity' id='mwCQ'> 
</span><b id='mwCg'>O</b> and <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Atomic_number' 
title='Atomic number' id='mwCw'>atomic number</a> 8. It is a member of the <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chalcogen' title='Chalcogen' id='mwDA'>chalcogen</a> 
<a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Group_(periodic_table)' title='Group (periodic 
table)' id='mwDQ'>group</a> on the <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Periodic_table' 
title='Periodic table' id='mwDg'>periodic table</a> and is a highly <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chemical_reaction' title='Chemical reaction' 
id='mwDw'>reactive</a> <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Nonmetal' title='Nonmetal' 
id='mwEA'>nonmetal</a> and <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Oxidizing_agent' 
title='Oxidizing agent' id='mwEQ'>oxidizing agent</a> that readily forms <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Oxide' title='Oxide' id='mwEg'>oxides</a> with most 
elements as well as other <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chemical_compound' 
title='Chemical compound' id='mwEw'>compounds</a>. By mass, oxygen is the 
third-<a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Abundance_of_the_chemical_elements' 
title='Abundance of the chemical elements' id='mwFA'>most abundant element</a> 
in the universe, after <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Hydrogen' title='Hydrogen' 
id='mwFQ'>hydrogen</a> and <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Helium' title='Helium' 
id='mwFg'>helium</a>. At <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Standard_temperature_and_pressure' title='Standard temperature and 
pressure' id='mwFw' class='mw-redirect'>standard temperature and pressure</a>, 
two atoms of the element <a rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Chemical_bond' 
title='Chemical bond' id='mwGA'>bind</a> to form <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Allotropes_of_oxygen#Dioxygen' title='Allotropes of oxygen' 
id='mwGQ'>dioxygen</a>, a colorless and odorless <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Diatomic_molecule' title='Diatomic molecule' id='mwGg'>diatomic</a> <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Gas' title='Gas' id='mwGw'>gas</a> with the formula. 
This is an important part of the <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Atmosphere_of_Earth' title='Atmosphere of Earth' 
id='mwHQ'>atmosphere</a> and diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the <a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href=\"./Earth's_atmosphere\" title=\"Earth's atmosphere\" 
id='mwHg' class='mw-redirect'>Earth's atmosphere</a>. Additionally, as oxides 
the element makes up almost half of the <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href=\"./Earth's_crust\" title=\"Earth's crust\" id='mwHw' 
class='mw-redirect'>Earth's crust</a>.</p>",
+               "result": "<p id='mwBg'><b id='mwBw'>Oxygen</b> is a <a 
href='Elemento químico' id='mwCA' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Elemento 
químico'>chemical element</a> with symbol<span id='mwCQ' typeof='mw:Entity'> 
</span><b id='mwCg'>O</b> and <a href='Número atómico' id='mwCw' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Número atómico'>atomic number</a> 8. It is a member of 
the <a href='Anfígeno' id='mwDA' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Anfígeno'>chalcogen</a> <a href='./Group_(periodic_table)' id='mwDQ' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Group (periodic table)'>group</a> on the <a 
href='Tabla periódica de los elementos' id='mwDg' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Tabla periódica de los elementos'>periodic table</a> and is a highly <a 
href='Reacción química' id='mwDw' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Reacción 
química'>reactive</a> <a href='No metal' id='mwEA' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='No 
metal'>nonmetal</a> and <a href='Oxidante' id='mwEQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Oxidante'>oxidizing agent</a> that readily forms <a href='Óxido' 
id='mwEg' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Óxido'>oxides</a> with most elements as well 
as other <a href='Compuesto químico' id='mwEw' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Compuesto químico'>compounds</a>. By mass, oxygen is the third-<a 
href='Abundancia de los elementos químicos' id='mwFA' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Abundancia de los elementos químicos'>most abundant element</a> in the 
universe, after <a href='Hidrógeno' id='mwFQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Hidrógeno'>hydrogen</a> and <a href='Helio' id='mwFg' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Helio'>helium</a>. At <a class='mw-redirect' href='Condiciones 
normalizadas de presión y temperatura' id='mwFw' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Condiciones normalizadas de presión y temperatura'>standard temperature 
and pressure</a>, two atoms of the element <a href='Enlace químico' id='mwGA' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Enlace químico'>bind</a> to form <a href='Alótropos 
del oxígeno' id='mwGQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Alótropos del 
oxígeno'>dioxygen</a>, a colorless and odorless <a href='Molécula diatómica' 
id='mwGg' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Molécula diatómica'>diatomic</a> <a 
href='Gas' id='mwGw' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Gas'>gas</a> with the formula. 
