GoranSMilovanovic has submitted this change and it was merged. ( 
https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/386121 )

Change subject: Semantics Dashboard

Semantics Dashboard

Change-Id: I53b8d162a3e729f388992efdb3d5358ab6646565
M WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/server.R
M WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/ui.R
A WDCM_ShinyServerFrontPage/SemanticsDashboard.png
M WDCM_ShinyServerFrontPage/wdcm_ShinyFront.html
4 files changed, 398 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

  GoranSMilovanovic: Verified; Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/server.R b/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/server.R
index 1ebb4a8..f07ae5b 100644
--- a/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/server.R
+++ b/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/server.R
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
 res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+### --- itemTopicTables
+itemTopicTables <- st$tables[which(grepl("wdcm2_itemtopic_", st$tables, fixed 
= T))]
 ### --- fetch wdcm2_project
 q <- "SELECT * FROM wdcm2_project;"
 res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@
 lF <- lF[grepl("wdcm2_projecttopic_", lF, fixed = T)]
 projectTopic <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(lF))
 for (i in 1:length(lF)) {
-  projectTopic[[i]] <- fread(lF[i])
+  projectTopic[[i]] <- fread(lF[i], data.table = F)
 names(projectTopic) <- sapply(lF, function(x) {
   strsplit(strsplit(x, split = ".", fixed = T)[[1]][1],
@@ -157,6 +160,294 @@
 ### --- shinyServer
 shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
+  ### ------------------------------------------
+  ### --- TAB: tabPanel Semantic Models
+  ### ------------------------------------------
+  ### --- SELECT: update select 'selectCategory'
+  updateSelectizeInput(session,
+                       'selectCategory',
+                       "Select Semantic Category:",
+                       choices = categories,
+                       selected = categories[round(runif(1, 1, 
+                       server = TRUE)
+  ### --- REACTIVE: category specific wdcm_itemtopic data.frame
+  itemTopicsNum <- reactive({
+    sC <- gsub(" ", "", input$selectCategory, fixed = T)
+    sTable <- itemTopicTables[which(grepl(sC, itemTopicTables, fixed = T))]
+    ### -- Connect
+    con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), 
+                     host = "tools.labsdb", 
+                     defult.file = 
+                     dbname = "u16664__wdcm_p",
+                     user = mySQLCreds$user,
+                     password = mySQLCreds$password)
+    ### --- check the particular table
+    q <- paste("DESCRIBE ", sTable, ";", sep = "")
+    res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+    sIT <- fetch(res, -1)
+    dbClearResult(res)
+    ### --- Disconnect
+    dbDisconnect(con)
+    sum(grepl("topic", sIT$Field))
+  })
+  ### --- SELECT: updateSelectizeInput 'selectCatTopic'
+  output$selectCatTopic <-
+    renderUI({
+      if ((is.null(input$selectCategory)) | (length(input$selectCategory) == 
0)) {
+        selectInput(inputId = "selectCategoryTopic",
+                    label = "Select Semantic Topic:",
+                    choices = NULL,
+                    selected = NULL)
+      } else {
+        cH <- paste("Topic", 1:itemTopicsNum(), sep = " ")
+        selectInput(inputId = "selectCategoryTopic",
+                    label = "Select Semantic Topic:",
+                    choices = cH,
+                    selected = cH[1])
+      }
+    })
+  ### --- REACTIVE current itemTopic table:
+  itemTopic <- reactive({
+      sC <- gsub(" ", "", input$selectCategory, fixed = T)
+      sTable <- itemTopicTables[which(grepl(sC, itemTopicTables, fixed = T))]
+      cTopic <- tolower(gsub(" ", "", input$selectCategoryTopic))
+      if (!length(cTopic) == 0) {
+        ### -- Connect
+        con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
+                         host = "tools.labsdb",
+                         defult.file = 
+                         dbname = "u16664__wdcm_p",
+                         user = mySQLCreds$user,
+                         password = mySQLCreds$password)
+        ### --- check the particular table
+        q <- 'SET CHARACTER SET utf8;'
+        res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+        q <- paste("SELECT * FROM ", sTable, " ORDER BY ", cTopic, " DESC 
LIMIT 50;", sep = "")
+        res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+        iT <- fetch(res, -1)
+        dbClearResult(res)
+        ### --- Disconnect
+        dbDisconnect(con)
+        ### --- Output:
+        return(iT) 
+      } else {return(NULL)}
+  })
