Revision: 114163
Author:   jeroendedauw
Date:     2012-03-19 18:40:22 +0000 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012)
Log Message:
work on caching of special:institutions

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/compat/SpecialCachedPage.php
--- trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/compat/SpecialCachedPage.php      
2012-03-19 18:28:47 UTC (rev 114162)
+++ trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/compat/SpecialCachedPage.php      
2012-03-19 18:40:22 UTC (rev 114163)
@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@
  * Abstract special page class with scaffolding for caching the HTML output.
+ * This copy is kept for compatibility with MW < 1.20.
+ * As of 1.20, this class can be found at 
- * To enable the caching functionality, the cacheExpiry field should be set
- * in the constructor.
+ * TODO: uncomment when done w/ dev (double declaration makes PhpStorm mad :)
- * To add HTML that should be cached, use addCachedHTML like this:
- * $this->addCachedHTML( array( $this, 'displayCachedContent' ) );
- *
- * After adding the last HTML that should be cached, call $this->saveCache();
- *
  * @since 0.1
  * @file SpecialCachedPage.php
@@ -19,241 +15,241 @@
  * @licence GNU GPL v3 or later
  * @author Jeroen De Dauw < >
-abstract class SpecialCachedPage extends SpecialPage {
-       /**
-        * The time to live for the cache, in seconds or a unix timestamp 
indicating the point of expiry.
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        * @var integer|null
-        */
-       protected $cacheExpiry = null;
-       /**
-        * List of HTML chunks to be cached (if !hasCached) or that where 
cashed (of hasCached).
-        * If no cached already, then the newly computed chunks are added here,
-        * if it as cached already, chunks are removed from this list as they 
are needed.
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        * @var array
-        */
-       protected $cachedChunks;
-       /**
-        * Indicates if the to be cached content was already cached.
-        * Null if this information is not available yet.
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        * @var boolean|null
-        */
-       protected $hasCached = null;
-       /**
-        * Main method.
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        *
-        * @param string|null $subPage
-        */
-       public function execute( $subPage ) {
-               if ( $this->getRequest()->getText( 'action' ) === 'purge' ) {
-                       $this->hasCached = false;
-               }
-               if ( !is_null( $this->cacheExpiry ) ) {
-                       $this->initCaching();
-                       if ( $this->hasCached === true ) {
-                               $this->getOutput()->setSubtitle( 
$this->getCachedNotice( $subPage ) );
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Returns a message that notifies the user he/she is looking at
-        * a cached version of the page, including a refresh link.
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        *
-        * @param string|null $subPage
-        *
-        * @return string
-        */
-       protected function getCachedNotice( $subPage ) {
-               $refreshArgs = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValues();
-               unset( $refreshArgs['title'] );
-               $refreshArgs['action'] = 'purge';
-               $refreshLink = Linker::link(
-                       $this->getTitle( $subPage ),
-                       $this->msg( 'cachedspecial-refresh-now' )->escaped(),
-                       array(),
-                       $refreshArgs
-               );
-               if ( $this->cacheExpiry < 86400 * 3650 ) {
-                       $message = $this->msg(
-                               'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl',
-                               $this->getDurationText( $this->cacheExpiry )
-                       )->escaped();
-               }
-               else {
-                       $message = $this->msg(
-                               'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ts'
-                       )->escaped();
-               }
-               return $message . ' ' . $refreshLink;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Returns a message with the time to live of the cache.
-        * Takes care of compatibility with MW < 1.20, in which 
Language::formatDuration was introduced.
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        *
-        * @param integer $seconds
-        * @param array $chosenIntervals
-        *
-        * @return string
-        */
-       protected function getDurationText( $seconds, array $chosenIntervals = 
array( 'years', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds' ) ) {
-               if ( method_exists( $this->getLanguage(), 'formatDuration' ) ) {
-                       return $this->getLanguage()->formatDuration( $seconds, 
$chosenIntervals );
-               }
-               else {
-                       $intervals = array(
-                               'years' => 31557600, // 86400 * 365.25
-                               'weeks' => 604800,
-                               'days' => 86400,
-                               'hours' => 3600,
-                               'minutes' => 60,
-                               'seconds' => 1,
-                       );
-                       if ( !empty( $chosenIntervals ) ) {
-                               $intervals = array_intersect_key( $intervals, 
array_flip( $chosenIntervals ) );
-                       }
-                       $segments = array();
-                       foreach ( $intervals as $name => $length ) {
-                               $value = floor( $seconds / $length );
-                               if ( $value > 0 || ( $name == 'seconds' && 
empty( $segments ) ) ) {
-                                       $seconds -= $value * $length;
-                                       $segments[] = $this->msg( 'duration-' . 