This is an important part of the <a href='Atmósfera terrestre' id='mwHQ' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Atmósfera terrestre'>atmosphere</a> and diatomic 
oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the <a class='mw-redirect' href='Atmósfera 
terrestre' id='mwHg' rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Atmósfera terrestre'>Earth's 
atmosphere</a>. Additionally, as oxides the element makes up almost half of the 
<a class='mw-redirect' href='Corteza terrestre' id='mwHw' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Corteza terrestre'>Earth's crust</a>.</p>",
+               "data-cx": {
+                       "mwCA": {
+                               "adapted": true,
+                               "targetTitle": {
+                                       "title": "Elemento químico",
+                                       "pagelanguage": "es",
+                                       "thumbnail": {
+                                               "source": 
+                                               "width": 80,
+                                               "height": 44
+                                       },
+                                       "terms": {
+                                               "description": [ "tipo de 
materia constituida por átomos de la misma clase" ]
+                                       }
+                               },
+                               "sourceTitle": {
+                                       "title": "Chemical element",
+                                       "pagelanguage": "en",
+                                       "thumbnail": {
+                                               "source": 
+                                               "width": 80,
+                                               "height": 43
+                                       },
+                                       "terms": {
+                                               "description": [ "each instance 
has the same specified number of protons in its atomic nucleus, and is itself 
also a class" ]
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       },
+                       "mwCw": {"adapted":true,"targetTitle":{"title":"Número 
 total de protones que tiene el átomo","número total de protones que tiene el 
 of protons found in the nucleus of an atom","number of protons found in the 
nucleus of an atom"]}}},
+                       "mwDA": 
 of chemical elements"]}}},
+                       "mwDQ": {
+                               "adapted": false,
+                               "sourceTitle": {
+                                       "title": "Group (periodic table)",
+                                       "pagelanguage": "en",
+                                       "thumbnail": {
+                                               "source": 
+                                               "width": 80,
+                                               "height": 43
+                                       },
+                                       "terms": {
+                                               "description": [ "column of 
elements in the periodic table of the chemical elements" ]
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       },
+                       "mwDg": {"adapted":true,"targetTitle":{"title":"Tabla 
periódica de los 
 que clasifica, organiza y distribuye los distintos elementos químicos, 
conforme a sus propiedades y características","tabla que clasifica, organiza y 
distribuye los distintos elementos químicos, conforme a sus propiedades y 
 display of the chemical elements","tabular display of the chemical 
+                       "mwDw": 
química","pagelanguage":"es","terms":{"description":["proceso termodinámico en 
el cual una o más sustancias químicas son 
 that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substances to another; 
encompass changes that only involve the positions of electrons in the forming 
and breaking of chemical bonds between atoms, with no change to the nuclei"]}}},
+                       "mwEA": {"adapted":true,"targetTitle":{"title":"No 
metal","pagelanguage":"es","terms":{"description":["categoría de elementos 
químicos opuestos a los metales","categoría de elementos químicos opuestos a 
 to classify chemical elements","term to classify chemical elements"]}}},
+                       "mwEQ": 
 químico que oxida a otra sustancia"]}},"sourceTitle":{"title":"Oxidizing 
 compound used to oxidize another substance in a chemical reaction"]}}},
+                       "mwEg": 
 binario que contiene uno o varios átomos de oxígeno y otros 
 compound with at least one oxygen atom"]}}},
+                       "mwEw": 
 química formada por la unión de dos o más elementos de la tabla 
 chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements"]}}},
+                       "mwFA": 
{"adapted":true,"targetTitle":{"title":"Abundancia de los elementos 
químicos","pagelanguage":"es"},"sourceTitle":{"title":"Abundance of the 
+                       "mwFQ": 
 químico con número atómico 
 element with symbol H and atomic number 1"]}}},
