GoranSMilovanovic has submitted this change and it was merged. ( 
https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/401178 )

Change subject: initial


Change-Id: Ie9b6a717f2203ab428fecc4518cdc057ef90882f
A .gitignore
A server.R
A ui.R
3 files changed, 370 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  GoranSMilovanovic: Verified; Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23da9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/server.R b/server.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58191de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server.R
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- WDCM Geo Dashboard, v. Beta 0.1
+### --- Script: server.R, v. Beta 0.1
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- Setup
+### --------------------------------
+### --- general
+### --- visualize
+### --- Server (Session) Scope
+### --------------------------------
+### --- Fetch local files
+### --- fetch projecttopic tables
+lF <- list.files()
+lF <- lF[grepl("^wdcm_geoitem_", lF)]
+categories <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(lF))
+for (i in 1:length(lF)) {
+  categories[[i]] <- fread(lF[i], data.table = F)
+names(categories) <- str_to_title(sapply(lF, function(x) {
+  strsplit(strsplit(x, split = ".", fixed = T)[[1]][1],
+           split = "_",
+           fixed = T)[[1]][3]
+### --- Fetch update info
+update <- read.csv('toLabsGeoReport.csv', 
+                   header = T,
+                   check.names = F,
+                   stringsAsFactors = F,
+                   row.names = 1)
+### --- shinyServer
+shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
+  ### --- output: updateInfo
+  output$updateInfo <- renderText({
+    date <- update$timeStamp[dim(update)[1]]
+    date <- strsplit(as.character(date), split = " ", fixed = T)[[1]][1]
+    date <- strsplit(date, split = "-", fixed = T)
+    date[[1]][2] <- month.name[as.numeric(date[[1]][2])]
+    date <- paste(unlist(date), collapse = " ")
+    return(paste("<p align=right>Last update: <i>", date, "</i></p>", sep = 
+  })
+  ### ------------------------------------------
+  ### --- TAB: tabPanel Maps
+  ### ------------------------------------------
+  ### --- SELECT: update select 'selectCategory'
+  updateSelectizeInput(session,
+                       'selectCategory',
+                       "Select Semantic Category:",
+                       choices = names(categories),
+                       selected = names(categories)[round(runif(1, 1, 
+                       server = TRUE)
+  ### --- LEAFLET MAP:
+  points <- eventReactive(input$selectCategory, {
+    if (is.null(input$selectCategory) | (input$selectCategory == "")) {
+      return(NULL)
+    } else {
+      outCat <- categories[[which(names(categories) %in% 
+      outCat[, 2:dim(outCat)[2]] 
+    }
+  }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
+  output$wdcmMap <- renderLeaflet({
+    if (is.null(points())) {
+      return(NULL) 
+    } else {
+      leaflet() %>%
+        addTiles() %>%
+        addMarkers(data = points(), 
+                   popup = (paste('<b>', points()$label, '</b><br>',
+                                  '<a href="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/', 
points()$item, '" target = "_blank">', points()$item, '</a><br>',
+                                  'Usage: ', points()$usage, sep = "")
+                            ),
+                   clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()
+                   )
+    }
+    }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating map',
+                      min = 0,
+                      max = 1,
+                      value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+  ### ------------------------------------------
+  ### --- TAB: tabPanel Data
+  ### ------------------------------------------
+  ### --- output$mapData
+  output$mapData <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    datatable(points(),
+              options = list(
+                pageLength = 20,
+                width = '100%',
+                columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 
+              ),
+              rownames = FALSE
+    )
+  }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating data',
+                      min = 0,
+                      max = 1,
+                      value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+  ### --- download map data
+  # - Download: tabulations_projectsChart
+  output$mapDataCSV <- downloadHandler(
+    filename = function() {
+      'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+    content = function(file) {
+      write.csv(points(),
+                file,
+                quote = FALSE,
+                row.names = FALSE)
+    },
+    contentType = "text/csv"
+  )
+}) ### --- END shinyServer
diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c79c597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui.R
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- WDCM Geo Dashboard, v. Beta 0.1
+### --- Script: ui.R, v. Beta 0.1
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- Setup
+rm(list = ls())
+### --- general
+### --- outputs
+# - options
+options(warn = -1)
+  fluidPage(title = 'WDCM Projects', 
+            theme = NULL,
+            # - fluidRow Title
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 5,
+                     fluidRow(
+                       column(width = 3,
+                              img(src = 'Wikidata-logo-en.png',
+                                  align = "left")
+                       ),
+                       column(width = 1),
+                       column(width = 8,
+                              h1('WDCM Geo Dashboard'),
+                              HTML('<font size="5"><b>Wikidata Concepts 
+                       )
+                     )
+              ),
+              column(width = 7,
+                     br(),
+                     HTML('<p align="right"><b>Interactive visualizations of 
Wikidata use by other Wikimedia projects.</b></p>'),
+                     HTML('<p align="right"><b><a href = 
target="_blank">Visit the WDCM wiki page</a></b></p>'),
+                     HTML('<p align="right"><b>Did you spot a bug, a missing 
label, or wrong data? <a href = 
target="_blank">Give us feedback here</a></b></p>'),
+                     htmlOutput('updateInfo')
+              )
+            ), # - fluidRow Title END
+            # - hr()
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     hr()
+              )
+            ),
+            # - fluidRow Boxes
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     tabBox(id = 'MainBox', 
+                            selected = 'Dashboard', 
+                            title = '', 
+                            width = 12,
+                            height = NULL, 
+                            side = 'left',
