jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )

Change subject: Init


Change-Id: Ifa894d8effc9cf713bf7b36bd23e46f8e7a7b48c
A server.R
A ui.R
A www/Wikidata-logo-en.png
3 files changed, 1,554 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  Addshore: Looks good to me, approved
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/server.R b/server.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bdfdd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server.R
@@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- WDCM Usage Dashboard, v. Beta 0.1
+### --- Script: server.R, v. Beta 0.1
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- Setup
+rm(list = ls())
+### --------------------------------
+### --- general
+### --- compute
+### --- visualization
+### --- Server (Session) Scope
+### --------------------------------
+### --- Credentials
+# setwd('/home/goransm/WMDE/WDCM/WDCM_RScripts/WDCM_Dashboard/aux')
+mySQLCreds <- fread("mySQLCreds.csv", 
+                    header = T,
+                    drop = 1)
+### -- Connect
+con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), 
+                 host = "tools.labsdb", 
+                 defult.file = 
+                 dbname = "u16664__wdcm_p",
+                 user = mySQLCreds$user,
+                 password = mySQLCreds$password)
+### --- list existing tables
+q <- "SHOW TABLES;"
+res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+st <- fetch(res, -1)
+colnames(st) <- "tables"
+### --- SET CHARACTER SET utf8
+q <- "SET CHARACTER SET utf8;"
+res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+### --- fetch wdcm2_project
+q <- "SELECT * FROM wdcm2_project;"
+res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+wdcmProject <- fetch(res, -1)
+colnames(wdcmProject) <- c('Project', 'Usage', 'Project Type')
+### --- fetch wdcm2_project_category
+q <- "SELECT * FROM wdcm2_project_category;"
+res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+wdcmProjectCategory <- fetch(res, -1)
+colnames(wdcmProjectCategory) <- c('Project', 'Category', 'Usage', 'Project 
+### --- fetch wdcm2_project_item100
+q <- "SELECT * FROM wdcm2_project_item100;"
+res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+wdcmProjectItem100 <- fetch(res, -1)
+colnames(wdcmProjectItem100) <- c('Project', 'EntityID', 'Usage', 'Project 
Type', 'Label')
+### --- fetch wdcm2_project_category_item100
+q <- "SELECT * FROM wdcm2_project_category_item100;"
+res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+wdcmProjectCategoryItem100 <- fetch(res, -1)
+colnames(wdcmProjectCategoryItem100) <- c('Project', 'Category', 'EntityID', 
'Usage', 'Project Type', 'Label')
+### --- fetch wdcm2_category
+q <- "SELECT * FROM wdcm2_category;"
+res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+wdcmCategory <- fetch(res, -1)
+colnames(wdcmCategory) <- c('Category', 'Usage')
+### --- fetch wdcm2_category_item100
+q <- "SELECT * FROM wdcm2_category_item100;"
+res <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
+wdcmCategoryItem100 <- fetch(res, -1)
+colnames(wdcmCategoryItem100) <- c('EntityID', 'Usage', 'Category', 'Label')
+### --- Disconnect
+### --- Compute per `Project Type` tables
+# - wdcmProjectType
+wdcmProjectType <- wdcmProject %>% 
+  group_by(`Project Type`) %>% 
+  summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>% 
+  arrange(desc(Usage))
+# - wdcmProjectTypeCategory
+wdcmProjectTypeCategory <- wdcmProjectCategory %>% 
+  group_by(`Project Type`, Category) %>% 
+  summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>% 
+  arrange(desc(Usage))
+# - wdcmProjectTypeItem100
+wdcmProjectTypeItem100 <- wdcmProjectItem100 %>% 
+  select(`Project Type`, EntityID, Label, Usage) %>% 
+  group_by(`Project Type`, EntityID, Label) %>% 
+  summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>% 
+  arrange(`Project Type`, desc(Usage))
+### --- Compute project similarity structure
+projectSimilarity <- wdcmProjectCategory %>% 
+  dplyr::select(Project, Category, Usage) %>% 
+  tidyr::spread(key = Category,
+         value = Usage,
+         fill = 0)
+projectNames <- projectSimilarity$Project
+projectSimilarity$Project <- NULL
+# - normalize:
+projectSimilarity <- t(apply(projectSimilarity, 1, function(x) {x/sum(x)}))
+# projectSimilarity[projectSimilarity > 0] <- 1
+projectSimilarity <- as.matrix(parDist(as.matrix(projectSimilarity), method = 
+rownames(projectSimilarity) <- projectNames
+colnames(projectSimilarity) <- projectNames
+### - Determine Constants
+# - determine Projects
+projects <- wdcmProject$Project
+# - determine present Project Types
+projectTypes <- unique(wdcmProject$`Project Type`)
+# - and assign Brewer colors
+lengthProjectColor <- length(unique(wdcmProject$`Project Type`))
+projectTypeColor <- brewer.pal(lengthProjectColor, "Set1")
+names(projectTypeColor) <- unique(wdcmProject$`Project Type`)
+# - determine Categories
+categories <- wdcmCategory$Category
+# - totalUsage
+totalUsage <- sum(wdcmProject$Usage)
+totalProjects <- length(wdcmProject$Project)
+totalCategories <- length(wdcmCategory$Category)
+totalProjectTypes <- length(wdcmProjectType$`Project Type`)
+### --- prepare search constants for Tabs/Crosstabs
+search_projectTypes <- paste("_", projectTypes, sep = "")
+unzip_projectTypes <- lapply(projectTypes, function(x) {
+  wdcmProject$Project[which(wdcmProject$`Project Type` %in% x)]
+names(unzip_projectTypes) <- search_projectTypes
+### --- shinyServer
+shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### --- BASIC FACTS
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### --- valueBox: totalUsage
+  # output$totalUsageBox
+  output$totalUsageBox <- renderValueBox({
+    valueBox(
+      value = as.character(totalUsage),
+      subtitle = "Total Wikidata Item Usage",
+      icon = icon("bars", lib = "font-awesome"),
+      color = "blue"
+    )
+  }) # END output$totalUsageBox
+  ### --- valueBox: totalProjects
+  # output$totalProjectsBox
+  output$totalProjectsBox <- renderValueBox({
+    valueBox(
+      value = as.character(totalProjects),
+      subtitle = "Projects Tracked",
+      icon = icon("bars", lib = "font-awesome"),
+      color = "blue"
+    )
+  }) # END output$totalProjectsBox
+  ### --- valueBox: totalCategories
+  # output$totalCategoriesBox
+  output$totalCategoriesBox <- renderValueBox({
+    valueBox(
+      value = as.character(totalCategories),
+      subtitle = "Semantic Categories",
+      icon = icon("bars", lib = "font-awesome"),
+      color = "blue"
+    )
+  }) # END output$totalCategoriesBox
+  ### --- valueBox: totalProjectTypes
+  # output$totalProjectTypesBox
+  output$totalProjectTypesBox <- renderValueBox({
+    valueBox(
+      value = as.character(totalProjectTypes),
+      subtitle = "Project Types",
+      icon = icon("bars", lib = "font-awesome"),
+      color = "blue"
+    )
+  }) # END output$totalProjectTypesBox
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### --- SELECT: update select 'categories'
+  updateSelectizeInput(session,
+                       'categories',
+                       choices = categories,
+                       selected = categories[round(runif(1, 1, 
+                       server = TRUE)
+  ### --- htmlOutput: categoryProjects_overview_Title
+  output$categoryProjects_overview_Title <- renderText({
+    paste("<b>", input$categories, " top 30 projects:</b>")
+  })
+  ### --- lineplot: categoryProjects_overview
+  output$categoryProjects_overview <- renderPlot({
+    if (!(input$categories == "")) {
+      plotFrame <- wdcmProjectCategory %>% 
+        select(Project, Category, Usage) %>% 
+        filter(Category %in% input$categories) %>% 
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      otherSum <- sum(plotFrame$Usage[31:dim(plotFrame)[1]]) 
+      other <- data.frame(Project = 'Other', 
+                          Category = input$categories,
+                          Usage = otherSum,
+                          stringsAsFactors = F)
+      plotFrame <- rbind(plotFrame[1:30, ], other)
+      plotFrame$Percent <- 
paste(round(plotFrame$Usage/sum(plotFrame$Usage)*100, 2),
+                                 "%", sep = "")
+      plotFrame$Project <- factor(plotFrame$Project, 
+                                levels = 
+      ggplot(plotFrame, aes(x = Usage, y = Project)) +
+        geom_line(size = .35, color = "firebrick", group = 1) +