+  ### --- OUTPUT output$topItemsTopic
+  output$topItemsTopic <- renderPlot({
+    if (!is.null(itemTopic())) {
+      cTopic <- tolower(gsub(" ", "", input$selectCategoryTopic))
+      plotFrame <- itemTopic()
+      plotFrame <- select(plotFrame, 
+                          eu_label, eu_entity_id, cTopic)
+      colnames(plotFrame) <- c('Label', 'Id', 'Probability')
+      plotFrame$Label <- paste(1:dim(plotFrame)[1], ". ", plotFrame$Label, sep 
= "")
+      plotFrame$Label <- factor(plotFrame$Label, 
+                                levels = 
+      plotFrame$Sign <- paste("(", 1:dim(plotFrame)[1], ") ", plotFrame$Id, 
sep = "")
+      ggplot(plotFrame, aes(x = Probability, 
+                            y = Label, 
+                            label = Sign)) +
+        geom_line(size = .25, color = "#4c8cff", group = 1) + 
+        geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "#4c8cff") + 
+        geom_point(size = 1, color = "white") + 
+        geom_label_repel(size = 3, segment.size = .25, show.legend = FALSE) +
+        ylab("Items Labels") + xlab("Item Importance\n(Item Probability in 
Topic)") +
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) + 
+        theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) %>% 
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    } else {return(NULL)}
+  }) 
+  # - output$networkItemsTopic
+  output$networkItemsTopic <- renderVisNetwork({
+    if (!is.null(itemTopic())) {
+      # - normalization: Luce's choice axiom
+      itemNames <- itemTopic()$eu_label
+      root <- select(itemTopic(), starts_with('topic'))
+      root <- as.matrix(parDist(as.matrix(root), method = "euclidean"))
+      rownames(root) <- itemNames
+      colnames(root) <- itemNames
+      indexMinDist <- sapply(rownames(root), function(x) {
+        w <- which(rownames(root) %in% x)
+        y <- sort(root[w, -w], decreasing = T)
+        names(y)[length(y)]
+      })
+      id <- 1:length(colnames(root))
+      label <- colnames(root)
+      nodes <- data.frame(id = id,
+                          label = label,
+                          stringsAsFactors = F)
+      conceptsStruct <- data.frame(from = names(indexMinDist),
+                                   to = unname(indexMinDist),
+                                   stringsAsFactors = F)
+      conceptsStruct$from <- sapply(conceptsStruct$from, function(x) {
+        nodes$id[which(nodes$label %in% x)]
+      })
+      conceptsStruct$to <- sapply(conceptsStruct$to, function(x) {
+        nodes$id[which(nodes$label %in% x)]
+      })
+      conceptsStruct$arrows <- rep("to", length(conceptsStruct$to))
+      visNetwork(nodes = nodes,
+                 edges = conceptsStruct,
+                 width = "100%",
+                 height = "100%") %>%
+        visEvents(type = "once",
+                  startStabilizing = "function() {this.moveTo({scale:0.65})}") 
+        visPhysics(stabilization = FALSE) %>%
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    } else {return(NULL)}
+  })
+  ### --- REACTIVE current pTopic data.frame:
+  pTopic <- reactive({
+    w <- which(names(projectTopic) %in% gsub(" ", "", input$selectCategory, 
fixed = T))
+    if (!length(w) == 0) {
+      pTopic <- as.data.frame(projectTopic[[w]])
+      cTopic <- which(colnames(pTopic) %in% tolower(gsub(" ", "", 
+      if (!length(cTopic) == 0) {
+        pTopic <- pTopic %>% 
+          select(cTopic, project, projecttype) %>% 
+          arrange(desc(pTopic[, cTopic]))
+        pTopic <- pTopic[1:50, ]
+        if (sum(is.na(pTopic$project)) > 0) {
+          pTopic <- pTopic[-which(is.na(pTopic$project)), ]
+        }
+        colnames(pTopic) <- c('Probability', 'Project', 'Project Type')
+        pTopic$Label <- paste(1:dim(pTopic)[1], ". ", pTopic$Project, sep = "")
+        pTopic$Label <- factor(pTopic$Label, 
+                               levels = 
+        return(pTopic)
+      } else {return(NULL)}
+    } else {return(NULL)}
+  })
+  ### --- OUTPUT output$topProjectsTopic
+  output$topProjectsTopic <- renderPlot({
+    if (!is.null(pTopic())) {
+      ggplot(pTopic(), aes(x = Probability, 
+                            y = Label, 
+                            label = Label)) +
+        geom_line(size = .25, color = "#4c8cff", group = 1) + 
+        geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "#4c8cff") + 
+        geom_point(size = 1, color = "white") + 
+        geom_label_repel(size = 3, segment.size = .25, show.legend = FALSE) +
+        ylab("Projects") + xlab("Topic Importance in Project\n(Topic 
Probability in Project)") +
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) + 
+        theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) %>% 
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    } else {return(NULL)}
