Dzahn has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )

Change subject: udp2log: remove ganglia monitoring

udp2log: remove ganglia monitoring

Bug: T177225
Change-Id: I47bc09db8d15cf7024e44a0b673d2668321ca8f9
D modules/udp2log/files/
D modules/udp2log/files/
M modules/udp2log/manifests/monitoring.pp
3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 460 deletions(-)

  Ottomata: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
  jenkins-bot: Verified
  Dzahn: Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/modules/udp2log/files/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index f843902..0000000
--- a/modules/udp2log/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This plugin for logtailer will crunch WMF packet loss logs and return:
-# * average percent loss per server role
-# * ninetieth percentile loss per server role
-# It will throw out
-# * packet loss numbers greater than 98%
-# * large margins of error
-# * margins of error are greater than percent packet loss
-# Note that this plugin depends on a certain apache log format, documented in
-# __init__.
-import time
-import threading
-import re
-# local dependencies
-from ganglia_logtailer_helper import GangliaMetricObject
-from ganglia_logtailer_helper import LogtailerParsingException
-from ganglia_logtailer_helper import LogtailerStateException
-import rolematcher
-class PacketLossLogtailer(object):
-    # only used in daemon mode
-    period = 30
-    def __init__(self):
-        '''This function should initialize any data structures or variables
-        needed for the internal state of the line parser.'''
-        self.last_update_time = time.time()
-        self.day_in_seconds = 24 * 60 * 60
-        self.reset_state()
-        self.lock = threading.RLock()
-        # a list of rolematchers which are simple object to determine the role
-        # of a particular server this list is obtained from crawling
-        # and parse the available
-        # configurations
-        self.matchers = rolematcher.init()
-        # this is what will match the packet loss lines
-        # packet loss format :
-        # %[%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S]t %server lost: (%percentloss ± %margin)
-        # [2011-10-26T21:20:25] lost: (3.61446 ± 19.67462)%
-        # match keys: date, server, percentloss, margin
-        regex = '^\[(?P<date>[^]]+)\] (?P<server>[^ ]+) '
-        regex += 'lost: \((?P<percentloss>[^ ]+) \+\/- (?P<margin>[^)]+)\)%'
-        self.reg = re.compile(regex)
-        # assume we're in daemon mode unless set_check_duration gets called
-        self.dur_override = False
-    # example function for parse line
-    # takes one argument (text) line to be parsed
-    # returns nothing
-    def parse_line(self, line):
-        '''This function should digest the contents of one line at a time,
-        updating the internal state variables.'''
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            regMatch = self.reg.match(line)
-            if regMatch:
-                linebits = regMatch.groupdict()
-                self.num_hits += 1
-                # capture data
-                percentloss = float(linebits['percentloss'])
-                margin = float(linebits['margin'])
-                role = self.determine_role(linebits['server'])
-                # store for 90th % and average calculations
-                # on ssl servers, sequence numbers are out of order.
-                # T79967
-                if((margin <= 20) and (percentloss <= 98)):
-                    self.percentloss_dict.setdefault(role, [])
-                    self.percentloss_dict[role].append(percentloss)
-                    # keep behavior of PacketLossLogtailer consistent with
-                    # previous version and have one overall metric that
-                    # can be used for sending notifications, for now keep
-                    # filtering out HTTPS/IP6 traffic as the packetloss numbers
-                    # are inaccurate.
-                    if role != 'https':
-                        self.percentloss_dict.setdefault('all_roles', [])
-                        self.percentloss_dict['all_roles'].append(percentloss)
-            else:
-                raise LogtailerParsingException("regmatch failed to match")
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.lock.release()
-            raise LogtailerParsingException(
-                "regmatch or contents failed with %s" % e)
-        self.lock.release()
-    def update_rolematchers(self):
-        if (time.time() - self.last_update_time) > self.day_in_seconds:
-            self.matchers = rolematcher.init()
-            self.last_update_time = time.time()
-            if self.matchers == []:
-                #  downloading the roles did not go well apparently
-                #  fall back to hardcoded roles.
