Federico, Hugo,

 Good to hear from you. I’m cc’ing Anne in here from the Unicode counsel side.

 I can reply on a couple of technical points. 

- As far as I know, WMF remains a member.

- There is a new SPDX identifier in progress for the v3 license, so that will 
be rolled out when available.

- Please take a look at the wording at the bottom of the README.md on 
https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x which was written to address some of the 
concerns about the openness of the license. See if it is helpful, perhaps (to 
Anne) that is a good reason to roll that wording to all repositories.

 and happy 2024,

El El sáb, dic. 30, 2023 a la(s) 4:14 a.m., Federico Leva (Nemo) 
<nemow...@gmail.com <mailto:nemow...@gmail.com>> escribió:
> I was pinged on a Unicode repository 
> https://github.com/unicode-org/unilex/issues/10#issuecomment-1872496490 
> asking for a WMF perspective on license compatibility. I gave my 
> personal answer but I'm notifying the list in case someone does want to 
> answer in name of WMF as Unicode member/user. (Also cc'ing Hugo, Stephen 
> and Richard as I mentioned them.)
> As my answer turned out to be rather long I'll copy it here for the 
> archives' benefit.
> ----
> @srl295 Thanks for the ping. I wasn't aware of this issue but I'll give 
> a quick reply. I've only read the discussion above and the README. I 
> can't speak for WMF, let alone Unicode (I don't remember whether WMF is 
> even a member now), but I can tell about the usage of Unicode components 
> in MediaWiki software and Wikimedia wikis.
> The issue description highlights some confusion on the licensing of this 
> project. Meanwhile the LICENSE has been updated to the Unicode license 
> v3 which has been recently approved by OSI on 2023-11-17: 
> https://opensource.org/license/unicode-license-v3/ . So there's no doubt 
> this repository is opensource. Maybe this can be explicitly mentioned on 
> the README, as not everyone is able to recognize the license text as its 
> own OSI-approved Unicode v3 license.
> MediaWiki can and does use software under Unicode license all the time, 
> for example in the [CLDR 
> extension](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CLDR), which is 
> primarily GPLv2, under the understanding that the CLDR data inside was 
> under a BSD-like license. (Apertium linguistic data is also 
> [usually](https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Contributing_to_an_existing_pair#Consider_contributing_your_improved_lexical_data)
> under GPL.) As long as Unilex can be used in GPL software, there are 
> probably ways it can benefit all Wikimedia wikis through MediaWiki.
> However @hugolpz seems most concerned about usage in Wikidata and other 
> Wikimedia wikis _content_. From the README it sounds like this 
> repository mostly wants to collect uncopyrightable factual information. 
> In the EU, there might still be problems with database rights. A general 
> opinion from the WMF on how to handle these is at 
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikilegal/Database_Rights . In short, 
> it's complicated, and it's easier to incorporate a dataset into Wikidata 
> when it's already under CC-0. If there's some doubt on whether the data/ 
> directory here as a whole is a dataset
> If you want to cooperate with Wikidata lexemes in the future, it's worth 
> considering how to make it easier. As for LinguaLibre, as far I 
> understand it helps produce some recording which might be considered 
> copyrightable, and it wants its outputs to be available under CC BY-SA, 
> so it benefits from its sources being as permissive as possible.
> Finally, I see that [many 
> files](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aunicode-org%2Funilex+SPDX-License-Identifier&type=code)
> carry a `SPDX-License-Identifier: Unicode-DFS-2016` header, which makes 
> it easier to follow the [Reuse](https://reuse.software/) guidelines. 
> Note Richard Fontana's suggestion for trivial files at 
> https://github.com/fsfe/reuse-docs/issues/62#issuecomment-1200305896 
> (and my personal opinion below it).
> So in conclusion my personal suggestions are:
> * mark the repository even more clearly as being under OSI-approved 
> license Unicode v3;
> * keep marking the individual files copyright status, and consider even 
> more permissive licenses like MIT-0 (or 0BSD or CC-0) when adding 
> uncopyrightable files;
> * keep in mind possible copyright needs for Wikidata and Wikimedia 
> Commons in the future, and ask help from WMF legal (le...@wikimedia.org 
> <mailto:le...@wikimedia.org>) 
> on any possible/needed clarifications for CC-0 and CC BY-SA 
> compatibility (fyi @slaporte).
> ----
> Cheers,
>         Federico
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