$name, array( $value ) )->escaped();
-                               }
-                       }
-                       return $this->getLanguage()->listToText( $segments );
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Initializes the caching if not already done so.
-        * Should be called before any of the caching functionality is used.
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        */
-       protected function initCaching() {
-               if ( is_null( $this->hasCached ) ) {
-                       $cachedChunks = wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->get( 
$this->getCacheKey() );
-                       $this->hasCached = is_array( $cachedChunks );
-                       $this->cachedChunks = $this->hasCached ? $cachedChunks 
: array();
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Add some HTML to be cached.
-        * This is done by providing a callback function that should
-        * return the HTML to be added. It will only be called if the
-        * item is not in the cache yet or when the cache has been invalidated.
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        *
-        * @param {function} $callback
-        * @param array $args
-        * @param string|null $key
-        */
-       public function addCachedHTML( $callback, $args = array(), $key = null 
) {
-               $this->initCaching();
-               if ( $this->hasCached ) {
-                       $html = '';
-                       if ( is_null( $key ) ) {
-                               $itemKey = array_keys( array_slice( 
$this->cachedChunks, 0, 1 ) );
-                               $itemKey = array_shift( $itemKey );
-                               if ( !is_integer( $itemKey ) ) {
-                                       wfWarn( "Attempted to get item with 
non-numeric key while the next item in the queue has a key ($itemKey) in " . 
__METHOD__ );
-                               }
-                               elseif ( is_null( $itemKey ) ) {
-                                       wfWarn( "Attempted to get an item while 
the queue is empty in " . __METHOD__ );
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       $html = array_shift( 
$this->cachedChunks );
-                               }
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               if ( array_key_exists( $key, 
$this->cachedChunks ) ) {
-                                       $html = $this->cachedChunks[$key];
-                                       unset( $this->cachedChunks[$key] );
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       wfWarn( "There is no item with key 
'$key' in this->cachedChunks in " . __METHOD__ );
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               else {
-                       $html = call_user_func_array( $callback, $args );
-                       if ( is_null( $key ) ) {
-                               $this->cachedChunks[] = $html;
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               $this->cachedChunks[$key] = $html;
-                       }
-               }
-               $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $html );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Saves the HTML to the cache in case it got recomputed.
-        * Should be called after the last time anything is added via 
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        */
-       public function saveCache() {
-               if ( $this->hasCached === false && !empty( $this->cachedChunks 
) ) {
-                       wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->set( 
$this->getCacheKey(), $this->cachedChunks, $this->cacheExpiry );
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Sets the time to live for the cache, in seconds or a unix timestamp 
indicating the point of expiry..
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        *
-        * @param integer $cacheExpiry
-        */
-       protected function setExpirey( $cacheExpiry ) {
-               $this->cacheExpiry = $cacheExpiry;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Returns the cache key to use to cache this page's HTML output.
-        * Is constructed from the special page name and language code.
-        *
-        * @since 0.1
-        *
-        * @return string
-        */
-       protected function getCacheKey() {
-               return wfMemcKey( $this->mName, $this->getLanguage()->getCode() 
-       }
+//abstract class SpecialCachedPage extends SpecialPage {
+//     /**
+//      * The time to live for the cache, in seconds or a unix timestamp 
indicating the point of expiry.
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      * @var integer|null
+//      */
+//     protected $cacheExpiry = null;
+//     /**
+//      * List of HTML chunks to be cached (if !hasCached) or that where 
cashed (of hasCached).
+//      * If no cached already, then the newly computed chunks are added here,
+//      * if it as cached already, chunks are removed from this list as they 
are needed.
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      * @var array
+//      */
+//     protected $cachedChunks;
+//     /**
+//      * Indicates if the to be cached content was already cached.
+//      * Null if this information is not available yet.
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      * @var boolean|null
+//      */
+//     protected $hasCached = null;
+//     /**
+//      * Main method.