-                rolematcher.manual_init()
-    def determine_role(self, hostname):
-        if hostname == 'total':
-            return 'total'
-        # default group for when we were not able to determine the role
-        role = 'misc'
-        for matcher in self.matchers:
-            if matcher == hostname:
-                role = matcher.get_role()
-                break
-        return role
-    # example function for deep copy
-    # takes no arguments
-    # returns one object
-    def deep_copy(self):
-        '''This function should return a copy of the data structure used to
-        maintain state.  This copy should different from the object that is
-        currently being modified so that the other thread can deal with it
-        without fear of it changing out from under it.  The format of this
-        object is internal to the plugin.'''
-        myret = dict(percentloss_dict=self.percentloss_dict)
-        return myret
-    # example function for reset_state
-    # takes no arguments
-    # returns nothing
-    def reset_state(self):
-        '''This function resets the internal data structure to 0 (saving
-        whatever state it needs).  This function should be called
-        immediately after deep copy with a lock in place so the internal
-        data structures can't be modified in between the two calls.  If the
-        time between calls to get_state is necessary to calculate metrics,
-        reset_state should store now() each time it's called, and get_state
-        will use the time since that now() to do its calculations'''
-        self.num_hits = 0
-        self.percentloss_dict = dict()
-        self.last_reset_time = time.time()
-        self.update_rolematchers()
-    # example for keeping track of runtimes
-    # takes no arguments
-    # returns float number of seconds for this run
-    def set_check_duration(self, dur):
-        '''This function only used if logtailer is in cron mode.  If it is
-        invoked, get_check_duration should use this value instead of
-        calculating it.'''
-        self.duration = dur
-        self.dur_override = True
-    def get_check_duration(self):
-        '''This function should return the time since the last check.  If 
-        from cron mode, this must be set using set_check_duration().  If in
-        daemon mode, it should be calculated internally.'''
-        if(self.dur_override):
-            duration = self.duration
-        else:
-            cur_time = time.time()
-            duration = cur_time - self.last_reset_time
-            # the duration should be within 10% of period
-            acceptable_duration_min = self.period - (self.period / 10.0)
-            acceptable_duration_max = self.period + (self.period / 10.0)
-            if (duration < acceptable_duration_min or
-                    duration > acceptable_duration_max):
-                msg = "time calculation problem - "
-                msg += "duration (%s) > 10%% away from period (%s)" % (
-                    duration, self.period)
-                raise LogtailerStateException(msg)
-        return duration
-    # example function for get_state
-    # takes no arguments
-    # returns a dictionary of (metric => metric_object) pairs
-    def get_state(self):
-        '''This function should acquire a lock, call deep copy, get the
-        current time if necessary, call reset_state, then do its
-        calculations.  It should return a list of metric objects.'''
-        # if number of log lines is 0, then return no data
-        if (self.num_hits == 0):
-            return list()
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            mydata = self.deep_copy()
-            self.get_check_duration()
-            self.reset_state()
-            self.lock.release()
-        except LogtailerStateException, e:
-            # if something went wrong with deep_copy or the duration, reset and
-            # continue
-            self.reset_state()
-            self.lock.release()
-            raise e
-        # calculate 90th % and average request times
-        percentloss_dict = mydata['percentloss_dict']
-        metrics = list()
-        for role, percentloss_list in percentloss_dict.iteritems():
-            percentloss_list.sort()
-            num_entries = len(percentloss_list)
-            if (num_entries != 0):
-                packetloss_90th = percentloss_list[int(num_entries * 0.9)]
-                packetloss_ave = sum(percentloss_list) / len(percentloss_list)
-            else:
-                # in this event, all data was thrown out in parse_line
-                packetloss_90th = 99
-                packetloss_ave = 99
-            # package up the data you want to submit
-            # setting tmax to 960 seconds as data may take as long as 15
-            # minutes to be processed
-            if (role == 'all_roles'):
-                packetloss_ave_metric = GangliaMetricObject(
-                    'packet_loss_average', packetloss_ave, units='%', tmax=960)
-                packetloss_90th_metric = GangliaMetricObject(
-                    'packet_loss_90th', packetloss_90th, units='%', tmax=960)
-            else:
-                packetloss_ave_metric = GangliaMetricObject(
-                    'packet_loss_average:%s' % (role), packetloss_ave,
-                    units='%', tmax=960)
-                packetloss_90th_metric = GangliaMetricObject(
-                    'packet_loss_90th:%s' % (role), packetloss_90th,
-                    units='%', tmax=960)
-            metrics.append(packetloss_ave_metric)
-            metrics.append(packetloss_90th_metric)
-        # return a list of metric objects
-        return metrics
diff --git a/modules/udp2log/files/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 52bb03e..0000000
--- a/modules/udp2log/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This script parses the packet-loss.log file and for each server entry
-it determines what it's role is. Server role data has been obtained
-from and can either be downloaded or the
-hard-coded version can be used.