+  }) 
+  ### ------------------------------------------
+  ### --- TAB: tabPanel Projects
+  ### ------------------------------------------
+  ### --- SELECT: update select 'selectProject'
+  updateSelectizeInput(session,
+                       'selectProject',
+                       choices = c(projects, paste("_", projectTypes, sep = 
+                       selected = "_Wikipedia",
+                       server = TRUE)
+  ### --- REACTIVE: selectedProjects
+  selectedProjects <- reactive({
+    ### --- selected projects:
+    if (!is.null(input$selectProject)) {
+      wUnzip <- which(names(unzip_projectTypes) %in% input$selectProject)
+      if (length(wUnzip > 0)) {
+        selectedProjects <- unname(do.call(c, unzip_projectTypes[wUnzip]))
+      }
+      wSel <- which(projects %in% input$selectProject)
+      if (length(wSel > 0)) {
+        selectedProjects <- c(selectedProjects, projects[wSel])
+      }
+      selectedProjects <- unique(selectedProjects)
+      return(selectedProjects)
+    } else {return(NULL)}
+  })
+  ### --- OBSERVE: input$applySelection
+  observeEvent(input$applySelection, {
+    #### ---  Chart: projectTopicImportance
+    output$projectTopicImportance <- renderPlot({
+      # - Plot Frame for projectTopicImportance
+      projList <- lapply(names(projectTopic), function(x) {
+        cCategory <- which(names(projectTopic) %in% x)
+        cProj <- projectTopic[[cCategory]]
+        if (sum(which(cProj$project %in% isolate(selectedProjects()))) == 0) {
+          return(NULL)
+        } else {
+          cProj <- cProj %>% 
+            filter(project %in% isolate(selectedProjects())) %>% 
+            select(starts_with("topic"), project) %>% 
+            gather(key = Topic, 
+                   value = Probability,
+                   starts_with('topic'))
+          catName <- gsub("([[:lower:]])([[:upper:]])", "\\1 \\2", 
+          # - FIX THIS:
+          catName <- gsub("Workof Art", "Work of Art", catName, fixed = T) 
+          cProj$Category <- catName
+          cProj <- cProj %>% 
+            select(Topic, Probability, Category) %>% 
+            group_by(Category, Topic) %>% 
+            summarise(Proportion = sum(Probability))
+          cProj$Proportion <- 
round(cProj$Proportion/sum(cProj$Proportion)*100, 2)
+          return(cProj)
+        }
+      })
+      wEl <- sapply(projList, function(x) {
+        !is.null(x)
+        })
+      projList <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(projList[wEl]))
+      # - factor projList$Topic:
+      projList$Topic <- str_to_title(gsub("([[:alpha:]]+)", "\\1 ", 
+      projList$Topic <- factor(projList$Topic, levels = unique(projList$Topic))
+      # - visualize w. ggplot2
+      ggplot(projList,
+             aes(x = Topic, 
+                 y = Proportion, 
+                 label = paste(Proportion, "%", sep = ""))
+             ) +
+        geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = .1, color = "#4c8cff", fill = 
"#4c8cff", group = 1) +
+        geom_label(size = 4) +
+        facet_wrap(~ Category, ncol = 3, scales = "free_y") +
+        xlab('Topic') + ylab('Topic Engagement (%)') +
+        scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(strip.text = element_text(size = 13)) %>%
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    })
+  }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
 }) ### --- END shinyServer
diff --git a/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/ui.R b/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/ui.R
index 1eb01a6..e9df674 100644
--- a/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/ui.R
+++ b/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/ui.R
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
                                                                 column(width = 
HTML('<font size=2><b>Note:</b> This page provides an oportunity to study the 
WDCM semantic models. The WDCM organizes its knowledge of Wikidata usage 
HTML('<font size=2>This page provides an oportunity to study the WDCM semantic 
models. The WDCM organizes its knowledge of Wikidata usage 
into <b>semantic categories</b> and currently uses 14 of them. Each semantic 
category encompasses a set of Wikidata items that match a particular intuitive, 
natural concept (e.g. "Human", "Geographical Object", "Event", etc).<br>
The WDCM develops a <b>semantic topic model</b> (see: <a href = 
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topic_model"; target = "_blank">Topic Model</a>) 
for each 
@@ -79,13 +79,71 @@
Wikidata items from the respective semantic category in that topic. Here you 
can browse the semantic categories and inspect 
the structure of topics that are encompassed by the respective semantic model. 
