Hello all,

I would like to announce the release of MediaWiki Language Extension
Bundle 2018.07. This bundle is The bundle is compatible with MediaWiki
1.30 and 1.31 or above and requires PHP 5.5.9 or above.

Next MLEB is expected to be released in 3 months. If there are major
changes or important bug fixes, we will do intermediate release.
Please give us your feedback at

* Download: 
* sha256sum: 36aa80c78be6dcfb533f96dc25afdabd2fd4716452c1b5a6f2bc982def1af7bc
* Signature: 

Quick links:
* Installation instructions are at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MLEB
* Announcements of new releases will be posted to a mailing list:
* Report bugs to: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/
* Talk with us at: #mediawiki-i18n @ Freenode

Release notes for each extension are below.

-- Kartik Mistry

== Highlights and upgrade notes ==

== Babel ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Fixed Mobileview. (T178782)

== cldr ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Updated cldr to version 33.

== CleanChanges ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Enable CCFiltersOnly by default.
Gadget] can be use as replacement.

== LocalisationUpdate ==
* Maintainance updates only.

== Translate ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Special:SupportedLanguages: List of authors is now sorted by the
number of contributions.
* Message keys coming from external files are now handled with more
care and less likely to produce invalid or inaccessible pages.
* Translation interface has a new keyboard shortcut for saving
translations: Ctrl+Enter. ([[phab:T194915|T194915]])
* Links in displayed message documentation now open in a new tab by default.
* refresh-translatable-pages.php script can now use JobQueue, which is
more efficient on wikis with thousands of translatable pages.
* Translation interface: Fixed positioning of insertables in Timeless skin.
* Custom languages defined in $wgExtraLanguages now always appear in
Special:Translate and Special:SearchTranslations.
* PHPlot is now listed as a composer dependency.
* Improved the interplay of $wgTranslateBlacklist and
blacklist/whitelist in message group configuration.

== UniversalLanguageSelector ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Maintenance and localisation updates.

==== Input Methods ====
* Fixed rule for 'ж' in Serbian keyboard.
* Added Fon keyboard.

Kartik Mistry | કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી

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