-Purpose of this script is to use it in conjunction with and send packetloss metrics per dc/role to
-Ganglia instead of having one overall packetloss metric.
-When this script is called directly it runs in testmode, is the regular point of entry.
-import httplib
-import json
-import re
-import sys
-import urllib2
-numbers = re.compile('([0-9]+)')
-base_url = ''
-dcs = {
-    'eqiad': ['apaches', 'api', 'bits', 'https', 'mobile', 'rendering', 
'text', 'upload'],
-    'esams': ['bits', 'https', 'text', 'upload'],
-class RoleMatcher(object):
-    def __init__(self, role, regex, start=None, end=None):
-        self.role = role
-        self.regex = re.compile(regex)
-        self.start = start
-        self.end = end
-    def __str__(self):
-        if self.start is not None:
-            return '%s:%s-%s' % (self.role, self.start, self.end)
-        else:
-            return self.role
-    def __eq__(self, hostname):
-        match = self.regex.match(hostname)
-        if match:
-            if self.start and self.end:
-                try:
-                    number = int(
-                except IndexError:
-                    number = -1
-                return self.start <= number and number <= self.end
-            else:
-                return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def get_role(self):
-        return self.role
-def manual_init():
-    '''
-    This is the hard-coded version of the rolematchers, it's useful for
-    testing purposes.
-    '''
-    matchers = [
-        RoleMatcher('eqiad_apache_mw', 'mw([0-9]+)\.eqiad\.wmnet', 1017, 1113),
-        RoleMatcher('eqiad_apache_mw', 'mw([0-9]+)\.eqiad\.wmnet', 1161, 1220),
-        RoleMatcher('eqiad_api_mw', 'mw([0-9]+)\.eqiad\.wmnet', 1189, 1208),
-        RoleMatcher('eqiad_api_mw', 'mw([0-9]+)\.eqiad\.wmnet', 1114, 1148),
-        RoleMatcher('eqiad_text_cp', 'cp(10[0-9]+)', 1001, 1020),
-        RoleMatcher('eqiad_upload_cp', 'cp(10[0-9]+)', 1021, 1036),
-        RoleMatcher('eqiad_mobile_cp', 'cp(104[0-9])+', 1041, 1044),
-        RoleMatcher('eqiad_ssl-ip6_ssl', 'ssl(10[0-9])+', 1001, 1004),
-        RoleMatcher('esams_bits_cp', 'cp(30[0-9]+)\.esams', 3019, 3022),
-        RoleMatcher('esams_upload_cp', 'cp(30[0-9]+)\.esams', 3003, 3010),
-        RoleMatcher('esams_ssl-ip6_ssl', 'ssl(300[0-9]+)\.esams', 3001, 3004),
-        RoleMatcher('esams_text_kns', 'knsq([0-9]+)\.esams', 23, 30),
-        RoleMatcher('esams_upload_knsq', 'knsq([0-9]+)\.esams', 16, 22),
-    ]
-    return matchers
-def parse(data):
-    sections = []
-    section = []
-    for row in data:
-        # pybal outputs python dictionaries but we are not going to use eval(),
-        # hence make the dictionary JSON compatible.
