Not sure if this is the right place to ask this one...

I've just installed FlaggedRevs in the OOoWiki.  It's working OK so 
far... but one little thing has come up and I'd like to fix it.

Take a look at a random page like this one:

The "Current revision" div from the FlaggedRevs extension is floated to 
the right.  The OOoWiki also used floated divs for table of contents... 
on the right.  The result is that they stack up against one another.

Does anyone know how I can get them to stack on top of one another 
instead of side by side as they are now?  I've tried adding clear:both; 
to the div for the table of contents box (the one that's floated right) 
but that seems to have no effect.

Clayton Cornell Documentation Project co-lead
StarOffice - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Hamburg, Germany

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