+        geom_point(size = 2, color = "firebrick") +
+        geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "white") + 
+        geom_text_repel(aes(label = plotFrame$Percent), 
+                        size = 3) +
+        xlab("Item Usage") + ylab("Project") +
+        scale_x_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, size = 9, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) %>% 
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    } else {
+      return(NULL)
+    }
+  })
+  ### --- htmlOutput: categoryItems_overview_Title
+  output$categoryItems_overview_Title <- renderText({
+    paste("<b>", input$categories, " top 30 Wikidata items:</b>")
+  })
+  ### --- lineplot: categoryItems_overview
+  output$categoryItems_overview <- renderPlot({
+    if (!(input$categories == "")) {
+      plotFrame <- wdcmCategoryItem100 %>% 
+        filter(Category %in% input$categories) %>% 
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      plotFrame <- plotFrame[1:30, ] 
+      plotFrame$Label <- factor(plotFrame$Label, 
+                                  levels = 
+      ggplot(plotFrame, aes(x = Usage, y = Label)) +
+        geom_line(size = .35, color = "firebrick", group = 1) +
+        geom_point(size = 2, color = "firebrick") +
+        geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "white") + 
+        geom_text_repel(aes(label = plotFrame$EntityID), 
+                        size = 3) +
+        xlab("Item Usage") + ylab("Item") +
+        scale_x_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, size = 9, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) %>% 
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    } else {
+      return(NULL)
+    }
+  })
+  ### --- lineplot: basicFacts_CategoryLine
+  output$basicFacts_CategoryLine <- renderPlot({
+    plotFrame <- wdcmCategory
+    plotFrame$Percent <- paste(round(plotFrame$Usage/sum(plotFrame$Usage)*100, 
+                               "%", sep = "")
+    plotFrame$Category <- factor(plotFrame$Category, 
+                                 levels = 
+    ggplot(plotFrame, aes(x = Usage, y = Category)) +
+      geom_line(size = .35, color = "firebrick", group = 1) +
+      geom_point(size = 2, color = "firebrick") +
+      geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "white") + 
+      geom_text_repel(aes(label = plotFrame$Percent), 
+                      size = 3) +
+      xlab("Item Usage") + ylab("Category") +
+      scale_x_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+      theme_minimal() +
+      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, size = 9, hjust = 1)) +
+      theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+      theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) %>% 
+      withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                   min = 0,
+                   max = 1,
+                   value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+  })
+  ### --- barplot: basicFacts_ProjectTypeCategory
+  output$basicFacts_ProjectTypeCategory <- renderPlot({
+    ggplot(wdcmProjectTypeCategory, aes(y = log(Usage), x = Category, color = 
Category, fill = Category)) +
+      geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = .15) + 
+      facet_wrap(~wdcmProjectTypeCategory$`Project Type`, ncol = 3) +
+      xlab("Category") + ylab("log(Item Usage)") +
+      theme_minimal() +
+      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 9, hjust = 1)) +
+      theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+      theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) + 
+      theme(legend.position = "top") +
+      theme(strip.background = element_blank()) + 
+      theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "bold")) %>% 
+      withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                   min = 0,
+                   max = 1,
+                   value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+  })
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### --- SELECT: update select 'projects'
+  updateSelectizeInput(session,
+                       'projects',
+                       choices = projects,
+                       selected = projects[round(runif(1, 1, 
+                       server = TRUE)
+  ### --- barplot: projectOverview_Category
+  output$projectOverview_Category <- renderPlot({
+    plotFrame <- wdcmProjectCategory %>% 
+      filter(Project %in% input$projects)
+    ggplot(plotFrame, aes(y = Usage, x = Category, color = Category, fill = 
Category)) +
+      geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = .15) + 
+      xlab("Category") + ylab("Item Usage") +
+      scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+      theme_minimal() +
+      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 9, hjust = 1)) +
+      theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+      theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) + 
+      theme(legend.position = "top") + 
+      theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
+      withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                   min = 0,
+                   max = 1,
+                   value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+  })
+  ### --- htmlOutput: projectOverview_Report
+  output$projectOverview_Report <- renderText({
+    # - project:
+    project <- input$projects
+    # - total project rank:
+    totalRank <- which(wdcmProject$Project %in% input$projects)
+    # - total projects:
+    totalProjects <- length(projects)
+    # - usage volume:
+    volume <- wdcmProject$Usage[totalRank]
+    # - percentage of total Wikidata usage:
+    percVolume <- paste(round(volume/sum(wdcmProject$Usage)*100, 2), "%", sep 
= "")
+    # - rank in its `Project Type`
+    projectType <- wdcmProject$`Project Type`[totalRank]
+    rankType <- wdcmProject %>% 
+      filter(`Project Type` %in% projectType) %>% 
+      arrange(desc(Usage))
+    rankProjectType <- which(rankType$Project %in% project)
+    # - total projects of this type
+    totalProjectType <- dim(rankType)[1]
+    paste("<p align = \"right\"><br><br><br><br>Wikidata usage on <b>", 
project, "</b>:<br><br>", "<font size = 2><b>", project, "</b> ", " has a total 
Wikidata usage volume of <b>", 
+          volume, "</b> items (<b>", percVolume, "</b> of total Wikidata usage 
across the 
+          client projects).<br>In terms of Wikidata usage, it is ranked <b>", 
totalRank, "/", totalProjects, "</b> among all client projects, and <b>", 
+          rankProjectType, "/", totalProjectType, ".</b> in 
+          its Project Type (<b><i>", projectType, "</i></b>).</font></p>", sep 
= "") %>% 
+      withProgress(message = 'Generating report',
+                   min = 0,
+                   max = 1,
+                   value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+  })
+  ### --- htmlOutput: projectOverview_relativeRank_Title
+  output$projectOverview_relativeRank_Title <- renderText({
+    paste("<b>", input$projects, " Wikidata usage rank:</b>")
+  })
+  ### --- barplot: projectOverview_relativeRank
+  output$projectOverview_relativeRank <- renderPlot({
+    if (!(input$projects == "")) {
+      ix <- which(wdcmProject$Project %in% input$projects)
+      ixRange <- seq(ix-10, ix+10, by = 1)
+      ixRange <- ixRange[which(ixRange > 0 & ixRange <= 
+      plotFrame <- wdcmProject[ixRange, ]
+      plotFrame$Rank <- ixRange
+      plotFrame$Color <- rep('cadetblue3', dim(plotFrame)[1])
+      plotFrame$Fill <- rep('white', dim(plotFrame)[1])
+      plotFrame$Fill[which(plotFrame$Project %in% input$projects)] <- 
+      plotFrame$Project <- factor(plotFrame$Project, 
+                                  levels = 
+      ggplot(plotFrame, aes(y = Usage, x = Project, color = Color, fill = 
Fill, label = Rank)) +
+        geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = .1, color = plotFrame$Color, fill 
= plotFrame$Fill) + 
+        xlab("Project") + ylab("Item Usage") +
+        scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+        geom_label(fill = "cadetblue3",
+                   colour = "white", 
+                   fontface = "bold", 
+                   position = position_dodge(width = 1),
+                   size = 4) + 
