Alternatively, you can get MAMP.(
Although it means setting up a non-80 port for http, it works just fine.

On 5 August 2010 11:43, Jim Hu <> wrote:

> Those running MW on Mac OSX have a problem, as the php version shipped with
> XCode is still 5.3.1, which doesn't work with MW > 1.14.  With the entropy
> php no longer being updated AFAIK, this means that Mac-based sites need to
> use something like MacPorts, compile from source (which is apparently
> nontrivial due to other Apple-specific issues) or stay with 1.14 or earlier
> until Apple updates php via Software Update.
> For what it's worth, I spoke to an Apple rep yesterday, who told me that
> Apple is aware of the problem, is working deploying php 5.3.3, and that they
> heard a lot of complaints about php based on problems with MW.  He thought
> there would be an update "soon", after they finish their testing.  So, I'm
> going to take the wait for a software update approach for now (I would have
> used entropy php if it was still being updated).  The other interesting
> thing he told me is that issues get moved up Apple's priorities based on the
> number of tickets from Applecare.  I would not have thought about
> complaining about XCode php on Applecare, but he assured me that that's the
> best way to make the wheel squeakier.
> =====================================
> Jim Hu
> Associate Professor
> Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics
> 2128 TAMU
> Texas A&M Univ.
> College Station, TX 77843-2128
> 979-862-4054
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