The MediaWiki Stakeholders is a WMF-affiliated user group made up mostly
of consultants and enterprise-level users of MediaWiki.  We held our
meetings monthly.

We hold meetings on the first Friday of every month at 10:30EDT and our
next meeting is on July 6th (

From the etherpad at,
these are the contents of the etherpad that we use for keeping notes for
yesterday's meeting (Friday, June 1):

last month:


Barcelona report

Incorporation (Bryan, Frank)

    I (Mark) checked about WMF giving funds to 503c6.  I haven't yet
    (5/12) talked to anyone in grants, but when I applied for the MABS
    grant, it explicitly stated:

            Are you an incorporated organization able to provide local
            proof of nonprofit status within your country? (For-profit
            organizations are ineligible to receive grants through the
            PEG program.)

        This seems to indicate that a 503c6 is acceptable. Additionally,
        someone pointed out that WM User Groups like #mwstake are
        incorporated in various ways and their affiliation with the WMF
        is the important thing.  As long as we are not for-profit
        (eliminating B-Corp possibility?) then it seems we're in the

    Bryan is working on a mission statement.

    As Bryan said: "I'm glad to hear you guys talk about your ideas, and
    I'll consolidate...." EACH person attending should have the action
    item of writing a brief 500 words (or long if desired) statement of
    what they would like to see/gain from collaboration in MWStake (on
    User page of MWStake).

    It would be helpful of these brief statements address both Mission
    and Membership, which are both relevant to the selection of the type
    of incorporation or other organizational form.

    GOALS / MISSION ideas Who are we? What are we? Our Mission

        raise and distribute funds for development of projects/code that are
        neglected by WMF, but critical for 3rd parties

        raise and manage funds for conferences / marketing /
        documentation / or all the non-code activities associated with
        technology associations

        Remove single point of failure for collection of money

        All-volunteer / non-profit; but we want to more formally
        organize/manage volunteers (money for membership coordinator +
        membership management system (e.g. CiviCRM) + website management

        CiviCRM has a similar bug bounty program

        Perhaps we should collect our different conceptualizations of the
        mission or goals and reconcile them.

        Clearing house for trusted consultants (if orgs want to do a
        MediaWiki project, MWStake could be the "Angies's List" for
        MediaWiki consultants) - Greg (and I've never used Angie's List

        Create and run Training / Certification programs for MediaWiki
        consultants (grant funded by WMF?) which increases adoption

        Full Disclosure: Greg is actively working to grow
        eQuality-Technology as a worker-led cooperative to create a
        "Super Consulting Firm" for MediaWiki

        "Note": I think an organization requires a "board" that has regular
        recorded meetings.

        Add a layer of representation to other MediaWiki users

        Lex's comment on a body that acts like a company's support desk
        that can receive money and provides a service

        The group can help decide what are the "needed" features or
        missing pieces and if the group has money, pay developers to do

        There is already a "Mission" of MWStake:
        which can serve as a basis for further discussion

Membership model (Markus, ??)

    Half of existing groups seem fairly unorganized

    Other half have a more formal policy incl sometimes approval for

    See membership section below.

    Examine WikiMed more .... MARKUS

    Main purpose of membership

        Make legitimate decisions


Any patreon followup? (Ginger, Chris)

xMWCon (Lex)

    Riot/Matrix server <>

    Waiting for the creation of the cloud

    There are response time issues

WikiSpaces refugee effort (Gergő, Bryan)

    Bryan reached out to parent copany TES

    Bryan also said Yaron got WikiWorks listed as a place to go but no
    one has had success working with TES to seamlessly roll over their

    Possible maint script to do the conversion from WikiSpaces to MW:


    Greg has been connecting with some Wikispaces users from what I
    (Bryan) hear and has some experience with migration.

EMW Mailing list (Mark)

    active now, not much traffic yet

    regularly post minutes of our meeting -> MARK  == link to Etherpad? :-)

Tech Working Group (from Strategy process)

    Nominations by June 8:

    We need to nominate representatives.

The Wikimedia Technical Conference will take place in Portland, OR, USA on 
October 22-25, 2018.

    And, as mentioned in previous emails [1][2] and on the wiki page
    [3], this conference will be focused on the cross-departmental
    program called Platform Evolution. We will be providing more
    information and context as we go along in the process.For this
    conference, we are looking for diverse stakeholders, perspectives,
    and experiences that will help us to make informed decisions for the
    future evolution of the platform. We need people who can create and
    architect solutions, as well as those who actually make decisions on
    funding and prioritization for the projects.

Provide input on the future direction of MediaWiki's extension management 

    As part of the MediaWiki Platform Team's goal to develop a roadmap
    for MediaWiki, we want to solicit input on the future direction of

    MediaWiki's extension management system. One of MediaWiki's greatest
    strengths is the diverse extension ecosystem. But navigating that
    ecosystem and managing those extensions can be difficult and

If time, I'd like to briefly discuss the (archived) AWS extension.

== Membership ==
Membership models
* Sign up via official form
** pro: members mailing list
** pro: required for entities -> preparation
** pro: identification
** types: pdf or google doc
** no money (membership fees) involved in other groups
** examples
*** WikiMed:
*** WikiToLearn (create account on their platform):
*** Shared Knowledge:
* Informal application
** examples
*** WikiJournal:
* Informal (sign with name)
** pro: low barrier
** con: unknown state of group
** examples
*** Whose knowledge?:
*** Wiki Women:
*** Wikimedia LGBT:
* Informal (participate)
** examples
*** Wikisource Community:
*** Wikibase Community (need invitation to join channels)
*** Tool developers (there are criteria, though):

* Informal (most)
* Council
** examples
*** WikiJournal:
*** Wikisource Community will start incorporation when 100 active members are 
*** Wikimedia LGBT:
* Incorporation
** examples
*** WikiMed (Not for profit corporation, NY):
*** Shared Knowledge (Macedonia):

* examples
** WikiJournal:
** Shared Knowledge:

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