coren has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: inserted a package structure for jobutils

inserted a package structure for jobutils

Change-Id: I4c92ba0cede54616caf037a99ca79247b2c189cf
A packages/jobutils/DEBIAN/control
A packages/jobutils/usr/local/bin/jstart
A packages/jobutils/usr/local/bin/jstop
A packages/jobutils/usr/local/bin/jsub
A packages/jobutils/usr/share/man/man1/jstart.1
A packages/jobutils/usr/share/man/man1/jstop.1
A packages/jobutils/usr/share/man/man1/jsub.1
7 files changed, 350 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  coren: Verified; Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/packages/jobutils/DEBIAN/control b/packages/jobutils/DEBIAN/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ac5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/jobutils/DEBIAN/control
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Package: Jobutils
+Version: 1.0.0
+Section: universe/utils
+Priority: optional
+Architecture: all
+Essential: no
+Depends: perl, gridengine-common
+Installed-Size: 9
+Maintainer: Marc-André Pelletier <>, Petr Bena 
+Description: Set of utilities to use on wikimedia bots and tools cluster
+ This package will install jstart (jsub) and jstop, which can be used with GE
diff --git a/packages/jobutils/usr/local/bin/jstart 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..756ee1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/jobutils/usr/local/bin/jstart
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+my %qsubargs = (
+       '-a' => 1, '-b' => 1, '-cwd' => 0, '-e' => 1, '-hard' => 0, '-i' => 1, 
'-j' => 1,
+       '-l' => 1, '-now' => 1, '-N' => 1, '-o' => 1, '-p' => 1, '-q' => 1, 
'-soft' => 0,
+       '-sync' => 1, '-v' => 1, '-wd' => 1,
+my %qsargs;
+my @args;
+my $memory = '256m';
+my $once = 0;
+my $stderr = 0;
+my $continuous = 0;
+my $script = $0;
+my $queue = 'task';
+$script = $1 if $script =~ m{/([^/]+)$};
+$continuous = 1 if $script eq 'jstart';
+while($#ARGV > 0) {
+  if(defined $qsubargs{$ARGV[0]}) {
+    $arg = shift;
+    $qsargs{$arg} = $qsubargs{$arg}? $ARGV[0]: '';
+    if($arg eq '-N' or $arg eq '-q') {
+      shift if $qsubargs{$arg};
+      next;
+    }
+    push @args, $arg;
+    push @args, shift if $qsubargs{$arg};
+  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-mem') {
+    shift;
+    $memory = shift;
+    die "$script: memory value must be an integer followed by 'k', 'm' or 
'g'\n" unless $memory =~ m/^([1-9][0-9]*[mMgGkK])$/;
+  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-once') {
+    $once = 1;
+    shift;
+  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-stderr') {
+    $stderr = 1;
+    shift;
+  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-continuous') {
+    $continuous = 1;
+    $once = 1;
+    shift;
+  } else {
+    last;
+  }
+if($#ARGV<0 or $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) {
+  print STDERR <<"END"
+usage: $script [options...] program [arg...]
+Options include many (but not all) qsub options, along with:
+ -stderr           Send errors to stderr rather than the error
+                   output file.
+ -mem <value>      Request <value> amount of memory for the job.
+                   (number prefixed by 'k', 'm' or 'g')
+ -once             Only start one job with that name, fail if
+                   another is already started or queued.
+ -continuous       Start a self-restarting job on the continuous
+                   queue (default if invoked as 'jstart')
+Unlike qsub, if you do not specify output and error files, output is appended
+by default to files named <job>.err and <job>.out in your home directory
+(without job numbers), including errors from starting the job itself.
+Additionally, you need to provide an executable on the command line,
+$script will not read a script from standard input.
