On many online systems (email interfaces, forums, social networks, CMS's), URLs 
with brackets and apostrophes break very often. For example:
If this URL is posted to Facebook, Facebook will render the URL link as:
Similarly links with brackets will break on different systems. For example:
This doesnt break on Facebook but it breaks in this very Yahoo email interface 
that I'm using right now (their HTML editor) and it renders the link as:
So its a very common problem and because there are so many page titles with 
these characters, there are likely thousands of links that break every day from 
Wikipedia, other wikis and other websites.
We know ofcourse its not the fault of Mediawiki because this is a URL-related 
problem that falls under the responsibility of the people who program the 
interfaces that produce the links, but - what can be done about this?
A few times I've contacted the systems to let them know they should take care 
of links with apostrophes and brackets but there's just too many systems and 
sadly, they dont follow any kinds of standards when it comes to URL link 
rendering, and they do their own thing.

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