You can also learn about the most important projects in a given category 
for a given topic from its semantic model.<br>
The Dashboard will initialize a random choice of <i>Category</i> and then a 
<i>Topic</i> from its semantic model. Use the drop-down menus to select 
-                                                                            a 
category and a topic from its semantic model.</font>')
The Dashboard will initialize a random choice of <i>Category</i> and pick the 
first <i>Topic</i> from its semantic model. Use the drop-down menus to select 
+                                                                            a 
category and a topic from its semantic model. Three outputs will be generated 
on this page: the Top 50 items chart, the topic similarity network, and the top 
projects in this topic chart (scroll down).</font>')
-                                                              # - fluidRow: 
+                                                              # - fluidRow: 
+                                                                br(),
+                                                                column(width = 
       "Select Item Category:",
       multiple = F,
       choices = NULL,
       selected = NULL)
+                                                                       ),
+                                                                column(width = 
+                                                                       )
+                                                                ),
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                column(width = 
+                                                                       hr(),
+                                                                       h4('Top 
50 items in this topic'),
HTML('<font size="2">The chart represents the top 50 most important items in 
this topic. The importance of each item is given by its 
probability of being generated by this particular semantic topic (horizontal 
axis). The items are ranked; the rank numbers next to the labels 
+                                                                            on 
the vertical axis correspond to the rank numbers in parentheses next to data 
labels that show the item Wikidata IDs.
<i>There\'s a game that you can play here:</i> ask yourself what makes this 50 
items go together, what makes them similar, what unifying principle 
holds them together in the same semantic topic? Do not forget: it is not only 
about what you know about the World, but also about how our communities use 
Wikidata on their respective projects.</font>'),
+                                                                       br(), 
               width = "100%",
               height = "850px"))
+                                                                       )
+                                                              ),
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                column(width = 
+                                                                       hr(),
h4('Topic similarity network'),
HTML('<font size="2">Each bubble represents one among the top 50 most important 
items in this semantic topic. Each item points towards the 
the item to which it is most similar. Similarity between items is derived not 
only from item importances (i.e. probabilities) in this topic, but 
from all topics that are encompasses by this category\'s semantic model. In 
interpreting the similarities, do not forget that game is not only 
about what you know about the World, but also about how different communities 
use Wikidata. The more similarly the items are used across the 
sister projects, the more likely they will group together in this network. You 
can drag the network and the nodes around and zoom in and out by 
your mouse wheel.</font>'),
+                                                                       br(), 
withSpinner(visNetwork::visNetworkOutput('networkItemsTopic', height = 850))
+                                                                )
+                                                              ),
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                column(width = 
+                                                                       hr(),
+                                                                       h4('Top 
50 projects in this topic'),
HTML('<font size="2">To put it in a nutshell: here you can see what projects 
use the selected topic from the respective semantic category the most. 
The chart represents the top 50 projects in respect to the prominence of the 
selected topic. In the WDCM topic models, 
the usage pattern of any particular semantic category of Wikidata items, in a 
particular project, can be viewed as a mixture of semantic topics 
from the respective category\'s semantic model. Thus, each project\'s usage 
pattern in a particular semantic category can be expressed 
+                                                                            as 
a set of proportions up to which each topic contributes to it. The horizontal 
axis represents the proportion (e.g. the probability) of the 
selected topic\'s presence in a particular project. Projects are found on the 
vertical axis, with the rank numbers corresponding to those near 
the data points in the chart.</font>'),
+                                                                       br(), 
               width = "100%",
               height = "850px"))
+                                                                )
                                                               ), # - tabPanel 
Semantic Models END
@@ -96,28 +154,57 @@
column(width = 6,
 HTML('<font size = 2>Here you can make <b>selections</b> of client projects 
and semantic categories to learn about Wikidata 
 usage across them.<br> <b>Note:</b> You can search and add projects into the 
<i>Search projects</i> field by 
 HTML('<font size = 2>Here you can make a selection of projects and learn about 
the importance of all available semantic topics from 
 each semantic category in the project(s) of your choice. <b>Note:</b> You can 
search and add projects into the <i>Search projects</i> field by 
 using (a) <b>project names</b> (e.g. <i>enwiki</i>, <i>dewiki</i>, 
<i>sawikiquote</i>, and similar or (b) by using 
 <b>project types</b> that start with <b>"_"</b> (underscore, e.g. 