+  ;
+  exit 1;
+my $exe = shift;
+my $prog = `/usr/bin/which $exe`;
+chomp $prog;
+$prog = readlink $prog while -l $prog;
+my $cwd = `pwd`;
+chomp $cwd;
+$prog = "$cwd/$exe" unless -f $prog and -x $prog;
+my $jobname = 'unknown';
+$jobname = $1 if $prog =~ m{([^/.]+)(\.[^/]*)?$};
+$jobname = $qsargs{'-N'} if defined $qsargs{'-N'};
+my $err = "$ENV{'HOME'}/$jobname.err";
+my $out = "$ENV{'HOME'}/$jobname.out";
+$err = $qsargs{'-e'} if defined $qsargs{'-e'};
+$out = $qsargs{'-o'} if defined $qsargs{'-o'};
+$err = $out if defined $qsargs{'-j'} and $qsargs{'-j'} =~ m/^[yY]/;
+open STDERR, ">>$err" unless $stderr;
+my $now = localtime;
+die "\[$now\] $prog: not an executable file\n" unless -f $prog and -x $prog;
+if($once) {
+  my $running = system "/usr/local/bin/job", '-q', $jobname;
+  die "\[$now\] unable to get job status\n" if $running & 127;
+  $running >>= 8;
+  die "\[$now\] there is a job named '$jobname' already active\n" unless 
+push @args, '-e', $err unless defined $qsargs{'-e'};
+push @args, '-o', $out unless defined $qsargs{'-o'};
+push @args, '-N', $jobname, '-hard', '-l', "h_vmem=$memory";
+if($continuous) {
+  push @args, '-q', 'continuous';
+  open QSUB, "|/usr/bin/qsub '".join("' '", @args)."'" or die "\[$now\] unable 
to start qsub: $!\n";
+  print QSUB "#! /bin/bash\n";
+  print QSUB "while ! '$prog' '".join("' '", @ARGV)."' ; do\n";
+  print QSUB "  sleep 5\n";
+  print QSUB "done\n";
+  close QSUB;
+} else {
+  $queue = $qsargs{'-q'} if defined $qsargs{'-q'};
+  push @args, '-q', $queue, '-b', 'y', $prog, @ARGV;
+  exec '/usr/bin/qsub', @args;
+  die "\[$now\] qsub failed: $!\n";
diff --git a/packages/jobutils/usr/local/bin/jstop 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f0c5305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/jobutils/usr/local/bin/jstop
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+id=$(/usr/local/bin/job "$1")
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+  qdel $id
+  echo "No job '$1' is currently queued or running" >&2
+  exit 1
diff --git a/packages/jobutils/usr/local/bin/jsub 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..756ee1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/jobutils/usr/local/bin/jsub
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+my %qsubargs = (
+       '-a' => 1, '-b' => 1, '-cwd' => 0, '-e' => 1, '-hard' => 0, '-i' => 1, 
'-j' => 1,
+       '-l' => 1, '-now' => 1, '-N' => 1, '-o' => 1, '-p' => 1, '-q' => 1, 
'-soft' => 0,
+       '-sync' => 1, '-v' => 1, '-wd' => 1,
+my %qsargs;
+my @args;
+my $memory = '256m';
+my $once = 0;
+my $stderr = 0;
+my $continuous = 0;
+my $script = $0;
+my $queue = 'task';
+$script = $1 if $script =~ m{/([^/]+)$};
+$continuous = 1 if $script eq 'jstart';
+while($#ARGV > 0) {
+  if(defined $qsubargs{$ARGV[0]}) {
+    $arg = shift;
+    $qsargs{$arg} = $qsubargs{$arg}? $ARGV[0]: '';
+    if($arg eq '-N' or $arg eq '-q') {
+      shift if $qsubargs{$arg};
+      next;
+    }
+    push @args, $arg;
+    push @args, shift if $qsubargs{$arg};
+  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-mem') {
+    shift;
+    $memory = shift;
+    die "$script: memory value must be an integer followed by 'k', 'm' or 
'g'\n" unless $memory =~ m/^([1-9][0-9]*[mMgGkK])$/;
+  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-once') {
+    $once = 1;
+    shift;
+  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-stderr') {
+    $stderr = 1;
+    shift;
+  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-continuous') {
+    $continuous = 1;
+    $once = 1;
+    shift;
+  } else {
+    last;
+  }
+if($#ARGV<0 or $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) {
+  print STDERR <<"END"
+usage: $script [options...] program [arg...]
+Options include many (but not all) qsub options, along with:
+ -stderr           Send errors to stderr rather than the error
+                   output file.
+ -mem <value>      Request <value> amount of memory for the job.
+                   (number prefixed by 'k', 'm' or 'g')
+ -once             Only start one job with that name, fail if
+                   another is already started or queued.
+ -continuous       Start a self-restarting job on the continuous
+                   queue (default if invoked as 'jstart')
+Unlike qsub, if you do not specify output and error files, output is appended
+by default to files named <job>.err and <job>.out in your home directory
+(without job numbers), including errors from starting the job itself.
+Additionally, you need to provide an executable on the command line,
+$script will not read a script from standard input.