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      *
+//      * @param string|null $subPage
+//      */
+//     public function execute( $subPage ) {
+//             if ( $this->getRequest()->getText( 'action' ) === 'purge' ) {
+//                     $this->hasCached = false;
+//             }
+//             if ( !is_null( $this->cacheExpiry ) ) {
+//                     $this->initCaching();
+//                     if ( $this->hasCached === true ) {
+//                             $this->getOutput()->setSubtitle( 
$this->getCachedNotice( $subPage ) );
+//                     }
+//             }
+//     }
+//     /**
+//      * Returns a message that notifies the user he/she is looking at
+//      * a cached version of the page, including a refresh link.
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      *
+//      * @param string|null $subPage
+//      *
+//      * @return string
+//      */
+//     protected function getCachedNotice( $subPage ) {
+//             $refreshArgs = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValues();
+//             unset( $refreshArgs['title'] );
+//             $refreshArgs['action'] = 'purge';
+//             $refreshLink = Linker::link(
+//                     $this->getTitle( $subPage ),
+//                     $this->msg( 'cachedspecial-refresh-now' )->escaped(),
+//                     array(),
+//                     $refreshArgs
+//             );
+//             if ( $this->cacheExpiry < 86400 * 3650 ) {
+//                     $message = $this->msg(
+//                             'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl',
+//                             $this->getDurationText( $this->cacheExpiry )
+//                     )->escaped();
+//             }
+//             else {
+//                     $message = $this->msg(
+//                             'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ts'
+//                     )->escaped();
+//             }
+//             return $message . ' ' . $refreshLink;
+//     }
+//     /**
+//      * Returns a message with the time to live of the cache.
+//      * Takes care of compatibility with MW < 1.20, in which 
Language::formatDuration was introduced.
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      *
+//      * @param integer $seconds
+//      * @param array $chosenIntervals
+//      *
+//      * @return string
+//      */
+//     protected function getDurationText( $seconds, array $chosenIntervals = 
array( 'years', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds' ) ) {
+//             if ( method_exists( $this->getLanguage(), 'formatDuration' ) ) {
+//                     return $this->getLanguage()->formatDuration( $seconds, 
$chosenIntervals );
+//             }
+//             else {
+//                     $intervals = array(
+//                             'years' => 31557600, // 86400 * 365.25
+//                             'weeks' => 604800,
+//                             'days' => 86400,
+//                             'hours' => 3600,
+//                             'minutes' => 60,
+//                             'seconds' => 1,
+//                     );
+//                     if ( !empty( $chosenIntervals ) ) {
+//                             $intervals = array_intersect_key( $intervals, 
array_flip( $chosenIntervals ) );
+//                     }
+//                     $segments = array();
+//                     foreach ( $intervals as $name => $length ) {
+//                             $value = floor( $seconds / $length );
+//                             if ( $value > 0 || ( $name == 'seconds' && 
empty( $segments ) ) ) {
+//                                     $seconds -= $value * $length;
+//                                     $segments[] = $this->msg( 'duration-' . 
$name, array( $value ) )->escaped();
+//                             }
+//                     }
+//                     return $this->getLanguage()->listToText( $segments );
+//             }
+//     }
+//     /**
+//      * Initializes the caching if not already done so.
+//      * Should be called before any of the caching functionality is used.
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      */
+//     protected function initCaching() {
+//             if ( is_null( $this->hasCached ) ) {
+//                     $cachedChunks = wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->get( 
$this->getCacheKey() );
+//                     $this->hasCached = is_array( $cachedChunks );
+//                     $this->cachedChunks = $this->hasCached ? $cachedChunks 
: array();
+//             }
+//     }
+//     /**
+//      * Add some HTML to be cached.
+//      * This is done by providing a callback function that should
+//      * return the HTML to be added. It will only be called if the
+//      * item is not in the cache yet or when the cache has been invalidated.
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      *
+//      * @param {function} $callback
+//      * @param array $args
+//      * @param string|null $key
+//      */
+//     public function addCachedHTML( $callback, $args = array(), $key = null 
) {
+//             $this->initCaching();
+//             if ( $this->hasCached ) {
+//                     $html = '';
+//                     if ( is_null( $key ) ) {
+//                             $itemKey = array_keys( array_slice( 
$this->cachedChunks, 0, 1 ) );
+//                             $itemKey = array_shift( $itemKey );
+//                             if ( !is_integer( $itemKey ) ) {
+//                                     wfWarn( "Attempted to get item with 
non-numeric key while the next item in the queue has a key ($itemKey) in " . 