+                            # - tabPanel Dashboard
+                            tabPanel("Dashboard",
+                                     fluidRow(
+                                       column(width = 12,
+                                              hr(),
+                                              tabBox(width = 12,
+                                                     title = '',
+                                                     id = "Maps",
+                                                     selected = "Maps",
+                                                     tabPanel(title = "Maps",
+                                                              id = "maps",
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                column(width = 
+                                                                       br(),
HTML('<font size=2>Select Wikidata item category, and the Dashboard will 
generate an interactive map 
where (at most) 10,000 most frequently used items are localized alongside their 
Wikidata usage 
statistics. Click the item marker for details. <b>Note.</b> The usage statistic 
is the number of 
pages that make use of the respective item across all Wikimedia 
+                                                                       )
+                                                                       ),
+                                                              # - fluidRow: 
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                br(),
+                                                                column(width = 
       "Select Item Category:",
       multiple = F,
       choices = NULL,
       selected = NULL)
+                                                                )
+                                                              ),
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                column(width = 
+                                                                       hr(),
withSpinner(leafletOutput("wdcmMap", width = "100%", height = 800))
+                                                                       )
+                                                                )
+                                                     ), # - tabPanel Maps END
+                                                     # - tabPanel Data BEGIN
+                                                     tabPanel(title = "Data",
+                                                              id = "data",
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                column(width = 
column(width = 6,
 HTML('<font size = 2>The complete data set used to generate the map.</font>'),
+                                                                         )
+                                                                       ),
+                                                              # - fluidRow: 
+                                                              fluidRow(
+                                                                br(),
+                                                                column(width = 
       'Data (csv)'),
+                                                                       br(), 
withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('mapData', width = "100%"))
+                                                                )
+                                                              )
+                                                              ) # - tabPanel 
Data END
+                                                     ) # - tabBox: Dashboard 
+                                              )
+                                       )
+                                     ), # - tabPanel Dashboard END
+                            # - tabPanel Description
+                            tabPanel("Description",
+                                     fluidRow(
+                                       column(width = 8,
+                                              HTML('<h2>WDCM Geo Dashboard</h2>
+                                                   <h4>Description<h4>
+                                                   <hr>
+                                                   <h4>Introduction<h4>
+                                                   <br>
+                                                   <p><font size = 2>This 
Dashboard is a part of the <b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor (WDMC)</b>. The WDCM 
system provides analytics on Wikidata usage
+                                                   across the Wikimedia sister 
projects. The WDCM Geo Dashboard collects several categories of Wikidata items 
that have geographical coordinates data and 
+                                                   presents them on an 
interactive <a href = "http://leafletjs.com/"; target = "_blank">Leaflet map</a> 
alongside their usage statistics. To understand the WDCM usage statistics, 
check out the Definitions 
+                                                   section. The WDCM Geo 
Dashboard uses <a href = "https://www.openstreetmap.org/"; target = 
+                                                   </font></p>
+                                                   <hr>
+                                                   <h4>Definitions</h4>
+                                                   <br>
+                                                   <p><font size = 
2><b>N.B.</b> The current <b>Wikidata item usage statistic</b> definition is 
<i>the count of the number of pages in a particular client project
+                                                   where the respective 
Wikidata item is used</i>. Thus, the current definition ignores the usage 
aspects completely. This definition is motivated by the currently 
+                                                   present constraints in 
Wikidata usage tracking across the client projects 
+                                                   (see <a href = 
"https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Schema/wbc_entity_usage"; target = 
"_blank">Wikibase/Schema/wbc entity usage</a>). 
+                                                   With more mature Wikidata 
usage tracking systems, the definition will become a subject 
+                                                   of change. The term 
<b>Wikidata usage volume</b> is reserved for total Wikidata usage (i.e. the sum 
of usage statistics) in a particular 
+                                                   client project, group of 
client projects, or semantic categories. By a <b>Wikidata semantic category</b> 
we mean a selection of Wikidata items that is 
+                                                   that is operationally 
defined by a respective SPARQL query returning a selection of items that 
intuitivelly match a human, natural semantic category. 