+                       "mwFg": 
 element with the chemical symbol He and the atomic number of 2"]}}},
+                       "mwFw": 
{"adapted":true,"targetTitle":{"title":"Condiciones normalizadas de presión y 
temperatura","pagelanguage":"es","terms":{"description":["valores de presión 
atmosférica y temperatura que imperan en un laboratorio","valores de presión 
atmosférica y temperatura que imperan en un 
laboratorio"]}},"sourceTitle":{"title":"Standard conditions for temperature and 
+                       "mwGA": {"adapted":true,"targetTitle":{"title":"Enlace 
químico","pagelanguage":"es","terms":{"description":["proceso químico 
responsable de las interacciones atractivas entre átomos y moléculas","proceso 
químico responsable de las interacciones atractivas entre átomos y 
 attraction between atoms that enables the formation of chemical 
compounds","lasting attraction between atoms that enables the formation of 
chemical compounds"]}}},
+                       "mwGQ": 
{"adapted":true,"targetTitle":{"title":"Alótropos del 
oxígeno","pagelanguage":"es"},"sourceTitle":{"title":"Allotropes of 
+                       "mwGg": 
 composed of only two atoms of the same or different chemical elements"]}}},
+                       "mwGw": 
 de la 
+                       "mwHQ": 
 gaseosa de la Tierra","parte gaseosa de la 
Tierra"]}},"sourceTitle":{"title":"Atmosphere of 
 of gases surrounding the planet Earth","layer of gases surrounding the planet 
+                       "mwHg": 
 gaseosa de la Tierra","parte gaseosa de la 
Tierra"]}},"sourceTitle":{"title":"Atmosphere of 
 of gases surrounding the planet Earth","layer of gases surrounding the planet 
+                       "mwHw": {"adapted":true,"targetTitle":{"title":"Corteza 
 rocosa más externa de la Tierra"]}},"sourceTitle":{"title":"Crust 
+               }
                "desc": "Image adaptation basic test",
                "from": "en",
                "to": "ru",
                "source": "<figure class='mw-default-size mw-halign-left' 
typeof='mw:Image/Thumb' id='mwUQ'><a 
href='./File:Philos_experiment_of_the_burning_candle.PNG' id='mwUg'><img 
alt='Drawing of a burning candle enclosed in a glass bulb.' 
 data-file-width='125' data-file-height='248' data-file-type='bitmap' 
height='248' width='125' id='mwUw'/></a><figcaption id='mwVA'><a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Philo_of_Byzantium' title='Philo of Byzantium' 
id='mwVQ'>Philo's</a> experiment inspired later <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Detective' title='Detective' 
-               "result": "<figure class='mw-default-size mw-halign-left' 
id='mwUQ' typeof='mw:Image/Thumb'><a 
href='./Файл:Philos_experiment_of_the_burning_candle.PNG' id='mwUg'><img 
alt='Drawing of a burning candle enclosed in a glass bulb.' 
data-file-height='248' data-file-type='bitmap' data-file-width='125' 
height='248' id='mwUw' 
 width='125' /></a><figcaption id='mwVA'><a href='Филон Византийский' id='mwVQ' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Philo of Byzantium'>Philo's</a> experiment inspired 
later <a href='Детектив (профессия)' id='mwVg' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
+               "result": "<figure class='mw-default-size mw-halign-left' 
id='mwUQ' typeof='mw:Image/Thumb'><a 
href='./Файл:Philos_experiment_of_the_burning_candle.PNG' id='mwUg'><img 
alt='Drawing of a burning candle enclosed in a glass bulb.' 
data-file-height='248' data-file-type='bitmap' data-file-width='125' 
height='248' id='mwUw' 
 width='125' /></a><figcaption id='mwVA'><a href='Филон Византийский' id='mwVQ' 
rel='mw:WikiLink' title='Филон Византийский'>Philo's</a> experiment inspired 
later <a href='Детектив (профессия)' id='mwVg' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Детектив (профессия)'>investigators</a>.</figcaption></figure>",
+               "data-cx": {
+                       "mwVQ": {"adapted":true,"targetTitle":{"title":"Филон 
Византийский","pagelanguage":"ru"},"sourceTitle":{"title":"Philo of 
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+                       "mwVg": 
(профессия)","pagelanguage":"ru","terms":{"description":["человек, расследующий 
 either a member of a police agency or a private person"]}}}
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                "source": "<figure class='mw-default-size mw-halign-left' 
typeof='mw:Image/Thumb' id='mwUQ'><a 
href='./File:Philos_experiment_of_the_burning_candle.PNG' id='mwUg'><img 
alt='Drawing of a burning candle enclosed in a glass bulb.' 
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height='248' width='125' id='mwUw'/></a><figcaption id='mwVA'><a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Philo_of_Byzantium' title='Philo of Byzantium' 
id='mwVQ'>Philo's</a> experiment inspired later <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Detective' title='Detective' 
-               "result": "<figure class='mw-default-size mw-halign-right' 
id='mwUQ' typeof='mw:Image/Thumb'><a 
href='./קובץ:Philos_experiment_of_the_burning_candle.PNG' id='mwUg'><img 
alt='Drawing of a burning candle enclosed in a glass bulb.' 