__METHOD__ );
+//                             }
+//                             elseif ( is_null( $itemKey ) ) {
+//                                     wfWarn( "Attempted to get an item while 
the queue is empty in " . __METHOD__ );
+//                             }
+//                             else {
+//                                     $html = array_shift( 
$this->cachedChunks );
+//                             }
+//                     }
+//                     else {
+//                             if ( array_key_exists( $key, 
$this->cachedChunks ) ) {
+//                                     $html = $this->cachedChunks[$key];
+//                                     unset( $this->cachedChunks[$key] );
+//                             }
+//                             else {
+//                                     wfWarn( "There is no item with key 
'$key' in this->cachedChunks in " . __METHOD__ );
+//                             }
+//                     }
+//             }
+//             else {
+//                     $html = call_user_func_array( $callback, $args );
+//                     if ( is_null( $key ) ) {
+//                             $this->cachedChunks[] = $html;
+//                     }
+//                     else {
+//                             $this->cachedChunks[$key] = $html;
+//                     }
+//             }
+//             $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $html );
+//     }
+//     /**
+//      * Saves the HTML to the cache in case it got recomputed.
+//      * Should be called after the last time anything is added via 
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      */
+//     public function saveCache() {
+//             if ( $this->hasCached === false && !empty( $this->cachedChunks 
) ) {
+//                     wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->set( 
$this->getCacheKey(), $this->cachedChunks, $this->cacheExpiry );
+//             }
+//     }
+//     /**
+//      * Sets the time to live for the cache, in seconds or a unix timestamp 
indicating the point of expiry..
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      *
+//      * @param integer $cacheExpiry
+//      */
+//     protected function setExpirey( $cacheExpiry ) {
+//             $this->cacheExpiry = $cacheExpiry;
+//     }
+//     /**
+//      * Returns the cache key to use to cache this page's HTML output.
+//      * Is constructed from the special page name and language code.
+//      *
+//      * @since 0.1
+//      *
+//      * @return string
+//      */
+//     protected function getCacheKey() {
+//             return wfMemcKey( $this->mName, $this->getLanguage()->getCode() 
+//     }

Modified: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/includes/EPOrg.php
--- trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/includes/EPOrg.php        2012-03-19 
18:28:47 UTC (rev 114162)
+++ trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/includes/EPOrg.php        2012-03-19 
18:40:22 UTC (rev 114163)
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
-        * Adds a control to add a new org to the provided context.
+        * Returns thr HTML for a control to add a new org to the provided 
         * Adittional arguments can be provided to set the default values for 
the control fields.
         * @since 0.1
@@ -143,40 +143,34 @@
         * @param IContextSource $context
         * @param array $args
-        * @return boolean
+        * @return string
-       public static function displayAddNewControl( IContextSource $context, 
array $args = array() ) {
-               if ( !$context->getUser()->isAllowed( 'ep-org' ) ) {
-                       return false;
-               }
-               $out = $context->getOutput();
+       public static function getAddNewControl( IContextSource $context, array 
$args = array() ) {
+               $html = '';
-               $out->addModules( 'ep.addorg' );
-               $out->addHTML( Html::openElement(
+               $html .= Html::openElement(
                                'method' => 'post',
                                'action' => EPOrgs::singleton()->getTitleFor( 
'NAME_PLACEHOLDER' )->getLocalURL( array( 'action' => 'edit' ) ),
-               ) );
+               );
-               $out->addHTML( '<fieldset>' );
+               $html .= '<fieldset>';
-               $out->addHTML( '<legend>' . wfMsgHtml( 'ep-institutions-addnew' 
) . '</legend>' );
+               $html .= '<legend>' . wfMsgHtml( 'ep-institutions-addnew' ) . 
-               $out->addElement( 'p', array(), wfMsg( 
'ep-institutions-namedoc' ) );
+               $html .= Html::element( 'p', array(), wfMsg( 
'ep-institutions-namedoc' ) );
-               $out->addHTML( Xml::inputLabel(
+               $html .= Xml::inputLabel(
                        wfMsg( 'ep-institutions-newname' ),
                        array_key_exists( 'name', $args ) ? $args['name'] : 
-               ) );
+               );
-               $out->addHTML( '&#160;' . Html::input(
+               $html .= '&#160;' . Html::input(
                        wfMsg( 'ep-institutions-add' ),
@@ -184,38 +178,39 @@
                                'disabled' => 'disabled',
                                'class' => 'ep-org-add',
-               ) );
+               );
-               $out->addHTML( Html::hidden( 'isnew', 1 ) );
+               $html .= Html::hidden( 'isnew', 1 );
-               $out->addHTML( '</fieldset></form>' );
+               $html .= '</fieldset></form>';
-               return true;
+               return $html;
-        * Display a pager with courses.