-        row = row.strip().replace('"', '').replace("'", '"')
-        row = row.replace('True', 'true').replace('False', 'false')
-        if row == '':
-            sections.append(section)
-            section = []
-        elif not row.endswith('}'):  # have to strip out some random comments
-            pos = row.find('}')
-            row = row[0:pos]
-        else:
-            if row.startswith('{'):
-                try:
-                    section.append(json.loads(row))
-                except ValueError:
-                    pass
-    sections.append(section)
-    return sections
-def determine_server_id(hostname):
-    match = re.findall(numbers, hostname)
-    try:
-        return int(match[0])
-    except IndexError:
-        return None
-def determine_start_end_range(section, hostname):
-    if len(section) == 1:
-        start = determine_server_id(hostname)
-        end = start
-    else:
-        start = determine_server_id(hostname)
-        end = determine_server_id(section[-1]['host'])
-    return start, end
-def determine_hostname_suffix(hostname):
-    suffix = '.'.join(hostname.split('.')[1:])
-    suffix = suffix.replace('.', '\\.')
-    return suffix
-def determine_hostname_prefix(hostname):
-    prefix = hostname.split('.')[0]
-    prefix = ''.join([i for i in prefix if not i.isdigit()])
-    return prefix
-def fetch_url(url):
-    req = urllib2.Request(url)
-    data = []
-    try:
-        response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
-        data = response.readlines()
-    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
-        sys.stderr.write('HTTPError = %s' % e.code)
-    except urllib2.URLError, e:
-        sys.stderr.write('URLError = %s' % e.reason)
-    except httplib.HTTPException, e:
-        sys.stderr.write('HTTPException')
-    except Exception:
-        '''
-        just to be sure that nothing falls through the cracks
-        '''
-        import traceback
-        sys.stderr.write('Generic exception: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
-    return data
-def init():
-    matchers = []
-    for dc, roles in dcs.iteritems():
-        for role in roles:
-            url = '/'.join([base_url, dc, role])
-            data = fetch_url(url)
-            sections = parse(data)
-            for section in sections:
-                if len(section) > 0:
-                    hostname = section[0]['host']
-                    start, end = determine_start_end_range(section, hostname)
-                    prefix = determine_hostname_prefix(hostname)
-                    suffix = determine_hostname_suffix(hostname)
-                    matcher = RoleMatcher(
-                        '%s_%s_%s' % (dc, role, prefix),
-                        '%s([0-9]+)\.%s' % (prefix, suffix), start, end)
-                    matchers.append(matcher)
-    return matchers
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
-        print ('Please specify path to packetloss log file, '
-               'call this file only for testing purposes.')
-        sys.exit(-1)
-    else:
-        path = sys.argv[1]
-    matchers = init()
-    line_matcher = re.compile(
-        r'^\[(?P<date>[^]]+)\] (?P<server>[^ ]+) '
-        r'lost: \((?P<percentloss>[^ ]+) \+\/- (?P<margin>[^)]+)\)%')
-    fh = open(path, 'r')
-    for line in fh:
-        regMatch = line_matcher.match(line)
-        if regMatch:
-            fields = regMatch.groupdict()
-            hostname = fields['server']
-            role = 'misc'  # default group for when we were not able to 
determine the role
-            for matcher in matchers:
-                if matcher == hostname:
-                    role = matcher.get_role()
-                    break
-            if hostname == 'total':
-                role = 'total'
-            print hostname, role
-    fh.close()
diff --git a/modules/udp2log/manifests/monitoring.pp 
index 47ff6f6..a466e38 100644
--- a/modules/udp2log/manifests/monitoring.pp
+++ b/modules/udp2log/manifests/monitoring.pp
@@ -20,29 +20,4 @@
         group  => 'root',
         source => 'puppet:///modules/udp2log/check_udp2log_procs',
-    if $::standard::has_ganglia {
-        require_package('ganglia-logtailer')
-        file { '':
-            path   => '/usr/share/ganglia-logtailer/',
-            mode   => '0444',
-            owner  => 'root',
-            group  => 'root',
-            source => 'puppet:///modules/udp2log/',
-        }
-        file { '':
-            path   => '/usr/share/ganglia-logtailer/',
-            mode   => '0444',
-            owner  => 'root',
-            group  => 'root',
-            source => 'puppet:///modules/udp2log/',
-        }
-        # send udp2log socket stats to ganglia.
-        # include general UDP statistic monitoring.
-        ganglia::plugin::python{ ['udp_stats', 'udp2log_socket']: }
-    }

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I47bc09db8d15cf7024e44a0b673d2668321ca8f9
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Dzahn <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Dzahn <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Ottomata <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Volans <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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