data-file-height='248' data-file-type='bitmap' data-file-width='125' 
height='248' id='mwUw' 
 width='125' /></a><figcaption id='mwVA'><a 
data-cx='{&#34;adapted&#34;:false,&#34;sourceTitle&#34;:&#34;Philo of 
Byzantium&#34;}' href='./Philo_of_Byzantium' id='mwVQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Philo of Byzantium'>Philo's</a> experiment inspired later <a 
href='./Detective' id='mwVg' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
+               "result": "<figure class='mw-default-size mw-halign-right' 
id='mwUQ' typeof='mw:Image/Thumb'><a 
href='./קובץ:Philos_experiment_of_the_burning_candle.PNG' id='mwUg'><img 
alt='Drawing of a burning candle enclosed in a glass bulb.' 
data-file-height='248' data-file-type='bitmap' data-file-width='125' 
height='248' id='mwUw' 
 width='125' /></a><figcaption id='mwVA'><a 
data-cx='{&#34;adapted&#34;:false,&#34;sourceTitle&#34;:&#34;Philo of 
Byzantium&#34;}' href='./Philo_of_Byzantium' id='mwVQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Philo of Byzantium'>Philo's</a> experiment inspired later <a 
href='./Detective' id='mwVg' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
+               "data-cx": {
+                       "mwVQ": {"adapted":false,"sourceTitle":{"title":"Philo 
of Byzantium","pagelanguage":"en","terms":{"description":["Ancient Greek 
+                       "mwVg": 
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+               }
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                "source": "<figure class='mw-default-size mw-halign-left' 
typeof='mw:Image/Frame' id='mwUQ'><a 
href='./File:Philos_experiment_of_the_burning_candle.PNG' id='mwUg'><img 
alt='Drawing of a burning candle enclosed in a glass bulb.' 
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height='248' width='125' id='mwUw'/></a><figcaption id='mwVA'><a 
rel='mw:WikiLink' href='./Philo_of_Byzantium' title='Philo of Byzantium' 
id='mwVQ'>Philo's</a> experiment inspired later <a rel='mw:WikiLink' 
href='./Detective' title='Detective' 
-               "result": "<figure class='mw-default-size mw-halign-left' 
 id='mwUQ' typeof='mw:Image/Frame'><a 
href='./File:Philos_experiment_of_the_burning_candle.PNG' id='mwUg'><img 
alt='Drawing of a burning candle enclosed in a glass bulb.' 
data-file-height='248' data-file-type='bitmap' data-file-width='125' 
height='248' id='mwUw' 
 width='125' /></a><figcaption id='mwVA'><a 
data-cx='{&#34;adapted&#34;:false,&#34;sourceTitle&#34;:&#34;Philo of 
Byzantium&#34;}' href='./Philo_of_Byzantium' id='mwVQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Philo of Byzantium'>Philo's</a> experiment inspired later <a 
href='./Detective' id='mwVg' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
+               "result": "<figure class='mw-default-size mw-halign-left' 
id='mwUQ' typeof='mw:Image/Frame'><a 
href='./File:Philos_experiment_of_the_burning_candle.PNG' id='mwUg'><img 
alt='Drawing of a burning candle enclosed in a glass bulb.' 
data-file-height='248' data-file-type='bitmap' data-file-width='125' 
height='248' id='mwUw' 
 width='125' /></a><figcaption id='mwVA'><a 
data-cx='{&#34;adapted&#34;:false,&#34;sourceTitle&#34;:&#34;Philo of 
Byzantium&#34;}' href='./Philo_of_Byzantium' id='mwVQ' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
title='Philo of Byzantium'>Philo's</a> experiment inspired later <a 
href='./Detective' id='mwVg' rel='mw:WikiLink' 
+               "data-cx": {
+                       "mwUQ": {
+                               "adapted": false,
+                               "resource": 
+                       },
+                       "mwVQ": {"adapted":false,"sourceTitle":{"title":"Philo 
of Byzantium","pagelanguage":"en","terms":{"description":["Ancient Greek 
+                       "mwVg": 
 either a member of a police agency or a private person"]}}}
+               }
                "desc": "Gallery adaptation",
@@ -60,6 +195,6 @@
                "from": "en",
                "to": "es",
                "source": "<p id='mwEA'><span typeof='mw:Extension/ref' 
 reference.&quot;}}' class='mw-ref'><a style='counter-reset: mw-Ref 1;'><span 
-               "result": "<p id='mwEA'><span typeof='mw:Extension/ref' 
 Remisión.&quot;}}' class='mw-ref'><a style='counter-reset: mw-Ref 1;'><span 
+               "result": "<p id='mwEA'><span typeof='mw:Extension/ref' 
 Remisión.&quot;}}' class='mw-ref'><a style='counter-reset: mw-Ref 1;'><span 

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