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(legend.position = "none") +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 9, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) %>% 
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    } else {
+      return(NULL)
+    }
+  })
+  ### --- htmlOutput: projectOverview_semantics_Title
+  output$projectOverview_semantics_Title <- renderText({
+    paste("<b>", input$projects, " Semantic Neighbourhood:</b>")
+  })
+  ### --- visNetwork: projectOverview_semantics
+  # - output$projectOverview_semantics
+  output$projectOverview_semantics <- renderVisNetwork({
+    if (!(input$projects == "")) {
+      # - select project
+      ix <- which(rownames(projectSimilarity) %in% input$projects)
+      # - select semantic neighbourhood of 15 projects
+      neighbourhood <- c(names(sort(projectSimilarity[ix, -ix], decreasing = 
+                         rownames(projectSimilarity)[ix])
+      projectsMat <- projectSimilarity[neighbourhood, neighbourhood]
+      # - find most proximal neighbours
+      indexMinDist <- sapply(rownames(projectsMat), function(x) {
+        w <- which(rownames(projectsMat) %in% x)
+        y <- sort(projectsMat[w, -w], decreasing = T)
+        names(y)[length(y)]
+      })
+      id <- 1:length(colnames(projectsMat))
+      label <- colnames(projectsMat)
+      ncolor <- rep("grey", length(colnames(projectsMat)))
+      w <- which(colnames(projectsMat) %in% input$projects)
+      ncolor[w] <- "cadetblue"
+      nodes <- data.frame(id = id,
+                          label = label,
+                          color = ncolor,
+                          stringsAsFactors = F)
+      conceptsStruct <- data.frame(from = names(indexMinDist),
+                                   to = unname(indexMinDist),
+                                   stringsAsFactors = F)
+      conceptsStruct$from <- sapply(conceptsStruct$from, function(x) {
+        nodes$id[which(nodes$label %in% x)]
+      })
+      conceptsStruct$to <- sapply(conceptsStruct$to, function(x) {
+        nodes$id[which(nodes$label %in% x)]
+      })
+      conceptsStruct$arrows <- rep("to", length(conceptsStruct$to))
+      visNetwork(nodes = nodes,
+                 edges = conceptsStruct,
+                 width = "100%",
+                 height = "100%") %>%
+        visEvents(type = "once",
+                  startStabilizing = "function() {this.moveTo({scale:0.5})}") 
+        visPhysics(stabilization = FALSE) %>%
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    } else {
+      return(NULL)
+      }
+  })
+  ### --- htmlOutput: projectOverview_topItems_Title
+  output$projectOverview_topItems_Title <- renderText({
+    paste("<b>", input$projects, " top 30 Wikidata items:</b>")
+  })
+  ### --- lineplot: projectOverview_topItems
+  output$projectOverview_topItems <- renderPlot({
+    if (!(input$projects == "")) {
+      plotFrame <- wdcmProjectItem100 %>% 
+        filter(Project %in% input$projects) %>% 
+        arrange(desc(Usage))
+      w <- which(!duplicated(plotFrame$Label))
+      plotFrame <- plotFrame[w, ]
+      plotFrame <- plotFrame[1:30, ]
+      plotFrame$Label <- factor(plotFrame$Label, 
+                                  levels = 
+      ggplot(plotFrame, aes(x = Usage, y = Label)) +
+        geom_line(size = .35, color = "darkblue", group = 1) +
+        geom_point(size = 2, color = "darkblue") +
+        geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "white") + 
+        geom_text_repel(aes(label = plotFrame$EntityID), 
+                        size = 3) +
+        xlab("Item Usage") + ylab("Item") +
+        scale_x_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+        theme_minimal() +
+        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, size = 9, hjust = 1)) +
+        theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+        theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) %>% 
+        withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                     min = 0,
+                     max = 1,
+                     value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+    } else {
+      return(NULL)
+    }
+  })
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### --- SELECT: update select 'selectProject'
+  updateSelectizeInput(session,
+                       'selectProject',
+                       choices = c(projects, paste("_", projectTypes, sep = 
+                       selected = c("_Wikipedia", "_Wikinews", "_Wiktionary"),
+                       server = TRUE)
+  ### --- SELECT: update select 'selectCategories'
+  updateSelectizeInput(session,
+                       'selectCategories',
+                       choices = categories,
+                       selected = categories[round(runif(6, 1, 
+                       server = TRUE)
+  tabsDataset <- reactive({
+    ### --- selected projects:
+    selectedProjects <- character()
+    wUnzip <- which(names(unzip_projectTypes) %in% input$selectProject)
+    if (length(wUnzip > 0)) {
+      selectedProjects <- unname(, unzip_projectTypes[wUnzip]))
+    }
+    wSel <- which(projects %in% input$selectProject)
+    if (length(wSel > 0)) {
+      selectedProjects <- c(selectedProjects, projects[wSel])
+    }
+    selectedProjects <- unique(selectedProjects)
+    output$testSelectedProjects <- renderText({
+      paste(selectedProjects, collapse = ", ", sep = "")
+    })
+    ### --- selected categories:
+    selectedCategories <- input$selectCategories
+    ### --- output
+    out <- wdcmProjectCategory %>% 
+      filter(Project %in% selectedProjects & Category %in% selectedCategories)
+    out
+  })
+  ### --- OBSERVE: input$applySelection
+  observeEvent(input$applySelection, {
+      #### ---  Chart: tabulations_projectsChart
+      output$tabulations_projectsChart <- renderPlot({
+        # - Chart Frame for output$tabulations_projectsChart
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          group_by(Project) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        # - top 25 projects:
+        if (dim(plotFrame)[1] >= 25) {
+          plotFrame <- plotFrame[1:25, ]
+        }
+        plotFrame$Project <- factor(plotFrame$Project, 
+                                    levels = 
+        # - express labels as K, M:
+        plotFrame$Label <- sapply(plotFrame$Usage, function(x) {
+          if (x >= 1e+03 & x < 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+03, 1), "K", sep = "")
+          } else if (x > 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+06, 1), "M", sep = "")
+          } else {
+            out <- as.character(x)
+          }
+          return(out)
+        })
+        # - Plot
+        ggplot(plotFrame,
+               aes(x = Project, y = Usage, label = Label)) +
+          geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = .6, fill = "#4c8cff") +
+          xlab('Projects') + ylab('Entity Usage') +
+          ylim(0, max(plotFrame$Usage) + .1*max(plotFrame$Usage)) +
+          scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+          geom_label(size = 3, vjust = -.1) +
+          theme_minimal() +
+          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+          theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15)) %>%
+          withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                       min = 0,
+                       max = 1,
+                       value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+      })
+      # - Download Frame: tabulations_projectsChart
+      tabulations_projectsDownload_Frame <- reactive({
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          group_by(Project) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        plotFrame
+      })
+      # - Download: tabulations_projectsChart
+      output$tabulations_projectsDownload_Frame <- downloadHandler(
+        filename = function() {
+          'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+        content = function(file) {
+          write.csv(tabulations_projectsDownload_Frame(),
+                    file,
+                    quote = FALSE,
+                    row.names = FALSE)
+        },
+        contentType = "text/csv"
+      )
+      #### ---  Chart: tabulations_categoriesChart
+      output$tabulations_categoriesChart <- renderPlot({