+  ;
+  exit 1;
+my $exe = shift;
+my $prog = `/usr/bin/which $exe`;
+chomp $prog;
+$prog = readlink $prog while -l $prog;
+my $cwd = `pwd`;
+chomp $cwd;
+$prog = "$cwd/$exe" unless -f $prog and -x $prog;
+my $jobname = 'unknown';
+$jobname = $1 if $prog =~ m{([^/.]+)(\.[^/]*)?$};
+$jobname = $qsargs{'-N'} if defined $qsargs{'-N'};
+my $err = "$ENV{'HOME'}/$jobname.err";
+my $out = "$ENV{'HOME'}/$jobname.out";
+$err = $qsargs{'-e'} if defined $qsargs{'-e'};
+$out = $qsargs{'-o'} if defined $qsargs{'-o'};
+$err = $out if defined $qsargs{'-j'} and $qsargs{'-j'} =~ m/^[yY]/;
+open STDERR, ">>$err" unless $stderr;
+my $now = localtime;
+die "\[$now\] $prog: not an executable file\n" unless -f $prog and -x $prog;
+if($once) {
+  my $running = system "/usr/local/bin/job", '-q', $jobname;
+  die "\[$now\] unable to get job status\n" if $running & 127;
+  $running >>= 8;
+  die "\[$now\] there is a job named '$jobname' already active\n" unless 
+push @args, '-e', $err unless defined $qsargs{'-e'};
+push @args, '-o', $out unless defined $qsargs{'-o'};
+push @args, '-N', $jobname, '-hard', '-l', "h_vmem=$memory";
+if($continuous) {
+  push @args, '-q', 'continuous';
+  open QSUB, "|/usr/bin/qsub '".join("' '", @args)."'" or die "\[$now\] unable 
to start qsub: $!\n";
+  print QSUB "#! /bin/bash\n";
+  print QSUB "while ! '$prog' '".join("' '", @ARGV)."' ; do\n";
+  print QSUB "  sleep 5\n";
+  print QSUB "done\n";
+  close QSUB;
+} else {
+  $queue = $qsargs{'-q'} if defined $qsargs{'-q'};
+  push @args, '-q', $queue, '-b', 'y', $prog, @ARGV;
+  exec '/usr/bin/qsub', @args;
+  die "\[$now\] qsub failed: $!\n";
diff --git a/packages/jobutils/usr/share/man/man1/jstart.1 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33cd924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/jobutils/usr/share/man/man1/jstart.1
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.\" Man page for jstart
+.\" Licensed under BSD-like License.
+.\" Created by Marc-André Pelletier
+.TH Jobutils "jstart" "User Manual"
+usage: jstart [options...] program [arg...]
+Options include many (but not all) qsub options, along with:
+ \-stderr           Send errors to stderr rather than the error
+                   output file.
+ \-mem <value>      Request <value> amount of memory for the job.
+                   (number prefixed by 'k', 'm' or 'g')
+ \-once             Only start one job with that name, fail if
+                   another is already started or queued.
+ \-continuous       Start a self-restarting job on the continuous
+                   queue (default if invoked as 'jstart')
+Unlike qsub, if you do not specify output and error files, output is appended
+by default to files named <job>.err and <job>.out in your home directory
+(without job numbers), including errors from starting the job itself.
+Additionally, you need to provide an executable on the command line,
+jstart will not read a script from standard input.
+jobutils will insert extra commands to grid engine, these tools were created 
for wikimedia tools project
+Marc-André Pelletier, Petr Bena
diff --git a/packages/jobutils/usr/share/man/man1/jstop.1 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50bea5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/jobutils/usr/share/man/man1/jstop.1
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+.\" Man page for jstart
+.\" Licensed under CC-BY-SA
+.\" Created by Marc-André Pelletier
+.TH Jobutils "jstop" "User Manual"
+usage: jstop [jobname]
+Delete a job
+jobutils will insert extra commands to grid engine, these tools were created 
for wikimedia tools project
+Marc-André Pelletier, Petr Bena
diff --git a/packages/jobutils/usr/share/man/man1/jsub.1 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3ae4d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/jobutils/usr/share/man/man1/jsub.1
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.\" Man page for jstart
+.\" Licensed under CC-BY-SA
+.\" Created by Marc-André Pelletier
+.TH Jobutils "jsub" "User Manual"
+usage: jsub [options...] program [arg...]
+Options include many (but not all) qsub options, along with:
+ \-stderr           Send errors to stderr rather than the error
+                   output file.
+ \-mem <value>      Request <value> amount of memory for the job.
+                   (number prefixed by 'k', 'm' or 'g')
+ \-once             Only start one job with that name, fail if
+                   another is already started or queued.
+ \-continuous       Start a self-restarting job on the continuous
+                   queue (default if invoked as 'jstart')
+Unlike qsub, if you do not specify output and error files, output is appended
+by default to files named <job>.err and <job>.out in your home directory
+(without job numbers), including errors from starting the job itself.
+Additionally, you need to provide an executable on the command line,
+jstart will not read a script from standard input.
+jobutils will insert extra commands to grid engine, these tools were created 
for wikimedia tools project
+Marc-André Pelletier, Petr Bena

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I4c92ba0cede54616caf037a99ca79247b2c189cf
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: labs/toollabs
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Petrb <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: coren <>

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