+        * Returns the HTML for a pager with institutions.
         * @since 0.1
         * @param IContextSource $context
         * @param array $conditions
+        *
+        * @return string
-       public static function displayPager( IContextSource $context, array 
$conditions = array() ) {
+       public static function getPager( IContextSource $context, array 
$conditions = array() ) {
                $pager = new EPOrgPager( $context, $conditions );
                if ( $pager->getNumRows() ) {
-                       $context->getOutput()->addHTML(
+                       return
                                $pager->getFilterControl() .
                                $pager->getNavigationBar() .
                                $pager->getBody() .
                                $pager->getNavigationBar() .
-                               $pager->getMultipleItemControl()
-                       );
+                               $pager->getMultipleItemControl();
                else {
-                       $context->getOutput()->addHTML( 
$pager->getFilterControl( true ) );
-                       $context->getOutput()->addWikiMsg( 
'ep-institutions-noresults' );
+                       return $pager->getFilterControl( true ) .
+                               $context->msg( 'ep-institutions-noresults' );

Modified: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEPPage.php
--- trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEPPage.php        
2012-03-19 18:28:47 UTC (rev 114162)
+++ trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEPPage.php        
2012-03-19 18:40:22 UTC (rev 114163)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
         * @return boolean
        public function execute( $subPage ) {
-               parent::execute( $subPage );
+               // parent::execute( $subPage );
                $subPage = is_null( $subPage ) ? '' : $subPage;
                $this->subPage = trim( str_replace( '_', ' ', $subPage ) );

Modified: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEducationProgram.php
--- trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEducationProgram.php      
2012-03-19 18:28:47 UTC (rev 114162)
+++ trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEducationProgram.php      
2012-03-19 18:40:22 UTC (rev 114163)
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
         * @since 0.1
        public function __construct() {
-               $this->cacheExpiry = 3600;
                parent::__construct( 'EducationProgram' );
@@ -33,6 +32,8 @@
        public function execute( $subPage ) {
                parent::execute( $subPage );
+               $this->startCache( 3600 );
                $this->addCachedHTML( array( $this, 'displaySummaryTable' ) );

Modified: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialInstitutions.php
--- trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialInstitutions.php  
2012-03-19 18:28:47 UTC (rev 114162)
+++ trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialInstitutions.php  
2012-03-19 18:40:22 UTC (rev 114163)
@@ -31,16 +31,40 @@
         * @param string|null $subPage
        public function execute( $subPage ) {
                parent::execute( $subPage );
                if ( $this->subPage === '' ) {
+                       $this->startCache( 3600, $this->getUser()->isAnon() );
-                       EPOrg::displayAddNewControl( $this->getContext() );
-                       EPOrg::displayPager( $this->getContext() );
+                       if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'ep-org' ) ) {
+                               $this->getOutput()->addModules( 'ep.addorg' );
+                               $this->addCachedHTML( 
'EPOrg::getAddNewControl', array( $this->getContext() ) );
+                       }
+                       $this->addCachedHTML( 'EPOrg::getPager', array( 
$this->getContext() ) );
+                       $this->saveCache();
                else {
                        $this->getOutput()->redirect( Title::newFromText( 
$this->subPage, EP_NS_INSTITUTION )->getLocalURL() );
+       /**
+        * @see SpecialCachedPage::getCacheKey
+        * @return array
+        */
+       protected function getCacheKey() {
+               $values = $this->getRequest()->getValues();
+               if ( array_key_exists( 'action', $values ) && $values['action'] 
=== 'purge' ) {
+                       unset( $values['action'] );
+               }
+               return array_merge( $values, parent::getCacheKey() );
+       }

Modified: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialStudentActivity.php
--- trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialStudentActivity.php       
2012-03-19 18:28:47 UTC (rev 114162)
+++ trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialStudentActivity.php       
2012-03-19 18:40:22 UTC (rev 114163)
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
         * @since 0.1
        public function __construct() {
-               $this->cacheExpiry = 180;
                parent::__construct( 'StudentActivity' );
@@ -33,6 +32,8 @@
        public function execute( $subPage ) {
                parent::execute( $subPage );
+               $this->startCache( 180 );
                $this->getOutput()->addModules( 'ep.studentactivity' );

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