+        # - Chart Frame for output$tabulations_categoriesChart
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          group_by(Category) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        # - top 25 categories:
+        if (dim(plotFrame)[1] > 25) {
+          plotFrame <- plotFrame[1:25, ]
+        }
+        plotFrame$Category <- factor(plotFrame$Category, 
+                                    levels = 
+        # - express labels as K, M:
+        plotFrame$Label <- sapply(plotFrame$Usage, function(x) {
+          if (x >= 1e+03 & x < 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+03, 1), "K", sep = "")
+          } else if (x > 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+06, 1), "M", sep = "")
+          } else {
+            out <- as.character(x)
+          }
+          return(out)
+        })
+        # - Plot
+        ggplot(plotFrame,
+               aes(x = Category, y = Usage, label = Label)) +
+          geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = .6, fill = "#4c8cff") +
+          xlab('Category') + ylab('Entity Usage') +
+          ylim(0, max(plotFrame$Usage) + .1*max(plotFrame$Usage)) +
+          scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+          geom_label(size = 3, vjust = -.1) +
+          theme_minimal() +
+          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+          theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15)) %>%
+          withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                       min = 0,
+                       max = 1,
+                       value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+      })
+      # - Download Frame: tabulations_categoriesChart
+      tabulations_categoriesDownload_Frame <- reactive({
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          group_by(Category) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        plotFrame
+      })
+      # - Download: tabulations_categoriesChart
+      output$tabulations_categoriesDownload_Frame <- downloadHandler(
+        filename = function() {
+          'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+        content = function(file) {
+          write.csv(tabulations_categoriesDownload_Frame(),
+                    file,
+                    quote = FALSE,
+                    row.names = FALSE)
+        },
+        contentType = "text/csv"
+      )
+      #### ---  Chart: tabulations_projectTypesChart
+      output$tabulations_projectTypesChart <- renderPlot({
+        # - Chart Frame for output$tabulations_projectTypesChart
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          group_by(`Project Type`) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        # - top 25 categories:
+        if (dim(plotFrame)[1] > 25) {
+          plotFrame <- plotFrame[1:25, ]
+        }
+        plotFrame$`Project Type` <- factor(plotFrame$`Project Type`, 
+                                     levels = plotFrame$`Project 
+        # - express labels as K, M:
+        plotFrame$Label <- sapply(plotFrame$Usage, function(x) {
+          if (x >= 1e+03 & x < 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+03, 1), "K", sep = "")
+          } else if (x > 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+06, 1), "M", sep = "")
+          } else {
+            out <- as.character(x)
+          }
+          return(out)
+        })
+        # - Plot
+        ggplot(plotFrame,
+               aes(x = `Project Type`, y = Usage, label = Label)) +
+          geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = .6, fill = "#4c8cff") +
+          xlab('Project Type') + ylab('Entity Usage') +
+          ylim(0, max(plotFrame$Usage) + .1*max(plotFrame$Usage)) +
+          scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+          geom_label(size = 3, vjust = -.1) +
+          theme_minimal() +
+          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+          theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15)) %>%
+          withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                       min = 0,
+                       max = 1,
+                       value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+      })
+      # - Download Frame: tabulations_projectTypesChart
+      tabulations_projectTypesChartDownload_Frame <- reactive({
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          group_by(`Project Type`) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        plotFrame
+      })
+      # - Download: tabulations_projectTypesChart
+      output$tabulations_projectTypesChart_Frame <- downloadHandler(
+        filename = function() {
+          'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+        content = function(file) {
+          write.csv(tabulations_projectTypesChartDownload_Frame(),
+                    file,
+                    quote = FALSE,
+                    row.names = FALSE)
+        },
+        contentType = "text/csv"
+      )
+      #### ---  Chart: crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChart
+      output$crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChart <- renderPlot({
+        # - Chart Frame for output$crosstabulations_projectsCategoriessChart
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        projectOrder <- plotFrame %>%
+          group_by(Project) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>%
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        selProj <- projectOrder$Project[1:25]
+        plotFrame <- plotFrame %>% 
+          filter(Project %in% selProj)
+        # - express labels as K, M:
+        plotFrame$Label <- sapply(plotFrame$Usage, function(x) {
+          if (x >= 1e+03 & x < 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+03, 1), "K", sep = "")
+          } else if (x > 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+06, 1), "M", sep = "")
+          } else {
+            out <- as.character(x)
+          }
+          return(out)
+        })
+        plotFrame$Project <- factor(plotFrame$Project,
+                                    levels = selProj)
+        # - Plot
+        ggplot(plotFrame,
+               aes(x = Project, y = Usage, label = Label)) +
+          geom_line(size = .25, color = "#4c8cff", group = 1) +
+          geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "#4c8cff") + 
+          geom_point(size = 1, color = "white") + 
+          geom_text_repel(data = plotFrame, 
+                          aes(x = Project, y = Usage, label = Label), 
+                          size = 3) +
+          facet_wrap(~ Category, ncol = 3, scales = "free_y") +
+          xlab('Project') + ylab('Entity Usage') +
+          scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+          theme_minimal() +
+          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+          theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15)) %>%
+          withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                       min = 0,
+                       max = 1,
+                       value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+      })
+      # - Download Frame: crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChart
+      crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChartDownload_Frame <- reactive({
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        plotFrame
+      })
+      # - Download: crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesFrame
+      output$crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesFrame <- downloadHandler(
+        filename = function() {
+          'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+        content = function(file) {
+          write.csv(crosstabulations_projectsCategoriesChartDownload_Frame(),
+                    file,
+                    quote = FALSE,
+                    row.names = FALSE)
+        },
+        contentType = "text/csv"
+      )
+      #### ---  Chart: crosstabulations_projectTypesCategoriesChart
+      output$crosstabulations_projectTypesCategoriesChart <- renderPlot({
+        # - Chart Frame for output$crosstabulations_projectTypesCategoriesChart
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          group_by(`Project Type`, Category) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>% 