<i>_Wikipedia</i>, <i>_Wikisource</i>, <i>_Commons</i>, and 
 similar; try typing anything into the Select projects field that starts with 
an underscore). Please note that by selecting 
 a project type (again: <i>_Wikipedia</i>, <i>_Wikiquote</i>, and similar) you 
are selecting <b>all</b> client 
 projects of the respective type, and that\'s potentially a lot of data. The 
Dashboard will pick unique 
 projects from whatever you have inserted into the Search projects field. The 
selection of projects will be intesected 
 with the selection of semantic categories from the Select categories field, 
and the obtained results will refer only 
 to the Wikidata items from the current selection of client projects <i>and</i> 
semantic categories. 
 In other words: <i>disjunction</i> operates inside the two search fields, 
while <i>conjunction</i> operates 
 across the two search fields.<br> <b>Note:</b> The Dashboard will initialize a 
choice of three project types 
 (<i>Wikipedia</i>, <i>Wikinews</i>, and <i>Wiktionary</i>) and a random choice 
of six semantic categories. All charts will present at 
 most 25 top projects in respect to the Wikidata usage and relative to the 
current selection; however, <b>complete 
 selection data sets</b> are available for download (<i>.csv</i>) beneath each 
 projects from whatever you have inserted into the Search projects field. <br> 
<b>Note:</b> The Dashboard will initialize with a choice of 
 all <i>Wikipedia</i> projects. Then you can make a selection of projects of 
your own and hit <i>Apply Selection</i> to obtain the result.</font>'),
 br(), br()
+                                                              # - fluidRow: 
+                                                                br(),
+                                                                column(width = 
       "Select Projects:",
       multiple = T,
       choices = NULL,
       selected = NULL, 
       width = 800)
+                                                                )
+                                                              ),
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                column(width = 
     label = "Apply Selection",
     width = '70%',
     icon = icon("database", 
                 class = NULL, 
                 lib = "font-awesome")
+                                                                       )
+                                                                )
+                                                              ),
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                column(width = 
+                                                                       hr(),
h4('Semantic Topics in Wikimedia Projects'),
HTML('<font size="2">The vertical axes represent the % of topic engagement in 
this particular selection of Wikimedia projects. <br>
<b>Note:</b> Please be remindided that semantic topics are 
<i>category-specific</i>: each category has its own semantic model, and each 
semantic model encompasses a number of topics. To clarify: Topic 1 is not the 
same thing in two different categories. You can learn about 
the content of any semantic topic in any of the semantic categories on the 
<i>Semantic Models</i> tab - and in fact that is what one should 
+                                                                            do 
<i>before</i> any attempt to interpret the data that are provided 
+                                                                       br(), 
               width = "100%",
               height = "1000px"))
+                                                                )
                                                               ) # - tabPanel 
Projects END
diff --git a/WDCM_ShinyServerFrontPage/SemanticsDashboard.png 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..159803b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WDCM_ShinyServerFrontPage/SemanticsDashboard.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/WDCM_ShinyServerFrontPage/wdcm_ShinyFront.html 
index d9368c4..fa93e8b 100644
--- a/WDCM_ShinyServerFrontPage/wdcm_ShinyFront.html
+++ b/WDCM_ShinyServerFrontPage/wdcm_ShinyFront.html
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
 <div id="shiny">
-        <h2>WDCM Dahsboards</h2>
+        <h2>WDCM Dashboards</h2>
         <a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/";><h4>WDCM 
          <a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/";><img 
src="OverviewDashboard.png" alt="WDCM Overview" style="width:300px;"></a>
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@
-        <a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_UsageDashboard/";><h4>WDCM 
-         <a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_UsageDashboard/";><img 
src="UsageDashboard.png" alt="WDCM Usage" style="width:300px;"></a>
+        <a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/";><h4>WDCM 
+         <a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/";><img 
src="SemanticsDashboard.png" alt="WDCM Semantics" style="width:300px;"></a>
         <div class="caption">
         The Semantics Dashboard provides an insight into the distributional

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I53b8d162a3e729f388992efdb3d5358ab6646565
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: analytics/wmde/WDCM
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: GoranSMilovanovic <goran.milovanovic_...@wikimedia.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: GoranSMilovanovic <goran.milovanovic_...@wikimedia.de>

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