>>> I have a lot of problems with drug spam on my wiki
>>>         http://arktur.de/Wiki/Spezial:Logbuch/delete
>>>         http://arktur.de/Wiki/Spezial:Logbuch/block
>> It seems to me that it might be less work if you moderated the
>> creation of new accounts. I recently saw an extension, though I have
>> not used it, that requires approval by an authorized person before a
>> new account is created.
>> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ConfirmAccount
> Looks good ...
> Followed the "Setup" instructions:
> Downloaded, put into .../Wiki/extensions
> How can I run "ConfirmAccount.sql"? The file exists.
> (I'm no experienced MySQL user ...)
> Added "require_once ..."
> How can I run "maintenance/update.php"? The file exists. I cannot run  
> "php" on the Wiki server, and
>         http://arktur.de/Wiki/maintenance/update.php
> leads to "403: forbidden".

Over on the Openoffice.org Wiki, we have similar spam issues.... I've
pretty much completely stopped it (a few still leak through, but it's
around 1 or 2 every few months rather than hourly as it was before I
made the changes to stop it) with a combination of MedaiWiki options and

The MedaiWiki options you can play with to limit spammers are:

# Require users log in to edit
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;

This blocks anonymous edits.

# Editors must have a valid email address before
# being allowed to edit wiki pages
$wgEmailConfirmToEdit = true;

All users must have a valid email address and confirm by clicking a link
in an email they receive from the Wiki

# Look for specific common spam words on page save,
# and block if any found
$wgSpamRegex = "/word1|word2|word3|word4/";

In the $wgSpamRegex array, just add your common spam words between the
slashes with each word separated by a pipe.  This is fairly effective
for common spam words, but it requires that you keep up with the
spammers and their word variations and misspellings.  When a word in
your word list is used in the content of any page being saved, the save
is intercepted, blocked and a system message is shown saying that $word
was used and to contact an admin if it's incorrectly blocking a real
page save.

The extensions I installed there are:

http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ReCAPTCHA  which adds a Captcha
on new user creation.  It's a minor inconvenience to new users, but it
adds one more hurdle to spammers.


This has probably been the number one most effective tool for blocking
spammers, and so far after being in place about a year on the OOoWiki
has not interfered once (that I am aware of) with regular users.

Each of these solutions by themselves are only partially effective, but
the combination seems to be doing it's job, and I rarely ever have to
block users or delete spam.


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