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        projectTypeOrder <- plotFrame %>% 
+          group_by(`Project Type`) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>% 
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        plotFrame$`Project Type` <- factor(plotFrame$`Project Type`, 
+                                    levels = projectTypeOrder$`Project Type`)
+        # - express labels as K, M:
+        plotFrame$Label <- sapply(plotFrame$Usage, function(x) {
+          if (x >= 1e+03 & x < 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+03, 1), "K", sep = "")
+          } else if (x > 1e+06) {
+            out <- paste(round(x/1e+06, 1), "M", sep = "")
+          } else {
+            out <- as.character(x)
+          }
+          return(out)
+        })
+        # - Plot
+        ggplot(plotFrame,
+               aes(x = `Project Type`, y = Usage, label = Label)) +
+          geom_line(size = .25, color = "#4c8cff", group = 1) +
+          geom_point(size = 1.5, color = "#4c8cff") + 
+          geom_point(size = 1, color = "white") + 
+          geom_text_repel(data = plotFrame, 
+                          aes(x = `Project Type`, y = Usage, label = Label), 
+                          size = 3) +
+          facet_wrap(~ Category, ncol = 3, scales = "free_y") +
+          xlab('Project Type') + ylab('Entity Usage') +
+          ylim(0, max(plotFrame$Usage) + .5*max(plotFrame$Usage)) +
+          scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + 
+          theme_minimal() +
+          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 12, hjust = 1)) +
+          theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
+          theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15)) %>%
+          withProgress(message = 'Generating plot',
+                       min = 0,
+                       max = 1,
+                       value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 0)})
+      })
+      # - Download Frame: crosstabulations_projectTypeCategoriesChart
+      crosstabulations_projectTypeCategoriesChartDownload_Frame <- reactive({
+        plotFrame <- isolate(tabsDataset()) %>%
+          group_by(`Project Type`, Category) %>% 
+          summarise(Usage = sum(Usage)) %>% 
+          arrange(desc(Usage))
+        plotFrame
+      })
+      # - Download: crosstabulations_projectTypeCategoriesChartFrame
+      output$crosstabulations_projectTypeCategoriesChartFrame <- 
+        filename = function() {
+          'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+        content = function(file) {
+                    file,
+                    quote = FALSE,
+                    row.names = FALSE)
+        },
+        contentType = "text/csv"
+      )
+  }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### --- TABLES
+  ### ----------------------------------
+  ### --- output$projectTable
+  output$projectTable <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    datatable(wdcmProject,
+              options = list(
+                pageLength = 20,
+                width = '100%',
+                columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 
+              ),
+              rownames = FALSE
+    )
+  }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating data',
+                      min = 0,
+                      max = 1,
+                      value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+  ### --- output$CategoryTable
+  output$CategoryTable <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    datatable(wdcmCategory,
+              options = list(
+                pageLength = 20,
+                width = '100%',
+                columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 
+              ),
+              rownames = FALSE
+    )
+  }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating data',
+                      min = 0,
+                      max = 1,
+                      value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+  ### --- output$projectCategoryDataTable
+  output$projectCategoryDataTable <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    datatable(wdcmProjectCategory,
+              options = list(
+                pageLength = 20,
+                width = '100%',
+                columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 
+              ),
+              rownames = FALSE
+    )
+  }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating data',
+                      min = 0,
+                      max = 1,
+                      value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+  ### --- output$projectType
+  output$projectType <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    datatable(wdcmProjectType,
+              options = list(
+                pageLength = 20,
+                width = '100%',
+                columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 
+              ),
+              rownames = FALSE
+    )
+  }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating data',
+                      min = 0,
+                      max = 1,
+                      value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+  ### --- output$projectTypeCategory
+  output$projectTypeCategory <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    datatable(wdcmProjectTypeCategory,
+              options = list(
+                pageLength = 20,
+                width = '100%',
+                columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 
+              ),
+              rownames = FALSE
+    )
+  }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating data',
+                      min = 0,
+                      max = 1,
+                      value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+### --- END shinyServer
diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a8221b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui.R
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- WDCM Usage Dashboard, v. Beta 0.1
+### --- Script: ui.R, v. Beta 0.1
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- Setup
+rm(list = ls())
+### --- general
+### --- outputs
+# - options
+options(warn = -1)
+  fluidPage(title = 'WDCM Projects', 
+            theme = NULL,
+            # - fluidRow Title
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     h2('WDCM Usage Dashboard'),
+                     HTML('<font size="3"><b>Wikidata Concepts 
+                     )
+            ), # - fluidRow Title END
+            # - fluidRow Logo
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     img(src='Wikidata-logo-en.png', 
+                         align = "left")
+                     )
+            ), # - fluidRow END
+            # - hr()
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     hr()
+                     )
+            ),
+            # - fluidRow Boxes
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     tabBox(id = 'MainBox', 
+                            selected = 'Dahsboard', 
+                            title = '', 
+                            width = 12,
+                            height = NULL, 
+                            side = 'left',
+                            # - tabPanel Dahsboard
+                            tabPanel("Dahsboard",
+                                     fluidRow(
+                                       column(width = 12,
+                                       hr(),
+                                       tabBox(width = 12,
+                                              title = '',
+                                              id = "Usage",
+                                              selected = "Usage",
+                                              tabPanel(title = "Usage",
+                                                       id = "usage",
+                                                       fluidRow(
+                                                         column(width = 6,
+                                                                br(),
+                                                                HTML('<font 
size=2><b>Note:</b> This page follows a columnar organization: <i>Basic 
Facts</i> and <i>Categories</i> to the left, and <i>Projects</i> to the right. 
