Eric K wrote:
> Suppose I have a variable called $Test_int, somewhere in the mediawiki 
> extension that I'm trying to make. Whats the easiest way to know what value 
> that variable has been assigned?
> I've tried $wgOut but in this case, it probably outputs wgOut but its all 
> gone in the blink of an eye when the page refreshes or when other codes 
> executes. I need a more permanent method of tracking the variable value. Any 
> hints?
> thanks!

Set up PHP error logging and then in your extension code, put:

error_log("Value of test is :" . $Test_int . ":\n");

That will output to the error log the value bracketed by the text, 
something like:

Value of test is :42:

I prefer to bracket the output with some character like a colon ( : ) or 
something similar so I can see any preceding or following blanks (or 
non-displayable characters) if the variable is a string.

For info on error logging, see:


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