+                                                   The structure of Wikidata 
does not necessarily match any intuitive human semantics. In WDCM, an effort is 
made to select the semantic categories so to match 
+                                                   the intuitive, everyday 
semantics as much as possible, in order to assist anyone involved in analytical 
work with this system. However, the choice of semantic 
+                                                   categories in WDCM is not 
necessarily exhaustive (i.e. they do not necessarily cover all Wikidata items), 
neither the categories are necessarily 
+                                                   mutually exclusive. The 
Wikidata ontology is very complex and a product of work of many people, so 
there is an optimization price to be paid in every attempt to 
+                                                   adapt or simplify its 
present structure to the needs of a statistical analytical system such as WDCM. 
The current set of WDCM semantic categories is thus not 
+                                                   normative in any sense and 
a subject  of change in any moment, depending upon the analytical needs of the 
+                                                   <p>The currently used 
<b>WDCM Taxonomy</b> of Wikidata items encompasses the following 14 semantic 
categories: <i>Geographical Object</i>, <i>Organization</i>, <i>Architectural 
+                                                   <i>Human</i>, 
<i>Wikimedia</i>, <i>Work of Art</i>, <i>Book</i>, <i>Gene</i>, <i>Scientific 
Article</i>, <i>Chemical Entities</i>, <i>Astronomical Object</i>, 
<i>Thoroughfare</i>, <i>Event</i>, 
+                                                   and <i>Taxon</i>.</p>
+                                                   ')
+                                              )
+                                              )
+                                              ), # - tabPanel Usage END
+                            # - tabPanel Navigate
+                            tabPanel("Navigate WDCM", 
+                                     fluidRow(
+                                       column(width = 8,
+                                              HTML('<h2>WDCM Navigate</h2>
+                                                   <h4>Your orientation in the 
WDCM Dashboards System<h4>
+                                                   <hr>
+                                                   <ul>
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/";>WDCM Portal</a></b><br>
+                                                   <font size = "2">The entry 
point to WDCM Dashboards.</font></li><br>
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/";>WDCM Overview</a></b><br>
+                                                   <font size = "2">The big 
picture. Fundamental insights in how Wikidata is used across the client 
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/";>WDCM Semantics</a></b><br>
+                                                   <font size = "2">Detailed 
insights into the WDCM Taxonomy (a selection of semantic categories from 
Wikidata), its distributional
+                                                   semantics, and the way it 
is used across the client projects. If you are looking for Topic Models - 
that&#8217;s where
+                                                   they live.</font></li><br>
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_UsageDashboard/";>WDCM Usage</a></b><br>
+                                                   <font size = 
"2">Fine-grained information on Wikidata usage across client projects and 
project types. Cross-tabulations and similar.</font></li><br>
+                                                   <li><b>WDCM Items</b><br>
+                                                   <font size = 
"2">Fine-grained information on particular Wikidata item usage across the 
client projects.<b> (Under development)</b></font></li><br>
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_GeoDashboard/";>WDCM Geo</a> (current 
+                                                   <font size = "2">Wikidata 
items interactive maps.</font></li><br>
+                                                   <li><b><a href = 
"https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_Concepts_Monitor";>WDCM System 
Technical Documentation</a></b><br>
+                                                   <font size = "2">The WDCM 
Wikitech Page.</font></li>
+                                                   </ul>'
+                                                             )
+                                                 )
+                                               )
+                                               ) # - tabPanel Structure END
+                            ) # - tabBox END
+                     ) # - main column of fluidRow Boxes END
+              ), # - # - fluidRow Boxes END
+            # - fluidRow Footer
+            fluidRow(
+              column(width = 12,
+                     hr(),
+                     HTML('<b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor :: WMDE 
2017</b><br>Diffusion: <a 
href="https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/AWCM/"; target = 
+                     HTML('Contact: Goran S. Milovanovic, Data Scientist, 
WMDE<br>e-mail: goran.milovanovic_...@wikimedia.de
+                          <br>IRC: goransm'),
+                     br(),
+                     br()
+                     )
+            ) # - fluidRow Footer END
+            ) # - fluidPage END
+) # - ShinyUI END
\ No newline at end of file

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ie9b6a717f2203ab428fecc4518cdc057ef90882f
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: analytics/wmde/WDCM-GeoDashboard
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: GoranSMilovanovic <goran.milovanovic_...@wikimedia.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: GoranSMilovanovic <goran.milovanovic_...@wikimedia.de>

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