jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: Update languageeditstats.php to use Maintenance class

Update languageeditstats.php to use Maintenance class

Change-Id: I33886d9987571235da2a77baca135bd0e1d57f12
M scripts/languageeditstats.php
1 file changed, 89 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

  Nikerabbit: Looks good to me, approved
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/scripts/languageeditstats.php b/scripts/languageeditstats.php
index 5a21728..5ef33db 100644
--- a/scripts/languageeditstats.php
+++ b/scripts/languageeditstats.php
@@ -10,104 +10,102 @@
  * @ingroup Script Stats
-$optionsWithArgs = array( 'top', 'days', 'bots', 'ns' );
-require __DIR__ . '/';
-function showUsage() {
-       STDERR( <<<EOT
-Language statistics.
-Shows number of edits per language for all message groups.
-Usage: php languageeditstats.php [options...]
-  --top       Show given number of language codes (default: 10)
-  --days      Calculate for given number of days (default: 7)
-  --bots      Include bot edits (default: false)
-  --ns        Comma separated list of Namespace IDs (default: all)
-       );
-       exit( 1 );
- * Process command line parameters
- */
-if ( isset( $options['help'] ) ) {
-       showUsage();
-if ( isset( $options['days'] ) ) {
-       $hours = intval( $options['days'] ) * 24; // no day change cutoff
+// Standard boilerplate to define $IP
+if ( getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) !== false ) {
+       $IP = getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' );
 } else {
-       $hours = 7 * 24;
+       $dir = __DIR__;
+       $IP = "$dir/../../..";
+require_once "$IP/maintenance/Maintenance.php";
-if ( isset( $options['top'] ) ) {
-       $top = intval( $options['top'] );
-} else {
-       $top = 10;
+class LanguageEditStats extends Maintenance {
+       public function __construct() {
+               parent::__construct();
+               $this->mDescription = 'Script to show number of edits per 
language for all message groups';
+               $this->addOption(
+                       '(optional) Show given number of language codes 
(default: 10)',
+                       'top',
+                       false, /*required*/
+                       true /*has arg*/
+               );
+               $this->addOption(
+                       '(optional) Calculate for given number of days 
(default: 7)',
+                       'days',
+                       false, /*required*/
+                       true /*has arg*/
+               );
+               $this->addOption(
+                       '(optional) Include bot edits',
+                       'bots'
+               );
+               $this->addOption(
+                       '(optional) Comma separated list of namespace IDs',
+                       'ns',
+                       false, /*required*/
+                       true /*has arg*/
+               );
+       }
-if ( isset( $options['bots'] ) ) {
-       $bots = true;
-} else {
-       $bots = false;
+       public function execute() {
+               $hours = (int)$this->getOption( 'days' );
+               $hours = $hours ? $hours * 7 : 7 * 24;
-$namespaces = array();
-if ( isset( $options['ns'] ) ) {
-       $input = explode( ',', $options['ns'] );
+               $top = (int)$this->getOption( 'top' );
+               $top = $top ? $top : 10;
-       foreach ( $input as $namespace ) {
-               if ( is_numeric( $namespace ) ) {
-                       array_push( $namespaces, $namespace );
+               $bots = $this->hasOption( 'bots' );
+               $namespaces = array();
+               if ( $this->hasOption( 'ns' ) ) {
+                       $input = explode( ',', $this->getOption( 'ns' ) );
+                       foreach ( $input as $namespace ) {
+                               if ( is_numeric( $namespace ) ) {
+                                       array_push( $namespaces, $namespace );
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               /**
+                * Select set of edits to report on
+                */
+               $rows = TranslateUtils::translationChanges( $hours, $bots, 
$namespaces );
+               /**
+                * Get counts for edits per language code after filtering out 
edits by FuzzyBot
+                */
+               $codes = array();
+               global $wgTranslateFuzzyBotName;
+               foreach ( $rows as $_ ) {
+                       // Filter out edits by $wgTranslateFuzzyBotName
+                       if ( $_->rc_user_text === $wgTranslateFuzzyBotName ) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       list( , $code ) = TranslateUtils::figureMessage( 
$_->rc_title );
+                       if ( !isset( $codes[$code] ) ) {
+                               $codes[$code] = 0;
+                       }
+                       $codes[$code]++;
+               }
+               /**
+                * Sort counts and report descending up to $top rows.
+                */
+               arsort( $codes );
+               $i = 0;
+               foreach ( $codes as $code => $num ) {
+                       if ( $i++ === $top ) {
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       $this->output( "$code\t$num\n" );
-function figureMessage( $text ) {
-       $pos = strrpos( $text, '/' );
-       $code = substr( $text, $pos + 1 );
-       $key = substr( $text, 0, $pos );
-       return array( $key, $code );
- * Select set of edits to report on
- */
-$rows = TranslateUtils::translationChanges( $hours, $bots, $namespaces );
- * Get counts for edits per language code after filtering out edits by FuzzyBot
- */
-$codes = array();
-foreach ( $rows as $_ ) {
-       // Filter out edits by $wgTranslateFuzzyBotName
-       if ( $_->rc_user_text === $wgTranslateFuzzyBotName ) {
-               continue;
-       }
-       list( , $code ) = figureMessage( $_->rc_title );
-       if ( !isset( $codes[$code] ) ) {
-               $codes[$code] = 0;
-       }
-       $codes[$code]++;
- * Sort counts and report descending up to $top rows.
- */
-arsort( $codes );
-$i = 0;
-foreach ( $codes as $code => $num ) {
-       if ( $i++ === $top ) {
-               break;
-       }
-       STDOUT( "$code\t$num" );
+$maintClass = 'LanguageEditStats';

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I33886d9987571235da2a77baca135bd0e1d57f12
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/Translate
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Siebrand <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Nikerabbit <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Siebrand <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot

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