+                                                                     The 
Dashboard will initialize a random choice of <i>Category</i> and <i>Project</i> 
in the <b>Category Report</b> and <b>Project Report</b> areas, 
respectively. Use the selection and search fields to select a category or a 
project that you want to generate a Report 
+                                                                )
+                                                         ),
+                                                       # - fluidRow: ValueBoxes
+                                                       fluidRow(
+                                                         column(width = 6,
+                                                                fluidRow(
column(width = 12,
column(width = 12,
h3('Basic Facts'), 
HTML('The total Wikidata item usage, how many sister projects have a 
client-side Wikidata usage tracking enabled, 
how many Wikidata semantic categories of items are encompassed by this 
analysis, and how many different 
Project Types.')
+                                                                              )
+                                                                            ),
column(width = 3,
    withSpinner(infoBoxOutput("totalUsageBox", width = 12), size = .5)
column(width = 3,
    withSpinner(valueBoxOutput("totalProjectsBox", width = 12), size = .5)
column(width = 3,
    withSpinner(valueBoxOutput("totalCategoriesBox", width = 12), size = .5)
column(width = 3,
    withSpinner(valueBoxOutput("totalProjectTypesBox", width = 12), size = .5)
+                                                                            ),
br(), br()
+                                                                          )
+                                                                   ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         hr(),
h3('Category Report'), 
HTML('Wikidata usage overview for a specific category, including the 
distribution of usage in category accross projects 
and the top Wikidata items per category.'),
+                                                                         br(), 
         'Select category:',
         choices = NULL,
         multiple = FALSE
+                                                                         ),
+                                                                         br(), 
column(width = 12,
   br(), br(),
                          width = "700px",
                          height = "450px")
+                                                                           )
+                                                                         ),
column(width = 12,
   br(), br(),
   HTML("<font size = 2><b>Note: </b>In the absence of English item label the 
Wikidata item ID 
                 is used in place of it.</font>"),
   br(), br(),
                          width = "700px",
                          height = "600px")
+                                                                           )
+                                                                         )
+                                                                         )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         hr(),
h3('Categories General Overview'),
HTML('<b>Wikidata item usage per semantic category</b><br>
  <font size="2"><b>Note:</b> The current selection of semantic categories does 
encompass all Wikidata items.</font>'),
+                                                                         br(), 
                 width = "700px",
                 height = "500px")
+                                                                         )
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         br(), 
HTML('<b>Wikidata item usage per semantic category in each project type</b><br>
<font size="2"><b>Note:</b> Item usage count is given on a logarithmic 
+                                                                         br(), 
                 width = "700px",
                 height = "900px")
+                                                                         )
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                         column(width = 6,
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
column(width = 12,
   h3('Project Report'), 
   HTML('Wikidata usage overview for a specific project, including: the 
distribution of usage in Wikidata semantic categories, 
        total Wikidata usage volume, similar projects, and the top Wikidata 
   br(), br(),
                  'Search projects:',
                  choices = NULL,
                  multiple = FALSE
   br(), br(),
     column(width = 4,
     column(width = 8,
                              width = "550px",
                              height = "450px")
     column(width = 12,
            br(), br(),
            br(), br(),
                                   width = "800px",
                                   height = "350px")
     column(width = 12,
            br(), br(),
            HTML("<font size = 2><b>Note: </b>We study the distribution of 
Wikidata usage across the semantic categories to 
                 determine which client projects use Wikidata in a similar way. 
In this graph, each project points towards the one 
                 most similar to it. The selected projects has a different 
color. The results are relevant only in the context 
                 of the current selection: the selected project + its 20 
nearest semantic neighboors.</font>"),
                                                     height = 500))
     column(width = 12, 
            br(), br(),
            HTML("<font size = 2><b>Note: </b>In the absence of English item 
label the Wikidata item ID 
                 is used in place of it.</font>"),
            br(), br(),
                                   width = "700px",
                                   height = "600px")
+                                                                           )
+                                                                         )
+                                                                  )
+                                                         )
+                                                       )
+                                                       ), # - tabPanel 
BasicFacts END
+                                              tabPanel(title = 
+                                                       id = "tabs",
+                                                       fluidRow(
+                                                         column(width = 12,
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 6,
+                                                                         br(),
HTML('<font size = 2>Here you can make <b>selections</b> of client projects and 
semantic categories to learn about Wikidata 
usage across them.<br> <b>Note:</b> You can search and add projects into the 
<i>Search projects</i> field by 
using (a) <b>project names</b> (e.g. <i>enwiki</i>, <i>dewiki</i>, 
<i>sawikiquote</i>, and similar or (b) by using 
<b>project types</b> that start with <b>"_"</b> (underscore, e.g. 
<i>_Wikipedia</i>, <i>_Wikisource</i>, <i>_Commons</i>, and 
similar; try typing anything into the Select projects field that starts with an 
underscore). Please note that by selecting 
a project type (again: <i>_Wikipedia</i>, <i>_Wikiquote</i>, and similar) you 
are selecting <b>all</b> client 
projects of the respective type, and that\'s potentially a lot of data. The 
Dashboard will pick unique 
projects from whatever you have inserted into the Search projects field. The 
selection of projects will be intesected 
with the selection of semantic categories from the Select categories field, and 
the obtained results will refer only 
to the Wikidata items from the current selection of client projects <i>and</i> 
semantic categories. 
In other words: <i>disjunction</i> operates inside the two search fields, while 
<i>conjunction</i> operates 
across the two search fields.<br> <b>Note:</b> The Dashboard will initialize a 
choice of three project types 
(<i>Wikipedia</i>, <i>Wikinews</i>, and <i>Wiktionary</i>) and a random choice 
of six semantic categories. All charts will present at 
most 25 top projects in respect to the Wikidata usage and relative to the 
current selection; however, <b>complete 
selection data sets</b> are available for download (<i>.csv</i>) beneath each 
+                                                                         br(), 
+                                                                         )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 3,
         'Search projects:',
         choices = NULL,
         multiple = TRUE)
+                                                                         ),
+                                                                  column(width 
= 3,
         'Search categories:',
         choices = NULL,
         multiple = TRUE)
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 2,
       label = "Apply Selection",
       width = '70%',
       icon = icon("database", 
                   class = NULL, 
                   lib = "font-awesome")
+                                                                         )
+                                                                  ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         hr()
+                                                                         )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 6,
                 height = "600px")),
         'Data (csv)')
+                                                                         ),
+                                                                  column(width 
= 6,
                 height = "600px")),
         'Data (csv)')
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         hr()
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 6,
h4('Project Types'),
                 height = "600px")),
         'Data (csv)')
+                                                                  ),
+                                                                  column(width 
= 6
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         hr()
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
h4('Project vs Categories'),
                 height = "850px")),
         'Data (csv)')
+                                                                         )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
+                                                                         hr()
+                                                                  )
+                                                                ),
+                                                                fluidRow(
+                                                                  column(width 
= 12,
h4('Project Types vs Categories'),
                 height = "850px")),
         'Data (csv)')
+                                                                  )
+                                                                )
+                                                                )
+                                                         ),
+                                                       fluidRow(
+                                                         column(width = 12,
+                                                                hr()
+                                                                )
+                                                         )
+                                                       ), # - tabPanel 
Tabs/Crosstabs END
+                                              tabPanel(title = "Tables",
+                                                       id = "tables",
+                                                       fluidRow(
+                                                         column(width = 6,
+                                                                br(),
+                                                                HTML('<font 
size = 2>Here you can access <b> some tabulated and cross-tabulated raw 
data</b> on Wikidata usage. <br> 
+                                                                     All 
tables can be searched and sorted by any of the respective columns.</font>'),
+                                                                br(), br()
+                                                         )
+                                                       ),
+                                                       fluidRow(
+                                                         column(width = 4,
+                                                                HTML('<font 
size = 2><b>Table A. Project Totals.</b></font>'),
+                                                                br(), br(),
withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('projectTable', width = "100%"))
+                                                                ),
+                                                         column(width = 4,
+                                                                HTML('<font 
size = 2><b>Table B. Category Totals.</b></font>'),
+                                                                br(), br(),
withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('CategoryTable', width = "100%"))
+                                                         ),
+                                                         column(width = 4,
+                                                                HTML('<font 
size = 2><b>Table C. Project vs Category Cross-Tabulation.</b></font>'),
+                                                                br(), br(),
withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('projectCategoryDataTable', width = "100%"))
+                                                         )
+                                                       ),
+                                                       fluidRow(
+                                                         column(width = 12,
+                                                                hr()
+                                                                )
+                                                       ),
+                                                       fluidRow(
+                                                         column(width = 4,
+                                                                HTML('<font 
size = 2><b>Table D. Project Type Totals.</b></font>'),
+                                                                br(), br(),
withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('projectType', width = "100%"))
+                                                         ),
+                                                         column(width = 6,
+                                                                HTML('<font 
size = 2><b>Table E. Project Type vs Category Cross-Tabulation.</b></font>'),
+                                                                br(), br(),
withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('projectTypeCategory', width = "100%"))
+                                                         )
+                                                       )
+                                              )
+                                              ) # - tabBox: Wikidata Usage END
+                                       )
+                                       )
+                                     ), # - tabPanel Dashboard END
+                                      # - tabPanel Description
+                                      tabPanel("Description",
+                                               fluidRow(
+                                                 column(width = 8,
+                                                        HTML('<h2>WDCM Usage 
+                                                             <hr>
+                                                             <br>
+                                                             <p><font size = 
2>This Dashboard is a part of the <b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor (WDMC)</b>. The 
WDCM system provides analytics on Wikidata usage
+                                                             across the 
Wikimedia sister projects. The WDCM Usage Dashboard focuses on providing the 
detailed statistics on Wikidata usage in particular sister projects or 
+                                                             the selected 
subsets of them. Three pages that present analytical results in this Dashboard 
receive a description here: (1) <b><i>Usage</i></b>, (2) 
+                                                             and (3) 
<b><i>Tables</i></b>. But first, definitions.</font></p>
+                                                             <hr>    
+                                                             <br>
+                                                             <p><font size = 
2><b>N.B.</b> The current <b>Wikidata item usage statistic</b> definition is 
<i>the count of the number of pages in a particular client project
+                                                             where the 
respective Wikidata item is used</i>. Thus, the current definition ignores the 
usage aspects completely. This definition is motivated by the currently 
+                                                             present 
constraints in Wikidata usage tracking across the client projects 
+                                                             (see <a href = 
""; target = 
"_blank">Wikibase/Schema/wbc entity usage</a>). 
+                                                             With more mature 
Wikidata usage tracking systems, the definition will become a subject 
+                                                             of change. The 
term <b>Wikidata usage volume</b> is reserved for total Wikidata usage (i.e. 
the sum of usage statistics) in a particular 
+                                                             client project, 
group of client projects, or semantic categories. By a <b>Wikidata semantic 
category</b> we mean a selection of Wikidata items that is 
+                                                             that is 
operationally defined by a respective SPARQL query, returning a selection of 
items that intuitivelly match a human, natural semantic category. 
+                                                             The structure of 
Wikidata does not necessarily match any intuitive human semantics. In WDCM, an 
effort is made to select the semantic categories so to match 
+                                                             the intuitive, 
everyday semantics as much as possible, in order to assist anyone involved in 
analytical work with this system. However, the choice of semantic 
+                                                             categories in 
WDCM is not necessarily exhaustive (i.e. they do not necessarily cover all 
Wikidata items), neither the categories are necessarily 
+                                                             mutually 
exclusive. The Wikidata ontology is very complex and a product of work of many 
people, so there is an optimization price to be paid in every attempt to 
+                                                             adapt or simplify 
its present structure to the needs of a statistical analytical system such as 
WDCM. The current set of WDCM semantic categories is thus not 
+                                                             normative in any 
sense and a subject  of change in any moment, depending upon the analytical 
needs of the community.</font></p>
+                                                             <p><font size = 
2>The currently used <b>WDCM Taxonomy</b> of Wikidata items encompasses the 
following 14 semantic categories: <i>Geographical Object</i>, 
<i>Organization</i>, <i>Architectural Structure</i>, 
+                                                             <i>Human</i>, 
<i>Wikimedia</i>, <i>Work of Art</i>, <i>Book</i>, <i>Gene</i>, <i>Scientific 
Article</i>, <i>Chemical Entities</i>, <i>Astronomical Object</i>, 
<i>Thoroughfare</i>, <i>Event</i>, 
+                                                             and 
+                                                             <hr>
+                                                             <h4>Usage</h4>
+                                                             <br>
+                                                             <p><font size = 
2>The Usage tab provides elementary statistics on Wikidata usage across the 
semantic categories (left column) and sister projects 
+                                                             (right 
+                                                             <b><i>To the 
left</b></i>, we first encounter a general overview of <i>Basic Facts</i>: the 
number of Wikidata items that are encompassed by the current WDCM taxonomy (in 
+                                                             this is the 
number of items that are encompassed by all WDCM analyses), the number of 
sister projects that have client-side Wikidata usage tracking enabled 
+                                                             that means that 
the <a href = ""; 
target = "_blank">Wikibase/Schema/wbc entity usage</a>) is present there), 
+                                                             the number of 
semantic categories in the current version of the WDCM Taxonomy, and the number 
of different sister project types (e.g. <i>Wikipedia</i>, <i>Wikinews</i>, etc).
+                                                             <br>
+                                                             The <b>Category 
Report</b> subsection allows you to select a specific semantic category and 
generate two charts beneath the selection: (a) the category top 30 projects 
chart, and 
+                                                             (b) the category 
top 30 Wikidata items chart. The first chart will display 30 sister projects 
that use Wikidata items from this semantic category the most, with the usage 
+                                                             represented on 
the horizontal axis, and the project labels on the vertical axis. The 
percentages next to the data points in this chart refer to the proportion of 
total category usage 
+                                                             that takes place 
in the respective project. The next chart will display the 30 most popular 
items from the selected semantic category: item usage is again placed on the 
horizontal axis, 
+                                                             item labels are 
on the vertical axis, and item IDs are placed next to the data points 
+                                                             <br>
+                                                             The <b>Categories 
General Overview</b> subsection is static and allows no selection; it 
introduces two concise overviews of Wikidata usage across the semantic 
categories of 
+                                                             Wikidata items. 
The <i>Wikidata Usage per Semantic Cateory</i> chart provides semantic 
categories on the vertical and item usage statistics on the horizontal axis; 
the percentages 
+                                                             tells us about 
the proportion of total Wikidata usage that the respective semantic category 
carries. Beneath, the <i>Wikidata item usage per semantic category in each 
project type</i> 
+                                                             provides a 
cross-tabulation of semantic categories vs. sister project types. The 
categories are color-coded and represented on the horizontal axes, while each 
chart represents one project 
+                                                             type. The usage 
scale, represented on the vertical axes, is logarithmic to ease the comparison 
and enable practical data visualization.
+                                                             <br>
+                                                             <b><i>To the 
right</b></i>, an opportunity to inspect Wikidata usage in a single Wikimedia 
project is provided. The <b>Project Report</b> section allows you to select a 
single Wikimedia 
+                                                             project and 
obtain results on it. The first section that will be generated upon making a 
selection provides a concise narrative summary of Wikidata usage in the 
selected project alongside 
+                                                             a chart 
presenting an overview of Wikidata usage per semantic category. The next chart, 
<i>Wikidata usage rank</i>, show the rank position of the selected project 
among other sister projects 
+                                                             in respect to the 
Wikidata usage volume. Beneath, a more complex structure, <i>Semantic 
Neighbourhood</i>, is given. In this network, or a directed graph if you 
prefere, each project points 
+                                                             towards the one 
most similar to it. The selected projects has a different color. The results 
are relevant only in the context of the current selection: the selected project 
and its 20 nearest 
+                                                             semantic 
neighboors only are presented. Once again: each project points to the one which 
utilizes Wikidata in a way most similar to it. The <i>top 30 Wikidata items</i> 
chart presents the top 30   
+                                                             Wikidata items in 
the selected project: item labels are given on the vertical axis, Wikidata 
usage on the horizontal axis, and the item IDs are labeled close to the data 
points themselves.
+                                                             </font></p>
+                                                             <hr>
+                                                             <br>
+                                                             <p><font size = 2>
+                                                             Here we have the 
most direct opportunity to study the Wikidata usage statistics across the 
sister projects. A selection of projects and semantic categories will be 
intersected and only results in 
+                                                             the scope of the 
intersection will be returned. The charts should be self-explanatory: the usage 
statistic is always represented by the vertical axis, while the horizontal axis 
and sub-panels play 
+                                                             various roles in 
the context of whether a category vs project or a category vs project type 
crosstabulation is provided. Data points are labeled in million (M) or thousand 
(K) pages (see Wikidata usage) 
+                                                             definition 
above). While charts can display a limited number of data points only, relative 
to the size of the selection, each of them is accompanied by a <b>Data 
(csv)</b> button that will initiate a 
+                                                             download of the 
full respective data set as a comma separated file.  
+                                                             </font></p>
+                                                             <hr>
+                                                             <h4>Tables</h4>
+                                                             <br>
+                                                             <p><font size = 
2>The section presents searchable and sortable tables and crosstabulations with 
self-explanatory semantics. Access full WDCM usage datasets from 
+                                                             ')
+                                                 )
+                                               )
+                                               ), # - tabPanel Usage END
+                                      # - tabPanel Navigate
+                                      tabPanel("Navigate WDCM", 
+                                               fluidRow(
+                                                 column(width = 8,
+                                                        HTML('<h2>WDCM 
+                                                   <h4>Your orientation in the 
WDCM Dashboards System<h4>
+                                                   <hr>
+                                                   <ul>
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"";>WDCM Portal</a></b>.<br>
+                                                   <font size = "2">The entry 
point to WDCM Dashboards.</font></li><br>
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"";>WDCM Overview</a></b><br>
+                                                   <font size = "2">The big 
picture. Fundamental insights in how Wikidata is used across the client 
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"";>WDCM Semantics</a></b><br>
+                                                   <font size = "2">Detailed 
insights into the WDCM Taxonomy (a selection of semantic categories from 
Wikidata), its distributional
+                                                   semantics, and the way it 
is used across the client projects. If you are looking for Topic Models - 
that&#8217;s where
+                                                   they live.</font></li><br>
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"";>WDCM Usage</a> (current 
+                                                   <font size = 
"2">Fine-grained information on Wikidata usage across client projects and 
project types. Cross-tabulations and similar..</font></li><br>
+                                                   <li><b>WDCM Items</b><br>
+                                                   <font size = 
"2">Fine-grained information on particular Wikidata item usage across the 
client projects.<b> (Under development)</b></font></li><br>
+                                                  <li><b><a href = 
"";>WDCM System 
Technical Documentation</a></b><br>
+                                                   <font size = "2">The WDCM 
Wikitech Page.</font></li>
+                                                   </ul>'
+                                                        )
+                                                 )
+                                               )
+                                               ) # - tabPanel Structure END
+                            ) # - tabBox END
+                     ) # - main column of fluidRow Boxes END
+              ), # - # - fluidRow Boxes END
+            # - fluidRow Footer
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     hr(),
+                     HTML('<b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor :: WMDE 
2017</b><br>Diffusion: <a 
href=""; target = 
+                     HTML('Contact: Goran S. Milovanovic, Data Scientist, 
+                          <br>IRC: goransm'),
+                     br(),
+                     br()
+                     )
+            ) # - fluidRow Footer END
+            ) # - fluidPage END
+) # - ShinyUI END
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ifa894d8effc9cf713bf7b36bd23e46f8e7a7b48c
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: analytics/wmde/WDCM-Usage-Dashboard
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: GoranSMilovanovic <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Addshore <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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